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Anderson, E.L. 1960. Cultural Dynamics. Sausalito: League for Cultural Dynamics.


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~ With Introductory Comments on the Philosophy ~
~ of Evolutionary Ethics ( Evotism) and a Bibliography ~

~ By E. L. ANDERSON, Ph.D. ~

~ ~
~~ Plus an Article on Loyalty by &,~
~ Commander Ian Bruce MacLeod ~

~ ~
~ ~
~ ~
~~ P. 0. Box 713 &,
X ~
a . . .
For SCientists and lfitellectuals who are honestly
rocky, unser
This pamphlet contains reprints of articles which first objective it presents an integrated philosophy based on the White
appeared in RIGHT, "The National Journal of For- what is true, scientific and useful. (Is Dr. Anderson of life on th
ward-Looking Americanism." Article I appeared in the the Mendel of cultural science?) Surely, then
November, 1959 issue; article II in the March, 1960 issue For liberals, it proclaims a world free of human the mean, s.
and article III and the editorial in the June, 1960 issue. oppression. It ends the futile imperialism and the After all, as
billions of ·
Loyalty, by Commander MacLeod, was in the July issue. wicked economic-financial system which is built on ex- imperfect, i;
Dr. Anderson's creative essay is reprinted here by a ploitation and injustice. The cry for national integrity Or can w
group which believes that his ideas should have wide is now more than dishonest propaganda, for Cultural something fi
circulation among thoughtful people. Dynamics demands dignity and freedom for the peo- selves? Yes,
ples of the world and then gives them the stirring people-mu:
If you agree, you may order extra copies in bulk: challenge of self-betterment. Although
10 copies, $1.00 Conservatives and anti-communists find in Cultural pathway to~
Dynamics and Evotism at last the doctrine which and science
50 copies or more, 5c each affirms instead of denies and a vocabulary for attack lies in euge1
We invite your comment. instead of retreat. Here is the positive, constructive A Central T
and idealistic philosophy which can unite the world to There is
THE LEAGUE FOR CULTURAL DYNAMICS stamp out the marxist and nihilist plague and unite the improving e,
P. 0. Box 7U West for survival. Evotism offers Rightists an oppor- ton or a viii
tunity to change their nay-saying to yea-saying. tianity. The
Sausalito, California dation of C<
And to the world, Cultural Dynamics offers peace,
harmony and progress. Specifically, humanist-evolu- fanatics as c
society is fir
tionary thinking repudiates the useless brutality of
THE RIGHT I.INE French rule in Algeria; the Zionist seizures of Arab
strictions an
that they car
(An Editorialj land· and the concentration camps segregating the up- in turn, will
rooted; the British terrorism of Cyprus; the profiteer- Such a cr<
ing on Black labor by White men of the United States Lysenko's P<
DR. ANDERSON and South Africa. The saving, sane force of Cultural acters-that
Dynamics will liberate mankind from the inhumanity environment.
MAKES HISTORY of oppression as well as from fear of a radioactive such an an
death. scientific SUJ
With this issue, RIGHT prints Dr. E. L. Anderson's The price of freedom is to stand alone. Just as the so-called "in
forward-looking leaders of non-Western nations must years of the
third and final article on the new science of Cultural of acquired
Dynamics. RIGHT thereby gives the world the philos- realize that jurisdiction over the vital interests of each
racial and cultural unit shall be held only by that unit (Most of 1
ophy that can stop its mad march to ruin and set it on of bettering
a progressive path. itself, so the creative minority of the Western world intellectual ·
To say that Cultural Dynamics and its offspring, must understand that the hour has come to renounce courage to r
• Evotism, is revolutionary to the status quo is trite- and eliminate the indefensible clique of imperialist make onesel:
but completely true. At first, some readers may not gangsters which profits on lies and human misery. it second.)
understand or may misunderstand Dr. Anderson. But Respect for human life! Man is a bridge to the However,
time will soon show the world how valid are his ideas. other shore! This is Dr. Anderson's banner. Those shadow of
For Cultural Dynamics and Evotism do nothing less who are wise will neither sneer nor carp, but will dreams of tl
than point the way for the future development of all follow, for this is the way to lead. to prepare rr
mankind. any ethic "
Controversial though many of the ideas are to all "society" at
quality of p1
presently-existing sects, both of the Right and tbe Left, SCIENCE Such death-f
certain values emerge which are also attractive to all. CULTURAL DYNAMICS forever elim:
Youth will discover something new and worth be- By E. L. ANDERSON, Ph.D. Nature.
lieving. Cultural Dynamics liberates them from the Western D
old, over-used, meaningless words, slogans apd jaded The science of Cultural Dynamics is a be the highf
ideas. In their place it sets a new ideal which seeks the new approach to ancient social problems. --our race.
courage and the devotion of those worthy of fighting Ever since the development of History, largely elim1
literate mankind has sought answers to the L---....!::~.....:....1
for it. on a retrogr
mystifying problem of the loss of social unity in a civiliza- positive eug
tion; to the problem of the disintegration of the arts; public bitter pill fc
and official corruption; loss of popular confidence in man as
an individual; the d.ecli~e of f~ith in a common religion and~
greedy, pow<
Above all,
eve':' the loss of prtde tn one s own race. In short, why do to hurl the
civilizations decline and what can be done about it? By E. L. ANDERSON, Ph.D. gooders and
Oswald Spengler, in his monumental Decline of the West, As I endeavored to state in my first their unctuo
set forth the theory of the organic nature of civilization. This article in this series on the new science the obvious ,
held (very briefly, of course, for justice to Spengler's achieve- of CuLTURAL DYNAMICS, it is the influx of to all other
ment cannot be even approached in so short a space) that a alien ideas, ideals and peoples into a cui- and forthwit
cultural unit (composed always of more than one nation; for tural unit which inevitably perverts, weakens and finally kills way of thin;
example, Europe) is an organism with a definite life cycle of it. This, however, is not because these alien ideas, ideals and and philosop
gestation, birth, youth, maturity, old age and death. Spengler peoples are in themselves "wicked," but instead simply be- the master a1
taught that nothing could be done to interfere with this natural cause they are alien. Twenty-first century man no longer has iailed. It is a
cycle. any excuse except that of plain cowardice for failing to recog- but immenset
Such an unsatisfying and pessimistic philosophy, although nize and proclaim this indisputable fact, for now man has CULTURAL
it brings out many important points, still does not explain the history to guide him. He did not have history worthy of the risy ! It sets
inner reality-the why of cultural decline. All it does is chron- name before-and this in itself, incidentally, is a little·recog- goal, and bn
icle it, and tie it in with a Germanic metaphysics. nized but· weighty fact which is significant for those few men verters and ,
Here is where Cultural Dynamics comes in. For Cultural with conscience who plan towards the future. anced social ,
Dynamics holds that the diseases of a cultural unit are not ing-whether
inherent but instead are the natural result of certain condi- The newness of CULTURAL DYNAMICS makes it uncomfort-
tions which have hitherto always prevailed in mature cultures, able to many people, especially to the professional intellec-
tuals (who can always be heard bawling against "conformity") The Verdict ,
and which are present today-like a festering and open sore-
in our own. Cultural Dynamics, in other words, gives hope for and to those vested interests who profit from, pay tribute to CULTURAL
the future.
and are supported by this wmpany-such as politicians, lead- revealed to rr
Specifically, Cultural Dynamics holds that it is only the ers of pressure groups, social workers, foundation trustees, and conclusions o
infl~x of alien ideas, ideals, religions and peoples (through
many dever capitalists. All new ideas have always been fa- ogy (Biswas.
slavery and immigration) into a "conquering" cultural unit natically reiected, hated and suppressed by the ruling elite G. E. Smith'
which ultimately and in.evitably kills it. This process is a com- down through the centuries; so in this respect CULTURAL (Darlington,
plicated one which all civilizations have hitherto encountered. DYNAMICS is obviously following the footsteps of all of man's Peake), Gene
As they would near their apex of power and influence, and creative and constructive advances. Psychology (
become spread out geographically, a process of disintegration But truth, however harsh, is always better than lies, even LaPiere, Scho
would immediately set in, even if the expansion itself would if it brings initial discomfort to some. And in spite of the For a myr
continue for awhile. Slowly but surely a busy two-way cul- reactionary defenders of the status quo and the powerful scientists in a
tural street would be formed and alien ideas, slaves, religions vested interests of the day, we shall easily discover that the same, inevita
• and the like--at first but a trickle-would begin to enter the great Verity of CuLTURAL DYNAMICS contains elements of viva/, to say
body of the "conqueror" until finally (speaking organically) beauty and nobility within it which can and I firmly believe is basically d
these alien microbes would produce diseases which would con- will save the world from itself and move it upward. ing to a pron
sume and kill the "conquering" civilization. Cultural Dynam- towards t:osm
Accentuate the Positive different w/t,
ics finds that this is the precise process which has happened
in Egypt, Greece, Rome and all other now-dead cultural The positive side of Cut TURAL DYNAMICS is far more This is the
organisms. important than the negative side, discussed in my previous DYNAMICS pr
Now this "cultural murder" does not happen necessarily article. It is easy to grasp once the negative side is under- the destiny o
because all ways alien to those of the "conqueror" are inher- stood. Positive Cut TURAL DYNAMICS (perhaps Progressive has courage
ently wicked, but instead because the latter's cultural pattern CuLTURAL DYNAMICS is the better term) means that all cul- Is This Utopi·
-a delicate thing in all cultures-is thrown out of balance by tural units have the right-nay, the duty-to be tme to them-
Of course,
the abortive attempt to assimilate the strange and exotic and selves. It means a true equality between all cultural units.
earth is not i
misunderstood ways of foreigners. It means that one cultural unit has no more right to im- upon us, alth<
In his new book, The Freudian Ethic, Richard La Piere pose itself upon another than another has to impose itself towards it. A1
poses this theory, albeit incompletely and devoid of value upon it. It means a strict anti·imperialism. It means a sincere enough to sol
judgments, by saying, "A dynamically balanced social system pledge to others that we will keep "hands off" them and, !ems. But it i
is like a healthy organism in that it is composed of a great in turn, a stern demand that others keep their hands off sary first step
many interdependent 'parts'-institutions, customs, value sys- us. It means a categorical end-peaceable if possible, but to decide for
ems, etc.-comparable to the cells, organs, etc., in an orga- nevertheless an end-to the filthy and hypocritical fraud of The "next r
nism; and, like a healthy organism, it tends to correct for any Marxian and finance capital "internationalism," the conspir- cui rural unit
disturbance to its balance by compensatory changes." acy of an obscene alliance which daily becomes more oppres- turning point
'Brief definitions of complicated things are often confusing, sive to freedom-loving men, and which has wreaked already TURAL DYNA:
but if I had to sum up Cultural Dynamics in a few words, a far heavier toll to the honest and peaceable people of the best for other
this would be my definition: world than they are willing to pay. CULTURAL DYNAMICS is do so I woul<
The science of Cultural Dynamics is the study of cultural the only decent way to world peace. CULTURAL DYNAMICS of CULTURAL
units as indt•idual organisms, means the development and progress of all peoples according other cui turai
In my next article I shall try and show some of the practical to their own destiny and their own inner needs and drives; No, I have nc
possibilities of Cultural Dynamics. not according to the unknown or vaguely-defined plans of a than my own.
greedy, powerful outsider.
Above_ all, CuLTURAL DYNAMICS means honesty. It means "
to hurl the lie at the motley assortment of communists, do- CULTURAL DYNAMICS Ill
gooders and Wall Street manipulators who loudly prod aim By E. L. ANDERSON Ph.D.
their unctuous belief in human equality while acting upon '
the obvious conviction that the White people are so superior Before proceeding to outline my con-
to all other races and peoples that they must immediately ception of the direction of the Destiny of
and forthwith impose their own way of life and their own Western man (whom I shall call "White"
way of thinking; their own wants, tastes, political systems for convenience) allow me a few final
and philosophies on the colored races! This is the equality of words about CuLTURAL DYNAMICS.
the master and dog; of the farmer and pig; of the iailer and CULTURAL DYNAMICS is not unproven theory and not even
;ailed. It is an insult to all honest men-White and colored- a philosophy so much as it is a social science. It is the master
but immensely profitable to our P>'t:sent ruling elite. social science. It is the synthesis of all knowledge bearing on
CULTURAL DYNAMICS demands: Enough of this foul hypoc- social and cultural health. This is a new concept of knowl-
risy! It sets up his own self-development as man's highest edge. CuLTURAL DYNAMICS is to be ranked above History,
goal, and brands as man's worst enemies those intruders, per- Psychology, Anthropology, Genetics and the other social
verters and war-makers who seek to tear apart a finely-hal- sciences. In fact, my dictionary, much to my surprise, defines
anced social organism which bas been milleniums in the mak- social science as, "The group of studies seeking to establish
ing-whether White, Yellow or Black; European, Asian or a science of the social life of ):tuman groups." That science
African. has now been established. Its name is CuLTURAL DYNAMICS. It
is part of all sciences and more important than any. It pro-
The Verdict of the Sciences vides the up-to-date cultural and sociological backgro~nd man
CULTURAL DYNAMICS is consistent not only with the truths desperately needs to bring him abreast of his physical science.
revealed to man by history, but also with the most up-to-date For CULTURAL DYNAMICS is the practical application of all
conclusions of competent scientists in the fields of Anthropol- of the knowledge we now have. It is the recognition that
ogy (Biswas, Fischer, Gedda, Guha, Keith, Parsons, Sergi, although research and study must continue, it is far more
G. E. Smith), Biology (Hardin, George, Roberts), Botany important to put our present knowledge to work today. In
(Darlington, Zirkle), Ethnology (Coon, Fleure, Gayre, fact, it is of supreme importance to do so, for the very fate
Peake), Genetics (Fisher, Gates, Oliver), Medicine (Scudder), of the world will be determined largely by our response.
Psychology (Garrett, McGurk, Shuey), Sociology (Hobbs, CuLTURAL DYNAMICS is in full rebellion against the teach-
LaPiere, Schoeck) and Zoology (Kuttner, Rife). ing of knowledge without theory, or with unrealistic or in-
For a myriad of different reasons, alert and courageous accurate theory. CuLTURAL DYNAMICS recognizes that there is
scientists in all of these fields are daring to converge on the now so much mass and compartmentalization of knowledge
same, inevitable conclusion: That man's only hope of sur- in the world that teaching without right selection is worse
vival, to say nothing of his only hope of continued progress, than confusing, worse than senseless; it has become criminally
is basically dependent on recognizing the necessity of bring- irresponsible. CULTURAL DYNAMICS supplies the needed con-
ing to a prompt halt the present worldwide, disastrous trend text within which all social sciences must be viewed in the
towards c-osmopolitan formlessness and disintegration of all future.
different c-ultures, races and nations. And it is the· future which is of primary interest to CuL-
This is the cry struggling to be heard today, and CuLTURAL TURAL DYNAMICS. ]!or CULTURAL DYNAMICS gives to each
DYNAMICS proclaims it. Upon its receipt in good faith hangs cultural unit perfect freedom to work out its own destiny in
the destiny of the planet-and perhaps, the Universe. Who its own way, free from the mechanically subversive influence
has courage to hear this cry? of aliens.
Is This Utopia? Finally, CULTURAL DYNAMICS is a sturdy and flexible
Of course, mere "re-segregation" of the peoples of the framework. It encompasses the entire world of men, ideas
earth is not in uself enough to bring Utopia crashing down and facts. It is pluralistic, not monistic; factual, not meta-
upon us, although it would, indeed, be the first concrete step physical; realistic, not idealistic; pragmatic and objective,
towards it. And, it must be admitted that even this would be not theoretical and subjective.
enough to solve most of our current political and social prob- Destiny of Western Man
lems. But it is really only a beginning. For after this neces- The time has now come to discuss the White man's task for
sary first step the next move would be for each cultural unit the future. For this, of course, is all that we are allowed to
to decide for itself the best way for it to move upward. do. The future and the plans of other peoples must be left to
The "next move"? Indeed, what is the "best way" for each them and, so long as they do not interfere with us, we must
cultural unit to move upward? We have now arrived at a not interfere with them.
turning point of major proportions in the science of CuL- This opens to us a fresh world, crisp with hope and mean-
TURAL DYNAMICS. How can I, a White man, decide what is ing and challenge. The proportions of the task now set before
best for other races? I cannot, of course, for by attempting to us are immense, but they can at last be fathomed. To para-
do so I would violate the first and most important principle phrase George Washington, let us set before all mankind the
of CuLTURAL DYNAMICs-non-interference in the affairs of noble example of a people with the intelligence, character
other cultural groups. Besides, there is no one "best way." and will to build a responsible society.
No, I have no right to recommend a course for any race other The path of evolution has been a hard one. Eons of racially
than my own. This I will do in my concluding article. segregated development have dragged us-unwillingly-up a
rocky, unsentimental but progressive path. Still, we are sorry 1:1 Evolutionary Ethics
specimens. For although unbiased anthropologists consider ~~~ Now this is the beginning of the new philosophy, but only
the White race to be the highest evolutionary development the beginning. We must actively assist at all times the forces
of life on this planet, we have much of which to be ashamed. working for the higher evolution of our descendants, and
Surely, there is a goal above us. Or must we be content with actively oppose at all times the forces working for the devo-
the mean, sickly, ugly ruin of our simian kind indefinitely? lution of our descendants.
After all, astronomers tell us that our planet has some three This is the statement of my morality. What is good assists
billions of years left. Are we doomed to put up with this the process of evolution; what is bad assists the process of
imperfect, inferior, even pitiable creature for so long? devolution. What other standard can there be for a cons<:ien-
Or can we surpass ourselves? Is man perhaps a bridge to tious and forward-looking m~n? .
something finer, greater, handsomer, more noble than our- I call my standard, Evoluttonary Ethtcs, or EvoTISM. I am
selves? Yes, the dream that our genetic and cultural unit-our an EvoTIST.
people-must dream began with Darwin and Nietzsche. Perhaps you accuse EvOTISM of being a humanist philos-
ophy. If so, you are right. EvonsM is ethical humanism. It is
Although the future itself can be only dimly perceived, the
ethical because it has primary concern for the future outcome
pathway towards it is clear enough. This pathway is science,
of man's present acts, and it is humanistic because it recog-
and science reveals to us that a great part of what we seek nizes man as the measure of all things. That act is right or
lies in eugenics.
wrong, moral or immoral today according to the probable
A Central Truth consequences it will bring to man tomorrow. EvoTISM is prag-
There is simply no way to improve society without first matism, but pragmatism with a constant. EvoTISM is idealism
improving each person, and whoever gainsays this is a simple- within CULTURAL DYNAMICS.
ton or a villain. This was the central truth of historic Chris- You may call me a utopian if you will, but remember that
tianity. The denial of this elementary principle is the foun- my Utopia is a "Genetic Utopia " and not an unrealistic
dation of communism and marxian socialism. Such monist "System Utopia." Idealism without realism is stupid, waste-
fanatics as communists assert that the way towards a perfect ful and negative. A Genetic Utopia is not only attainable, but
society is first to liberate themselves from normal moral re- workable.
strictions and then to destroy society, professing to believe In time, the White race will arrive at Evolutionary Ethics.
that they can build a perfect "system" on the wreckage which, But the precise hour that it arrives is entirely dependent upon
in turn, will produce a perfect race. your personal acknowledgement of EvoTISM.
Such a crackpot delusion is based on Lenin's, Stalin's and All I can do here is give a rudimentary sketch of CUL-
Lysenko's political lie of the inheritance of acquired char- TURAL DYNAMICS and EvonsM. Nor would I attempt more.
acters-that faultless men will naturally flow from a faultless I have provided the framework; those after me will build
environment. Never in the entire history of Western man has the rest.
such an arrogant, massively ignorant, blood-soaked, anti- The struggle against the reactionary nay-sayers, the vested
scientific superstition attained such prominence among the interests, the greedy pressure groups and the fanatical monists
so-called "intellectuals" of the day--even during the darkest will be sanguine and lengthy, but in the fullness of time,
years of the Middle Ages! The truth is, there is no inheritance right, truth and science will win. When enough people under-
of acquired characters. stand CULTURAL DYNAMICS and comprehend its relationship
(Most of the insistence upon bettering the "system" instead with the truths of evolution and genetics, they will be Evo-
of bettering the man comes from a drone class of freudian TISTS. It is that simple.
inte!lectual beatniks who lack both the intelligence and the And in three billion years, it is surely inevitable.
courage to recognize that the big problem in one's life is to
make oneself acceptable to society first and a creative part of
it second.) 0
However, the latter-day Christians (at best an effeminate
shadow of their predecessors) are not right in their pipe BIBLIOGRAPHY
dreams of the future and the unnatural ways they set about The books below are cited to document my case, but they
to prepare men for life in a competitive world. That is to say, must be read with discrimination. Naturally, a radically new
any ethic which centers attention on the hereafter or on idea, although borne out by the work of many different and
"society" at large without reasonable attention given to the widely-separated thinkers, cannot mirror all of their various
quality of present and future man is, to that extent, in error. views. For example, I recommend Hardin and Zirkle for an
Such death-fixation is unsuited to a world where science has insight into the scientific view of heredity, evolution and the
forever eliminated the supernatural as the motive force behind universe, but not Beaty nor Knupffer whose pronounced re-
Nature. ligious convictions have no place in the secular philosophy of
Western man's guidon and stable value for the future must Evotism or the pluralistic science of Cultural Dynamics. On
be the higher evolution of our own genetic and cultural unit the other hand, a reading of both Beaty and KnuJ?ffer is nec-
--our race. It is necessary to recognize that civilization has essary if the student is to understand present world-wide polit-
largely eliminated natural selection and mankind is at present ical realities.
on a retrogressive evolutionary path. Our answer can only be Apparent conflicts like these will vanish if the reader will
positive eugenics. The need for positive eugenics will be a keep in mind the values and philosophy I have tried to express.
bitter pill for some, but one which sweetens as it is digested. A mastery of the books starred, at a minimum, is necessary

to comprehend what I have tried to outline, and I recommend ETHICS AND MORALITY
these to start with.
Adams, Silas Walter, The Legalized Crime of Banking* LOYALTY
Beaty, John, Iron Curtain Over A'meri•a* By COMDR. IAN BRUCE MacLEOD
Carrell, Alexis, Man, the Unknown
Campbell, Byram, American Race Theorists*, The World of We may assume that before Western man
Oneness*, Ra•e and Social Revolution* developed his philosophies and sciences,
Cox, Earnest Sevier, White AmeriC'a, TeutoniC' Unity the subject of loyalty was little discussed.
Davenport, C. B., Heredity in Relation to Eugenics It was not an issue. A man's loyalty was
Dennis, Lawrence, The Dynamics of War and Revolution given to his family, clan and tribe, This was automatic and
Dunlap, K., Personal Beauty and Ra•e Betterment instinctive. It needed not to be rationalized or defended. It
Darlington, C. D., The FaC'ts of Life was simply a biological fact of life.
Fleure, H. J., The Natural History of Man in Britain Although today most men still feel an instinctive loyalty
Forth, Tasman, The Call of Our Andent Nordic Religion to their family, race and nation, the growth of institutions
Gates, R. R., Heredity in Man, Human Genetics and idealized concepts have created a world full of clamoring
Goff, Kenneth, Brainwashing appeals for one's loyalty; Churches, political parties, unions,
corporations and other organizations compete with themselves
Grant, Madi.son, The Passing of the Great Race, The Conquest
of a Contznent and with religious, political and social ideas such as humani-
Gibbon, Edward, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire tarianism, pacifism, communism, world government, etc.
Hardin, Garrett, Nature and Man's Fate* The meaning of all this from the standpoint of evolutionary
Hobbs, A. H., Social Problems and Scientism ethics is revealing. For the evotist insight teaches us that only
Hoffer, Eric, The True Belie;er the continued evolution of man to a higher form is of first
James, William, Pragmatism importance in this world, and that all political, religious and
Jennings, H. S., The Biological Basis of Human Nature social questions become secondary when faced with this awful
Josey, Charles C., Race and National Solidarity challenge.
Keith, Sir Arthur, The Place of Preiudi•e in Modern Civiliza· We see, in the light shed by evolutionary ethics, that what-
lion, A New Theory of Human Evolution*, Evolution and ever contributes to this surpassing goal is right, proper and
Ethics noble. Whatever fails to so contribute, however, is wasteful
Knupffer, George, The Struggle for World Power* and of no significance to history; and whatever contributes to
Landry, Stuart 0., The Cult of Equality the debasement of mankind-for whatever motives or inten-
LaPiere, Richard, The Freudian Ethic tions-is in itself vile.
LeBon, Gustave, The Psychology of Peoples, The Crowd, The The question of loyalty is therefore seen to hinge on knowl-
PsyC'hology of Socialism edge of what science teaches us of the social conditions which
Ludovici, Anthony M., The Quest of Human Quality are necessary before evolution will resume its now-arrested
Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Prin•e but inevitable task of lifting mankind.
Marschalko, Louis, The World Conquerors On this point, science is dear. For just as it took uncounted
Nietzsche, Friedrich*, Works millenia of separate development for evolution to piteously
Ortega y Gasset, Jose, The Revolt of the Masses drag the races of mankind up to their present level, so it will
Orwell, George, 1984 take an additional period of separate development for the
Peake, H. J. E., and Fleure, H. J., Corridors of Time races to evolve higher.
Pearson, Charles H., National Life and Character In Nature and Man's Fate, Garrett Hardin puts it this way:
Pearson, Roger, EugeniC's and Ra•e* To the biologist it is clear that the best chances for
Popenoe, Paul, Applied EugeniC's man's long-time survival depend on the fragmentation of
Ripley, W. Z., The Races of Europe the species into well-separated populations. But it would
Roberts, Morley, Bio-Politi•s he foolhardy to say what form the separation should take.
Schoonmaker, Edwin D., DemoC'Tacy and World Dominion It might be a matter of nations, as we know them; or
Schuyler, Lambert, Think Fast, America! some sort of caste system, that would permit genetic iso-
Sedylmayr, Hans, Art in Crisis lation with geographiC' unity; or-far more likely-some
Shuey, Audrey M., The Testing of Negro Intelligence new kind of communities that are neither nation nor caste
Smith, Charles, Sensism nor anything that has yet been conceived of.
Sorokin, Pitirim, The Crisis of Our Age (Variety-not conformity-is the spice and price of life.)
Spengler, Oswald, The Decline of the West In Dr. Hardin's words we see, much to our surprise, that
Stoddard, Lothrop, The Revolt Against Civilization The Ris- we have been brought full circle back to where we started.
ing Tide of Color, etc. ' We see that there was, after all, an inscrutable Destiny behind
¥':.Varange, Ulick, Imperium the blind and instinctive loyalty our forebears felt for their
v(;>n Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Eric, Liberty or Equality own kind. We further see that today's idealized, devitalized,
Ztrkle, Conway, Evolution, Marxian Biology and the Social unrealistic concepts and institutions which compete for our
Scene* loyalty are superficial and have no constructive bearing what-
soever on the evolutionary purpose of life.
The lesson, therefore, that science has to teach is that loyalty
to anything else but one's own race is loyalty perverted from
its original evolutionary purpose.

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