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LS 6ur1;r1n pue 6u;peag I

'uJa] aq).lo; sasselc .lnod

nod a;o;aq aprn8 aq] ur uolleruroJul eq] r'rallar d1n;a-rer ppoqs no,\. '9
rauued rno( s
'qnp aleqeP aq]
puB ruee] Jaf,los Iooqls aq] apnlful SaIIAI]f,e SIH'9
'uorlsanb aq]
'v aMou qll/v\ 6
ta,A sue o] JapJo ur uoIlBruJoJuI aJoru Peeu II.I
'qoI poo8
e 1aB nod dlaq ppoqs aarSap a8alor e Suqla8
'sauo snorla-rd aqt aJe,^ sllnseJ 1!{au aql leq]
aas oJ paseald aJalv\ a,lr pue ']uatuuadxa puocas e ]f,nPuof, o] PapItraP aM 'Z
'loor.{f,s ur
ila,n op s;a8euaa} euos }Eq} suoseaJ
eq] ]e pe{ool I puB du 'pa[ord qf,Jeasal Jno JoC 'I
anJl eq ro'uaddeq '1sgxa I;qlssod p;no: ]eqm ol 6utpro::e ('^pD)
asooq) o1 (^) lrelos
au!1Jo qr6ua1 e 1'u) Porrad
lnJssa)lns eq pue do;anap 6ulqlauos lo euoeuos dlaq o1 (^) arnunu iMou ac
rlllm uroq are noI leql 6u!qlaruos ('tpD) oleuu!
a6e;;o: ro looqls e le setpnls lo )lom lensn aq],o lted lou ('[pD) rc1r:.)Utn)eJ]xa
asodrnd re;n:r1red e
loJ popeeu sr leql 6ulqteuos 6urssassod ('datd + '/pD) t{luvl padd;nbe-
q]!ll,r lueuoa fie u ('datd + '[po) t41lll. ]uo]slsuol -
llann 6u;qlauos op ol fir;rqe aql (u) a)ueladuo)
q1/v\ UoM noI uostad e (u) an6eallor
;oord ou sr eraql q6noqr uone'anJ1 sg 6utqleuos ]eq]Jallaq e (u) uolldunsse
{;}:auo: (apa) (;a1ern::e
a1a;dr.uo> uaq'suollrusap rraql peau'1 6urpeag urorJ spro^ :l:"]:il::"il
ili:j titiii;l "itl+t,
uaal pooD aql & srur6
What can you infer about the writer's problem?
a. The writer still struggles to get out of bed'
as a teenager'
b. It was easier to get out of bed as a child than
4. What can you infer about the writer's
a. He used to get uP earlY'
get up'
b. He was annoyed because the writer wouldnt
to the father?
5. What can you infer from the writer's response
a. The writer has a good sense of humor'
b. The writer would get up right away'

ffiK&re&ffi& x ! sira by Bird

2. Read their definitions' Then complete

Here are some words from Reading
each sentence.

capture (v.) to accurately express a feeling or atmosphere

period of time in someone's life
episode (n.) an event, a situation' or a
larger or more important than it really
exaggerate (v') to make something seem
about something
impassioned (adi.) showing strong feelings
do something
motivate (v.) to make someone want to
profound (adi.) serious; showing knowledge or
or something
rely on (phr.v.)to need or depend on someone
refuge (n.) a place or thing that gives
something you think is unfair
resentful (adl.) feeling bitter or angry about
significance (n.) the importance of something
L*o".a (v.) to have an idea that something is probably true i

a person to travei.
1. Studying anewlanguage can

2. My friends their stories so much it's hard to know

which Parts are true'

go to Italy
3. My sister speaks Italian very well' so whenever we
her to translate,

as children?
64 UNIT 3| Wtrat important lessons do we learn
*1: ;,'";*,, Read the excerpt.

Bird by Bird
Every morning, no matter how late he had been
up, my father rose at 5:30, went to his study, wrote
for a couple of hours, made us all breakfast, read
the paper with my mother, and then went back to
work for the rest of the morning. Many years passed
,dE' bv' 'gh _
11bird ,.,.,'.
before I realized that he did this by choice, for

a living, and that he was not unemployed or -ree k*-
mentally ill. I wanted him to have a regular
where he put on a necktie and went off somewhere
with the other fathers and sat in a little offlce ' ' ' '
Butthe ideaof spending entire days insomeone else's offlce doing
else,s work did not suit my father's soul. I think
it would have killed him'
at least he had lived
He did end up dying rather early, in his midflfties, but
on his own terms.
study aII day
so I grew up around this man who sat at his desk in the
people he had seen
and wrote books and articles about the places and
He could go
and known. He read a lot of poetry. sometimes he traveled.
gifts of being a
anyplace he wanted with a sense of purpose' One of the
writer is that it gives you an excuse to do things, to go places and
life, at life as it
Another is that writing motivates you to look closely at
lurches by' and tramPs aroundz.
Writing taught my father to pay attention; my father in turn
thoughts and
other people to pay attention and then to write down their
who took
observations. His students were the prisoners at san Quentins
example. He taught the prisoners and me to put a little
bit down on paper
prisoners and me
let ourselves make mistakes . . . . But while he helped the
to discover that we had a lot of feelings and observations and

tramps around: travels or wanders on foot
San Quentin: a state prison in California

UNIT 3 I Wtrat important lessons do we learn as children?

L9 6ulrtrM pue 6utpeag
str)rguol :slq8g :sdnrnolq,
qoglg '5'1.(q ulaod u-rtou1-1ar* e ur sreadde ]uI{} ralf,er€qr p1u11 dqs E :qurf, s.{rorJud 9
qlrm.(ernt rerlncad u ur 11e.n oru.erou's'o eqtJo luaprsard.{"ttLXB[i,tl;f-'$ru,
luaurLofua aql slods ier{l Sulq}aruos :luau}ulo eq} uI iU,
'uo Furo8 s€A }€q,el spJoxr olul lnd o1urr{ o}
pa{ool aldood ' ' ' ' pa{ro r pue pa II spuar4 srttr pue aq qJn{,/$. ur flarcos aq1
uI a{II }IaJ aJII }Bqx\ arn}dB, 'a)u?lsqns pu" adeqs rraq} arn}der o} se f'e,&\
qJns ur sBun{} alBra88€xa ro ap€qs pu€ aJII,tIep uro4:sopoEda Ileuls
Jo slua^a Jof€lu a{3} plnoc aH 'uaJplrqJ srq SursreJ sBxr aq aJar{ '\ u,&l.ol aq}
ur talBl sBA{ aq }Eql alns JoJ,ry\ou>I I 'aBalIoJ puz Iooq)s ur JIaq}
IIal o] paIIaJ spual"rJ slq ruoq.&\ uo uosJad aq] s€.^a Jaq]€J dtu arns ur,1
'Suuearugo 'aauuagguFls JaEJBIJo asuas 3 se.&t aJaql pue taF"rel pauaas
pallolur aldoad aql pue 'lecrqldru lsolul€ arueJaq luala aqX Terll os I Jo
aruos olBro88rexe ua^a pue 'duuq:pue pr^r^ T a{31u plno) I 'uadd€tl
aql a{Eur plnoJ I-passauTl{ peq a-et }"q} sluared "44{l Fultlorrur saua)s
'pre.{ looqcs alp uo Jo tuooJSSBIJ al-Ix ur ,sdn,vrolq 'sn ulo4 de,flB lo8 ]BLI]
sarped'aJaql uaaq peq .(aq1 uaq-,vr-dllerJadsa Jo-uala'pauaddzq peq
18rtr,!\ Jo sarJols uaqlo] atu pa]u€.44 sde.,vrle spDI Jarllo eq;, 'luegodurr
Surqlauros a)qou o1 ueBaq I puv 'pa oI I sJaTJlr aql Jo sarpored 'sacard
Jerarlue peuogssudurl 'qeurnol :Iooq)s qFH uI 1o1 e 8ur1t.r,^a pa]re]s I
's8urql z(uuq: aTJ-&r s.{e,tlle
lou p1p 1q8noq11e 'o1t;n 01palmls I uaql pue duun; lo8 I lsrg oS 'q)ear
alrnb l,upporrt r(aq1 1nq 'sraplnoqs ,(ur qlmt sJ€a dru Enld o1 8utd"l1 se,^a I
{ulq} I :uoxrN a{rl pa{le,&r. I r(r{rvr q s1r{1 {uql I'''' s{ool prla,&L dur lnoqe
aru lun€}puB salcrtcrq ilaq1uo dq aprJ plno^{. ',,vr.ou4 ua^a l.upp 1 sr(oq;ap1o
'sz(oq asnecaq duuny 1oF 1 fuun; loF I 'pealsul 'slec Jo suazop pue suazop
daa4 ' ' ' o1 dn m.o"rF o1SuroF se,\a oq t auo aql.{1"rea1c ,{rarr se,tr I 'sqpJJ
s.{co4nJd a{rl uaaJJs aql ssoJ)B pal}}n)s I uappns e Jo II€ pue 'satddnd
a4q "raq1e8ot Surdeld sgrB pue sdoq a11111 alnr asaql IIe qll^a 'aper8 ]sru aq]
ur o1 1ua,^a 1 dped depqUlq e Jo a)uo allotu auoq € a'tes I 'euoxlN pJBqf,rU
a4q 'srea dru o1 dn srappoqs u(ut q1,/\l' punoJ€ pa{I"1!'t' I l€ltr1 asual os
sexr pue 'au41aq11e spunod,{pog poqe paq81au. 'aqa Surqldrala aloqe
Eurpear pazrol 'Fur4oo1-a8uerls pue fqs "{lan selt I '}qEIa Jo uolas sB,&\
I uaq,/r^. Furlrr,n pau?ls I 'preq 1l punoJ sde,trle I lng 'pIqr B IIIIS s?,&t I
asne)aq srauosrrd aql JoJ u€q1 aru JoJ Jarsea Furlr"r-tt a alaq I
'aTJ/vr pu? u1r{op 1rs d11en1ce ol p€q art lurod auros
13 1"q1 :rluarululo aql uI fg auo aI{} punoJ a.&\ uar{x\ InJ}uasar Tq ?sarurl
aql pnf dn papua IIe a.& 'aleqs o] pa]u€,/!L ar!,\ suorurdo pu€ sruBaJp pu€
I suspect that he was a child who thought differently than his peers,
who may have had serious conversations with grown-ups, who as a young
person, Iike me, accepted being alone quite a lot. I think that this sort of
person often becomes either a writer or a career criminal. Throughout my
childhood I believed that what I thought about was different from what
other kids thought about. It was not necessarily more profound, but there
was a struggle going on inside me to flnd some sort of creative or spiritual
or aesthetic way of seeing the world and organizinglt in my head. I read
more than other kids; I luxuriated in books. Books were my refuge. I sat
in corners with my little flnger hooked over my bottom lip, reading, in a
trances, lost in the places and time to which books took me. And there was
amoment duringmyjunioryearinhigh school when Ibeganto believe that
I could do what other writers were doing. I came to believe that I might be
able to put a pencil in my hand and make something special happen.
Then I wrote some terrible, terrible stories.

in a trance: a condition in which you don't notice what is going on around you

fulsrc$ Emr*s
Read the sentences. Then number the main ideas of the paragraphs in the
correct order (1-7).

a. Her father taught his students how to write: to write a little bit every
- day, to read great books, and not to be afraid of making mistakes.

Writing gave her father a reason to explore new things and motivated
-b. him to look at life closely.

c. In high school, she discovered that her classmates really liked

- stories about things that had happened to them-especially if she
exaggerated the stories.

d. Because she had a different way of thinking about things, she started
- to believe that she could be a writer.

e. Her father made the choice to work at home and be a writer.

- f. Because she was nervous and shy, she learned to be funny and
- started writing.

Her father could take events from everyday life and write about them
-g. in a way that expressed the atmosphere or feeling of the time.

68 UNIT 3 I Wtrat important lessons do we learn as children?

Eurlu1 pue 6urpeag
*rrr rn
;depo1 nod oqrw ]tra:Ue uosrad 1eq]
plp l'toH 'ra8euaal ro pllql e su nod Paluenuul oqzu uos;ad e lnoqe {ulql 'Z
ialqerrluPB are ]eq]
a,req uosrad ]eq] saop saq[enb ]BqM 'arllupe nod uosrad e ]noqB {ulql 'I
'asuodser ur qdel6ered euo Pauels
elu/v\ pue uollsanb auo asooq) uaql'dnor6 e ul suollsanb aql ssn)sl6 'V
'plryl e se 3uro81no arou ueag a eq p1not{s ral{}eJ ral{ sIult{} roq}ne aW 'q
'uaJplrql se JBIIuIS drarr a-rarnr JaqleJ Jaq pue aLIs ]eq] sIulq] Jorllne er[L 'B
..']ol e altnb auole Sureq paldacle 'au alll 'uoslad Sunor( e
se oq,r,\ 'sdn-u,ttor8 qllir,r suollesJeluof, snolJas peq a BL{ deu oq,t'r. 's-raad srg dra,ra
uur{} /l}uaraJlp }q8noq} oq.,!t plqt B selw aI{ }eq} }cadsns ;,:1'qdetBerud '9
'uarplrqr raqlo o] 3ut1e1a.r alqnor] pel{ roq}ne agl 'q aql u
'plFll e se,tt eqs uaq.n roqlne aql o] luelrodrur osle eJal\ sleluluy 'e
..'s]ef Jo suezop pue suazop daal
' ' ' o] dn rnto.r8 o] 3uro3 se^a orlx\. auo eq] dpealc d.rarr se-u y,:7 tTdet8emd. 'V
'l1nlgrp sr seapl rnod u.nrop 3ur1r.rru. ]BLI] s{ulq} Jol{}ne aw 'q
'sluatuu8rsse 8ut1rr,tt
,(ueu oo] uaq] ale8 .raqle; ral{ teq} slulql rol{}ne aql 'e
..'alrJ.n PuB uMop ]ls
d1yen1:e o] pur{ a,tt lurod eruos }e }eq} :}uetu}ulo aq} ut dg auo aq} punoJ
a^\ uaq^\ InJluesar ]rq ]salup aql ]sn[dn papua IIe elvl ' ' ',,i8 qde-r3ere6 'E
']ol e Ia er] o] eIUI} I'uq pe1!\oll? alnpaqls sll{'auoq le PaIro,e'\. eq asnefafl 'q
'11 ,vr.otl }noqu Suqulql se^t aq 'peleler} aq ueqlA 'B
]noqe allr^{ plnof, aI{
,.'asod.rnd;o esuas e qllrur
palue^r. aq a:elddue oB ppoc eH'pala^er] eq saunlauos,, :Z qdetBem4 '7
'qo(..1etu.rou,, aJolu e aleq o] JeI{leJ JaI{ pe}ue,/v\ Joq}ne eW 'q
'asnoq erl] Jo ]no arull aroru puads o] raqleJ rerl pelue,/'t ror{}ne arll 'e
<;afuo alIII s uI les Pue sreqlBJ JaI{}o aq} q}Ir\{ aJaqltauosJo }ua a PUB
erDlleu e uo 1nd aq areq.,v\ qof reln8a; e aABI{ o} tulq Pa}ue/v\ 1,, :1 gder8eJed 'I
'ra^AsuP lsaq aql al)ll)
aa)ualuas q)ea uo.t} le;u! no( ue) leq^ 'ldlarxa aql u! sa)ualuas osaLll pulJ

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