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For Use With

Made With the Black Hack


Written and Illustrated by Aaron Frost

For Use With “The Wasted Hack”

by Aaron Frost

Made with The Black Hack

by David Black

Copyright © 2017 Aaron Frost

Thanks for grabbing a copy of Both are available now (click
this book! It is designed for use the images), or can be pur-
with The Wasted Hack and chased together in a bundle (for
Waste-Land Beasts and How the cheap wreckers) by clicking
to Kill Them. the Robot Warhound below.

The Wasted Hack is a post-

apocalyptic role playing game
made using David Black’s The
Black Hack.

Waste-Land Beasts and How

to Kill Them is a collection
of monsters for use with The
Wasted Hack.
Often, characters will find
themselves resting in the wil-
Characters sleeping under the
derness to recover health and
stars in the Waste-Land regain
replenish their Action Dice.
only half of their normal rest-
ing health. This also includes
The following guidelines
sleeping in the streets or back-
should be used to determine
alleys of a settlement or town.
character Hit Point recovery
when resting:
Particularly blighted settings
within the Waste-Land pose an
Lux is the “High Life”; the best
existential threat to the charac-
accommodations a settlement,
ters. Resting in these harsh and
stronghold, or enclave has to
perilous zones grants only 1/4
offer. Living large doesn’t come
of a characters standard
cheap, but characters that can
resting health.
afford Lux recover an extra 1d6
Hit Points on top of their base
resting recovery amount . Roll 1d6 once per night to check
for a random encounter. Unless
If characters end a play-ses- standing watch, the monsters
sion in Lux digs, they begin each get a free attack vs party
the next play session with a members. Chances for encoun-
-2 bonus on all actions for ters on 1d6 are indicated on the
one hour of real time. die rolls listed below:

LUX- No Encounter
Characters sleeping in rela- Comfortable - 6
tively safe quarters with a bed Wilderness - 5 or 6
recover their standard amount Bleak - 4, 5, or 6
of resting Hit Points.
Items take up One Inventory Space unless otherwise noted.

+2 HP recovered when resting

Sleeping Bag/
20 - in Wilderness or Bleak environ-
Bed Roll
ments. 2 Inventory Spaces.
+1d4 HP recovered when rest-
ing in Wilderness or Bleak
Tent, Small 50 - environments. Stacks with
Sleeping Bag or Bed Roll. Sleeps
2. 3 Inventory Spaces.
As above, but sleeps whole
Tent, Large 100 d4
party. 4 Inventory Spaces.
Spikes and
20 d6 -2 Bonus to climbing tests.
Glow Sticks 75 d4 Dim light- 5 ft. area for 1 Hour.
+ 1 Die of damage to “Undead”
Bullets, Silver - - and “Other” monster types. Cost
is 10X standard ammo price.
Character fights as if 2 levels
75 - higher when compared to Mon-
ster Hit Dice for 2d4 Moments.

Requires a lighter and two cans of bug spray.

Releases poison cloud in Close area. All within test CON or take
1/2 die of damage.
Insectoids affected by the cloud have their Hit Dice reduced by 1.
Insectoids with only one Hit Die are killed instantly.
The following weapons differ A piston welded to a long metal
slightly from standard Melee pole. 2-Handed.
weapons found in The Wasted (+2 Damage/ +2 to hit)
Hack. They each have a bonus Action (D4):
or action that can increase Automatically hit opponent and
the weapon’s effectiveness, or knock them back, preventing
place an undue hardship on the their next attack. On a roll of 1
wielder. or 2 foe slips inside reach and is
Disadvantage to hit or defend
against on next action

Weighted 2-Handed Bat

(+2 Damage/ +2 to hit)
Action (D4): Small Shield with spikes
Deal an extra 1/2 die of class A spiked buckler has only 1
damage. On a roll of 1 or 2, the Armor Point (AP), but gives a
bats durability is degraded once. character a +1 bonus to melee
damage when wielded along
with a 1-Handed Melee weapon.

“High Test Steel” 2-Handed

chain with sharp bits added in.
(+2 Damage/ +2 to hit)
Action (D4):
Deal damage and entangle a
humanoid sized foe for 1d3
Moments. On a roll of 1 or 2,
deal only 1/2 die of damage, and
“disarmed” as foe pulls the chain
away from the attacker.
Lost Marvels include items that may been commonplace before the “End Times
War”, but their scarcity in the ruined world makes them special!

Restore 1 Stat Point (STR, DEX, or CON) lost

1000 due to a result on the Out of Action table.
Grant -2 bonus to hit ranged targets after first
ranged attack. +1 bonus on defense tests against
- ranged attacks as well, as tracer rounds work
both ways. Cost 4x base ammo price.
Purify enough water for one character to drink
80 for one day. Usage Die d8.
Target 1d4 foes in a Close group. Targets are at
400 Advantage to hit/ defend against for 1d4 Mo-
ments as they recover.
Uses other senses to construct elaborate and
accurate hallucinations, allowing a character to
300 “see” in total darkness for 1 Hour. Disadvan-
tage on all tests for 1 Hour after effect wears off
if exposed to bright light during this time.
Cure sickness and lasting monster effects. Test
350 CON once a week until full recovery.
Upon consumption, test item Action (d4): Re-
400 store 1 Action Die associated with a mutation. If
a 1 or 2 is rolled, character takes 2d4 damage.
All manner of Fungoid are mesmerized by fire-
works, and will stop all actions to watch until
250 the fireworks fizzle out (2d4 Moments) unless
they are attacked during this time.
-1 bonus to Initiative tests when making ranged
100 attacks with the affected firearm for 1 Day.

Hit Points--



The following pages contain card backs and
monster cards not originally included in
“Waste-Land Beasts and How to Kill Them”.

Print these pages double sided on card stock, so that

“Card Backs” with a bleed are on the opposite side of the
“Monster Cards”. Cut them out from the “Monster Card”
side and continue your collection!
The names “the Wasted Hack” and logo, “Waste-Land Beasts and How to Kill
Them” and logo, “Shattered Pike Studio” and logo , “The Black Hack” and
logo,the creature names Fungoid Princess, Killer Locust, and Fallen Deader, all
character and location names, as well as descriptions and histories are product
identity. The layout and design, as well as all artwork are also product identity.


All information presented in the “Sigmar One” font in gray or white,
which pertains to game rules or monster and equipment statistics, is open con-
Character class format for BeastHunter and associated text pertaining to system
rules are open content.


The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark own-

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
“The Black Hack” copyright 2016 David Black.
“ScreamQueen BB” font copyright 2016 Nate Piekos
“Waste-Land Beasts and How to Kill Them Presents:
The Lost & Forgotten: Volume One” copyright 2017 Aaron Frost
“The Wasted Hack” copyright 2017 Aaron Frost
“Waste-Land Beasts and How to Kill Them” copyright 2016 Aaron Frost

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