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1. Listen to the dialogue. Choose the correct answer for each item – A, B or C.

1. Felicity ___
A. earns a living writing poetry.
B. is a linguist.
C. works at a university.

2. She speaks ___ languages.

A. 14
B. 30
C. 40

3. At school, Felicity did ___

A. French and German.
B. German and English.
C. French and English.

4. One of the languages Felicity studied at university was___

A. Chinese.
B. Portuguese.
C. German.

5. In Felicity’s opinion, to learn languages you don’t have to ___

A. work hard.
B. practise.
C. be intelligent.

2. Listen to the dialogue. Choose the correct answer for each item – A, B or C.

1. The man doesn’t want to go to the cinema because ___

A. it’s too far away from home.
B. he doesn’t want to meet his old girlfriend.
C. the film that’s on is boring.

2. They don’t go to the Indian restaurant because it’s___

A. too expensive.
B. closed.
C. too crowded.

3. The food at the ___ restaurant is not good.

A. French
B. Indian
C. Chinese

4. They DON’T want to see ___ at the French restaurant.

A. the woman’s parents
B. the woman’s boyfriend
C. the man’s girlfriend.

5. In the end, the woman suggests ___

A. cooking dinner at home.
B. going out for a pizza.
C. having pizza at home
SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION. Rewrite the sentences, using the beginning given. The meaning of the
original sentence must not change.

1. He became a singer 10 years ago.

He has ....

2. It isn’t necessary to pay for the meal.

You …

3. I started making the lunch at 12:00 and I didn’t finish until 14:00.
It took me...

4. Nobody in the class is as handsome as George.

George is ...

5. I think it is a good idea for you to save some money.

If I ...

6. We’ll have a picnic tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t rain.

If ...

7. Perhaps we’ll go to the park this afternoon.

We …

8. They’re going to knock down that old building soon.

That old building …

CLOZE. Read the text and fill in each gap with ONE word only.

Last Saturday I (1) ____________ shopping for a dress for my friend’s wedding. I went into (2) ___________ of
shops and I (3) ____________ on several dresses, but (4) ____________ the end, I didn’t buy one. There was one that
I really liked, but it was (5) ____________ expensive for me to buy. I’m a shop assistant and I don’t earn
(6) ____________ money. If I don’t find a cheaper dress, I (7) ____________ ask my mother to (8) ____________
me some money and I can pay her (9) ____________ next month. I’d really like to buy a nice dress because I haven’t
(10) ____________ one for about 2 years.

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