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Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014

Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme


Before ccompleting the grant application n form, plea

ase study thhe informattion and
nes provideed in the NW WO call for proposals on the Inno ovational RResearch
ves Scheme e - Veni 20
014 and the e FAQ (‘Freq
quently Ask ked Questio ons’). You can
downloa ad the textts from the Internet (wwww.nwo.n nl/vi). The original
o Duttch-language text
of the b
brochure is the authorritative verssion. Wheree the Englissh-languag e text is oppen to a
nt interpretaation, no additional rig
ghts may be
b derived from
f it.

Please nnote that you

y must up
pload your applicationn as a PDF file.
f This is the only
nic format which
w guarantees thatt the applic
cation will be
b received d in exactly the
same foorm as it ha as been sen
nt. Howeveer, you do not
n need to o use Word when filling out
the appplication forrm. You can
n use LaTeXX for example, as long g as you usse exactly the
same foormat. Plea ase do not put
p a securrity lock on the docum ment.
If you d
do not know w how to coonvert yourr application to a PDF format, all ow extra tiime to
get help
p from your own comp puter suppoort departmment or from the IRIS S helpdesk at

Comple ete the appllication in English.

E Do not exceed d the stated maximum m number ofo
words ffor each item on the fo orm and usse a 10-point font sizee, except foor reference
es to
the literrature, which may be given in 9--point. If yo ou exceed the
t stated maximum number
of wordds and/or pa ages, or if you fail to supply the necessary documentss, your app plication
may be e automatic cally disqualified and yyou will lose
e your channce of a gra

Importtant note: when wriiting your proposal,, take into account tthat it willl be
read by
y both exp
perts and a broadly composed d assessm ment commmittee.

If you h
have any qu uestions ab orm or application proccess, pleas
bout the ap plication fo se do
not hessitate to con
ntact your divisional
d p
programme manager. Contact de etails can be found
at http:://

You willl receive co

onfirmation of receipt within approximately two weekss after the

Registtration forrm (basic details)

1a. Dettails of ap
Give yo
our name, title(s),
t gen
nder and poostal addres
ss at which
h you can bbe reached during
the entire applicattion and ass
sessment pprocess. Ind
dicate whetther you prrefer Englis
pondence to o Dutch. Givve your tel ephone numbers, email address (es) and website

Extens sion clause e

e whether you
y need too make use e of the exttension clau
use. This iss only neces
ssary if
the timee between your docto orate date a and the Ven ni deadline exceeds th he maximum
period oof three years. In thatt case, you must conttact the coo ordinator off the Innovational
Researcch Incentives Scheme (vi@nwo.n nl) before submitting
s your appliccation.

The exttension clau

use is appliicable if you
u have form
mally taken extended sick, paren
materniity or care leave. The maximum period of three
t years may also b
be relaxed if you

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

have coombined a part-time

p research
r ap
ppointment with care responsibili
r ities or und
g in some clinical
c spec
cialisations. Please reffer to the FA
AQ on www for
more innformation about the rules
r for ex

1b. Title of resea arch propo osal

e title of th
Give the he research proposal.

1c. Sum mmary of research proposal

Providee a summarry of your proposal
p (toopic, approach and po otential imp
portance of results)
in no mmore than 300 words. Take T care tto provide an
a informative and re elevant absttract, as
this is o
often the firrst thing that expert rreviewers will
w see of your propossal. Make su ure the
abstrac ct clearly de
escribes wh hat you are going to innvestigate, why you a re going to
investiggate this suubject and which
w resullts you expect to find.

1d. Keyywords
Specify up to five keywords.

st instituttion (if known)

1e. Hos
Name the institution (and grooup) at wh ich you wis
sh to condu
uct the prop
posed resea

WO division
1f. NW n
e the NWO division within which you think your
Indicate y proposal should be assesse
ed. For
more in
nformation, consult the NWO web bsite. Pleas
se choose only
o one NW
WO division

Interdiivisional: (For all fields off science th

cannnot be categ gorised within one
of th
he NWO div visions)
ALW: ‘ Aard- en le
evensweten nschappen’’ (Eartth and Life Sciences)
CW: ‘Chemische wetenschap
w ppen’ (Cheemical Scien nces)
EW: ‘Exxacte wetenschappen’ (Physical Sciencces1)
GW:‘Geeesteswetenschappen’ (Hummanities)
MaGW: ‘Maatscha appij- en Gedragswete
n’ (Social/Behavio oural Sciencces)
ZonMw w: ‘Medische wetensch happen’ (Meddical Sciencces)
N: ‘Natuurkunde’ (Physics)
STW: ‘TTechnische Wetenscha appen’ (Technical Scien nces)

visional app
Interdiv I you feel tthat the proposed research cann
plications: If not be assessed
within tthe confines s of any sin
ngle NWO ddivision, you may choo ose to subm mit your
applicattion to the interdivisio
onal commi ttee, consis sting of exp perts with vvarious
y backgroun nds within tthe entire range
r of science fieldss. In that ca
ase an
explanaation of thee interdivisio
onal characcter of yourr proposal (50-100
( wo ords) is req
Please ooutline youur reasons for
f submittiing your ap pplication to o the interddivisional
committtee. Indicate which sp pecific NWO
O divisions are relevan nt to your a application and in
what way. NWO will w check whether you ur applicatioon is indeedd interdivis ional of chaaracter
and conntact you in n the case of
o any doub bts.

1g. Main field off research (compuls sory)

For all a
applicationss it is comp
pulsory to ffill out one or more res
search field
ds that corrrespond
to the ssubject of your
y research proposa al. You can only refer to
t the desccriptions and codes
from the NWO res search field list. Please
e find the list via: www

1 Physicall sciences: asttronomy, com

mputer science
e and mathem

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

1h. Pub blic summ mary of you ur researc ch proposa al (max. 50 words)
Please d
draft a pubblic summarry of your rresearch prroposal (pre
eferably in Dutch).
If your application
n is success
sful, the pubblic summa
ary will be used
u in NWWO publicity
surrounnding the announceme ent of the ggrant awardd decisions.

Some d directions:
- Think of a popula ar title (a 'h
hook' to ca tch people’’s attention
n, approx. ffive words)
- Use coomprehens sible, everyday langua age and be as specific as possible e. For exammple, do
not writte ‘the mec chanism underlying ap poptosis willl be examined’ but ‘thhe research hers will
use mic croscopes to look for the t reasonss for spontaaneous cell death’.
- Do noot write in terms of ‘we e’ and ‘us’ but use terrms like aboout researcchers, biolo
literary specialists, etc.
- Write the summa ary in such a way thatt you feel youy ought to
t be includding terms like
‘basically’, ‘put sim
mply’, ‘roug ghly speakin ng’ and ‘in lay terms’ – but do no ot actually include
- For exxamples of public sum mmaries, se ee the NWO O website att:
www.nw ogramme (under
( ‘Awa ards’).

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

Research propo

2a. Des scription of

o the proposed res earch
Scientiific/Schola arly qualitty
Describbe the propoosed research as accu urately as you
y can within the ma aximum num mber of
2000 wwords on no more than n 6 pages, iincluding illlustrations,, tables and
d figures, not
ng 2b and 2d.
2 Include details of:
- O Overall aim
m and key objectives,
o including
o Scieentific relev
vance and cchallenges
o Origginality andd innovative
e characterr
o Methods and techniques
- Research plan,
p including:
o Pracctical timetable/timeli ne over thee grant period
o Loca al, national and intern
national collaboration (if the hostt institutionn is
known, please provide de etails of the
e research group)
o Worrk plan

2b. Knoowledge exchange

e and impac
ct (max. 750
7 words on no mo
ore than 2 pages
for this
s part of your
y propo

Researc chers who have

h receiv
ved fundingg from NWO O for non-pprogrammed d research are not
usually primarily focused
f on results tha t are releva
ant for indu
ustry or socciety.
Neverth heless, therre are enouugh examplles of such research contributing g to develop
outside of the own n discipline,, sometimees in the lon
nger term. NWO wantts to encourage
researchers to give proper co onsideratio n to knowleedge utilisa
ation by allo
owing them
m to
reflect o
on this and
d - if possible - elabora
ate concrette plans.


- Whiich contribu
ution can thhe researchh make to society
s and/or to otheer areas of
science? Examples s are econoomic, sociall-administrative, cultu
ural, technoological, me
edical or
democrratic areas. 'Society' is
s used in th
he sense off the entire society andd therefore
e both
the pub
blic and priv
vate sectors.

- Whiich other diisciplines and which o

organisation ns can beneefit from th e research
results?? This conceerns users in the publlic and private sectors
s, including scientists in other
nes. NB. If the researcch makes nno societal contribution then you need to ex xplain
this andd in that ca
ase you do not need too answer th he questionn below abo out the


- Whaat is the ac
ction plan to earch projecct (see abo
o allow the outcomes of the rese ove) to
benefit potential knowledge
k users?

- How
w are the potential knoowledge ussers involveed (or how will they be e involved)) in the
research project? Here you should
s conssider wheth
her the taskks are clearrly divided in
advancee, whether the parties
s concerned d have been involved in articulatting the ressearch
question, how they can contrribute to acchieving the
e societal objectives
o a
and how the e
ongoingg involveme
ent with ussers will be safeguardeed. Examples are userr committees,
matchmmaking, connsortia/netw
works, pub lic-private partnershipps (PPP), coontract reseearch.

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

- (Concrete) outtcomes for society; th his includes commercia al productss, new wayss of
workingg, processe es, protocols, prototyp
pes, co-publications, artefacts, m
media appeaarances,
teaching methods, patents/licences /co ntracts, specific netwo ork meeting gs, medical
intervenntions and websites. Scientific
S ou
utcomes caan also be included he ere because
e often
scientifiic and socie
etal outcom
mes cannot be strictly separated.

- How
w long will it
i be before
e possible k
knowledge utilisation can
c be expe

For furtther information on knnowledge u tilisation se

ee the docu owledge Utilisation
ument ‘Kno
Manual’’ that is ava
ailable on the
t VI webssite: www.n

2c. Nummber of words

e the numb
ber of words used in S
Section 2a and
a 2b (word count on
n your com

2d. Lite erature re eferences

List all relevant literature herre and inclu
ude full bibliographical details.

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

Cost e

3a-d. B Budget
State inn broad termms what reesources wiill be requirred to conduct the pro
oposed reseearch
per projject year. The
T cost es
stimates sh ould cover the entire period of thhe grant. List
L the
nature of the postt (for example supportt staff) andd both the intensity of each appointment
(in fte – full time equivalent)
e ) and the to
otal duratio
on of each appointmen
a nt (in months).

The maaximum am mount of eacch Veni graant is € 250

0,000 sprea ad over a pe eriod of 3 years.
y If
the proposed rese earch is to be
b of shorteer duration, the maxim mum amou unt will be reduced
accordinngly. You may
m extend
d the durati on of the Veni
V projectt by up to 1 year (from m 3 to 4
years) iif you wish to conductt the researrch on a pa
art-time bas sis (0.75 ftte). Note,
howeve er, that the extension will have n
no effect onn the total maximum
m a
amount of grant
availablle under the Veni scheeme (€ 250 0,000).

Costs w
which can be covered underu the sscheme are e:
- G Gross salarry of the appplicant plu
us surcharge of that su um to cove r the emplo oyer's
ccontributions, holiday pay, etc. A All salary coosts of the Veni projecct must be
included in the budget (3a), eve en if the insstitute pays the applica ant's salary
Please notte, if the institute p pays (part of) the sa alary of the e applican nt or
ssupport sttaff (for work
w on th e Veni pro oject!) you u can fill thhis out in 3c. If
– as a con nsequence e - you excceed the maximum
m budget th en you will have
tto send a separate authorised
a d letter too the relev vant NWO division
gguarantee eing that the
t institu
ution is willling to me eet these c costs.
TThe gross salary
s of a postdoc deepends on agea and experience. T The actual salary
sscale of the
e staff will be
b set by thhe institutioon of emplo oyment. It is advisable to
ccontact thee financial department
d t of the insttitution dire
ectly for thee correct figures.
Please notee as well thhat you can not reques st a so-calleed ‘bench fe ee’, meanin ng a
sstandard amount thatt does not n need to be specified any further..
- A Acquisition costs of materials
m an
nd equipment or datab bases.
- T Travel and subsistenc ce costs asssociated witth attending conferen ces, visiting other
research innstitutes, ettc.
- S Subsistence costs whiile working at research institutes s outside thhe Netherlaands.
- G Gross salarries of additional non--scientific support stafff plus surch harge of th
hat sum.
NB. With a Veni grantt a PhD stu udent or postdoc (scientific perso onnel) may not be
- C Costs for knowledge transfer
t andd knowledg ge utilisation.
- Non-reimbu ursable cossts are thosse for infrasstructure (aaccommoda ation and office
aautomation n) and othe er overheadd.

Furtherr informatio
on can be fo
ound on the
e NWO web
bsite (

Importtant note on o budgetts exceediing the ma aximum gr rant

The conntribution frrom NWO will
w never e exceed € 25 50,000. If the
t budget exceeds thhe
maximu um of € 250 0,000, the institution (or a third party) mus st send NW
WO an autho orised
letter guaranteeing to meet thet additionnal costs. The
T letter should be upploaded via
togetheer with the application. The originnal docume ent should be sent by post withinn one
week affter the Ven ni deadline. Please se nd the lette
er directly to
t the NWO O division where
you sub bmit your proposal.
p Po
ostal addre sses may beb found at
http://wwww.nwo.n nl/vi/contac ct.

3e. Inttended sta

arting date

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

Specify the date on

o which the project y ou intend tot start the project. Th
he research
project must be sttarted within six montths of the date
d of the award lette

3f. Havve you sub bmitted thhe same id dea elsewh here or have you req quested any
onal grants for this project
p eitther from NWO or fr rom any o other instittution?
Include details of any (additional) grantts you have e requestedd for (part o
of) this research
project either from
m NWO or from
f any otther institution (for ex
xample, invvestment grrants).

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

culum vitae

4a. Perrsonal dettails

e the inform
mation requested. The informatio on on your nationality
n and the birrth
y of your pa
arents is requested beecause NWO O monitors the proporrtion of minnorities
among applicants//grant recippients. Thesse details will
w not be passed
p on tto third parrties
except in aggregated form.

4b. Master's (‘dooctoraal’)

e the inform
Provide mation requested.

4c. Docctorate
Provide mation requested. Com
e the inform mpletion date is the da
ay when yo ou received your
PhD. If you are appplying for a Veni gran
nt and havee not yet obbtained youur doctorate when
you subbmit the appplication, you
y must a ppend an official
o decla
aration thatt the thesis
manusc cript has be
een approve ed.

4d. Currrent emp ployment

e what kindd of contrac ct you havee. If you are not a pos
stdoc, assisstant profes
associate professoor or full pro
ofessor, ple
ease indicate under ‘OOther’ your position annd
whether it is outside or within the acade emic sectorr.

4e. Wo ork experie ence since e completiing your PhDP

Give thee dates of each
e appointment and d state whe ether it wass full or parrt-time (in fte),
and whether it was a perman nent positio
on (‘vast’), fixed-term (‘tijdelijk’)), tenure track or
other. T
The last roww should coontain yourr current poosition. Plea
ase indicate e what kindd of
ct you have. If you are e not an asssistant proffessor, asso
ociate profe essor or full
professor list the position
p you
u hold and whether it is outside or within th he academic
sector. Under ‘Acaademic stafff superviseed’, please list names and positio on (master's, PhD
or postd

Also, p
please fill out
o the se
econd table
e. The num
mber of months you
u have spe
ent on
researcch will hellp the com
mmittee in
nterpret yo
our CV.

ef summary of resea
4f. Brie arch over last five years
Outline the conten
nt of your research ov
ver the last five years in no more
e than 250 words.

4g. Intternationa al activities

List activities such dy visits abroad, intern
h as long orr short stud national co llaborations
s, etc.

4h. Othher academmic activitties

Include, for examp
ple, membe ership of ed ards, posts on committtees and
ditorial boa
ment in the
involvem e organisation of confe

4i. Schholarships,, grants an nd prizes

List any
y research scholarship
s ps/grants fo
or which yo ccessfully a pplied or prizes
ou have suc
you hav ve won in the last five
e years and indicate th
he amount of money i nvolved. Also,
e clearly wh
hat your role in the sccholarship/g
grant was (principal
( in
nvestigator or PI or

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

List off publications

5a. Pub blications

Please oonly includee manuscriipts which h have been accepted fo or publicatiion or which h have
alreadyy been publlished as pa art of the re
ecognised literature
l sttarting with
h the most recent
publicattion. In eac
ch case, listt: the autho
or(s), date,, title of thee publicatio
on, journal or
series in
n which thee publicatio
on appeared d, volume, page numb bers, and (i(if applicablle)
publisheer and placce.

You aree not alloweed to includ

de publicatiions which have not allready been
n accepted,,
ng articles in
i preparatiion and sub bmitted pappers. You are
a not allowwed to usee the
term ‘fo
orthcoming’; please sttate clearly
y that a yet unpublisheed manuscrript is accep

Use thee headings given beloww to structu ure your puublication liist. Please m
mark key
publicattions which
h are directlly relevant to the prop
posed resea arch with a
an S (the S stands
for sign

- Interrnational (refereed)
( articles: iincluding th
he impact factor
f of the
e journal is

onal (referreed) artic

- Natio cles

- Books: please in
nclude book
ks you have
e authored.

- Book chapters

nts: please only includ

- Paten de accepted
d patents.

- Otherr: working papers, pro

oceedings, conference
e reports, abstracts
a nd invited lectures.

5b. Top p 5 Publications

Please m mention he
ere your top
p publicatio
ons related the subject of this pro
oposal (ma
ax. 5

5c. Med dian impa act factors for your o own field
This question is coompulsory for
f ZonMw application ns, and if yo
ou have me
entioned im
factors of the jourrnals under 5a. Pleasee mention the median impact facttor for your
research field; thiss is not you
ur personal H-index.

Vernieuwingsimpulls 2014
Innovattional Resea
arch Incentives Schemee
atory Notes on grant ap
pplication fo
orm Venii scheme

ments by the
t applica

Official declaratiion by thee entire ma anuscript commissio on that thhe thesis

manus script has been appr roved
Only coompulsory for
f applicannts for Veni grants who have not yet receive ed their
doctoraates. Please
e submit the
e declaratio ur proposal,, in PDF forrmat via
on, separatte from you
the elec
ctronic systtem.

Ethicall Aspects
Before s
submitting a Veni appplication, yo
ou must deetermine if your
y propo sed
research raises ethical questions and thherefore needs to be assessed
a by
y an ethics
review committee.

e relevant aspects
Possible a are
- rresearch onn animals
- iinformed coonsent
- pprivacy andd data proteection
- rresearch onn human Em mbryonic SStem Cells
- rresearch involving devveloping co
- bbiosecurity//dual use

Certain research require

r a statement off approval from
f a reco
ognised me edical ethics
s review
committtee (METC)) or an anim mal experimment comm mittee (DEC C). For som e research
proposaals a licence
e in accordance with tthe Populattion Screening Act (W BO) is requ uired.
More information ono METCs is available from the Central
C Commmittee On n
Researcch Involvingg Human Subjects
S (CC CMO), while the Dutch h Associatioon of Animal
ments Comm mittees (NVVDEC) can provide infformation ono animal e experiments s
committtees, and the
t Health Council
C of tthe Netherllands can advise
a on th
he WBO.

NWO suubscribes to
o the Freeddom of Infoormation onn Animal Ex
xperiments (Openheid
oeven) and the Biosecu urity Code. VI applicants must subscribe to
o and
comply with the prevailing co

A reseaarch projectt can only start

s when NWO (if ap pplicable) has received d a copy off
the appproving ethical statement and/orr Population n Screening g Act licencee. For complex
questions related to ethical isssues, NWOO reserves the right to o consult ann external adviser.
If after consulting the applicaant, NWO iss of the opinion that ana ethical aassessmentt is
needed for an app plication the
en the appl icant is obliged to tak ke the nece ssary
measurres for such h as assessment. If th e applicantt fails to obtain the ne ecessary
stateme ent of apprroval from an
a ethics re
eview comm mittee then the grant shall be
immediately withd drawn. Once the proje ect has starrted then yo our researcch must be
conductted in an etthically responsible m
manner. If you
y fail to do this then
n NWO shall
reservee the right to
t stop your grant imm mediately.


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