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Energy engineering

Semester 4

Oil engineering

Manual - instructions
Downstream investigation

TE Refining

Instructions for the report and the exposition

1. Introduction
Petroleum refining begins with the distillation, or fractionation, of crude oils into separate
hydrocarbon groups. The resultant products are directly related to the characteristics of the crude
processed. Most distillation products are further converted into more usable products by changing
the size and structure of the hydrocarbon molecules through cracking, reforming, and other
conversion processes as discussed in this chapter. These converted products are then subjected
to various treatment and separation processes such as extraction, hydrotreating, and sweetening
to remove undesirable constituents and improve product quality. Integrated refineries incorporate
fractionation, conversion, treatment, and blending operations and may also include petrochemical

2. Objectives
Identify the context…
Identify the consumption / production / demand Peru y latin america …
Identify and understand the equipments and process ?...
Describe how it works ? The main parameters ….
Focus on one equipment : function, parameters, standards aplicables, design, operation,
Identify an impact : environmental or safety ….

3. Organisation :
Group of 3 students + 1 group of 4 students :
Topics :
Hydrotreatment of naphtha
Reforming unit
Visbreaker unit
Flexicoker unit
Alkylation unit
Hydrocracker of distillates

1 Report for each group and an exposition.

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TE9 refinacion

4. Contents

Report : 10 pages mini including the elements to respond at the 2. Objectives.

To be uploaded on CANEVAS before the monday 25/06/18 8am (reduction of points if uploaded

Exposition the 27/11 9am : 5” per student – (3 students = 15 mins / 4 students = 20 mins) to
resume your investigation and the main informations of your report.
10-15 minutes of questions by the teacher and other students on the previous exposition.

Send the presentation ppt by email before the tuesday 26/06/18 7.00pm (reduction of points if
uploaded after)

If you do it well in english (speaking) you will have BONUS points.

5. Ressources (non exhaustive list)

 Presentations of the course oil engineering (UTEC on line).
 El Refino Del Petróleo: Petróleo Crudo, Productos Petrolíferos, WAUQUIER, Francia, 2004.
 The Oil & Gas Engineering Guide, BARON Hervé, edition Technip, 2015
 Libro-industria-hidrocarburos-liquidos-Peru, OSINGERMIN, 2015
 La industria de los hidrocarburos líquidos en el Perú: 20 años de aporte al desarrollo país,
Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería, Osinergmin, 2015
 Osinergmin - Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería
 J P Wauquier, El Refino Del Petróleo: Petróleo Crudo, Productos Petrolíferos, Esquemas de
Fabricación, Technip -> library UTEC (library UTEC)
 Robert A. Meyers, Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes, Third Edition
 McGraw-Hill Education, 2004 -> Access engineering
 Don W. Green, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition, McGraw-Hill,2008,
-> Access engineering

 Surinder Parkash, Petroleum Fuels Manufacturing Handbook,The McGraw-Hill, 2010

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6. Note : /20
 Report - Investigation / 8 pts
Content complying with the instructions / 1 point
Investigation, quality of datas / 4 points
Format of the document, presentation, bibliografy : / 1 point
Análisis, síntesis of datas : / 2 points
Plagia = 0/8pt and report to the administration (TURNITIN)
Late report = - 4 pts

 Presentation : / 5 pts group + 5 pts individual .

Timing : / 0.5 point
Format of the document ppt : / 0.5 point
Coordination, presentation, organisation of the group : / 1 point
Content : quality and quantity of informations / 3 points
Quality of the individual expression: clarity, confident, easy to understand / 1.5 points
Answers : quality, relevant, clarity / 1.5 points
Relevant questions to the other groups / 1 point
Active participation, behaviour, on time / 1 point

English speaking = 2 BONUS points (individual).

English report = 1 BONUS group.

 Peer and auto evaluation / 2 pts

You will evaluate yourself and your colleagues about your investigation. (repartition, organization,
participation, motivation…)

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