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Sacred Geometry – Creating the Structures

A geometric story of creation

Great Spirit abides as limitless light. It has no sense of ‘self’ and ‘other’ as it is All; All-Knowing, All-Seeing and
All-Being. It has no concept of movement as it has nothing it can move relative to. Within this endless realm of
Light a thought appeared – How would it be if I did not know myself? This simple thought created the cause for
the manifestation of a world of duality.

Great Spirit contracted to a single point of light, leaving a void in its stead - a space into which it could emanate
its light. Beams of light were projected in six directions; front, behind, left, right, above and below. These were
joined together to create an octahedron which was spun once upon each of its three axis to create a sphere.

Six beams of light Octahedron Circle/sphere

Now Great Spirit could experience movement. It could position itself inside the circle and look out, from
outside it could look in, and it could travel anywhere along the circumference. Most importantly, it now knew
how to create something that was apparently separate to itself; a sphere.

The process of creation continued in an ordered fashion with one circle following another– vesica piscis (2
circles), triquetra (3), seed (7), flower (19) and ultimately the fruit of life (13). The fruit generated metatron’s
cube which married the masculine element, in the form of straight lines, to the feminine circles. The centres of
these thirteen circles were connected by 78 lines, allowing metatron’s cube and the five platonic solids to
emerge. This, in geometric terms, was the birth of our 3d reality.

This journey may now be applied to our understanding of each other, our universe and our relationship with our
evolutionary journey to integration with Great Spirit. Walk the Rainbow guidebooks explain how these
fundamental building blocks assist us in knowing ourselves as consciously evolving multi-dimensional beings of
light. Individual geometries are explained in WR Book 1, Section 1 ‘Facets of the Whole,’ their relationship to each
other is explored in ‘Joining the Dots,’ whilst their application to 21st century life may be found in ‘Walking the

Sacred Geometry – the building blocks of the universe



All five platonic solids (below)
are derived from this geometry




Both of these geometries are generated through life experience/cultivation of awareness. They are do not
evolve through metatrons cube

Sacred Geometry relative to Walk the Rainbow
The platonic solids are the building blocks of the universe. In understanding the relationship between them
geometrically, then applying it to consciousness, we may gain insight into our repetitive behavioural patterns, be
more inclusive in our outlook, and, as a consequence, bring peace and harmony to our daily lives. Geometrical
relationships will now be explored beginning with the three ‘lower’ geometries: cube, star-tetrahedron and

Star Tetrahedron Octahedron


The cube and octahedron are ‘duals’ of each other, whilst the star tetrahedron is a dual of itself (two
tetrahedrons facing in opposite directions). When platonic solids are dual there is an inherent relationship
between them. Let’s explore this some more and find out why.

Mathematically Duals = Symmetry

Edges of cube (12) = edges of octa
Faces of cube (6) = vertices of octa
Vertices of cube (8) = faces of octa
Smaller octa sits inside cube – all the vertices touch each face of cube
Vertices of icosa (12) = faces of dodeca
Vertices of dodeca (20) = faces of icosa
Both icosa and dodeca = 30 edges
Edges of tetra = 6
Edges of cube = 12 = icosa/dodeca 30 edges each
Edges of octa = 12

Stellation is a process where the vertices (corners) on each face of a solid are extracted to form a ‘star’ shape.
For instance, when one square face of a cube is stellated it creates a four sided pyramid; one triangular face of an
octahedron creates a tetrahedron etc. We will use this process to determine the relationship between each of
these solids.

Stellated Cube Stellated Cube

IS an Octahedron Stellated Octahedron

N.B. Stellated Octahedron is a Cube and a Star Tetrahedron.

When turned on its side the Star Tetrahedron is a Cube!
Stellation is not required.

Stellated Octahedron/Star
Tetrahedron and Cube

Now let’s follow a similar process with the two higher geometries: icosahedron and dodecahedron. These two
geometries form the foundation for the Christ–Consciousness grid, with the stellated icosa and stellated dodeca
combined being its full expression.

Icosahedron 3D Icosahedron Dodecahedron

20 triangles showing pentagonal ‘caps’ 12 pentagrams

Stellated Icosahedron - 60 triangles Stellated Dodecahedron

60 triangles 12 pentagonal pyramids

The dodeca forms around the ‘points’ of the stellated icosa which is then stellated to create the stellated dodeca;
stellated icosa and dodeca sit WITHIN the stellated dodecahedron. The full expression of the Christ –
Consciousness grid, therefore, has 144 facets (see below).

Stellated icosahedron 60 triangles

Dodecahedron 12 pentagrams
Stellated dodecahedron 60 triangles
12 pentagonal pyramids
Total 144

144 is the number of light.

144 is a number in the Fibonacci sequence
1 + 4 + 4 = 9, the number of perfection and synthesis.

Now let us consider the three packs of cards used to ‘Walk the Rainbow. ’

Visions of Reality
Light suit 17 cards
Love suit 11 cards
Power suit 11 cards 46 cards
Beyond all Systems 3 cards
Suit cards 4

Stillness Speaks
Doorways 13 cards
Journeys of the Soul 13 cards
Songs of the Cosmos 13 cards 46 cards
Synthesis 3 cards
Suit cards 4

Nature’s Way
No suits – total in pack 45 cards

Circle Visions of Reality
Star Tetrahedron
Metatron’s Cube 7
Seed of Life Stillness Speaks
Spiral Nature’s Way

Total number of cards including symbols 144

Each card and symbol within the three packs of cards is, therefore, representative of a single facet within the
Christ – Consciousness grid. Being mindful of this when consulting the cards energises expression of the full
grid with its subsequent illumination of consciousness.

The Art of Synthesis card reading, using nine cards, serves to connect directly with this grid through its numerical
alignment, (1 + 4 + 4 = 9), whilst the 3 x 3 triangles reflects the triangular aspect. Mapping 12 cards to the
dodeca (made up of 12 pentagrams) aligns with the pentagonal aspect; all cards and symbols may also be placed
upon 12 dodecahedrons to complete the 144 faceted grid.

Art of Synthesis Card Layout

Seven Symbols
Below is a functional overview of the geometric symbols aligned with each of the major suits within the three
packs of cards.

These are starting points, the foundation or blueprints, upon which
all else unfolds. Static does not mean ‘stuck,’ it may be viewed as
‘dynamic stillness’ from which all forms are birthed.
The circle is at once the many and the One, the container and
contained, and the space from which all other geometries evolve.

The seed of life is simply that, the seed. Containing the essence
of flower and fruit it unfolds through continuing rounds of
concentric circles until both stand distinct and identifiable in their
unique forms.
Seed of Life
Metatron’s cube is the blueprint for 3D reality; all 5 platonic solids
being positioned within it. When entering unfamiliar territory it is
advisable to carry a map, and in the subtle world of changing
consciousness, symbolised by the platonic solids, metatron’s cube
fits the bill perfectly!

Metatron’s Cube

The Star Tetrahedron is the light grid surrounding each human being.
Known as the merkaba, it is the first geometry used to integrate spirit with
matter. In the vast majority of people the merkaba lies dormant, hence its
‘static’ function. It may be activated through spinning (dynamic function),
using specific meditation techniques. This action generates a toroidal field,
Star Tetrahedron 55’ diameter, around the body that is the human light body.

These geometries continuously change and evolve and are in intimate
Spiral relation with all others. They may be seen as the dynamic manifestation and
creation of life, the universe and everything! Movement from one platonic
solid to another is by means of one of these dynamic symbols.

The spiral, wave and circle are intimately related, each being an
expression of the other. Spiral and circle differ only in their radius; one
Wave variable, the other fixed, whereas two semi-circles (one inverted) placed
side by side creates a sine wave.

The torus is the seed of life in action. Keep creating circles, using the seed
of life as a base (without expanding outwards), and the torus will emerge.


Copyright ©Barbara Rose 2014. All rights reserved.

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