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Special For
B & D unit 2

Vocabulary – Part : 2

Prottoy – Legend Sikkha Paribar, Prottoy – Legend Sikkha Paribar

Basic Discussion on Noun
Noun: Noun is a naming word. A_©vr †h Word Gi Øviv †Kvb wKQzi bvg †evSvq
Zv‡K noun e‡j|
Noun †Pbvi mnR Dcvq
wb‡Pi suffix ¸‡jv ØvivNoun MwVZ nq
Suffix Words (Noun) Suffix Words (Noun)
ment achievement ry bravery
sion expression ure pleasure
tion Introduction r circular
er speaker tude magnitude
ee payee hood childhood
e game ence competence
age passage wood hollywood
th growth dom wisdom
ness sadness mony parsimony
or selector red kindred
ce coherence ock hillock
al proposal ice practice
tr anxiety ance attendance
cy intimacy ship hardship
ism optimism let toilet
Previous Years’ Questions
1. The word 'reproduction' is— [D-Unit DU 2003-04]
(a) an adjective (b) a verb (c) an adverb (d) a noun
2. The word 'survival' is a noun. What is its verb form: [B Unit DU 2002-03]
(a) survery (b) service (c) survive (d) serve
Note : GLv‡b survial wU noun hvi verb n‡jv| survive, ‘al’ suffix hy³ KwZcq noun n‡jv
recite-recital, arrive-arrival, approve- approval, remove-removal.
3. Noun of the word 'remove' is — [CU 2009-10]
(a) removing (b) remove (c) removal (c) removement
4. The case resulted in an 'acquital'. What is `acquital' here? [KU 2009-10]
(a) a verb (b) a noun (c) an adjective (d) an adverb
5. Verb of the word 'justification' is [B Unit DU 2004-05]
(a) justice (b) justify (c) justifiable (d) justifiably
None : ‘fication’ hy³ Noun ‡K Verb Ki‡Z n‡j †k‡l ‘fy’ Avb‡Z nq
6. The word 'Gravity' is — [C Unit DU 2011-12]
(a) a noun (b) an adverb (c) can adjective (d) a verb
7. Find the correct parts of speech 'Advice': [RU 2009-10]
(a) verb (b) pronoun (c) adverb (d) noun
Note: Advice = Noun, Advise = Verb
8. The noun of 'confidently' is: [R.U. 2009-10]
(a) confident (b) confidence (c) confidential (d)confide
9. The correct noun of 'break' is:
(a) breach (b) broker (c) breakable (d) breaking
Note: Break = ‡f‡½ †djv, Breach = f½yiZv, Broker = `vjvj,
10. What is the noun of the verb 'know'? [RU 2009-10]

(a) known (b) knowledge (c) knowledgeable (c) knowledgeably
11. Which is the noun of the word 'beautiful' [27th BCS]
(a) Beauty (b) Beautify (c) Beauteous (d)Beautifully
12. Find the noun: [JU 2007-08]
(a) undertaker (b) underhand (c) understand (d) underdeveloped
13. He is an 'eye sore' to me. To which parts of speech 'eye' belongs here? [KU 09-10]
(a) preposition (b) adjective (c) adverb (d) noun
14. What is the noun of the word 'cook'? [CU 2009-10]
(a) cooker (b) cookie (c) cook (d) cooking
Note: Cook = Noun =ivaywb| Cook = verb =ivbœv Kiv| Cooker =ivbœvi cvÎ|
15. The noun form of the word 'vary' is — [CU 2009-10]
(a) varied (b) variegated (c) varying (d) variation
16. Make noun of the word ‘brief’___ [RU 2009-10]
(a) brevity (b) short (c) briefly (d) briefing
17. Which is the noun of ‘vacate’? [RU 2009-10]
(a) Vacated (b) vacating (c) vacation (d) vacancy
18. The word ‘Tyranny’ is? [RU 2011-12]
(a) Noun (b) Verb (c) Adjective (d) Adverb
19. The word ‘accessory’ is? [RU 2011-12]
(a) as noun (b) an adverb (c) a preposition (d) a verb
20. Which part of speech is the word ‘Obstinacy”? [MYc~Z© Awa`ßi-2011]
(a) Pronoun (b) Adjective (c) Noun (d) Adverb
21. Which word is not a noun? [MYc~Z© Awa`ßi-2011]
(a) Articulation (b) Simulation (c) Defame (d) Indemnity
22. Verb of the word “Purification” is
(a) purifice (b) purify (c) purificable (d) purifiably
23. Verb of the word ‘simplification’ is- (DU B Unit 2003-2004]
(a) a simply (b) simplicity (c) simplistic (d) simplify
24. What is the noun of the adjective ‘polite’? [DU C Unit 1997-1998]
(a) Politic (b) Polify (c) Politeness (d) Polished
25. Find out the noun from the following- [DU C Unit 1991-92]
(a) National (b) Nationally (c) Nationalise (d) Nationality
Answer Key 1.d 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.b 9.a 10.b 11.a
12.a 13.b 14.c 15.d 16.a 17.c 18.a 19.a 20.c 21.c 22.b 23.d 24.c 25. d
Classification of Noun
 Noun mvaviYZ 5 cÖKvi:
1. Proper Noun : ‡h Word ‡Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘ ev ¯’vb cÖf…wZi wbw`©ó bvg †evSvq Zv‡K
Proper Noun e‡j|
Example :
Name of Persons: Wasi, Simon, Nirob, Kalam, Kamrul, Amin, Tuhin, Nur, Kaowsar
Name of Things: Quran, Padma, Sun, January, Friday, Dell, English, Manual
Name of Place : Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Banglabanda, Asia, America
2. Common Noun : ‡h Word ‡kÖYxevPK ev RvwZevPK mvaviY bvg‡K †evSvq Zv‡K
Common Noun e‡j|
Example : River, Flower, Man, Ship, Masque, Book
Common Noun I Proper Noun Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨

Common Noun Proper Noun Common Noun Proper Noun
Man/ Student Tapu, Obama, Arif, Runa River Padma, Jamuna,
Flower Rose, Lili, Sunflower, City Dhaka, London,
Baly Macca
A Proper Noun as a Common Noun
Similarity ev Zzjbv Ki‡j Zzjbxq Proper noun wU Common noun n‡q hvq Ges G‡ÿ‡Î
Common noun wUi c~‡e© article e‡m| wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡j the Ges Awbw`©ó ev A‡b‡Ki
gZ GKRb eySv‡j a/an e‡m|
Example :
 Nzarul is the Shelley of Bangladesh.
 Nelson Mandela is an Abrahim Lincon in his ideals.
3. Collective Noun : mgvRvZxq wKQz e¨w³ ev wel‡qi mgwó‡K GKwU bv‡g †evSv‡j †mB
kãwU Collective Noun nq|
Example : Family, Jury, Committee, Class, Army, Gang, Team, Cattle, Crowd, Fleet.
cixÿvq Avmvi g‡Zv wKQz ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Collective noun.
Army ‰mb¨ `j Herd Miæi cvj Library MÖš’vMvi
Cattle Mevw` cïi Class ‡kÖYx Meeting mfv
Pack KzKz‡ii cvj Elite MYgvb¨ †jvK Flight SuvK
Stack Mv`v Gentray f`ªgÛjx Group `j
Infantry c`vwZK Bundle ‡evSv Navy ‡bŠ-‡mbv`j
Crowd RbZv Shoal gv‡Qi SuvK Swarm ‡gŠgvwQi
Gang WvKvZ Audience ‡kÖvZv Majority ‡RvU
Committee mwgwZ Party `j Flock SuvK ev cvj
Mass RbmvaviY Cavalry Ak¦v‡ivnx Fleet iYZix

 Collective noun ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject n‡j D³ ev‡K¨i Verb singular nq| Z‡e Collective
noun †Kvb Kvi‡b fvM ev c„_K n‡j Verb wU Plural nq|
Example :
 The jury is going to take a decision.
 The jury were divided in their proposals.
4. Material Noun : ‡Kv‡bv e¯‘ †h wRwbm Øviv MwVZ nq, Zv‡K A_©vr emDZi Dcv`vb‡K
Material Noun e‡j| G¸‡jv msL¨v Øviv MYbv Kiv hvq bv ïay cwigvY Øviv eySv hvq|
Example : Iron, Milk, Water, Gold, Wood, Oil, Soup, Drink, Rice.
Meterial Noun Used as Common
hLb Meterial Noun Øviv †Kvb Dcv`vb bv eywS‡q Dcv`v‡b ˆZwi wRwbm †evSvq ZLb Zv
Common noun n‡q hvq| G‡ÿ‡Î Meterial noun wUi c~‡e© A_ev Plural nq|
 He bought an irons (B¯¿x)|
 He was put in irons (‡kKj)

5. Abstract Noun : Abstract Noun Ggb ¸Y, KvR ev Ae¯’v hv‡K †`Lv hvq bv ev †Quvqv hvq
Example :
Love fv‡jvevmv Honestly mZZv sympathy mnvbyf~wZ
Hatred N„Yv Whiteness mv`v Darkness AÜKvi
Hardness KvwVb¨ Brightness D¾¡jZv Movement bovPov
Judgement wePvi Sickness Amy¯’Zv Poverty `vwi`ªZv
Physics c`v_©we`¨v Friendship eÜzZ¡ Heroism exiZ¡
Grammar e¨vKiY Truth mZ¨ Courage mvnm
Kindness `qv Goodness mZZv/mr ¸Y Bravery mvnm
Laguhter D”Pnvm¨ Slavery `vmZ¡ Sleep Nyg
Music m½xZ Chemistry imvqb Fear fq
Death g„Zz¨ Theft Pzwi Height D”PZv

Questions’ from Classification of noun

1. What kind of Noun is 'girl' [10 th BCS]
(a) Proper (b) common (c) Collective (d) Material
2. W hat ki nd of Noun is ‘C attl e’? [10 t h BCS]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
3. The jury were divided in their opinion-GLv‡b Jury ‡Kvb Noun?[ D-Snit, 2000-01, DU]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
4. Wisdom is better than strength. GLv‡b Strength †Kvb Noun? [ 10th BCS]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Abstract (d) Material
5. Find out the common noun - [RU: 12-13]
(a) Flock (b) Bunch (c) City (d) Dhaka
6. Find out the common noun - [JU: 11-12]
(a) Pupils (b) Sharmin (c) Class (d) Team
7. Shahid did not join the army. Here the word 'arm y’ is-[PSC-12]
(a) Abstract (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
8. ‘Flock’ is a _____ noun? [RU : 09-10]
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
9. The charity of Hatem Tai is known to all. The word 'Charity' is- [PSC-10]
(a) Proper (b) Abstract (c) Collective (d) Material
10. He is a justice of High Court. The word ‘Justice’ is [PSC-11)
(a) Proper (b) Common (c) Collective (d) Material
Ans. Keys : 1.b, 2.c, 3. c, 4. c, 5.c, 6.a, 7.c, 8.c, 9.b, 10.b

Usage of Noun
Rule-1GKwU Sentence-G Verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e noun e¨eüZ nq|
 Health is wealth.
 Coherence is necessary for writing.
Rule-2GKwU Sentence-G Verb Gi object wnmv‡e noun e¨eüZ nq|
 History tells the truth.
 We squander health.

Rule-3Possessive Pronoun-Gi ci noun e¨eüZ nq|
 My parents are always busy with their work.
 I was amazed at your performance.
Rule-4Infinitive, Gerund-Ges Participle Gi object wnmv‡e noun e¨eüZ nq|
 Try to solve the problem.
 Reading books is always amusing. [GLv‡b verb is n‡q‡Q KviY, Subject Avm‡j books
(eB¸‡jv) bq, eis Reading books (eB cov)|
N.B : Infinitive Ges Gerund wb‡RivB Verb-Gi Subject Ges Object n‡Z cv‡i|
Rule-5 Preposition Gi ci GKwU gvÎ Word _vK‡j Zv wbwðZ Noun nq|
 He look the responsibility without subterfuges.
 Love came from heaven.
Rule-6 Adjective Gici GKwU gvÎ Word _vK‡j Zv wbwðZ Noun nq|
 The greenhouse effect is a destructive phenomenon.
 I appreciate you good performance.
Rule-7 The...of Gi gv‡S ‡Kvb Word _vK‡j Zv wbwðZ Noun nq|
 The invention of automatic cameras has turned photography into child’s play.
 The departure of our captain depressed us all.
(i) Article Gi ci GKwU gvÎ Word _vK‡j Zv wbwðZ Noun nq|
 The performance of the boy surprised us.
 The singer enchanted us.
(ii) Article Gi ci `ywU Word _vK‡j cÖ_gwU Adjective I wØZxqwU Noun nq|
 The excellent performance of the boy surprised us.
 The meledious singer surprised us.
(iii) Article Gi ci wZbwU Word _vK‡j cÖ_gwU Adverb I wØZxqwU Adjective I Z…ZxqwU
Noun nq|
 The very excellent performance of the boy surprised us.
 The very meledious singer surprised us.
N.B : Article Gici †_‡K Verb Ges Preposition Gi c~f© ch©šÍ †h Word ¸‡jv _vK‡e Zv †`L‡Z
Previous Year’s Question
1. A mastery of calculus depends on ___ of algebra. [C Unit DU 2008-09]
(a) an understanding (b) is understood (c) to understand (d) understand (e) understands
2. The--- of pollution in the cities should not be overlooked by the authorities. [ D Unit DU 1996-97]
(a) affects (b) effecting (c) affect (d) effects
Note : The Ges preposition Gi gv‡S k~b¨¯’vb _vK‡j †mLv‡b noun e‡m| GLv‡b affect n‡”Q verb,
effect n‡”Q noun | ZvB mwVK DËi| (d) effecting mwVK bq Kvib noun Gi mv‡_ ing ‡hvM nq bv|
3. ---- of this room will be sold, [D Unit DU 1997-98]

(a) The possession (b) The position (c) The possestions (d) position
Note : GLv‡b possession (¯^Z¡/ welqm¤úwË) Ges position (Ae¯’vb) `y‡UvB Noun . GLv‡b ejv
n‡”Q †h, GB iæ‡gi ¯^Z¡ weµq Kiv n‡e| ZvB The possession of this room B mwVK answer.
4. Unless protected areas are established, the Royal Bengal Tigers will face ___ of extinction. [DU 2004-
(a) possible (b) the possibility (c) to be possible (d) possibly (e) most possibly
Ans Kyes : 1.a, 2.d, 3.a, 4.b
Countable and Uncountable Noun
Rule-1 wb‡¤œv³ k㸇jv Uncountable noun
advice alphabet anger accommodation air bread
bagage bahaviour courage cannon cheese corn
damage equipment economics expenditure fun furniture
homework hair information iewellery knowledge luck
leisure luggage money machinery music mail
meat mathematics mumps measles news offspring
poverty poetry patience permission progress traffic
contact sugar soap scenery sand salmon
species series salt wind weather work
Countable Noun Ges uncountable Noun Gi g‡a¨ wKQz mywbw`©ó cv_©K¨ cwijwÿZ nq| wb‡Pi QKwU
†`L‡j welqwU cwi®‹vi n‡q hv‡e|
Countable Noun Uncountable Noun
i. Countable Noun Gi mv‡_ ‘s’/es †hvM Kiv hvq| i. Uncountable Noun Gi mv‡_ ‘s’/es †hvM Kiv
Example: Book-books; Student-students hvq bv| Example: Rice-rices; Oil-Oils
ii. Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© number (one, two, ii. Uncountable Noun Gi cy‡e© number (one,
three) A_©vr msL¨vevPK kã e‡m| Example : Two two, three) A_©vr msL¨vevPK kã e‡m bv |
Books, Five Students. Example : Two rices, Five Oils.
iii. Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© Article e‡m| iii. Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© Article e‡m bv |
Example : A Book, The Students. Example : A rice, The oils
iv. Many, several, few Ges number-GB k㸇jv iv. Much, little, less, least Ges amount-GB
Countable Noun -Gi cy‡e© e‡m| k㸇jv Uncountable Noun-Gi c~‡e© e‡m|
Exceptions on above rules (e¨wZµgmg~n) :
Uncountable Noun Gi †ÿ‡Î DcwiD³ wbqgmg~‡ni wKQz e¨wZµg Avgiv †`L‡Z cvB| †hgb-
i. wKQz Sv‡gjvc~Y© Uncountable Noun | †hgb-
Work (KvR) Works (wkíKg©, Water Waters (Rjvkq)(CN)
mvwnK¨Kg©) (CN) (cvwb)
Advice (Dc‡`k) Advices (e¨emvwqK msev`) Air Airs (Mwe©Z fve) (UN)
(UN) (evZvm)
Business Businesses (e¨emv cÖwZôvb) Corn (km¨) Corns (cv‡qi †kKj) (CN)
(e¨emv) (CN)
Damage (ÿwZ) Damages (ÿwZc~iY) (UN) Fire (Av¸b) Fires (AwMœKv) (CN)

ii. wbw`©ó K‡i eySv‡Z uncountable noun Gi c~‡e© article the e‡m| G †ÿ‡Î noun wUi ci preposition
‘of’ e‡m|
Example :
The water of Burigonga is contaminated, (mKj water †K bq, ïay Burigonga Gi water †K

The scenery of Coxs Bazar is very charming. (mKj scenery †K bq, ïay Coxs Bazar Gi scenery ‡K
iii. Uncountable Noun †K Countable Ki‡Z n‡j& †KwU Phrase ‡hvM Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-
a price of advice two/ three prices of advice
a price of bread two/three prices of bread
a price of equipment two/ three pieces of equipment
a price of furniture two/ three pieces of furniture
a piece of information two/ three pieces of information
a piece of jewelry two/ three pieces of jewelry
a piece of luggage two/ three pieces of luggage
a piece of mail two/ three pieces of mail
a piece of music two/ three pieces of music
a piece of news two/ three pieces of news
a piece of toast two/ three pieces of toast
a loaf of bread two/ three loaves of bread
a slice of bread two/three slices of bread
an ear of corn two/three ears of corn
a bar of soap two/ three bars of soap
a bolt of lightning two/ three bolts of lightning
a clap of thunder two/three claps of thunder
a gust of wind two/thee gusts of wind
Exercises :
Incorrect : A mail travels faster when the zip code is indicated on the envelope.
Correct :A piece of mail travels faster when the zip code is indicated on the envelope.
Rule-2 GKB iKg meaning Gi wKQz pairs of noun Av‡Q| G‡`i& †KU countable noun I Ab¨wU
uncountable noun nq| †hgb-
Count Nouns Non-count Nouns
1. a climate; climates 1. weather
2. a laugh; laughs 2. laughter
3. a human being; human beings 3. humanity
4. a job; jobs 4. work
5. a machine; machines 5. machinery
6. a man(GKRb gvbyl wn‡m‡e); men 6. mankind; man (mgMÖ gvbyl
7. a person; persons people (me©`v plural) RvwZ‡K eySv‡”Q)
8. a snowflake (Zzlvi djK); snowflakes 7. population ( me©`v singular)
9. a sunbeam (m~h© iwk¥); sunbeams 8. snow
10. a traffic jam; traffic jams 9. sunlight; sunshine
10. traffic

1. Incorrect : California has a good weather. (Weather’ GKwU uncountable noun ZvB Gi c~‡e©
article ‘a’ emv‡bv hvq bv|)
Correct : California has good weather. or California has a good climate.
2. Incorrect : A laughter is the best medicine. (‘Laughter’’ GKwU uncountable noun ZvB Gi c~‡e©
article ‘a’ emv‡bv hvq bv|)
Correct : Laughter is the best medicine. or A laugh is the best medicine.

3. Incorrect : We are late because we got stuck in a traffic. (‘Traffic’ GKwU uncountable noun ZvB
Gi c~‡e© article ‘a’ emv‡bv hvq bv|)
Correct : We are late because we got stuck in traffic. or We are late because we got stuck in
a traffic jam.
4. Incorrect : A machinery in the factory needs to be fixed. (‘Machinery’ GKwU uncountable noun
ZvB Gi c~‡e© article ‘a’ emv‡bv hvq bv|)
Correct : Machinery in the factory needs to be fixed. or A machine in the factory needs to be
 wKQz determiner Av‡Q hviv ïay Count Noun Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq Ges wKQz Av‡Q hviv ïay Non-
count Noun Gi mv‡_B e¨eüZ nq| Avevi wKQz Count Noun/ Non-count Noun Df‡qi mv‡_B e¨eüZ
nq| †hgb-
With count Nouns With Non-count Nouns
few, a few, the few little, a little, the little
many much
number of amount of
several -
another -
both -
a, an, the the
all (of the) all (of the)
some (of the) some (of the)
a lot of a lot of
a great deal of a great deal of
almost all (of the) almost all (of the)
a any
that, this, those, these that, this
none, one, two, three none
fewer-than none
fewer-than less-than
more-than more-than
GK bR‡i-
1.Countable Noun 2. Uncountable Noun
Many (of) Much (of)
Several (of) Little
A Few + Countable Noun A little + Uncountable noun
Few Less
A number of An amount of

3. Countable/Uncountable Noun
Some (of)
The rest of
All/ any + Countable/ Uncountable
A lot of
Lost of

Plenty of
Some other rules:
Rule 1 hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quintillion, pair, dozen, gross, brace, fathom G kã¸wj
wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡j G‡`i mv‡_ s/es hy³ nq bv| †hgb-
 I have five hundreds taka. Incorrect.
 I have five hundred taka. Correct.
wKš‘ Awbw`©ó, A_©vr nvRvi nvRvi, wgwjqb wgwjqb, kZ kZ I G iKg A_© †evSv‡Z G
k㸇jvi mv‡_ ‘s’ †hvM Ki‡Z nq| †hgb- Thousands of, Millions of, Hundreds of + Noun (Plural)
 Millions of People are starving in Bangladesh. (Not million)
 Thousands of years ago, the universe evolved. (Not thousand)
Rule 2 Physics (c`v_©we`¨v), mathematics (MwYZ), economics (A_©bxwZ), statistics (cwimsL¨vb),
politics (ivRbxwZ), gallows (duvwmKvô), innings (wµ‡K‡Ui Bwbsm), optics (`„wó m¤^Üxq
Av‡jvK weÁvb), smallpox (¸wU emšÍ), measles (nvg)| Giv †`L‡Z plural g‡b n‡jI singular.
Example :
 That innings was actually trilling.
 Physics is a difficult subject.
Rule 3 People (RbMY), children, police (cywjk), aristocracy (Kzjxb m¤úª`vq), artillery (Av‡Mœqv¯¿
mKj), cattle (‡Mvgwnlvw`), clergy (hvRK m¤úª`vq), gentry (f`ª m¤úª`vq), nobility (Kzjxb
m¤úª`vq), mankind (gvbylRvwZ), peasantry (K…lK m¤úª`vq), perfumery (myMwÜ), poultry
(nuvm-gyiMx), public (RbmvaviY), tenantry (cÖRvKzj), vermin (Bu`yi) , majority
(msL¨vMwiô), pedantry (K¬vwšÍKi I AcÖ‡qvRbxq cwÛwZcbv)| Giv me©`v plural.
Example :
 The police were informed of the fact.
 The cattle are grazing in the field.
Rule 4 Apparatus (hš¿cvwZ), cannon (Kvgvb), corps (‰mb¨`j), deer (nwiY), gross (12 WRb), means
(Dcvq), pice (cqmv), salmon (GK RvZxq gvQ), series (‡kÖYx), sheep (‡fov), species (RvwZ),
swine (k~KiQvbv), swan (nuvm) Ges score-G Noun ¸‡jv singular Ges plural form-G GKB_v‡K|
A_©vr G‡`i‡K plural Ki‡jI s/es nq bv| ïay msL¨v emv‡Z nq| †hgb-
5 sheeps bq, 5 sheep.
3 swans, bq 3 swan
Example :
 Three sheep/sheeps were grazing in the pasture.
 I saw ten sheep and five deer. (Not sheeps, not deers)
Rule 5 Few/Little
g‡b ivL‡e, Few Ges Little DfqB Negative (bv †evaK) A_© enb K‡i| wKš‘ Few kãwU Plural
Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Ges Little kãwU Uncountable Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m|
Incorrect : John has very little friends.
Correct : John has very few friends.
Incorrect : There is few time to waste.
Correct : There is little time to waste.
Rule 6 A Few and A Little
g‡b ivL‡e, A Few Ges A Little DfqB Affirmative (nuv †evaK) A_© enb K‡i| wKš‘ A Few
kãwU Plural Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Ges A Little kãwU Uncountable Noun Gi c~‡e©

Incorrect : We have a few news about the plane crash.
Correct : We have a little news about the plane crash.
Incorrect : There are a little tickets left for the concert.
Correct : There are a few tickets left for the concert.
Rule 7 Only a Few and Only a Little
Few Ges Little Gi c~‡e© hw` Only Av‡m Z‡e Only Ges Few/ Little Gi gv‡S a em‡e|
A_©vr Only + a + few/little
Incorrect : Only a little students are lazy.
Correct : Only a few students are lazy.
Incorrect : Tom took only few pictures.
Correct : Tom took only a few pictures.
Rule 8 Many and Much
Many/ a many/ a great many/ a good many Gi ci Plural count noun nq Ges much/ too much Gici
non count noun nq|
Subject + verb + many + Plural count noun.
Subject + verb + much + non count noun.
Incorrect : He always has much problems with his teeth.
Correct : He always has many problems with his teeth.
Incorrect : I think that there is too many violence on TV.
Correct : I think that there is too much violence on TV.
Rule 9 Almost All to the Ges Most of the:
Almost all of the Ges Most of the Gi A_© GKB all except a /AwaKvskB|
Almost all Ges most G‡`i mv‡_ of the ‡hvM n‡ZI cv‡i bvI n‡Z cv‡i| A_©vr Gfv‡e 4wU
structure nq| †hgb:
(i) Almost all (of the)
(ii) Almost all
(iii) Most (of the) + Noun (Singular/ Plural)
(iv) Most
Incorrect : Almost the states have a sales tax.
Correct : Almost all of the states have a sales tax.
Almost all states have a sales tax.
Most of the states have a sales tax.
Most states have a sales tax
Rule 10 Adjective Gi Av‡M ‘The’ emv‡j Zv Plural Common Noun-G cwiYZ nq Ges Verb plural nq|
Incorrect : Poors are not always dishonest.
Correct : The poor are not always dishonest.
Rull 11 Kind Ges Type Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ Determimer-wU Abyhvqx Form wba©vwiZ n‡e| Kind Ges
Type Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ kãwU Singular n‡j| Kind Ges Type Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ ‡hvM Kiv hv‡e bv| wKš‘
Kind Ges Type Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ kãwU Plural n‡j Kind Ges Type-Gi mv‡_ ‘s’ ‡hvM Ki‡Z n‡e|
†hgb-any kind, any type, two kinds, two types BZ¨vw`|

 I like this type of book.
 I like these types of books.
N.B : Sort of-I GKB wbqg follow K‡i|
Previous Years’ Questions
1. Choose the correct sentence. [B Unit Du 2011-12]
(a) His hairs are not straight and curly (b) His hair is not straight but curly (c) His hairs are
straight and curly (d) His hairs are not straight but curly
2. There is____hope of his recovery. [DU B 2010-2011]
(a) many (b) little (c) very (d) few
3. Choose the right sentence: [mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡q›U wb‡qvM cixÿv-2005, kÖg gš¿Yvjq]
(a) The rich are not always happy. (b) Rich men is not always happy. (c)The rich man are not
always happy. (d) The rich person are not always happy.
4. I don't have____ spare time these days. [B Unit DU 2001-02]
(a) many (b) much (c) some (d) more
Note: ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ 'time' word wU uncountable nIqvq Gi c~‡e© much e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
5. ___can be grown on arid land. [B Unit DU 2002-03]
(a) Only little crop (b) Only a little crops (c) Only few crop (d) Only few crops
6. Choose the correct sentence. [B Unit DU 2004-05]
(a) I need a few furnitures (b) I do not need many furnitures (c) I do not need some furnitures
(d) I need some furniture
Note: 'Furniture' kãwU uncountable ZvB Gi †k‡l ‘s’ n‡e bv|
7. "There is___on the roads today". [B Unit DU 2005-06]
(a) too many traffic (b) very much Traffic (c) too much traffic (d) few traffics.
Note: 'Traffic jam' wU countable wKš‘ 'Traffic' word wU uncountable nIqvq Gi c~‡e© much
e‡m‡Q| ZvQvov Too much Gici uncountable e¨eüZ nq|
8. How many errors are there in the following sentence? [C Unit DU 2001-02]
Certain infections are made by both viral and bacterial elements that makes treatment of those
infection difficult.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
9. Choose the correct sentence [C Unit DU 2003-04]
(a)We take decisions based on some informations (b) We take decision based on some
information (c)We take decisions based on some information (d) We take a decision based on
some informations
10. The furniture in this room ---- any more. [C Unit DU 2005-06]
(a) need not polish (b) don't need to polish (c) doesn't need to polish (d) doesn't need to be
Note: 'Furniture' kãwUi Av‡M the e‡m‡Q| ‡m Kvi‡Y GLv‡b GKwU furniture ‡KD wb‡`k
Ki‡Q| Avi GwU singular nIqvi Kvi‡Y Pvwn`vbyhvqx does e‡m‡Q| GQvov furniture
kãwU e¯‘evPK nIqvq need Gici to be + v 3 n‡q‡Q|
11. Do you have ---- to do this afternoon? If not, I'd like to take you to a movie. [C Unit DU 2006-
(a) many work (b) much work (c) many works (d) much works
12. Nesreen, an interior decorator, designs____[D Unit 2000-01]
(a) furniture (b) the furniture (c) furnitures (d) some furniture
13. During the storm last night there was lots of____[BBA 2000-01]

(a) thunders and lightning's (b) thunders of lighting's (c) thunder's & lighting (d) thunder’s
& lighting
Note: Thunder Ges lighting kãØq uncountable| hviv wb‡R‡`i mv‡_ 's' MÖnY e¨ZxZ ¯^ ¯^
plural A_© enb K‡i|
14. Complete the sentence, "is there any milk in that jug? Not--." [D Unit DU 01.02]
(a) none (b) many (c) much (d) some
Note: ‡h‡nZz milk uncountable noun ZvB Gi gv‡S ïb¨¯’vb _vK‡j †mLv‡b many bv n‡q
much n‡e|
15. The ---- of the office will be sold. [D Unit DU 2002-03]
(a) furniture (b) furnitures (c) the lover (d) the patriots
16. Choose the correct sentence. [D Unit DU 2001-02]
(a) Less people get American visas now a days (d) Less people get American visas now a
days. (c) Few people get American visas now a days (d) Fewer people get American visas
now a days.
17. I need ___soap to wash my dress with. [D Unit DU 2002.03]
(a) any (b) a piece of (c) a (d) much
Note : Bread, soap, advice G RvZxq kã¸wj uncountable nIqvq G‡`i c~‡e© a/an e‡mbv| Z‡e
wKQz †ÿ‡Î GiKg expression e¨eüZ nq| †hgb t a piece of, two pieces of etc.
18. ____is currently available to researchers and physicians who study the indigenous life of
Bangladesh. [D Unit DU 2003-04]
(a)The little information.(b) Few information (d) Little information (d) A few information.
19. Which of following word is the plural number? [RU 003-04]
(a) fixture (b) machinery (c) scenery (d) public
Note: Ggb wKQz Noun Av‡Q †h¸‡jviv mv‡_ 's' bv _vKv m‡Ë¡I †m¸‡jv plural|
‡hgb- public, children, poultry, vermin, gentry etc.
20. --- is caused by virus was not known untill 1911. Choose the best option to fill the gap? [RU
(a) That measles (b) As measles (c) Measles (d) What is measles
22. Syntax means-[11th BCS]
(a) Supplementary tax (b) Sentence building (c) Manner of speech (d) Synchronising act
Note: Syntax GKwU Bs‡iRx cwifvlv| hvi A_©-evK¨ wbg©vY ev MVb|
22. In order to improve farming methods, we need --- [24th BCS]
(a) machine (b) machinery (c) a machinery (d) machineries
Note : machinery kãwU uncountable nIqvq Gi c~‡e© a/an A_ev c‡i s/es n‡e bv|
23. ____is not the only thing that tourists want to see. [24th BCS]
(a) A scenery (b) Sceneries (c) The sceneries (d) Scenery
24. I decided to go___ with my friend as I needed some exercise. [24th BCS]
(a) to walk (b) for a walk (c) for a walking (d) walk
Note: ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ verb 'go’ Gi Rb¨ GKwU object cÖ‡qvRb| †h‡nZz to walk infinitive, walk
verb, for a walking gerund ‡h¸‡jv object n‡Z cv‡i bv| Avi for a walk noun wn‡m‡e object
25. We were waiting for the bus. The underlined part is --- [28th BCS]
(a) a noun phrase (b) an infinitive phrase (c) a prepositional phrase (d) a verb phrase
Note: wK w`‡q cÖkœ K‡i GKvwaK k‡ãi DËi †c‡j Zv Aek¨B Noun phrase.
26. Choose the best answer: [JU 2001-02]

(a) I have a number of pen in this box. (b) I have an amount of pen in this box. (c) I have a
number of pens in this box. (d) I have an amount of pens in this box.
Note: A number of Gi ci plural countable e¨eüZ nq| Avi an amount of Gi ci non
countable e¨eüZ nq| ZvB GLv‡b mwVK DËi (c)
27. No news ---- good news. [JU 2009-10]
(a) is (b) are (c) was (d) were
Note : Ggb wKQz noun Av‡Q hv‡`i †k‡l †h¸‡jv ‘s' _vKv m‡Ë¡I †m¸‡jv plural bq| †hgb-
news, economics, mars, politics, innigns, gallows etc. ZvB G‡`i verb me©`v singular n‡e|
28. Mars____a planet in our solar system. [JU 2009-10]
(a) are (b) is (c) will be (d) was
Note: Mars (g½jMÖn) GwU singular noun, ZvB is n‡e|
29. Choose the best answer: [kv.cÖ.we2002-03]
(a) Please, give me a salt. (b) Please, give me salts (c)Please give me much salts (d) Please,
give me a pinch of salt
Note: A pinch of salt GKwU idiomatic expression. 'Salt' kãwU uncountable, kãwU‡K 'plural Ki‡ZB
G expression Gi mvnvh¨ †bqv n‡q‡Q|
Ans. Keys: 1.b, 2.b, 3.a, 4.b , 5.d, 6.d, 7.c, 8.d, 9.0, 10.d, 11.b, 12.a, 13.d, 14.c, 15.a , 16.d , 17.b , 18.c,
19.d, 20.a, 21.b, 22.b, 23.d, 24.b, 25.a, 26.0, 27.a, 28.b, 29.d
Home Practice-01
1. Each boy and each girl____ separate car.
(a) have (b) have had (c) has (d) has had been

2. Ill news____ harmful.

(a) is (b) are (c) have (d) have had
3. He briefly outlined the situation. to us. It is –
(a) Verb (b) Noun (c) Pronoun (d) Adjective
4. ____at 212 degrees F. and freezes at 32 degrees F.
(a)Waters boils (b) The water boils (c) Water boils (d) Waters boil
5. It is generally believed that an M.B.A. degree is good preparation for a career in —
(a) a business (b) business (c) businesses (d) one business
6. Unemployment compensation is money to support an unemployed person, while he or she
is looking for —
(a) job (b) a job (c) works (d) a work
7. Hybrids have one more — per plant than the other varieties.
(a) corns (c) ear of corn (c) corn ears (d) corn's ears
8. The top of the mountain was covered in cloud. It is –
(a) Pronoun (b) Adverb (c) Noun (d) Verb
9. His skin prickled with horror. It is –
(a) Noun (b) Adjective (c) Adverb (d) Interjection
10. ____trees is a custom that many people engage in to celebrate to Arbor Day.
(a) The plant (b) Plant (c) Planting (d) To planting
11. Keya entered the interview room in fear and trembling. It is –
(a) Pronoun (b) Adjective (c) Noun (d) Adverb
12. They showed no mercy their captives. It is –
(a) Noun (b) Adjective (c) Pronoun (d) Adverb

13. He showed great courage, and determination in battle. It is -
(a) Proper noun (b) Material noun (c) Abstract noun (d) Common noun
14. Ethics ____the study of moral duties, Principles and values.
(a) are (b) deal (c) is (d) are about.
15. Real estate prices in New York, like those of many other major cities, have declined —
(a) over the few years (b) over the past few years (c) over less years (d) over the past few
16. ____ have amphibious attributes, although not all are amphibians.
(a) Much quadrupeds (b) More quadrupeds (c) Many quardupeds (d) quadruped
17. A desert receives less than twenty five___of rainfall every year.
(a) centimeter (b) a centimeter (c) centimeters (d) of centimeters
18. The teacher has—, but they are not in at best tone.
(a) four book (b) four of book (c) four books (d) four of books
19. The temperature has risen — in two hours.
(a) ten degrees (b) ten degree (c) of ten degrees (d) ten of degrees
20. Several of the people in this class speak—.
(a) three language (b) four language (c) three or four languages (d) three or four language
21.The shape of___unique.
(a) a snowflake is (b) a snow is (c) snow flakes are (d) a snowflakes are
22. We are supposed to have___this weekend.
(a) a sunshine (b) sunshine (c) sunshines (d) sunbeam
23. We are late because we got struck in-.
(a) a traffic Jam (b) traffic (c) a traffic (d) a + b
24. ____in this display is on sale for half price.
(a) Each piece of furniture (b) Each furniture (c) Furnitures (d) Each pieces of furniture
25. According to estimates by some botanists, there are____of plants.
(a) seven thousand type (b) seven thousand types (c) type of seven thousand (d) types of
seven thousand
26. I only know how to run ____computer program.
(a) one type of (b) one type (c) one type a (d) one types of
27. We saw several____birds at the wild life sanatorium.
(a) kind of (b) kind (c) kinds of (d) types
28. Professor’s store keeps___in his office because he doesn't have room for many.
(a) few chairs (b) few chair (c) little chairs (d) a little chairs
29. ___is not a new idea.
(a) The planning of cities (b) Cities to plan them (c) Plan cities (d) To planning cities
30. My brother used to help me a lot, but now he gives me___ advice.
(a) few (b) a few (c) the few (d) little
31. He had to balance his account very carefully because he had — money.
(a) little (b) the little (c) few (d) a few
32. The letter was short because there wasn't — news.
(a) many (b) Much (c) little (d) few
33. How___years have you been living in Texas?
(a) many (b) much (c) more (d) less
34. He always has — problems with his teeth.
(a) many (b) much (c) more (d) little

35. I think that there is — violence on T.V.
(a) many (b) too many (c) too much (d) few
36. Give me — butter, please.
(a) little (b) a little (c) few (d) afew
37. There are____tickets left for the concert.
(a) few (b) a few (c) little (d) a little
38. ____people in my apartment building are friendly.
(a)A little (b) Little (c) Few (d) Much
39. ____ people were at the reception.
(a) Only few (b) Only little (c) Only a few (d) Little
40. The advisor makes___ to the rules regarding prerequisites.
(a) only few exceptions (b) only a few exceptions (c) only a little exceptions (d) only
little exception
41. We will need___ food for the picnic
(a) few (b) a few (c) only a little (d) only little
42. ____own most of the land there.
(a) small number of families (b)A small amount of families (c)A small amount of family
(d) A small number of family
43. The lab has a ___of equipment.
(a) large number (b) large amount (c) more number (d) few number
44. We don't have time for___ of interruptions.
(a) a large number (b) a large amount (c) a few amount (d) a few
45. There are___Chinese restaurants in the city.
(a) small number of (b) small amount of (c) large amount of (d) a small number of
46. Although the Ojibwa Indians fought frequently with the Sioux, they didn't have___with early
white settlers.
(a) much contact (b) lots contact (c) many contact (d) large contact
47.The____ is not legal unless everyone signs his home.
(a) agreeing (b) agreement (c) agree (d) agreementation
48. Even young children begin to show____in Mathematics
(a) able to (b) ability (c) able (d) ability for
49. ___have been made for the funeral
(a) Arranging (b) Arrangements (c)Arrange (d) Arrangement
50. A free___ is guaranteed to every citizen.
(a) educating (b) educated (c) education (d) educative
51. The____of hybrids has increased yields.
(a) develop (b) development (c) developing (d) developed
52. Only___ of the breeds of cattle have been brought to the United States.
(a) a small amount (b) a little amount (c) a small number (d) a little number
53 ___fuel that is used today is a chemical form of solar energy.
(a) Most of (b) The most (c) Most (d) Almost the
54. Do you have___to do this afternoon? If not, I'd like to take you to a movie.
(a) many work (b) much work (c) many works (d) much works
55. Soup and salad___my dinner.
(a) are (b) is (c) were (d) have had
56. His brother is a man of –

(a) letter (b) leters (c) letters (d) letters
57. He is true to his –
(a) word (b) words (c) ward (d) wards
58. I have___enemies, but they can do me____ harm
(a) no, little (b) many, many (c) little, much (d) a few, little
59. What kind of noun is Good will?
(a) proper (b) common (c) abstract (d) collective
60. The shopkeeper had hardly any of those kind of canned good.
(a)of those kind of canned good. (b) of this kind of canned goad. (c)of these kind of canned goods (d)
of those kinds of canned goods
61. Fire-resistant materials are used to retard damaging in case of accidents.
(a) retarding damage in case of accidents (b) retard damaging in case of accidents (c) retard to
damaging in case of accidents (d) retard damage in case of accidents
62. (a) He gave me much good advice. (b) He gave me much good advise. (c) He gave me advises much
good. (d) He gave me much good advices.
63. (a) Surveyors carried out a valuation of our house (b) Her sincere is beyond question (c) The
company has gone into liquidate. (d) None
64. (a) California has good weather. (b) California has good climate. (c) Laughter is the best medicine.
(d) a+c
65. (a) A mail travels faster when the zip code is indicated on the envelope. (b) A piece of mail travels
faster when the zip code is indicated on the envelope. (c)There is a limit of two pieces of carry
on luggage for each passenger. (d) b+c
66. (a) This exam has two types problems. (b) This exam has two types of problems. (c) Are you
looking for a special kind of car? (d) b+c
67. (a) We have a little time. (b) We have little time. (c) We made a few mistakes. (d) a+b+c
68. Which is an example of a verbal noun?
(a) Writing a good letter is difficult (b) The writing of a good letter is difficult (c)Good letter
writing is difficult (d) It is very difficult to write a good letter
69. (a) The scenaries of Khulna are charming (b) He obtained full mark in, Mathematics (c) The house
is decorated with furnitures (d) I shall buy a pair of shoes
70. Where we can get an abstract noun?
(a) He is an honest man (b) Honesty is the best policy (c)We honour him (d) He is my
Answer Plus :
1.c, 2.a, 3.b, 4.c, 5.b, 6.b, 7.b, 8.c, 9.a, 10.c, 11.c, 12.a, 13.c, 14.c, 15.b, 16.c, 17.c, 18.c, 19.a,
20.c, 21.a, 22.b, 23.d, 24.a, 25.b, 26.a, 27.c, 28.a, 29.a, 30.d, 31.a, 32.b, 33.a, 34.a, 35.c, 36.c,
37,b, 38.c, 39.c, 40,b, 41.c, 42.a, 43.b, 44.a, 45.d, 46.a, 47.b, 48.b, 49.b, 50.c, 51.b, 52.c, 53.c,
54.b, 55.b, 56.d, 57.b, 58.d, 59.c, 60.d, 61.d, 62.a, 63.a, 64.d, 65.d, 66.d, 67.d, 68.b, 69.d, 70.b

For your concern-------

Please read The “ Master Book” and Do Practice more & more
Topic- Parts of Speech .(Page – 1- 21 )

Vocabulary (From – Master)

1. Vocabulary : Page – 578, 579
2. Preposition : Page – 205, 206,207,208
3. Group Verb :Page -281,282
4. Correct Spelling : Page – 541,542
5. Idioms & Phrase : Page – 672,673
6. Substitution / Single Word : Page 753,754,755
7. Proverb : Page – 799
8. Translation : Page – 825,826


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