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Microb Ecol (2015) 70:522–533

DOI 10.1007/s00248-015-0594-7


Seasonal Variation of Honeybee Pathogens and its Association

with Pollen Diversity in Uruguay
Karina Antúnez 1 & Matilde Anido 1 & Belén Branchiccela 1 & Jorge Harriet 2 &
Juan Campa 2 & Ciro Invernizzi 3 & Estela Santos 3 & Mariano Higes 4 &
Raquel Martín-Hernández 4 & Pablo Zunino 1

Received: 30 June 2014 / Accepted: 4 March 2015 / Published online: 22 March 2015
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Honeybees are susceptible to a wide range of path- detected. Nosema ceranae was detected along the year while
ogens, which have been related to the occurrence of colony Nosema apis was detected only in one sample. Fifteen percent
loss episodes reported mainly in north hemisphere countries. of the colonies died, being associated to high V. destructor
Their ability to resist those infections is compromised if they mite load in March and high N. ceranae spore loads in Sep-
are malnourished or exposed to pesticides. The aim of the tember. Although similar results have been reported in north
present study was to carry out an epidemiological study in hemisphere countries, this is the first study of these character-
Uruguay, South America, in order to evaluate the dynamics istics in Uruguay, highlighting the regional importance. On
and interaction of honeybee pathogens and evaluate their as- the other side, colonies with pollen of diverse botanical origins
sociation with the presence of external stress factors such as showed reduced viral infection levels, suggesting that an ade-
restricted pollen diversity and presence of agrochemicals. We quate nutrition is important for the development of healthy
monitored 40 colonies in two apiaries over 24 months, regu- colonies.
larly quantifying colony strength, parasite and pathogen sta-
tus, and pollen diversity. Chlorinated pesticides, phosphorus, Keywords Apis mellifera . Colony losses . Honeybee
pyrethroid, fipronil, or sulfas were not found in stored pollen viruses . Varroa destructor . Nosema ceranae . Bee nutrition
in any colony or season. Varroa destructor was widespread in
March (end of summer–beginning of autumn), decreasing af-
ter acaricide treatments. Viruses ABPV, DWV, and SBV pre- Introduction
sented a similar trend, while IAPV and KBV were not
Honeybee Apis mellifera produces a wide variety of products
that have been used by humans for centuries with industrial,
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
medicinal, and alimentary objectives. Honey, pollen, propolis,
(doi:10.1007/s00248-015-0594-7) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users. royal jelly, and beeswax are between those products. In addi-
tion, those insects play an essential role in the ecology of
* Karina Antúnez natural environments through pollination, being essential for the conservation of natural ecosystems and agricultural pro-
duction [1]. It has been estimated that one third of the human
Departamento de Microbiología, Instituto de Investigaciones
diet can be traced to bee pollination. Their value for agricul-
Biológicas Clemente Estable, Avda. Italia 3318, ture has been estimated in more than $14.6 billion/year in the
Montevideo, Uruguay USA [2].
Sección Apicultura, Dirección de Laboratorios Veterinarios BMiguel However, due to their communal and social lifestyle, hon-
C. Rubino^, MGAP, Montevideo, Uruguay eybees are susceptible to a great variety of pathogens. Among
Sección Etología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, these, the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor, the
Montevideo, Uruguay microsporidium Nosema ceranae, and different RNA viruses
Centro Apícola Regional, Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La are major threats for colony health [3–8]. More than 18 viruses
Mancha, 19180 Marchamalo, Spain that affect honeybees have been described, including acute
Honeybee Pathogens and Pollen Diversity in Uruguay 523

bee paralysis virus (ABPV), chronic bee paralysis virus Canelones, in a similar scenario, in a cattle field with grass-
(CBPV), black queen cell virus (BQCV), sacbrood virus land. It was surrounded by small farms, familiar orchards, and
(SBV), deformed wing virus (DWV), Kashmir virus (KV), natural fields.
and Israeli acute bee paralysis virus [3, 4, 9, 10]. Each apiary was composed by forty colonies, local hybrids
The presence and synergistic effect of different pathogens of A. m. mellifera, A. m. scutellata, and A. m. ligustica without
have been associated to large scale losses of managed colonies previous genetic selection, located in Langstroth hives. In all
in North America and Europe [5, 11–16]. The situation seems cases, queens were younger than 2 years. Colony strength was
to be different in Latin America, since although most of these estimated in March 2009, and according to these results, twen-
pathogens are present and widely distributed, no large-scale ty colonies with similar characteristics were selected. Colonies
colony losses have been reported, at least in the propor- were composed by 12.6±3.8 adult bees covered frames and
tion and extension to those observed in North America 49.2±12.7 quarters of side of frames of brood. No significant
and Europe [17]. differences were detected between those parameters in apiar-
Agricultural intensification and changes in the use of land- ies 1 and 2 (Mann-Whitney test, p≥0.05 in both cases). No
scape has also been associated to colony losses [18, 19] since new queen was artificially introduced along the study.
it directly affects the amounts and diversity of floral resources
(i.e., nectar and pollen) available for bees. As pollen is the Colony Strength Estimation
main source of proteins, reduction in abundance, quality, and
diversity may cause nutritional deficiencies, affecting bee At the beginning of the study and every sampling date, colony
physiology, development, and social and individual strength of each colony was estimated by two MGAP techni-
inmunocompetence [20–26]. These changes associated to pol- cians using the subjective mode, according to recommenda-
len consumption exert an important influence on tolerance to tions of Delaplane et al. [34]. Adult bee population (number of
pathogens as microsporidia [27, 28], fungi [29], bacteria [30], covered frames, estimating 2200 bees per frame), brood area
and viruses [31]. Besides that, pollen can be a source of anti- (quarters of sides of frames, total 880 cm2 per side of frame),
microbial compounds, such as flavonoids and phenolic com- and honey reserves (covered frames, total 880 cm2 per side of
pounds, which could inhibit the development of different frame) were estimated. Additional information such as the
pathogens [32, 33]. presence of drones, queen cells, and other symptoms were
In order to gain better insight into the spectrum of patho- also recorded.
gens and potential threats present in Uruguayan colonies, we
monitored the presence and seasonal variation of the most Samplings
important honeybee pathogens over 2 years and evaluated
their association with the presence of external stress factors Samples were collected at the end of summer–beginning of
such as pollen diversity available and presence of agrochem- autumn (March 11 and 16, 2009; March 23 and 24, 2010), end
icals. This study provides a temporal characterization of hon- of autumn–beginning of winter (June 11 and 15, 2009; June
eybee pathogens and offers a baseline for understanding path- 23 and 24, 2010), end of winter–beginning of spring (October
ogen threats and colony losses in Uruguay and South 1 and 2, 2009; September 20 and 21; 2010), and the end of
America. spring–beginning of summer (December 10 and 11, 2009;
December 2 and 15, 2010).
Each sample was composed of 200–300 nurse bees of at
Material and Methods least three unsealed brood combs for the detection of
V. destructor, 80–120 bees from peripheral combs in the brood
Honeybee Colonies area for the detection of Nosema spp., 200–250 g of honey
from three different combs close to the brood area for the
Two professional apiaries located in different geographic areas detection of Paenibacillus larvae, and approximately 100 cc
of Uruguay were used in the present study. Apiaries were of stored pollen from three different combs close to the brood
selected based on a series of requirements: performance of area, for the analysis of pollen botanical diversity and pres-
general good beekeeping practices, application of adequate ence of pesticides.
treatments against V. destructor, belonging to a beekeeping Bee samples were collected, transported, and maintained in
company registered in the National Register of Honeybee ethanol. A subsample of nurse bees per colony (50 bees) was
Colonies of Uruguay, and records of high colony losses (about transported alive to the laboratory (less than 3 h) and stored
20 %) in previous years (2006–2008, data provided by bee- immediately at −80 °C until analyzed, in order to avoid RNA
keepers). Apiary 1 was located in Colonia, in a dairy farm. degradation [35].
Adjacent pastures were grasses and legumes for dairy cows, All samplings and records were carried out by the same two
having a low pesticides pressure. Apiary 2 was located in operators, from the Apiculture Section from Veterinary
524 K. Antúnez et al.

Laboratories Division (DILAVE) of the Ministry of Livestock, Detection and Quantification of V. destructor
Agriculture and Fisheries [36], Uruguay. All colonies received
acaricide treatments in March, after the sampling; amitraz was Detection and quantification of V. destructor were carried out
used in 2009 and flumethrin in 2010. in bees covering the brood area (nurse bees), as recommended
by Dietemann et al. [50]. Mites were separated from bees
using ethanol 75, and infestation rates per colony and per
Climatic Parameters
apiary were calculated [50].
Information about temperature, pressure, humidity, and pre-
Determination of the Botanical Origin of the Pollen
cipitations in both apiaries along the study was provided by
the General Direction of Meteorology (Uruguay).
In order to determine the botanical origin of pollen samples, a
representative quantity was taken from each one, which was
Detection and Quantification of Honeybee Viruses subsequently homogenized in glacial acetic acid and
acetolized for observation under optical microscope. The res-
Ten nurse bees (kept at −80 °C) were randomly selected from idues were mounted in gelatine-glycerine with formol [51].
each sample and processed as described by Anido et al. [37] The identification of pollen grains was carried out using×
and Rodríguez et al. [37]. RNA was extracted using the 1000 magnification. The microscopic preparations of the sam-
QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen); DNA digestion and ples were quantitatively analyzed by counting at least 1200
reverse transcription were carried out using the QuantiTect pollen grains per slide per sample [52]. Simpson index was
reverse transcription Kit (Qiagen); and detection and quanti- calculated in order to estimate pollen diversity per colony.
fication of viruses ABPV, BQCV, DWV, KBV, IAPV, and
SBV were performed using the QuantiTec SYBR PCR Kit Detection of Pesticides
(Qiagen) as previously reported [37]. Specific primers for
the detection of ABPV [38], BQCV [39], CBPV [40], DWV Detection of pesticides (HCB, aldrin, dieldrin, HCH, DDT,
[39], IAPV [41]; KBV [38], and SBV [38] were used. To and their metabolites, endrin, endosulfan, diazinon, paratión,
ensure the quality of RNA extraction, β-actin gene was am- clorpirifos, etion, endosulfan sulfate, cipermetrin, permetrin,
plified by qPCR using specific primers (Supporting informa- deltametrin, and fipronil) in pollen samples was performed by
tion, Table 1) [42]. the Chemistry Section, DILAVE-MGAP, by HPLC, according
to methods recommended by the Food Safety and Inspection
Service, USDA [53] and the Association of Official Analytical
Detection and Quantification of P. larvae
Chemists [54]. Detection limits were as follows: chlorinated
pesticides 5–10 ppb, phosphorus 10–30 ppb, pyrethroid 10–
Honey samples were analyzed in order to detect the presence
30 ppb, and fipronil and sulfas 10–15 ppb.
of P. larvae as previously described [43, 44]. Suspected bac-
terial colonies were identified by macroscopic and microscop-
Statistical Analysis
ic characterization, standard biochemical tests, and PCR as
previously described [45]. Bacterial genotyping was carried
Seasonal analysis of pathogens and parasites prevalence was
out according to Antúnez et al. [46].
carried out taking into account the infection/infestation rate
per apiary and per season (number of infected/infested colo-
Detection and Quantification of Nosema spp nies over the total of analyzed colonies in one apiary, in a
determined season), pathogens infection intensity per colony
Due to the difficulty to collect forager bee samples during and parasite infestation intensity per colony.
winter, the presence of Nosema spp. was analyzed in bees One set of data was generated for each apiary, and statisti-
from peripherals combs, far from the brood area, as suggested cal analyses were independently performed. Data were ana-
by Fries et al. [47]. lyzed in order to evaluate if they fitted parametric assump-
Twenty old nurse bees were randomly selected from each tions, as normal distribution analyzed by Kolmogorov-
sample; total DNA was extracted using the QIAamp Viral Smirnov test and variance’s homogeneity using the Levene’s
RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen); and the presence of N. ceranae test. In cases data fitted parametric assumptions, differences
and/or Nosema apis was analyzed by multiplex PCR, as pre- between groups were evaluated by ANOVA and Scheffé’s
viously described [47, 48]. post hoc test. In other cases, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-
The number of Nosema sp. spores per pooled samples (80– Whitney post hoc tests were applied.
120 bees) was determined by phase-contrast microscopy Then, data from both apiaries and years were joined, and
(magnification×400) as recommended by the OIE [49]. correlation tests between different parameters were performed
Honeybee Pathogens and Pollen Diversity in Uruguay 525

using Spearman test for quantitative variables and chi-squared those previously determined in our laboratory (Anido et al.
for qualitative variables. The Mann-Whitney test was used to [37]; 37). KBV or IAPV were not detected.
relate quantitative with qualitative variables. At the beginning of the experiment, March 2009, BQCV,
Finally, colonies were divided into three groups according ABPV, DWV, and SBV were detected in most of the colonies
to the percentage of adult bee population loss along 1 year, in both apiaries (Supporting information, Fig. 3). In the case of
being group 1 completely depopulated colonies, group 2 col- BQCV, prevalence and viral infection intensities were high
onies that reduced their adult population, and group 3 colonies along the whole study, with an average of 84 and
that remain stable or increased their adult population. Infec- 82 % of infected colonies per season in apiaries 1 and
tion levels of different pathogens in different seasons of the 2, respectively (Fig. 1).
year were compared by Kruskal-Wallis test. In all cases, P On the other side, DWV and ABPV presented high preva-
values under 0.05 were considered significant. lence rates and viral loads in March 2009 in both apiaries
(average 95 % of infected colonies per virus in both apiaries),
decreasing over the course of both years. Sacbrood virus also
Results followed this trend although infection pattern varied among
local conditions. Correlation analysis between viral infection
Colony Strength and Symptoms intensities showed positive and significant associations, al-
though in most cases were weak to moderate (Table 1).
Adult honeybee population and brood area were high in sum-
mer (from December to March), with averages of 28,800± V. destructor Prevalence and Infestation Intensity
9450 bees and 6700±4300 cm2 of brood area and decreased
to winter with averages of 9700±4100 bees and 570±619 cm2 In March 2009, most colonies showed detectable levels of
of brood area, in agreement with their biological cycle. Honey varroa mites (95 and 99 % for apiaries 1 and 2, respectively,
reserves also followed this trend, increasing in summer Fig. 2). Amitraz was immediately applied to control the mite,
months (December to March) and decreasing in winter which was evidenced in the reduction of infestation observed
months (June to September) (Supporting information, Fig. 1). in June. Colonies with detectable levels of mites and total mite
Although at the beginning of the study all colonies looked infestation intensity increased steadily along the year. In
healthy, different disease symptoms were evidenced by oper- March 2010 another treatment was applied (flumethrin),
ators along the study. The main symptom was an uneven 1 week before the sampling in case of apiary 1 and after the
brood pattern (sporadic cases in each colony), being present sampling in apiary 2. Mite loads were positively correlated
in about 10 % of total analyzed colonies. European foulbrood with ABPV, DWV, and SBV viral infection intensities, with
symptoms were detected in 1 % of the colonies, while Amer- weak–moderate values (Table 1).
ican foulbrood symptoms or chalkbrood disease were not
identified in any of the colonies at any of the sampling dates. N. apis and N. ceranae Prevalence and Infection Intensity
Queen cells were evidenced in 8 % of the total analyzed col-
onies, while drone layer workers were evidenced in 2.5 % of Prevalence of colonies with detectable levels of Nosema spp.
the colonies. was low (around 10 %) in March, peaking during winter and
spring (from June to December) (Fig. 3). Infection intensity
Climatic Parameters per colony and per season were highly variable (Fig. 3) and
were negatively and weakly correlated to DWV and SBV
Climatic conditions (temperature, pressure, and relative hu- 2009 viral infection intensities (Table 1). N. ceranae was by
midity) in both locations were similar between them along far the predominant Nosema sp. found, while N. apis
the study and were in agreement with previously described was only detected in one sample along the whole study
conditions for those areas, as informed by General Direction period (March 2009).
of Meteorology (Uruguay) (Supporting information, Fig. 2).
Precipitations were stronger in 2010 in both apiaries compared P. larvae Prevalence
with 2009.
Clinical signs of American foulbrood were not observed in
Viral Prevalence and Infection Intensity any colony at any inspection date. However, P. larvae spores
were detected in honey collected from two colonies from api-
Honeybee viruses ABPV, BQCV, DWV, and SBV were suc- ary 1 (in March and June of 2009) and seven colonies from
cessfully detected by real-time RT-PCR, obtaining unique apiary 2 (one in March 2009, one in December 2009, four in
melting peaks for each amplified product, coinciding with June 2010, one in September 2010). All isolates were
526 K. Antúnez et al.

Fig. 1 Seasonal variation of viral infection intensity per colony of ABPV, BQCV, DWV, and SBV (relative quantification) in apiaries 1 and 2, during
2009 and 2010. Apiaries 1 and 2 were independently analyzed. Different letters indicate the presence of significant differences (p≤0.05)

classified as genotype ERIC-I BOXA. Presence of P. larvae p<0.001, respectively). Botanical species identified also var-
was not statistically correlated to the presence of other ied along the study. Main species found per season, distribu-
pathogens. tion in the apiary, and abundance per colony are shown in
Supporting information, Table 2.
Pollen Diversity and Pathogen Infection Intensities Diversity of stored pollen present in the colonies was neg-
atively correlated to viral infection levels by different viruses,
Availability of pollen from diverse botanical origins (estimat- in the same month and in the following ones (Table 2). Cor-
ed through the Simpson index) varied along the year, being relations were weak to strong, depending on the month and the
significantly higher in summer (December) compared to win- virus. Strongest correlations were found between pollen diver-
ter months (June, z=3.99, p<0.001, and September, z=4.66, sity in March and BQCV and SBV in September, pollen
Honeybee Pathogens and Pollen Diversity in Uruguay 527

Table 1 Spearman correlations between pest and pathogens loads strongly negatively correlated with viral infection intensities
Valid N Spearman R p level of ABPV, DWV, and SBV in the same and following months
(Table 3). As an example, abundance of those species in
ABPV and BQCV 292 0.137 0.019 March and June was strongly and negatively correlated with
ABPV and DWV 292 0.412 <0.001 ABPV, DWV, and SBV in the same months.
ABPV and SBV 292 0.348 <0.001 Pollen diversity was not correlated with adult bee popula-
BQCV and DWV 293 0.154 0.008 tion, brood area, or honey production in the same or following
BQCV and SBV 293 0.224 <0.001 months (p>0.05 in all cases).
DWV and SBV 293 0.334 <0.001
ABPV and V. destructor 286 0.150 0.011 Pesticides
DWV and V. destructor 287 0.273 <0.001
SBV and V. destructor 287 0.315 <0.001 No residues of chlorinated pesticides, phosphorus, pyrethroid,
DWV and N. ceranae 290 −0.175 0.003 or fipronil were detected in any pollen sample during the
SBV and N. ceranae 290 −0.196 0.001 study.
Two apiaries and years were analyzed together. Only statistically signif-
icant correlations are shown (p≤0.05). Moderate to high correlations are Depopulation of Colonies
As previously presented, at the beginning of the study, all
diversity in June and DWV from June to September, and colonies presented similar colony strength. When colonies
pollen diversity in September and N. ceranae during the same were monitored over the time, three groups were clearly dis-
month and BQCV in December. tinguished. Group 1 was composed of 12 completely
Even more, when analyses per botanical species were per- depopulated colonies (15 %), 10 died during winter–begin-
formed, we found that abundance of Baccharis trimera, ning of spring 2009 and 2 during winter–beginning of spring
Baccharis spicata, and Trifolium repens was moderate to 2010. Among these, five colonies were queenless, five

Fig. 2 Seasonal variation of

V. destructor in apiaries 1 and 2,
during 2009 and 2010. Infection
rate per apiary per season and
mite infestation intensity per
colony are shown. Apiaries 1 and
2 were independently analyzed.
Different letters indicate the
presence of significant differences
528 K. Antúnez et al.

Fig. 3 Seasonal variation of

N. ceranae in apiaries 1 and 2,
during 2009 and 2010. Infection
rate per apiary per season and
infection intensity per colony are
shown. Apiaries 1 and 2 were
independently analyzed. Different
letters indicate the presence of
significant differences (p≤0.05)

showed starvation symptoms while in the rest two colonies, Group 2 was composed of colonies which suffered reduc-
no special symptoms were observed. tion of adult bee population (29 %) from March to December
(from 8 to 83 % of the initial population), and group 3 was
Table 2 Spearman correlations between pollen diversity (estimated composed by colonies which populations remained stable or
trough Simpson index) and pathogens infection levels increased along the experiment (56 %).
Valid N Spearman R p value Depopulated colonies (group 1) showed a significantly
higher level of V. destructor in March and a higher level of
Pollen diversity in March N. ceranae spores in September, than healthy colonies (group
BQCV in March 78 −0.214 0.060 3; Fig. 4, z=2.46, p=0.04, and z=2.64, p=0.02, respectively).
SBV in March 78 −0.232 0.041 Pollen diversity in different seasons was not related to colo-
ABPV in June 77 −0.261 0.022 nies depopulation (p>0.05 in all cases).
BQCV in September 72 −0.479 <0.001
SBV in September 72 −0.433 <0.001
SBV in December 62 −0.404 0.001
Pollen diversity in June
DWV in June 37 −0.503 0.001
In the present manuscript, we present the first long-term epi-
SBV in June 37 −0.311 0.061
demiological study of the most important honeybee pathogens
ABPV in September 32 −0.360 0.043
in Uruguay, in colonies from two professional apiaries located
BQCV in September 32 −0.384 0.030
in Colonia and Canelones and evaluated their association with
DWV in September 32 −0.497 0.004
pollen diversity of colonies. Apiaries were located in dairy
ABPV in December 27 −0.624 0.001
farms or cattle ranch, with low pressure of pesticides or agro-
Pollen diversity in September
chemicals, fact that was confirmed by the absence of residues
N. ceranae in September 46 −0.418 0.004
of chlorinated pesticides, phosphorus, pyrethroid, and fipronil
BQCV in December 41 −0.565 <0.001
in stored pollen. Climatic conditions (temperature and humid-
DWV in December 41 0.360 0.021
ity) at both apiaries areas were mild, although a severe drought
Two apiaries and years were analyzed together. Only statistically signif- affected the country in 2009, directly affecting pollen diversity
icant correlations are shown. Moderate to high correlations are underlined in both apiaries.
Honeybee Pathogens and Pollen Diversity in Uruguay 529

Table 3 Spearman correlations

between botanical species Valid N Spearman R p value
identified in stored pollen and
pathogens infection levels B. spicata in March ABPV in March 67 −0.425 <0.001
DWV in March 67 −0.509 <0.001
SBV in March 67 −0.459 <0.001
ABPV in June 67 −0.314 0.010
DWV in June 67 −0.444 <0.001
SBV in June 67 −0.270 0.027
ABPV in September 67 −0.306 0.012
BQCVS in September 67 −0.294 0.016
DWV in September 67 −0.313 0.010
B. spicata in June DWV in June 36 −0.430 0.009
B. trimera in March ABPV in March 67 −0.348 0.004
DWV in March 67 −0.410 0.001
SBV in March 67 −0.488 <0.001
ABPV in June 67 −0.268 0.028
DWV in June 67 −0.348 0.004
SBV in June 67 −0.264 0.031
DWV in September 67 −0.281 0.021
B. trimera in June ABPV in June 36 −0.377 0.023
DWV in June 36 −0.572 <0.001
SBV in June 36 −0.355 0.034
BQCV in September 36 −0.599 <0.001
T. pratense in March ABPV in March 67 −0.272 0.026
DWV in March 67 −0.306 0.012
T. pratense in June ABPV in June 36 −0.412 0.012
DWV in June 36 −0.618 <0.001
T. repens in March ABPV in March 67 −0.518 <0.001
DWV in March 67 −0.574 <0.001
SBV in March 67 −0.524 <0.001
ABPV in June 67 −0.370 0.002
DWV in June 67 −0.549 <0.001
SBV in June 67 −0.311 0.010
ABPV in September 67 −0.354 0.003
BQCVS in September 67 −0.360 0.003
DWV in September 67 −0.250 0.041
T. repens in June ABPV in June 36 −0.376 0.024
DWV in June 36 −0.511 0.001
BQCV in September 36 −0.440 0.007
ABPV in December 36 −0.343 0.040
T. repens in September ABPV in September 47 −0.337 0.021
DWV in September 47 −0.343 0.018

Two apiaries and years were analyzed together. Only statistically significant correlations are shown (p≤0.05).
Moderate to high correlations are underlined

Seasonal dynamics of honeybee population, brood, autumn, when high amount of brood is available for
and honey reserves along the study was in accordance reproduction [7]. Infestation levels abruptly decreased
with the expected biological cycle of bees, rising in in autumn, after the application of miticides. Infection
spring and summer and declining in autumn and winter. intensities of RNA viruses ABPV, BQCV, DWV, and
V. destructor cycle was linked to honeybee cycle, in- SBV were associated to V. destructor, although in some
creasing its infestation intensity along summer to cases, associations were weak.
530 K. Antúnez et al.

Fig. 4 Classification of colonies in groups according to the percentage of population (2), and was stable or increased the adult bee population (3). b
adult bee losses. a Three groups of colonies were clearly distinguished: Infestation intensity of V. destructor in March in the three groups. c
completely depopulated along 1 year (1), suffered reduction of adult bee Infection intensity of N. ceranae in September in the three groups

The strong impact of the mite on colonies development and 15 % of the colonies died, probably associated to the presence
survival and its association with honeybee viruses has been of V. destructor and N. ceranae. Both agents significantly
widely documented [7, 8, 15, 55]. Moreover, it has been pro- affect honeybee health and have been previously related to
posed that global spread of V. destructor has contributed to the colony losses [5, 9, 12, 16, 66]. On the other side, van
selection of highly pathogenic DWV variants [56]. Engelsdorp et al. [67] demonstrated that colonies with evi-
In Uruguay, those pathogens had previously been detected, dence of queen replacement or queen failure exhibited a
being widely spread [57, 58]. Beekeepers must apply acari- higher relative risk of colony death over the short term. Al-
cides at the beginning of the fall, to avoid colony losses asso- though we were not able to calculate this risk since queens
ciated to V. destructor. On the other side, KBV and IAPV, were not marked at the beginning of the study, queen failure
pathogens potentially associated to colony losses [3, 59, 60] was observed in 42 % of the dead colonies.
have not been detected. Besides honeybee pathogens, types, abundance, and diver-
In the case of microsporidia, N. ceranae was detected along sity of pollen available for bees, nutrition strongly affects hon-
the study in both apiaries, according to previous findings in eybee health [20–23, 25–27, 29–31]. DeGrandi-Hoffman
Uruguay [61], while N. apis was only detected in one sample. et al. [31] reported that DWV infection levels were lower in
The negative correlation detected between N. ceranae and bees fed with pollen compared to those fed with sugar syrup
DWV may be the result of antagonistic effects, as suggested and Invernizzi et al. [68] reported that colonies fed with pollen
by Costa et al. [62]. Since both pathogens multiply in the from diverse botanical origins presented lower levels of
digestive tract [4, 28, 63, 64], they may be competing for host N. ceranae spores compared to colonies fed only with one
cells. Weak correlation values found in the present work may pollen species. In the present manuscript, we show evidence
be related to the analysis of the complete bee, instead of that feeding on pollen of diverse botanical origin is correlated
analysis of bee midgut, where correlation is stronger to low infection intensities by different pathogens (ABPV,
[62]. BQCV, DWV, SBV, and N. ceranae). Even more, we found
In the case of P. larvae, no clinical signs of American that some pollen species (B. trimera, B. spicata, T. repens, and
foulbrood were detected in colonies and the prevalence of this T. pratense) were negatively correlated to of infection intensi-
bacterium in honey was extremely low, coinciding with pre- ties of different viruses. In this regard, biological properties of
vious results where a national prevalence of 2 % was estimat- these species have already been described. B. trimera
ed. P. larvae genotype ERIC-I BOXA was detected, coincid- has shown antihelmintic activity [69] and anti-inflamma-
ing with circulating genotypes in the country [65]. This path- tory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, probably re-
ogen was first detected in Uruguay in 1999, and 2 years later, lated to the presence of phenolic compounds [70].
it had spread all over the country, reaching a 51 % prevalence B. spicata has shown antiviral and trypanocidal activity
in honey [43]. The progress in the understanding of the dis- [71, 72], while T. pratense has also shown antiviral
ease has led to an improvement of laboratory diagnostic tech- activity related to the presence of quercetin and other
niques, epidemiological studies, and treatment strategies, phenolic compounds [73, 74].
which have reduced the detrimental effects of the disease The present findings suggest that an adequate nutrition
[9]. However, the epidemiologic surveillance should not be based on pollen from diverse botanical origin is important
neglected, in order to avoid the entrance of other highly path- for defense against pathogens. The mechanisms underlying
ogenic genotypes. this finding can be related to the alteration of individual and
At the beginning of the present study, all colonies presented social immunocompetence and physiology, as suggested in
similar colony strengths. However, along the 2-year study, previous works [21, 27, 75].
Honeybee Pathogens and Pollen Diversity in Uruguay 531

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Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), grant INIA-FPTA 258.
Rodriguez E, Bedascarrasbure E (2013) Conversion of high and
Authors thank Dennis van Engelsdorp for the help with manuscript
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(Hymenoptera: Apidae). J Econ Entomol 106:1553–1558
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