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#1: After collecting qualitative and Action Research ?s

quantitative data it was found that student
created math tutorial videos have a positive
impact on math achievement. This can be
How do student created math tutorial
mostly attributed to overall increase in
videos impact math achievement?
#2: Students who CREATED the videos
How does creating a math tutorial
learned the skill better than normal because of video impact math understanding?
the fact they had to truly understand the skill
to verbalize how to do the skill to their peers.
How does viewing a math tutorial
video impact math understanding?
#3: Students enjoyed learning from and
watching their peers teach them how to do
Lincoln School, Costa Rica This project was significant because
5th Grade math class the idea of using student created
16 students-  all native Spanish math tutorial videos was successful.
speakers Using these videos impact both the

For each math skill taught, ONE student creating it and the one

student was chosen to make a math viewing it. 

tutorial video for that skill. Then, the
whole class viewed the video. In the WHAT'S NEXT?
The study will continue with the same group
videos, the students taught how to do of students to determine the longterm
the skill through oral explantation, impact. Other apps will be investigated to
visual examples, and by providing determine which app is the best. Results will
practice problems.  be shared schoolwide. 

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