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Proximal attachments

The lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor tendon and adjacent
intermuscular septum.

The extensor digitorum muscles are part of the group of four superficial extensor muscles in the
forearm (extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digiti minimi, extensor digitorum and extensor carpi
radialis brevis) which share a common tendinous attachment to the lateral epicondyle of the

Distal attachments
Through separate tendons to the extensor apparatuses of the four fingers.

Surface anatomy
All of the tendons share a common synovial sheath within the fourth compartment of the extensor
retinaculum. They attach to the dorsal surfaces of the fingers through the extensor apparatuses.
The extensor indicis is the deepest tendon, passing obliquely under the communis tendons.

With the wrist and finger MP joints held in resisted extension the muscle belly can be readily
palpated over the dorsal aspect of the forearm and the tendons over the dorsum of the hand.

Nerve supply
From the posterior interosseous nerve, the deep motor branch of the radial nerve (C7, 8).

Extension of all joints crossed by the tendons (Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3). They primarily extend
the MP joints and secondarily extend the wrist (together with the wrist extensors).

The extensor digitorum and the intrinsic muscles (especially the lumbricals) insert into the
blended fibers of the extensor apparatus, to extend the interphalangeal joints.

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