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Technology and Internet Use Expectations Lesson

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Core Content Standard(s):

● High School Science - Physical Science Standard 1: Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation describe

the relationships among forces acting on and between objects, their masses, and changes in their motion

– but have limitations (Colorado Department of Education, 2009).

ISTE Standard(s):

1. Digital Citizen

a. Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working

in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and


2. Knowledge Constructor

a. Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge,

produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

3. Creative Communicator

a. Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using

the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Unpacked Standard(s) (What are students Essential Questions:

expected to know and be able to do?): ● What are the rules and expectations for students

● Students should be able to use the internet with technology and with each other (both inside

and technology safely and in a way that and outside of the school day/school grounds)?

helps them grow and learn through

creativity, respect, innovation, and


Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Directly Aligned to Content Standard


See Technology Survey #1 below. Assessment includes questions to understand the student’s current

knowledge base about the internet and technology in regards to the ISTE standards, their assessment of them

self as well as their peers, and their perspective on appropriate internet interactions.

Self- or Peer Assessments: Formative Assessments, Summative Assessments,

Self and peer assessments are included in the pre- etc.:

assessment, formative and summative assessments. A formative assessment (see below - Technology

Survey #2) will be given a couple weeks after the pre-

assessment in order to gauge what students learned and

implemented. Responses will indicate if another lesson

is needed. Additionally, I will monitor internet and

technology usage (to the best of my ability) and give

feedback when needed.

A summative assessment will be given (see below -

Technology Survey #3) at the end of the term.

Responses will give insight as to what can be improved

for the next term.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan


Learning Activities (Include description of at-a-glance resource and how it will be used):

1. For the Warm-Up, students will fill out first Technology Survey on Schoology.

2. Begin a basic discussion on appropriate technology use, asking students their interpretation of what it

means. This includes topics of netiquette, digital citizenship, the responsibility of caring for assigned

technology and cyberbullying as well as some of the beneficial things technology can be used for.

Review the infographic with the class (small document, use doc cam).

3. Once it appears that most understand the concept in general, students collaborate in their groups (or

partner up) and make a list of five guidelines to follow when using technology and the internet. Take 3-

5 minutes.

4. Come back together as a class and have a volunteer write their responses on the board (not duplicating).

As the responses are given, I will enter them into a poll in Schoology.

5. Have the students vote on the poll to determine the top three that are important to them.

6. Final quick review of the infographic that I made plus their top three responses. Notify that they will be

posted in specific location in room for their reference.

7. In a couple weeks, give the second Technology Survey on Schoology. Plan to review topics or address

new topics if needed.

8. Near the end of the term, give the last Technology Survey. Plan to review topics or address new topics

if needed. Make adjustments/improvements to lesson plan for next term if needed.

Stage 4 – Feedback Strategies

Feedback Opportunities:

The sooner the student knows what is expected and what they can do as a next step, the better off they are

(Hattie & Yates, 2014). With this in mind, I will aim to give specific feedback throughout the lesson and

throughout class. I will look for those that are doing something correctly a well as those that are doing

something incorrectly and give specific, immediate feedback.


Technology Survey #1

1. What does being a good Digital Citizen mean?

a. ________________________________________________
2. Do you feel that you are a good Digital Citizen?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe - Please explain: ______________________________
3. List 3 rules of Netiquette:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
4. Have you ever been upset by what someone said about you online?
a. Yes
b. No
5. What does cyberbullying mean?
a. ________________________________________________
6. Have you ever been cyberbullied?
a. Yes
b. No
7. Have you cyberbullied someone?
a. Yes
b. No
8. Have your friends cyberbullied someone?
a. Yes
b. No
9. If your friend(s) did cyberbully someone, did you report it to someone?
a. Yes - Who did you report it to? ____________________________
b. No - What stopped you from reporting it?
10. Do you think it’s ok to write something mean or negative about someone else
a. Yes
b. No
11. Do you think it’s ok to say something mean or negative about someone else in
a. Yes
b. No
12. List 3 ways to keep yourself safe on the internet:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
13. Do you have questions about how you should use technology and the internet? If
so, please write your questions here:
14. List 3 ways that you use the internet and technology to communicate with others:

a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
15. List 3 ways you might use the internet and technology to make the world a better
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
16. What do you think the coolest thing about the internet is and why?
a. ___________________________________________________
17. What is the coolest app you have used and why?
a. ___________________________________________________
18. What is the coolest internet game you have played and why?
a. ___________________________________________________

Technology Survey #2

1. What does being a good Digital Citizen mean?

a. ________________________________________________
2. Since the first Technology Survey, do you feel that you have been a good Digital
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe - Please explain: ______________________________
3. List 3 rules of Netiquette:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
4. Since the first Technology Survey, have you been upset by what someone said
about you online?
a. Yes
b. No
5. What does cyberbullying mean?
a. ________________________________________________
6. Since the first Technology Survey, have you been cyberbullied?
a. Yes
b. No
7. Since the first Technology Survey, have you cyberbullied someone?
a. Yes
b. No
8. Since the first Technology Survey, have your friends cyberbullied someone?
a. Yes
b. No
9. Since the first Technology Survey, if your friend(s) did cyberbully someone, did
you report it?
a. Yes - Who did you report it to? ____________________________

b. No - What stopped you from reporting it?

10. Do you think it’s ok to write something mean or negative about someone else
a. Yes
b. No
11. Do you think it’s ok to say something mean or negative about someone else in
a. Yes
b. No
12. List 3 ways to keep yourself safe on the internet:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
13. Do you have questions about how you should use technology and the internet? If
so, please write your questions here:
14. List 3 ways that you use the internet and technology to communicate with others:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
15. List 3 ways you might use the internet and technology to make the world a better
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
16. What do you think the coolest thing about the internet is and why?
a. ___________________________________________________
17. What is the coolest app you have used and why?
a. ___________________________________________________
18. What is the coolest internet game you have played and why?
a. ___________________________________________________

Technology Survey #3

1. What does being a good Digital Citizen mean?

a. ________________________________________________
2. Since the second Technology Survey, do you feel that you have been a good
Digital Citizen?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe - Please explain: ______________________________
3. List 3 rules of Netiquette:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________

4. Since the second Technology Survey, have you been upset by what someone said
about you online?
a. Yes
b. No
5. What does cyberbullying mean?
a. ________________________________________________
6. Since the second Technology Survey, have you been cyberbullied?
a. Yes
b. No
7. Since the second Technology Survey, have you cyberbullied someone?
a. Yes
b. No
8. Since the second Technology Survey, have your friends cyberbullied someone?
a. Yes
b. No
9. Since the second Technology Survey, if your friend(s) did cyberbully someone,
did you report it?
a. Yes - Who did you report it to? ____________________________
b. No - What stopped you from reporting it?
10. Do you think it’s ok to write something mean or negative about someone else
a. Yes
b. No
11. Do you think it’s ok to say something mean or negative about someone else in
a. Yes
b. No
12. List 3 ways to keep yourself safe on the internet:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
13. Do you have questions about how you should use technology and the internet? If
so, please write your questions here:
14. List 3 ways that you use the internet and technology to communicate with others:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
15. List 3 ways you might use the internet and technology to make the world a better
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
16. What do you think the coolest thing about the internet is and why?
a. ___________________________________________________
17. What is the coolest app you have used and why?
a. ___________________________________________________

18. What is the coolest internet game you have played and why?
a. ___________________________________________________


Colorado Department of Education. (2009/12/10). Science academic standards: High

school. Retrieved from

Hattie, J. & Yates, G. C. R. (2014). Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn.

London and New York: Routledge by Taylor & Francis Group.

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