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A study of brain white matter changes

Lena Bronge
35 Nørre Søgade, DK-1016 Copenhagen K
ISBN 1-4051-0792-8
ISSN 0365-5954
Bronge L. Magnetic resonance imaging in dementia. A study of brain white matter changes.
Stockholm 2001. ISBN 1-4051-0792-8.
Non-specific white matter changes (WMC) in the brain are common findings in the elderly
population. Although they are frequently seen in non-demented persons, WMC seem to be more
common in demented patients. The significance of these changes, as well as their pathophysio-
logical background, is incompletely understood. The aim of this thesis was to study different
aspects of WMC using MR imaging (MRI) and to investigate the clinical significance of such
changes in subjects with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.
In study I post-mortem MRI of the brain was compared to corresponding neuropathology slices.
WMC were quantified and found to be more extensive on neuropathology. The areas that appeared
normal on MRI but not on histopathology represented only minor changes with increased distance
between the myelinated fibres but with preserved axonal network and glial cell density.
Study II evaluated the blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity to investigate if an increased
permeability could be shown in WMC. A contrast-enhanced MRI technique was used to detect
small degrees of enhancement. No general increase in BBB could be detected in the WMC areas.
In study III the relation between WMC and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype was explored in
patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Results showed that AD patients, who were homozygous
for the APOE e4 allele had more WMC than patients with other genotypes. This was most
significant for changes in the deep white matter. Results also indicated that in AD patients carrying
the e4 allele, WMC are not age-related phenomena, but might be related to the aetiology of the
Study IV aimed to investigate if WMC in a specific brain region affect cognitive functions
related to that area. Periventricular WMC in the left frontal lobe predicted a decrease in initial
word fluency, a test thought to reflect left frontal lobe functioning. This indicates that WMC might
have specific effects in different brain regions.
In study V we evaluated the prognostic significance of WMC in patients with memory
impairment, regarding the rate of further global cognitive decline. There was no difference in
outcome between patients having extensive WMC and a matched control group, during 2–4 years
of follow up, and assessed by the ‘‘Mini-Mental State Examination’’.
In conclusion, this work has shown and characterised pathological changes in the white matter
not visible on conventional MRI. We have also shown that there is no major general increase in
BBB permeability in areas of WMC. In addition, homozygosity with regard to the APOE e4 gene
allele implies an increased extent of WMC in AD patients. In AD patients carrying this gene allele,
WMC are not merely age-related phenomena, but might be related to the aetiology of the disease.
We also claim that WMC in a specific location might impair cognitive functions that rely on those
specific pathways. In contrast, WMC do not seem to have any prognostic value in predicting the
rate of global cognitive decline in patients at a memory clinic.

Key words: Brain, white matter changes; degeneration; dementia; ageing; MR imaging.

Lena Bronge
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Huddinge University Hospital,
SE-141 86 Stockholm, Sweden, fax: þ46 8 5858 0835


This thesis is based on the following five papers, referred to in the text by their roman numerals.

I. BRONGE L., BOGDANOVIC N. & WAHLUND L.-O.: Post mortem MRI and histopathology of white matter
changes in Alzheimer brains; a quantitative, comparative study. Accepted for publication in Dement.
Geriatr. Cogn. Disord. 13 (2002), 205–12.

II. BRONGE L. & WAHLUND L.-O.: White matter lesions in dementia; an MRI study on blood-brain barrier
dysfunction. Dement. Geriatr. Cogn. Disord. 11 (2000), 263–7.

L.-O.: White matter lesions in Alzheimer patients are influenced by apolipoprotein E genotype. Dement.
Geriatr. Cogn. Disord. 10 (1999), 89–96.

L.-O.: White matter lesions impair initiation of FAS flow. Dement. Geriatr. Cogn. Disord. 12 (2001),

V. BRONGE L. & WAHLUND L.-O.: The prognostic significance of white matter changes in a memory clinic
population. Accepted for publication in Psychiatry Res. Neuroimaging (2002).


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SUBJECTS ...................... . . 17

BACKGROUND ................... . . 7 METHODS ...................... . . 18
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) . . . . 7 MRI and procedures (studies I–V) . . . . . . 18
History and background . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Rating of WMC (studies III, IV and V) . . 19
Basic principles of MRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Neuropathology (study 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
THE BRAIN WHITE MATTER . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Assessment of word fluency (study IV) . . 20
General features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 APOE genotyping (study III) . . . . . . . . . 20
Blood supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Statistical analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) . . . . . . . . 9 MAIN RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
MRI features of the white matter . . . . . . . 9 RESULTS and METHODOLOGICAL
AGE-RELATED WHITE MATTER CHANGES DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21
(ARWMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 STUDY I, POST MORTEM MRI AND
Nomenclature and rating scales . . . . . .. . 10 PATHOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
......... 21
White matter changes (WMC) on MRI . . 10 STUDY II, BBB EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Pathology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 11 STUDY III, APOE INFLUENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Aetiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 12 STUDY IV, WORD FLUENCE AND WMC . . . . . . 23
Clinical consequences . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 14 STUDY V, PROGNOSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) . . . . . . . . . .. . 15
Vascular dementia (VaD) . . . . . . . . . .. . 16
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) . . . .. . 16
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
AIMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 17
MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . .. . 17


AD Alzheimer’s Disease
APOE Apolipoprotein E (gene)
ApoE Apolipoprotein E (protein)
ARWMC Age-Related White Matter Changes
ATI Area Type 1
AT2 Area Type 2
AT3 Area Type 3
BBB Blood-Brain Barrier
BGH Basal Ganglia Hyperintensities
CAA Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
CNS Central Nervous System
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
CT Computed Tomography
DWMH Deep White Matter Hyperintensities
EEG Electroencephalography
FA Flip Angle
FOV Field of View
FLAIR Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery
FSE Fast Spin-Echo
GE Gradient Echo
Gd Gadolinium
LBF Luxol Fast Blue
MCI Mild Cognitive Impairment
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
MPRAGE Magnetisation Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo
MR Magnetic Resonance
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRS Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
MTI Magnetisation Transfer Imaging
NAA N-Acetylaspartate
NPH Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
PD Proton Density
PVH Periventricular Hyperintensities
RF Radio Frequency
ROI Region of Interest
SCL Subcortical Lesions
SE Spin-Echo
SMD Subjective Memory Disorder
SPECT Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
T tesla
TR Repetition Time
TE Echo Time
VaD Vascular Dementia
WMC White Matter Changes
WMH White Matter Hyperintensities
WML White Matter Lesions

A study of brain white matter changes

INTRODUCTION analytical technique. The method uses the magnetic

properties of certain atomic nuclei. When placed in a
BACKGROUND magnetic field these nuclei can absorb energy in the
form of radio frequent waves and thereafter emit this
The introduction of modern neuroimaging tech-
energy when returning to their original energy level.
niques in the 1970s and 1980s, such as computed
A specific frequency of the radio signal, the Larmour
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging
frequency, matches each specific magnetic field
(MRI) made it possible to obtain detailed images of
strength. Two scientists (Bloch and Purcell) were
the living human brain. These images revealed
awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1952 for this
unexpected changes in the white matter that were
discovery and in 1991 a chemist (Ernst) was also
of high frequency in elderly individuals. The
awarded the Nobel Prize for his contributions to the
changes were different from other well-recognised
development of this field.
white matter diseases, with aetiologies such as
The MR signal carries information about the
infection, inflammation, neoplasm or metabolic dis-
physical and chemical environment of the nuclei
orders, and their causes and consequences were
and in the early 1970s methods for making images
unknown. They seemed to be common in demented
based on this principle were presented. To be able to
patients and were initially often considered as being
calculate images a weak magnetic field, called a
part of a dementing disorder, but it was soon evident
gradient, was added to the strong magnetic field.
that white matter changes (WMC) were also fre-
This created slightly different magnetic field
quent among non-demented elderly subjects. Many
strengths in different parts of the sample and the
individuals with such ‘‘non-specific’’ or ‘‘age-
radio signal emitted thus had variable frequency
related’’ white matter changes (WMC or ARWMC)
depending on from where in the sample the signal
lack obvious neurological or cognitive symptoms
was emitted.
and therefore these WMC have often been consid-
ered a mere radiological aspect with uncertain clin- Basic principles of MRI
ical significance. In the last decade, however, the
In the human body hydrogen makes up about 80% of
number of publications dealing with these non-spe-
all atoms. The hydrogen nucleus, the proton, has
cific WMC has constantly increased and mounting magnetic properties, which can be used in making
evidence now indicates that such changes are clini-
MR images. Only eight years after the original
cally important, although their significance, patho-
publication presenting a method to make MR images
genesis, pathological correlates and radiological the first medical MRI equipment was in clinical use.
aspects remain to be fully elucidated.
Since the energy used in MRI is very low (compared
This thesis is an attempt to further characterise the to X-ray and radioisotopes) no harmful side-effects
non-specific WMC and to investigate their signifi-
of this method have yet been identified. The magnets
cance in patients with memory disturbances, such as
used are very large and form a tunnel in which the
mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. The patient is positioned. The typical field strength used
basis for all the studies is the use of MRI, and the
in the high field systems has been 1.0–1.5 tesla (T),
major approach is from a radiological viewpoint. All but higher field strengths are now being introduced
patients included were referred from the Memory
into clinical practice.
Clinic at Huddinge University Hospital.
MRI of the human body has superior soft-tissue
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) contrast but is also a very complex and sophisticated
method with a lot of new applications continuously
History and background
being introduced. When put in the strong magnetic
MR is a phenomenon that was first described in the field all protons in the body are aligned parallel to
1940s, and used for many years after that as an the field. Slightly more than 50% of them are aligned
along the magnetic field while the rest have an minimal while with longer TE they grow. At the
opposite direction. Because of this small ‘‘net mag- same time the TR has to be long enough to minimise
netisation’’ it is possible to measure the net magnetic the influence of the T1 relaxation in the image.
vector. To produce images, different MRI sequences Similarly, the TE in a T1-weighted image has to
are used which contain a number of successive radio be kept short in order to reduce the influence of T2-
frequency (RF) pulses together with different mag- weighting. The typical T1-weighted SE sequence
netic gradients. has a short TR and a short TE, and the typical T2-
The excitation is the initial RF pulse in the MRI weighted sequence has a long TR and a long TE.
sequence. When exposed to the RF pulse the net
magnetic vector is flipped away from its original
direction along the external magnetic field (B0). The
flip angle (FA) (often 908 or 1808) is proportional to
General features
the amount of energy applied. After excitation the
RF pulse is switched off and the magnetic vector The normal white matter of the brain contains nerve
returns to its original direction, thereby emitting fibres (axons), neuroglial cells (astrocytes and oli-
energy in the form of a radio signal. This phenom- godendrocytes), vascular structures and interstitial
enon is called relaxation and the time required space. The nerve structures in the white matter are
differs according to the chemical and physical sur- mainly axons, surrounded by a myelin sheath, while
rounding of each nucleus and is thus different in the nerve cell bodies are located in the cerebral
different tissues in the body. There are two major cortex. The myelinated axons of the white matter
types of relaxation, T1 and T2, and images can be make up tracts leading to and from the brain as well
either T1-, T2- or proton density- (PD) weighted. as connections between different areas in the brain,
The MRI sequence determines the repetition time both between and within the cerebral hemispheres.
(TR), i.e., the time between each excitation, and the The frontal lobes for example, have extensive sub-
echo time (TE), i.e., the time after which the emitted cortical connections to cortical areas in more poster-
radio signal, the echo, is collected. These parameters ior parts of the same hemisphere, as well as to the
determine the image weighting (T1-, T2- or PD-) subcortical nuclei, building up a complex associa-
which greatly influences the contrast in the final tion network.
image. The magnetic field gradients are used to The myelin that surrounds the axons is produced
define the spatial encoding, slice thickness and and maintained by the oligodendrocytes, and is
orientation of the images, and the final image is metabolised and replenished rather slowly. As long
calculated by a Fourier transformation. as the oligodendrocytes are preserved, regions of
The original basic imaging sequence was the spin- destroyed myelin can be remyelinated, although
echo (SE), formed by a 908 RF pulse followed by a often incompletely. Myelin, a lipid-rich tissue con-
1808 pulse, but there has been a rapid development taining large macromolecules that possess high
of new techniques mainly aimed at more rapid electrical resistance and low capacitance, acts as
imaging. Also the SE sequences, still widely used an insulator around the axons. The myelin is
in clinical routine, are now faster due to the use of arranged in segments separated by the nodes of
‘‘turbo’’ or fast SE (FSE) techniques. In the SE Ranvier, where sodium channels are clustered in
situation the contrast between different tissues, in high density in the axonal membrane so that they can
the final image, is determined by the TR and TE. The produce action potentials. Myelin covers and masks
TR primarily determines the influence of the T1 the internodal parts of the axon, which contain fewer
relaxation in the image, and the TE determines the sodium channels, and a higher density of potassium
influence of T2 relaxation. To get a T1-weighted channels, which tend to oppose the generation of
image the TR is chosen so as to achieve a significant action potentials. Myelination increases the speed of
difference in signal between different types of tissue. conduction and improves its efficiency. Damage to
If the TR is too long all tissues will have a high grade the myelin is accompanied by a decrease in con-
of T1 relaxation and the signal differences between duction velocity and, when severe, by conduction
tissues, depending on T1, will be minimal and the block. A loss of myelin is also associated with
contrast in the image will be more related to the PD destabilising changes in the molecular structure of
than to T1 relaxation. To achieve a T2-weighted the axonal cytoskeleton (151).
image the TE has to be chosen so as to achieve a Damage to the white matter can be seen as a range
large signal difference depending on T2, between of changes from mild degradation of myelin, to more
different tissues. With short TE the differences are pronounced demyelination. There can also be a
destruction of axons, sometimes with a concomitant with a relative absence of pinocytosis in the brain
increase in the number of glial cells, so called capillaries these ‘‘tight junctions’’ constitute the
gliosis. In many cases there is instead reduction BBB, which restricts movements of ions, water-
of glial cell numbers, and finally cavitation and soluble non-electrolytes and proteins. Passage
infarction. through the BBB occurs by free diffusion and is
only possible for small, highly lipophilic molecules
Blood supply
that are not bound to plasma proteins. Other sub-
The long medullary branches, issued from the three stances including certain sugars and amino acids
major cerebral arteries via the pial network, supply (107) can pass only by active or facilitated carrier
the major part of the deep white matter of the mediated transport systems. Proteins such as albu-
cerebral hemispheres. They run from the brain sur- min cannot normally pass the BBB. The small
face to the centre and converge in the direction of the amount of these proteins found in the normal cere-
lateral ventricles. The long medullary branches are brospinal fluid (CSF) emanates from the blood as a
end arteries with considerable length and do not probable result of passage through the fenestrated
form a collateral system. These anatomic features capillaries in the choroid plexus where most of the
are considered to underlie the observed vulnerability CSF is produced.
to ischaemic events. The vascular supply of the long An abnormally high level of albumin in the CSF is
medullary branches is clearly separated from the considered a sign of a general BBB disruption due to
cortical-subcortical ones that consist of cortical and defects in the endothelial lining causing an increased
short medullary branches, ending in the subcortical permeability. Subtle changes in the BBB might
U-fibres (arcuate fibres). Between these two terri- occur due to ageing but these changes seem to be
tories there exists an arterial borderzone that seems aggravated by vascular conditions such as hyperten-
to have an increased susceptibility to ischaemia (35). sion and diabetes (93).
This borderzone is located in the subcortical area,
deep to the subcortical U-fibres, mainly at the level
MRI features of the white matter
of the sulci where bending long medullary branches
generally are absent. A second arterial borderzone is Differences in physical, chemical and biological
thought to be present in the periventricular white properties affect the relaxation times and thus the
matter in the borderzone between the long medul- appearance of the actual tissue on MR images. The
lary branches from the cortex and the branches relaxation times, T1 and T2, are long for water
derived from central arteries supplying the white whereas they are short for lipids. Healthy white
matter closest to the ventricular walls. matter is heavily myelinated with a high content
Although blood flow is significantly lower in the of long-chain fatty acids and 12% less water than
white matter than in the cerebral cortex the oxygen grey matter. However, the relaxation times in white
demands are relatively high and are achieved by an matter are even shorter than would be predicted by
increased oxygen extraction from arterial blood. the lower water content alone. This is due to the
This also indicates a higher susceptibility to ischae- presence of macromolecular lipids such as choles-
mia for these areas than for the better supplied cortex terol, sphingomyelin and galactocerebroside that
and subcortical fibres. Normally the arteries and increase relaxation rates.
arterioles of the brain can adjust their calibre in Any process, such as metabolic or ischaemic
response to changes in blood pressure to maintain injury, that changes the chemical composition of
optimal blood perfusion. Impairments in this auto- myelin will make the structure less stable and more
regulation of the brain appear with increasing age susceptible to injury. With degradation of myelin, as
particularly in patients with hypertension and dia- seen for example in ARWMC, the tissue will, due to
betes. An impaired autoregulation makes the brain, a higher water content as well as to degeneration of
and thus predominantly the white matter, more macromolecular structures, dramatically change its
susceptible to episodes of hypoxia or hypotension. relaxation rates. This will be seen as a higher MR
signal in T2- or PD-weighted MR images. The
The blood-brain barrier (BBB)
increased water content can be due to either a
The integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is of formation of large, fluid filled, extracellular spaces,
great importance for maintaining an optimal envir- vacuoles, but also to an increase in the amount of
onment in the central nervous system (CNS). The glial components of the tissue, i.e., gliosis.
endothelial cells of the brain capillaries are tightly Pathology in the white matter is well depicted with
fused together forming ‘‘tight junctions’’. Together conventional PD- or T2-weighted SE or FSE
sequences but is even more conspicuous on fluid scales. There is thus a need for international harmo-
attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images. Fast nisation of WMC rating, to allow comparison of
FLAIR sequences are available today on all modern results from different studies.
MRI equipments and have the advantage of making
White matter changes (WMC) on MRI
free fluid, such as the CSF, look dark while the white
matter pathology still appears bright. This improves MRI is highly sensitive to lesions affecting the white
the conspicuousness of lesions, especially in areas matter since pathological processes usually prolong
close to the CSF spaces. T2 relaxation by increasing the tissue water content
and degrading the macromolecular structure of
myelin. The prolonged T2 relaxation results in an
increased signal on T2-weighted images in this
normally dark tissue.
In subjects over 60 years of age it is common to
Nomenclature and rating scales
find non-specific hyperintensities in the white matter
Non-specific changes in the white matter appear in as seen on MRI images of the brain. The changes are
high frequency on CT and MRI in elderly patients non-specific in the sense that they are not obviously
presenting with either stroke or cognitive impair- connected to any disease, or cause any apparent
ment. They are also commonly seen in normal symptoms. MRI shows these changes with high
elderly individuals. The prevalence differs consid- sensitivity and delineates them with great detail,
erably among studies and varies from 10% up to but more pronounced changes are equally well
100% (33) in different elderly populations. On CT depicted on CT scans (146). It has been claimed
they appear as ill-defined areas of slightly reduced that MRI exaggerates non-pathologic changes (118)
density and the descriptive term ‘‘leukoaraiosis’’ and that there is a poor correlation between findings
was first proposed by HACHINSKI et al. (50). On on MRI and histopathology (47). Others have, how-
MRI the changes appear with high signal intensity ever, reported good correlation (25), but that the
that were initially often referred to as ‘‘UBOs’’ lesions seem to be more extensive on histopatholo-
(‘‘unidentified bright objects’’). Over the years the gic examination than on MRI (42, 47, 96, 116).
nomenclature but also the system for grading these WMC with a number of different features can be
changes have varied considerably between different recognised on the MR images.
studies, causing confusion when comparing the Small, sharply demarcated, punctuate foci or more
results. The terms WMH (white matter hyperinten- linear structures can be seen in all ages in the white
sities) WMC (white matter changes), WML (white matter. They increase in number and size with
matter lesions), SIWI (selective incomplete white advancing age. These fluid-filled Virchow-Robin
matter infarction), DWML (deep white matter perivascular spaces are subarachnoid spaces that
lesions), PVL (periventricular lesions) and SCL follow the pia around the penetrating vessels
(subcortical lesions) have, among many others, often through the white matter. They are usually consid-
been used with different definitions in different ered a normal finding but they might become
studies. Opinion as to the anatomic equivalents of enlarged as an effect of atrophy.
terms like subcortical, deep, central and periventri- Well demarcated caps (Fig. 1a) immediately adja-
cular also seems to vary between radiologists and cent to the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles is a
pathologists (38). Recently the term ‘‘age-related common finding which is also considered to be
white matter changes’’, ARWMC, was proposed by normal when well defined and limited in size. These
the EUROPEAN TASK FORCE ON AGE-RELATED caps relate to a looser structure of the tissue with less
WHITE MATTER CHANGES as a general term con- myelin and higher water content.
sidering that these changes are most clearly related Periventricular hyperintensities (PVH) are seen as
to advancing age (146). caps around the frontal and/or posterior horns
A great number of scales have been constructed (Fig. 1b), and as bands along the bodies of the lateral
for visual rating of the extent and location of WMC, ventricles (Fig. 1c). They can range from small, well
on both CT and MRI (120). The scales have different demarcated caps and well defined thin bands along
properties and may serve various purposes. The the ventricles to extensive PVH that extend deep into
agreement between scales is often poor, and when the white matter in which case they might be con-
MÄNTYLÄ et al. (77) compared 13 different scales fluent with changes in these areas (Fig. 1d).
they concluded that some of the inconsistencies in Deep white matter hyperintensities (DWMH) often
previous studies were due to differences in the have a punctuate (Fig. 1e) or patchy (Fig. 1f, g)
Fig. 1. MRI brain images, obtained in the axial plane with a FLAIR sequence, showing different types of WML. (a) Small ‘‘caps’’
adjacent to the frontal horns. (b) More pronounced caps next to the frontal and posterior horns. (c) Periventricular bands.
(d) Pronounced periventricular bands extending into the deep white matter. (e) Puctuate WMC in the deep white matter. (f) and
(g) Punctuate and patchy WMC in the deep white matter, with sparing of the subcortical U-fibres. (h) Confluent WMC engaging
most of the white matter in the frontal and parietal lobes, with sparing of the subcortical U-fibres.

appearance. The majority of changes are located in the same time it is unspecific and unable to distin-
the centrum semiovale, often in the subcortical guish between different types or grades of damage.
region. They usually spare the subcortical U-fibres, Most pathological processes in the white matter will
but might appear anywhere in the white matter. With appear as hyperintensities in the T2-weighted MR
more extensive changes the areas become confluent images. Because of this, various neuropathologic
(Fig. 1h) and might involve the entire white matter, findings have been reported in different studies as
predominantly in the frontal and parietal lobes. histopathological correlates to WMC. However,
Changes in the temporal and occipital lobes are since the white matter is a morphological homo-
uncommon on MRI and involvement of the corpus geneous tissue there is a limited number of structural
callosum is rarely seen. reactions to a wide variety of different pathological
Diffuse, irregular hyperintensities in the brain conditions. The basic components of white matter
stem, primarily in the pons, can be seen in a number pathology are: loss of parenchymal elements (mye-
of patients most often coexisting with supratentorial lin, axons and glial cells), increase of glial cells
WMC. Changes of this type can occasionally also be (gliosis), vascular changes, atrophy, and necrosis
seen in the cerebellum. with scarring or cavitation (38).
Most areas of patchy or confluent WMC in the
deep white matter are clearly accompanied by vas-
MRI has proved to be a very sensitive method to cular changes in the arterioli, i.e., fibrohyaline arter-
detect all forms of white matter abnormalities but at iolosclerosis, with narrowing of the small vessels
(38, 95, 116, 145) supporting a presumed ischaemic looked for CAA in the WMC areas. Most patholo-
origin. The parenchymal changes in such areas have gical studies have not found any connection between
been described as a form of incomplete infarction CAA and WMC (25, 39, 118).
since they are histologically similar to changes seen In summary, the pathological studies have shown
in the periphery of white matter infarcts (21, 102). that non-specific WMC in the deep white matter
There is subtotal tissue destruction with partial loss represent a panorama of different grades of
of myelin, oligodendroglial cells and axons together destructive changes with loss of vital tissue compo-
with a mild reactive astrocytic gliosis (21). These nents. The picture is similar to what is seen in the
features are also often referred to as vacuolation, and periphery of old infarcts, and is most often accom-
described as an increase in intra- or extracellular panied by small vessel pathology. Periventricular
water forming a kind of oedema. This oedema might changes, when well defined and limited in size,
have different causes, and is not necessarily ischae- relate to a disrupted ependymal lining of the ven-
mic in nature (95). The tissue destruction can be of tricle, with a loose tissue structure that has higher
different grades ranging from pronounced demyeli- water and lower myelin content. Extensive periven-
nation together with loss of vital tissue components tricular changes share pathology with deep WMC
to mild degradation of myelin with slight vacuola- and are often continuous with those.
tion that gradually blends out with normal white
matter (21, 95). Lacunar infarction with cavitation or Aetiology
glial scarring is only found in a minority of cases.
Although numerous studies have been published on
Electron microscopy studies have showed that in
the subject, the possible mechanisms underlying
WMC in humans there are no demyelinated, naked
WMC are still matters of discussion. Since the
axons but rather a general loss of fibres (95).
histological responses to different pathogenetic
Punctuate WMC have, besides those explained
mechanisms in the white matter are limited and
only by dilated perivascular spaces, been correlated
non-specific, the neuropathological examination
to minor perivascular damage that is histologically
gives few clues as to what the underlying pathogenic
similar to the changes seen in more extensive WMC.
mechanisms might be. Several models for explain-
Areas of reduced myelination and atrophy around
ing the pathogenesis have been proposed and several
fibrohyalinotic arteries as well as perivenous
mechanisms, as well as combinations of them, can
damage (41) and dilated perivascular spaces (25)
probably play different roles in different patient
are described. The changes range from spongiform
groups or even within the same patient. In addition,
transformation, vacuolisation, and scattered foci
there is no agreement on the hypothesis of a con-
of demyelination to large perivenous areas with
tinuum between small, punctuate or patchy lesions
marked degradation of myelinated fibres (41).
and extensive WMC. Data about the longitudinal
The smooth and well defined thin periventricular
evolution of WMC are still lacking although there is
caps and bands have a distinctive different histolo-
evidence for some progression over time (125). The
gic appearance and are characterised by disruption
pathogenesis of WMC might thus be different for
of the ependymal lining of the ventricle, associated
tiny punctuate or patchy lesions and extensive
with subependymal gliosis and a larger area of
changes. Also with respect to the possible different
reduced myelin content (25, 42). The tissue here
vascular supply, the aetiology of changes in the deep
has a looser structure with higher water content.
white matter might not be the same as for those in
These changes are usually not accompanied by
the periventricular area.
arteriosclerotic vessel changes (42) and based on
the pathological appearance are often considered not
Risk factors
to be of pathological significance (47, 71, 116).
Irregular and extensive periventricular changes A great majority of studies have pointed out that
on the other hand, show the same pattern of tissue increasing age is the major independent risk factor
changes as the patchy or confluent WMC in the deep for developing WMC. Secondly, hypertension is
white matter and are often continuous with such established as an important factor (19, 72, 75)
changes. Many of the vessels in these areas show especially if long standing or poorly controlled
fibro- or lipohyalinosis. (72). In addition, there is some evidence for associa-
Since WMC are found to be over represented in tion with other cerebrovascular risk factors, such as
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (81, 90, 118, 119) and atherosclerosis (16), diabetes (156), myocardial in-
vessel changes due to cerebral amyloid angiopathy farction (19), smoking (72, 75), hypotension (75,
(CAA) are common in AD, many studies have 83), cardiac arrhythmia (156) and bradycardia (24),
although some studies also show contradictory studies that do have this approach report that the
results without any connections between WMC risk factors differ between the two types of changes
and various cerebrovascular risk factors (40, 73). (32, 34, 156).
WMC are more frequently seen in patients with a There are indications that the mechanisms behind
history of stroke (19, 75), particularly of the lacunar WMC might be different in AD than in other con-
type, and risk factors for these two conditions ditions, like stroke or vascular dementia (VaD) (66),
largely overlap. A couple of studies have shown or in healthy elderly. Since WMC are common
females to have more WMC (30, 75, 115), and one findings in AD (21) and 90% of AD patients show
study showed differences in risk factors for different CAA, a small vessel disease, at autopsy (12), it has
age groups and for different types of WMC, i.e., been hypothesised that WMC in AD are linked to
deep versus periventricular changes (156). CAA. However, the white matter areas are mostly
uninvolved by CAA, a condition primarily affecting
Pathogenesis the cortical or meningeal vessels, and most patho-
anatomical studies do not show CAA in WMC areas
(25, 39, 118). It is possible, however, that white
Strong evidence suggests that the more extensive matter damage reflects the effects on the terminal
WMC often have an ischaemic origin (87, 103). fields of loss of regulation resulting from changes in
Animal studies have demonstrated that the white the meningeal or cortical arteries (95). CAA in
matter is very vulnerable during brain ischaemia cortical and meningeal vessels is reported to almost
(101) and that ischaemia can cause non-specific always accompany WMC in AD patients (95), and
changes like WMC (53, 69). This vulnerability might be an overlooked cause of WMC in AD (103).
might be related to the suggested arterial border Another proposed cause for WMC in AD is the so-
zones located in this area (35) and thus caused by a called Wallerian degeneration, which is a secondary
small vessel disease. Ageing and hypertension, the white matter degeneration due to overlying cortical
major risk factors for WMC, both induce changes in neuronal pathology.
the small penetrating arteries and arterioles of the
Blood-brain barrier (BBB) disturbances and
white matter. Such changes include replacement of
cerebral oedema of other causes
the smooth muscle cells by fibrohyaline material
with thickening of the wall and narrowing of the Mechanisms alternative to ischaemia have also been
vessel lumen (arteriolosclerosis), a finding almost proposed to explain the origin of non-specific WMC.
always detected in areas of ARWMC. Hypertensive It has been hypothesised (6) that the changes could
patients with WMC also more often suffer from an be caused by local BBB damage. Plasma extravasa-
impaired cerebral autoregulation due to the inability tion into the brain resulting in an oedema can give
of the vessels to dilate in situations of reduced extensive WMC including gliosis, demyelination,
perfusion pressure (80). This mechanism is consid- cystic changes and lacunes (60). Cerebrovascular
ered a major contributor to the type of chronic, conditions such as chronic hypertension and an
repeated ischaemic events suspected to underlie impaired autoregulation of cerebral perfusion can
WMC (103). In fact WMC might be a marker of open up the tight junctions of the BBB (107). Acute
both too high and too low blood pressure (24) or hypertensive episodes might induce a rapid and
rather of a disturbed cerebral blood flow regulation transient BBB dysfunction exposing the brain to
(126, 129). Decreased perfusion has been described plasma constituents. Chronic hypertension can
in areas of WMC (67, 85) but whether this decreased result in persistent or intermittent leakage. Even if
blood flow is the primary event or rather an effect of the primary leakage area is not located in the white
the lowered metabolism secondary to parenchymal matter there is a rapid spread of the extravasated
destruction is unclear. On the other hand observa- plasma constituents along the fibre tracts into the
tions of an increased oxygen extraction fraction white matter where they might remain for a pro-
(155) indicate an ischaemic state that to a certain longed period of time (95). This spreading is related
extent might be compensated. to blood pressure and the higher the pressure the
Since the periventricular area has a different arter- larger the spread (60). A number of authors have
ial supply than the deep white matter, the risk factors reported that patients with WMC have a higher CSF/
and the aetiology of lesions in this area might be serum albumin ratio than controls. Such a finding is
different from those in the deep white matter. Since considered indicative of BBB dysfunction, and is
most studies did not investigate these changes as seen in both AD (15, 150), VaD (84, 150), and in
separate phenomena data are sparse. However, non-demented patients with WMC (104). The
increased albumin ratio in these patients is unrelated population based studies as well as studies of smaller
to cerebral infarcts, which suggests that the BBB samples of healthy individuals or demented patients
impairment occurs as a consequence of a diffuse have been performed. Subtle effects of white matter
small vessel disease. In VaD WMC have been linked dysfunction are probably easier to show in healthy
to BBB dysfunction in pathological studies (1). individuals, while in demented patients subtle symp-
Since the pathogenesis of WMC might be different toms would be expected to be obscured by symp-
in different patient groups it has been hypothesised toms related to the massive cortical dysfunction of
that in younger individuals the BBB damage might dementia. The instruments for assessing cognitive
be the primary event, whereas among elderly a dysfunction vary greatly between studies. Simple
chronic ischaemia may be a more common cause comprehensive tests are mostly used in large popu-
of WMC (60). However, a BBB dysfunction can be lation based samples, whereas extensive neuropsy-
secondary not only to arterial hypertension but also chological examinations are sometimes performed
to chronic cerebral ischaemia. in smaller studies.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is another
In non-demented elderly
condition that is claimed to be accompanied by
WMC. However, since severe WMC result in atro- Many studies of healthy elderly have reported a rela-
phy of the white matter the ventricles will become tion between WMC and global as well as selective
dilated as a secondary effect. The question of what is cognitive deficits (18, 49, 75, 124, 127, 143, 156),
the cause and what is the effect is unresolved. It is although the symptoms often appear to be subtle.
hypothesised, however, that increased ventricular Most studies have demonstrated that the speed of
pressure may cause ischaemic changes in the white mental processing is most affected (18, 30, 75, 124,
matter. This is supported by observations that after 127, 143, 156), together with deficits in attention
shunting such patients the cerebral blood flow (18, 124, 127) and executive functions (18, 79).
returned to normal and the WMC decreased (68). More specific symptoms like decline in frontal
Another explanation consistent with this observation functions, such as verbal fluency tasks, have in
is that the increased intraventricular pressure in NPH some studies been attributed to WMC (18). In
causes a white matter oedema. Hypertension is also addition, a poorer performance on some memory
common in NPH (46), a fact that might explain the tests (18, 30, 124, 127, 143, 156) as well as mood
observed relation to WMC. disturbances, i.e., depression (31, 75) and motor
Impaired venous return in the deep white matter is symptoms, e.g., gait disturbances (22, 54), are fre-
another proposed cause of white matter oedema (92) quently observed. A number of studies reported that
giving a BBB disruption at the venular level as well subjects with WMC performed worse on global
as by increasing the perfusion pressure on the arter- cognitive tests (30, 65, 75, 79, 143), such as the
ial side of the capillary bed. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (43).
In summary, different processes might be active in There is, however, no evidence for a connection
the pathogenesis of non-specific WMC in different between WMC and measures of general intelli-
individuals. Strong evidence suggest that chronic gence.
low grade ischaemia due to several different Few studies have analysed the periventricular
mechanisms is an important factor and that damage changes separate from subcortical or deep WMC.
to the BBB may also be a primary cause of WMC in A couple of studies have, however, reported that the
certain groups of individuals. periventricular changes (including those extending
into the deep white matter) are more closely related
Clinical consequences
to different cognitive deficits and to motor distur-
The functional status in subjects with WMC is bances (22, 30) than are changes located in the
highly variable, ranging from normal to severe dis- subcortical area.
ability, either from cognitive or physical conditions. The prognostic relevance of WMC in terms of
The association of WMC to different deficits is predicting cognitive disability is not completely
currently a matter of great research interest since elucidated. Some studies have addressed the ques-
it has been claimed that WMC is one of the pro- tion of whether WMC are a predictor of cognitive
cesses involved in the transition to disability in the decline among healthy elderly individuals. Such
elderly population (58). studies have pointed towards a greater decline over
A large number of studies have addressed the time in subjects with WMC, as compared to those
possible clinical consequences of WMC. Regard- without (5, 45, 70). However, there is no evidence
ing cognitive dysfunction, large cross sectional for an increased risk of developing dementia among
healthy elderly with WMC. On the other hand, a other potentially confounding factors such as age
number of studies on stroke have reported an and concomitant diseases or risk factors.
increased risk of developing post-stroke dementia
(91, 105). Severe WMC are also accompanied by an
increased risk to develop stroke and myocardial
infarction (35, 57, 59, 135, 144) and indicate an The dementia disorders are devastating brain dis-
increased risk of vascular death together with a eases of middle-aged and elderly humans. The vast
shorter survival time (57). emotional and economic costs of these diseases will
continue to grow, as the population gets older (153).
In demented patients
Although much knowledge about the dementia dis-
Non-specific WMC have in a number of studies been eases has been gained during the last decade many of
reported to be more common in demented than in the aspects of aetiology and pathogenesis are not yet
non-demented individuals, not only in patients con- understood.
sidered to have VaD but also in AD (62, 87, 111, Dementia is defined as an acquired clinical syn-
119). However, it is not known whether this is an drome characterised by deterioration of mental func-
effect of a causal relationship between the WMC and tions with respect to cognition, emotion, and
dementia or if WMC only coexists and adds to the conation. Cognition refers to intellectual functions
cognitive deficits. such as memory, linguistic, analytic and constructive
The majority of studies looking at global cognitive abilities. Conation refers to the ability to plan and
decline or memory functions in demented subjects control the behaviour. Several functions must be
failed to find a relation with WMC (55, 76, 131). It affected simultaneously, to a certain degree and
seems probable that once dementia is present it is under a period of at least six months before the
difficult to detect the more subtle influence of WMC diagnosis is met. Dementia is a general term that
on cognition. There are, however, some studies that includes multiple clinical profiles and disease pro-
report findings of cognitive disturbances similar to gressions. The dementia diagnosis does not need to
those described in non-demented individuals (3, be linked to a certain aetiology and can be in a
127, 141). A remaining question is the influence preclinical state at the time of diagnosis.
of WMC on disease progression in already demen- There are several different dementia syndromes
ted or cognitively impaired patients. One recent with a variety of post-mortem pathological changes
study implicated a higher rate of dementia develop- (148). The two major groups are the primary degen-
ment among MCI patients with WMC, as compared erative dementias, of which AD is the most impor-
to those without such changes (154). In already tant, and the VaDs. The VaDs include such entities as
demented patients studies of disease progression multi-infarct dementia and subcortical white matter
rate have failed to show a predictive value of dementia. The dividing line between vascular and
WMC (17, 76, 94). However, in all these studies non-vascular dementia is, however, vague (148) and
there was either a very short follow up time (76), or a mixed forms are common.
limited number of patients with WMC (17, 94). The
Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
question therefore remains as to whether the pathol-
ogy causing WMC also affects the progression rate AD, the most common cause of dementia in the
of the dementia syndrome. western world, is a primary neurodegenerative dis-
In summary, the symptoms attributable to WMC order often divided into a familiar and a sporadic
indicate that these changes may slow down certain type, and also into early or late-onset disease. The
basic information processing, the typical findings onset is often insidious with signs of MCI which
being suggestive of fronto-subcortical brain dys- progresses into dementia. AD is neuropathologically
function (2). The mechanisms by which WMC cause characterised by the neuritic plaques and neurofi-
cognitive impairment remain hypothetical. Indivi- brillary tangles together with atrophy in the cortical
duals with similar degree of changes can have very structures. The relationship between plaques and
different clinical manifestations. It is only possible tangles as well as the mechanisms causing AD
to determine the extension, and not the degree of are unknown and controversial subjects and both
pathology, on conventional neuroimaging. The pos- plaques and tangles can be seen, to a lesser degree,
sibility of a threshold effect has been suggested, in also in healthy elderly. The disease process
the sense that the lesions may have to be of a certain probably starts in the temporal-limbic structures
severity or size before symptoms occur. Location of and progresses to the temporal-parietal cortex.
lesions is another important factor together with There is strong evidence that disturbances in
amyloid metabolism are important for the develop- suggest that vascular amyloid derives from a differ-
ment of AD, and beta-amyloid is a major component ent source than the plaque amyloid and might be
of the neuritic plaques. Tau-protein, the most impor- produced by the smooth muscle cells in the vessel
tant constituent of the neurofibrillary tangles, is also walls as a result of their degeneration (37). CAA is
abnormal in AD. This leads to defective microtubuli age-related and found in 10–50% of all elderly
and thereby to impaired axonal function. Changes of individuals but is even more frequent in AD (12)
ischaemic type in the white matter, i.e., WMC, are in which case it approaches 90% in most autopsy
also common (147) and there is a growing interest in studies (99). The vessel changes of CAA increase
the possible role of vascular changes in the patho- the risk for cerebral haemorrhage and micro infarcts.
genesis of AD (37, 62, 110). There are indications Individuals carrying the APOE e4 gene allele more
that cerebral ischaemia may promote Alzheimer frequently have CAA, and this was shown in AD
type changes in the ageing brain (29, 62). (122, 158) as well as in non-demented subjects
There is currently no in vivo biological marker (109). A neuropathological study (37) also indicated
for AD and by the time the disease has progressed that CAA in AD patients might be correlated to
to dementia, damage to the brain is widespread atherosclerosis in the cerebral vessels as well as with
and irreversible. The diagnosis is built upon the hypertension.
fulfilment of certain diagnostic criteria (82) as well
Vascular dementia (VaD)
as the exclusion of other possible causes of dementia.
A definitive diagnosis, however, is not possible VaD is a complex disorder characterised by cogni-
without post-mortem pathologic examination. tive impairment resulting from ischaemic or hae-
morrhagic stroke or from hypoxic-ischaemic brain
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE)
lesions (112). VaD can thus be associated with
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is active in the transporta- different underlying vascular pathology such as
tion of lipids in the blood but it also plays a complex multiple or strategically located infarcts, haemor-
role in the CNS. ApoE seems to participate in the rhages or subcortical small-vessel, i.e., white matter
formation of both the neuritic (amyloid) plaques and disease with or without lacunar infarcts.
the neurofibrillary tangles in AD as well as in Although a VaD diagnosis cannot be made in the
healthy individuals (108, 113, 133). The apolipo- absence of relevant vascular changes on brain ima-
protein E (APOE) gene polymorphism is an impor- ging, there are no pathognomonic MR signs and a
tant genetic factor that has been shown to influence definite VaD diagnose can only be made by fulfil-
the risk for late-onset AD. There are three common ment of clinical criteria together with histopatholo-
APOE alleles; e2, e3 and e4, resulting in the six gic examination. Guidelines for the in vivo diagnosis
genotypes e2/2, e2/3, e2/4, e3/3, e3/4 and e4/4. The of VaD, for clinical and research purposes, have
frequencies vary somewhat between different popu- been proposed (112) but the dividing line between
lations but e3 is the most common (in Caucasians vascular and non-vascular dementia is vague (148).
around 78%) followed by e4 (around 15%) and e2 In a considerable number of VaD cases the post-
(around 7%). There are numerous studies confirm- mortem study finally shows a mixed dementia or
ing the increased risk for AD in individuals carrying even pure AD (110).
the APOE e4 gene allele (132), and the risk increases
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
with the number of e4 alleles (27). APOE e4 has also
been associated with an increased risk for cardio- MCI is a recently characterised clinical entity that
vascular disease (26, 152) as well as for dementia of appears to represent a boundary or transitional
presumed vascular origin (130). However, no rela- state between normal ageing and AD. Patients with
tion between APOE e4 and atherosclerosis of the MCI have subjective memory complaints that can
cerebral vessels has been confirmed (109) and the e4 be verified in memory tests as a slight decrease
allele was not related to an increased stroke risk in a compared to age normality. These individuals
large community study (10). Furthermore, no progress into AD disease at a rate of 10–15% per
connection between WMC and the APOE e4 allele year.
could be seen in a healthy elderly population To summarize, in recent years vascular factors
(70). have received increasing attention in the discussion
of dementia, not only of the vascular type but also
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)
for the aetiology of AD. Observations of a high
The relation between parenchymal and vascular stroke incidence in AD (62) as well as frequent
deposits of b-amyloid is still unknown. Observations findings of WMC support this hypothesis. Moreover,
there is an over-representation of CAA in AD, a amount and location of WMC in the brain, according
small vessel disease that is linked to APOE e4. This to a semiquantitative rating scale (see below). All
gene allele is, besides being a strong risk factor for patients have also participated in a comprehensive
AD, also connected to cardiovascular disease. The clinical investigation procedure including physical,
relationships between these different factors are, neuropsychologic and psychiatric examinations
however, still unknown and seem complex. For together with blood-, serum-, urine- and CSF ana-
example, it has been suggested that neither the lyses as well as tests such as electroencephalography
APOE e4 allele nor WMC are sufficient risk factors (EEG) and single photon emission computed tomo-
by themselves for dementia at very old ages, graphy (SPECT). All patients have done the MMSE
whereas possession of both these entities increases test, a global cognitive test assessing different
the risk for both AD and VaD (128). aspects of cognition. The sum score ranges from
0 to 30, where 30 denotes a full score on all parts of
the test. All dementia diagnoses were made accord-
ing to the clinical criteria DSM IV/ICD 10 (4),
The general purpose of this thesis was to study NINCDS-ADRDA (82), NINDS-AIREN (112), or
different aspects of non-specific WMC on MRI, post-mortem according to the CERAD (89) criteria
and to investigate the clinical significance of such for neuropathology. Subjects with the diagnosis
changes in subjects with cognitive impairment or MCI had an objective cognitive decline but
dementia. did not fulfil dementia criteria. The subjects
In the different papers the specific aims were with ‘‘subjective memory disorder’’ (SMD) had
I. To evaluate if, and to what degree, MRI either memory complaints but no objective cognitive dys-
under- or overestimates the extent of histo- function.
pathological findings in WMC, and to histo- In study I, the brains from 6 patients who died
logically characterise areas where the methods with a history of memory impairment, and with
disagree. autopsy diagnoses of possible or probable AD
II. To investigate if an increased BBB permea- (CERAD criteria), were obtained from the Huddinge
bility could be shown in WMC areas, in brain bank. To increase the possibility of finding
demented patients, using a contrast-enhanced WMC the brains were obtained from patients of high
MRI technique. age (range 81–101) and/or with a history of cardi-
III. To explore the possible relation between ovascular risk factors.
WMC and APOE genotype in AD. Study II included 10 patients from the Memory
IV. To investigate if WMC in a specific region Clinic who had previously had an MRI or CT that
affect cognitive functions related to that area, had shown WMC. The patients were diagnosed as
and also to test the hypothesis that the early AD (n ¼ 3), VaD (n ¼ 4), frontal lobe dementia
and late phases of the ‘‘word fluency test’’ (n ¼ 1), MCI (n ¼ 1) or SMD (n ¼ 1). Five patients
depend on different mechanisms, and had elevated CSF/serum albumin ratios (3 VaD, 1
V. To evaluate if the presence of pronounced AD and 1 frontal lobe dementia) indicative of BBB
WMC predicts a more rapid global cognitive dysfunction. The remaining 5 had normal CSF
decline in patients with memory disturbances albumin levels.
or dementia. Study III included 60 consecutive patients with a
diagnosis of AD. To minimise the influence of
cerebrovascular risk factors, patients with a history
of hypertension, diabetes or cerebrovascular disease
were excluded. The patients were of the APOE
genotypes e4/4 (n ¼ 13, mean age 66.2 years), e3/4
The MRI-dementia project has been running at (n ¼ 19, mean age 63.7 years), e3/3 (n ¼ 24, mean
Huddinge University Hospital since 1992. In this age 63.6 years), e2/4 (n ¼ 1, age 56 years) and e2/3
project, all patients referred for an MRI of the brain (n ¼ 3, mean age 65.3 years).
from the Memory Clinic are uniformly examined In study IV, 46 patients with different degrees of
and all data are stored for research use. Up until the memory impairment were included, restricted, how-
end of 1997, 1264 MRI examinations had been ever, to patients without pronounced symptomatol-
performed. However, the project continues to run ogy. The diagnoses were; mild AD (n ¼ 12), MCI
also after this date. Among the MRI examinations, (n ¼ 24) or only SMD (n ¼ 10). The mean age was
476 have been visually rated with regard to the 61.4 ( 8.0) years and the educational level was 11.0
Table weighted double echo sequence, a FSE (TR 3500,
Visual rating scale# of WMC effective TE 19/93) with an echo train length of 2,
Right Left and with 19 slices in the axial plane (slice thickness
5 mm, interslice gap 1.5 mm). The field of
Periventricular hyperintensities (PVH)
Caps Frontal 0–2 0–2 view (FOV) was 230 mm (rectangular 3/4) with a
Occipital 0–2 0–2 matrix of 192  256, and 1 excitation. Also available
Bands Lateral ventricles 0–2 0–2 on all patients in studies III, IV and V was a
PVH sum score 0–12 T1-weighted 3D gradient echo (GE) sequence
Deep white matter hyperintensities (DWMH)
Frontal 0–6 0–6
(Siemens MPRAGE) (TR/TE 10/4 ms, flip angle
Parietal 0–6 0–6 (FA) 108), in the coronal plane with 64 partitions,
Occipital 0–6 0–6 each 2.8-mm-thick. Since the MRI system could not
Temporal 0–6 0–6 perform turbo fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
DWMH sum score 0–48
Basal ganglia hyperintensities (BGH)
(FLAIR) sequences, no such images were included.
Caudate nucleus 0–6 0–6 In study I the fixed brain specimens were removed
Putamen 0–6 0–6 from the formalin solution, put in a plastic box and
Globus pallidus 0–6 0–6 thereafter positioned in the head coil of the MRI
Thalamus 0–6 0–6
scanner. The same PD-/T2-weighted FSE sequence
BGH sum score 0–48
as for all white matter ratings was performed, how-
A modified Scheltens scale with separate ratings of the right and left cerebral ever, in the coronal plane, to match the neuropathol-
hemispheres. ogy gross slices.

0 ¼ absent; 1 ¼ 5 mm; 2 ¼ 6–10 mm.

0 ¼ No abnormalities; 1 ¼ 3 mm, n  5; 2 ¼ 3 mm, n > 5; 3 ¼
In study II all sequences were acquired in the
4–10 mm, n  3; 4 ¼ 4–10 mm, n > 3; 5 ¼ > 10 mm, n  1; 6 ¼ confluent. coronal plane. The same PD-/T2-weighted
sequence, as described above, was performed to
identify the WMC. To assess contrast enhancement
a T1-weighted SE sequence (TR/TE 600/14 ms)
( 3.3) years of formal schooling. The three groups with 5-mm slices, with 1.5-mm gap, FOV 230 mm
differed in MMSE scores (AD ¼ 22.4  5.3, (rectangular 3/4) and a matrix of 192  256 was
MCI ¼ 26.5  2.3, SMD ¼ 28.3  1.7). thereafter performed. In addition, we acquired the
Study V included 48 patients from the Memory same T1-weighted 3D GE sequence (Siemens
Clinic with different degrees of memory impair- MPRAGE) as described above, also in the coronal
ment. Twenty-four of the patients were chosen on plane. All three sequences (PD/T2, T1-SE and T1-
the basis that their MRI examination had shown GE) were first performed before injection of the
extensive WMC. The rest were matched controls, contrast agent. The patient then received a double
i.e., patients with the same degree of memory standard dose (0.2 mmol/kg body weight) of Gd-
disturbances but without WMC. The cases and DTPA-BMA (Omniscan, Nycomed Amersham), a
controls were matched pair-wise according to age, non-ionic, low osmolality gadolinium (Gd) chelate
education, score on MMSE test at initial investi- of low molecular weight (570 Da), which is highly
gation, the initial diagnosis (fulfilling dementia water soluble. Gd-DTPA-BMA distributes in the
criteria or only MCI or SMD) and the length of extracellular fluid and does not bind to plasma
follow up. The follow up ranged between 2 and 4 proteins. After injection the patient was imaged
years in the 24 matched pairs. repeatedly during 30 min with the SE sequence
starting at times 5, 15, and 25 min post-injection
and the GE sequence starting at 10 and 20 min
post-injection. The WMC were identified as hyper-
intensities on the PD-/T2-weighted images and
MRI and procedures (studies I–V)
the same areas were thereafter identified on the
All MRI investigations were performed using the corresponding pre-injection T1-weighted images.
same 1.5 T system (Magnetom SP, Siemens). All Between two and six regions of interest (ROI) were
axial slices were aligned parallel to the bi-com- selected in each patient. Corresponding to every
missural line as defined in a mid-sagittal scout chosen ROI, another ROI was placed in the same
image. The coronal images were perpendicular to image over an area of normal appearing white
the axials. matter. The MR signal was then measured in all
The MRI sequence used for all white matter ROIs in all T1-weighted sequences, before and after
ratings in studies III, IV and V were a PD-/T2- contrast injection. The signal change over time was
analysed separately for the two MR sequences and the agar maintained the correct position of the brain
ratios between the signal in the lesions and the signal in the slicer. The position of the knife was fixed
in the corresponding normal white matter areas were while the specimen, resting on the sliding tray, was
calculated. moved. The accuracy of the slice thickness was
obtained using a ruler, fixed to the side of the
Rating of WMC (studies III, IV and V)
instrument. The brains were cut in 6.5-mm slices
All WMC ratings were done using the PD- and T2- where the distance between slices corresponded to
weighted images, by a rater blind to clinical data and MRI slice thickness plus the interslice gap. Gross
diagnosis, and using a scale for visual rating devel- sections of the whole brain slices were embedded in
oped by SCHELTENS et al. (117). We modified the paraffin, and stained by Luxol fast blue (LFB) and
scale slightly in order to rate the right and left haematoxylin-eosin.
hemispheres separately (Table). The scale is detailed For each brain, three MRI slices in which WMC
and gives information about both number, size and could be seen were chosen and the area of WMC as
location of lesions and is referred to as being semi- well as of the total white matter were quantified on
quantitative. According to this scale the lesions were the PD images, using stereological methodology
divided into PVH, DWMH and basal ganglia hyper- (see below). The PD and not the T2 images were
intensities (BGH). Round and well-defined hyper- chosen because they provided a better delineation of
intensities, smaller than 2 mm, were regarded as the border between grey and white matter (13) while
dilated perivascular spaces and were not counted. the hyperintensities were shown equally good. Sepa-
The Scheltens scale, although more complex than rate measurements were made for each hemisphere
other scales, is shown to have better intra- and and a total of 33 areas with signal hyperintensities
interobserver reliability than other commonly used were analysed. On the neuropathological gross sec-
more simple scales (117). The reliability was given tions corresponding to the chosen MR images, the
by SCHELTENS et al. as measures of ‘‘standardised areas of myelin pallor seen on visual gross inspec-
reproducibility’’ which are the standard deviations tion were quantified using the same method as for
of the differences between first and second ratings the MR images. To overcome the problem of speci-
divided by the range of the scale. The intra-rater men shrinkage during the embedding and staining
reliability in our study was calculated in the same processes, only relative data (affected area as
way and the DWMH had a standardised reliability percentage of total white matter) was used when
of 7.5% (compared to Scheltens study that had comparing the MRI and neuropathological exami-
15.3%), the PVH 4.2% (Scheltens 5.6%) and the nations.
total sum score had a standardised reliability of For further analysis, the white matter regions were
1.8% (not calculated in Scheltens’ study). Hence, classified into three different category types, ac-
our reproducibility was somewhat greater than in cording to their appearance on MRI and neuro-
Scheltens’ study, which probably relates to the fact pathological gross sections. The first type (area
that after our modifications, the scale had a wider
In study III scores of PVH, DWMH (except for
occipital lobes which were excluded after factor
analysis) as well as BGH were used. In study IV,
the PVH and DWMH scores were used. In study V
the total sum score was used.
Neuropathology (study I)
The brains were removed at autopsy within 24 h
after death and fixed in 4% buffered formaldehyde
for at least 4 weeks. Following fixation and subse-
quent MRI scanning and by using a specially
designed brain slicer, each brain could be cut in
coronal slices closely corresponding to the MR
image planes. In the slicer the brain was put in a Fig. 2. Mean area of white matter pathology in each of the 6
brains, as measured on MRI scans and on neuropathologic
plastic chamber, on a movable tray, and angled in gross sections: percentage of the total white matter areas.
accordance to the MRI scout image. The chamber Neuropathological examination showed larger areas of WMC
was thereafter filled with 4% agar. After hardening, in all 6 cases than did MRI.
type 1 ¼ AT1) was that of white matter areas with
Statistical analyses
normal appearance on both MRI and neuropathol-
ogy. The second area (type 2 ¼ AT2) appeared All statistical analyses were performed using the
normal on MRI, but showed white matter pallor STATISTICA software, versions 4.1, 5.1 and 5.5
on the pathology slices. The third area (type 3 ¼ (StatSoft, Inc, Tulsa, OK, USA).
AT3) was considered abnormal on both MRI and The non-parametric Wilcoxon matched pairs test
neuropathology. In these three different area types, was used for comparing variables (studies I and V)
the white matter was microscopically evaluated and consisting of ordinal data such as the MMSE scores
the glial density estimated. A total of 8 ROIs were and results from stereology. Also the Spearman rank
chosen for this analysis. An unbiased 2D-quantifica- order correlations (studies III, IV and V), as well as
tion technique (48) was applied for estimating glial Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA by ranks followed by
cell density per mm2. Since LFB stains the nuclei of Mann–Whitney U-test (study III) were used for
all cells, the total number of all glial cell types was ordinal data.
calculated, while omitting other easily recognisable Analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used for
cells such as endothelium. The achieved counts were interval data such as cell counts (study I) and MR
considered to represent cellularity of the white signal ratios (study II) as well as for the semiquan-
matter. titative Scheltens scores if the variances were homo-
geneous and the distribution of data not highly
skewed (study III).
The different white matter areas were quantified For interval data the Pearson product moment
using the stereological principles of area counting correlation was used.
(48). A grid-point test system with a set of regularly When a principal factor analysis was performed
spaced points was superimposed over the ROI. The (studies III and IV) the standard criteria for inclusion
number of grid-points hitting either total white of factors were used, i.e., explained variant >10%,
matter or pathological white matter area, respec- more than one factor loading >50%, and having
tively, was counted on each particular slice. The eigenvalues above or at the break-point in the dis-
areas of WMC were then expressed as a percentage tribution plot.
of the total white matter area in the same slice. So as Multiple linear regression analyses with forward
to achieve a coefficient of error (CE ¼ standard error stepwise inclusion of variables as well as simul-
of mean/mean) of less than 0.10 in the estimation of taneous regression analyses were used (studies
areas, the grid size was chosen so that a minimum of IV and V). The forward inclusion model was pre-
30 observations (point hits) per area of interest was ferred if the analysis included more than a few
reached. The stereological grid-point method is easy variables.
to use and more reliable than the delineation of area
method (48). Every counting was repeated three
times and the mean values calculated for further
analysis. The principal findings were: In study I the WMC
were more extensive on neuropathology than on a
Assessment of word fluency (study IV) routine MRI sequence in all of the brains, with a
mean of >50% larger areas. The correlation between
In the FAS test (11), used to assess letter word
measures from MRI and pathology was high. The
fluency, the patient produced as many words as
pathology not depicted by MRI represented, how-
possible, in 60 s, all beginning with the same
ever, only minor changes with lower intensity of
letter. This was repeated for the three different
myelin staining and accentuation of the distance
letters F, A and S. The number of words was
between fibres but with preserved axonal network
recorded for every 10-s period, which resulted in
and glial cell density.
18 scores.
In study II no leakage of the MR contrast agent
across the BBB could be measured in the WMC
APOE genotyping (study III)
DNA was extracted from peripheral white blood In study III of AD patients we found that indi-
cells and the APOE genotype was determined using viduals with the APOE e4/4 genotype had more
a microsequencing method on microtitre plates extensive WMC. Moreover, in subjects carrying the
(Affi-Gene APOE, Sangtec Medical, Bromma, e4 allele, the deep WMC were not age-related, as
Sweden). they were in the others.
Study IV showed a relation between WMC in the and not approaching the 50% difference we
frontal lobes and poor performance on the initial, observed.
but not on the late part, of the FAS word fluency test. Post-mortem MRI may not have the same sensi-
The correlation between regional white matter tivity to WMC as in vivo MRI studies. Although
scores and poor initial word fluency was most many authors have claimed it to be a reliable
pronounced for periventricular WMC in the left method (9, 47, 78, 98, 142) it is also reported to
frontal lobe. have a somewhat lower sensitivity to WMC as
Study V showed that extensive WMC did not compared to in vivo studies (41, 42). Moreover,
predict a faster global cognitive decline in a group of the fixation process reduces both T1 and T2 relaxa-
memory-disturbed patients. tion times (63) and the rate appears to be different
in different kinds of tissue (140) explaining
the reversed contrast seen between grey and white
matter, in T1 images. Studies comparing in vivo to
in vitro MRI are desirable but will always meet
obstacles because of the time delay between the
two examinations as well as unknown perimortal
By using the specially designed brain slicer we events.
could get a good anatomic matching between In this study microscopic analyses were made of
MRI scans and neuropathological sections and were different types of areas, as categorised by their
thus able to compare the extent of WMC as seen on appearance on MRI and LFB slices. AT1, that
MRI, to the areas of WMC seen on neuropathology. appeared normal with both techniques, showed
The correlation between measures from the two white matter, heavily stained by LFB, with dense
methods was high although neuropathology packed cells, corresponding to normal tissue. AT2,
revealed significantly more extensive WMC in all with normal appearance on MRI but abnormal on
brains, than did MRI ( p<0.00005). In the 6 brains neuropathology, showed a lower intensity of myelin
neuropathology showed between 16% and 111% staining with an accentuation of the wide spaces
(mean 54%) larger areas than did MRI (Fig. 2). between fibres in a fairly intact axonal network and
On average 26% of the total white matter area in with well-preserved nuclear shapes and glial cell
the actual neuropathogical slice was affected com- density. AT3, that was abnormal with both techni-
pared to 18% on MRI. ques, correlated to areas of variable atrophic appear-
There are some fundamental differences between ance with severe myelin pallor, intense vacuolation
the two methods that might influence the results. The and decreased cell density. Different degrees of
spatial resolution is much higher in the neuropatho- reduction of the axonal network were seen together
logical sections than on the MRI scan making the with some irregularly shaped and fragmented
delineation of borders between grey and white axons. Dilated perivascular spaces were common
matter as well as between normal and abnormal findings, but not areas of gliosis or infarction. Only 1
white matter easier. Moreover, the partial volume of the brains displayed fibrohyaline wall thickening
effect, present in all MR images, implies that each of small arterioli in the white matter, while in the
scan contains information from a thick slice, making others only smooth muscle degeneration without any
all borders that are not perpendicular to the slice sign of extravasated bleeding or phagocytosis could
appear blurred. The MRI sequence chosen for the be seen. In 2 brains, minor cortical and leptome-
study is widely used in the clinical routine but not ningeal amyloid angiopathy changes were seen. The
specifically optimised for the detection of WMC. glial cell numbers per mm2 were compared and were
FLAIR sequences were not available on our equip- lower in AT3 as compared to both AT1 and AT2
ment at the time. These mainly have the advantage while there was no significant difference between
of giving superior contrast between lesions and the AT1 and AT2.
surrounding white matter. A PD sequence without
turbo effect would also have yielded a slightly
better contrast and spatial resolution. An improved There was no signal change in the WMC areas in any
contrast would have made the quantification patient after contrast agent injection, in spite of a
easier and at the same time would have made the prolonged scanning time, a doubled contrast dose
effects of partial volume work more in the and measures of MR signal change over time in
favour of MRI. However, it is unlikely that lesion lesions as compared to normal areas. Even in the
areas would be adjusted more than marginally, group of patients with elevated CSF/serum albumin
the defective barrier and the MRI technique used in
this study is sensitive to a diffuse signal increase
throughout the lesion areas. However, the dysfunc-
tion caused by microvascular ischaemic injury has
also been described as variable and focal and it
might, under some circumstances, be reversible
(106, 107). The leakage may thus appear in the
form of ‘‘microleaks’’ (106), i.e., only in small areas
or transiently over short time periods, and when
measuring signal changes in regions including large
areas of WMC, there is a high possibility to miss a
contrast enhancement occurring only in small parts
of a lesion. Furthermore, when comparing different
patient groups we used mean signal values from all
measures in each patient. This also limits the pos-
sibility to discover local changes that do not include
the WMC as a whole. Moreover, although the MRI
procedure was designed to detect small degrees of
enhancement, a diffuse but very low-grade leakage
could still be missed. Such BBB leakage might be
detected with a more delayed imaging (up to 2 h
after injection) and by using a higher dose of the
contrast agent (137). The MR sequences might also
be further optimised with an improved signal-
to-noise ratio or a slightly reduced TR.
After controlling for age and degree of dementia
(estimated by MMSE score) a significant effect of
APOE genotype was found on the MRI white matter
Fig. 3. (a) Box and whisker plot showing scores for DWMH scores, both for the DWMH and PVH. The subjects
in AD patients with different genotypes. Differences between with the homozygous e4/4 genotype had more
e4/4 and the other groups are significant. (b) Scores for PVH.
Significant differences only between e4/4 and e3/4 groups. extensive DWMH, PVH and BGH than those with
other genotypes. The differences were significant for
DWMH scores when e4/4 subjects were compared
to those with one or no e4 allele, and for PVH and
BGH only when compared to those with one e4
ratios, indicative of increased BBB permeability, no allele (Fig. 3). The effect of the APOE e4 allele was
contrast enhancement in the WMC could be found, thus found only in homozygous individuals. This
and there were no differences compared to the group might be explained by a threshold effect or hypothe-
of patients without signs of BBB dysfunction. tically that one e4 allele is sufficient to prevent the
The lack of evidence for contrast leakage in the process leading to WMC.
WMC might be explained by an intact BBB. On the In most studies of healthy individuals the WMC
other hand, there might also be explanations of correlate strongly to advancing age, while in AD this
methodological and physiological nature. The correlation is not clear with disparate results being
BBB dysfunction caused by microvascular ischae- reported in previous studies. In our study of AD
mic injury is probably caused by defective tight patients the correlations between age and white
junctions and basal membranes (107) giving a gen- matter ratings were different in the different geno-
eral increase in permeability. Other cerebrovascular type groups. Only subjects without the e4 allele
conditions such as chronic hypertension and showed a correlation between advancing age and
impaired autoregulation of cerebral perfusion can scores for DWMH and BGH, while for the PVH
also open up the tight junctions (107). In the case there was no age correlation in any patient group.
of a general permeability increase, the small Gd- The finding that age correlation in AD is dependent
DTPA-BMA molecule would be expected to pass on the APOE genotype supports the hypothesis that
in AD subjects carrying the e4 allele the WMCs have
a different origin, one that might be related to the
aetiology of the disease.
The scores on the word fluency FAS test were factor
analysed which resulted in two factors, one relating
to the initial and one to the late test performance.
The WMC scores were also factor analysed, which
yielded one anterior, and one posterior factor.
According to a regression analysis (R ¼ 0.56, Fig. 4. Frequency scatter plot of the outcome measure,
p<0.001) the anterior WMC factor and the level decrease in MMSE score at follow-up, in the two patient
of education predicted the initial, but not the late, groups (patients with extensive WMC in the brain and patients
performance on the FAS test. In further analyses of with minor WMC). No significant difference was found
the individual WMC scores from the Scheltens between the groups.
scale, mainly PVH in the left frontal lobe, i.e., left
frontal cap and left lateral band, predicted perfor-
mance on the initial part of the FAS test ( p<0.01). dysfunctions typical of WMC but indicates the
According to Spearman rank correlation, PVH in the global cognitive level. On the other hand, some
left frontal lobe had the highest correlation to initial previous studies have shown WMC to also affect
FAS factor; however, also PVH in the right frontal MMSE performance (65, 75, 79, 143). The purpose
lobe was significantly, but less correlated. The late of this study was to evaluate the prognostic signifi-
FAS factor did not significantly relate to any of the cance, in the clinical situation, of the finding of
variables, neither WMC factors, WMC scores, or extensive WMC during the dementia investigation;
education (although a tendency was seen). However, the issue being to evaluate if such changes predict a
since there was less variation between the patients in poorer clinical outcome in this patient group.
performance on the late part of the test, the possi- The patient group was heterogeneous and because
bility to detect correlations with other variables is of this, the cases and controls were pair-wise closely
reduced. The relation between left frontal PVH and matched according to age, educational level, initial
initial FAS test was on the other hand highly sig- performance on MMSE and initial diagnosis. The
nificant, which indicates that WMC in this region MMSE is a scale of ordered categorical data, which
affects initial word fluency. is not linear. According to MENDIONDO et al. (86)
the rate of decline differs between various ranges of
the scale. In addition, younger and more educated
When comparing two groups of memory-impaired patients progress more rapidly, while gender has
patients with and without extensive WMC, no dif- little impact on disease progression as measured
ference in outcome, as measured by decrease in with MMSE. Thus a matching between cases and
MMSE score, during the observation period could controls is important regarding age, education and
befound.The meandecreasewas 3.9points(median1) MMSE level but not gender. Regarding the patients
among cases, i.e., patients with WMC, and 4.0 initial diagnoses only the fulfilment of dementia
points (median 3) among the controls (Fig. 4). criteria or not was noted, as well as evidence or
The only factor that was correlated to the outcome not of MCI. Since the presence of severe WMC
measure was the initial MMSE score (R ¼ 0.41, influences the specific dementia diagnoses (e.g., AD,
p<0.01) where a high initial score correlated to a VaD or mixed) these were not considered. Length
lesser decrease. This relates to the fact that among of follow up, ranging from 2 to 4 years, differed
those with the highest scores were subjects who did between pairs but was similar in cases and controls
not develop any further symptoms. Although the in every matched pair.
number of patients was limited, the extent of WMC
among the cases was pronounced which should
increase the chances to detect possible effects. No
tendency for the subjects with WMC to decline
faster could, however, be detected. In contrast, the The results of study I showed a systematic differ-
outcome was similar for both groups. The MMSE ence between MRI and neuropathology where the
does not specifically reflect the subcortical less pronounced pathology, interpreted as early
changes, was not seen on MRI. These changes Others (47) found a poor correlation between find-
consisted mainly of areas with reduced myelin ings on MRI and pathology in the deep white matter,
density and a concomitant increase in tissue water while again others reported a high correspondence
content. More severe changes that included cell loss between the methods (25). In most studies the
were clearly visible on MRI. Although the MRI lesions observed were reported to be more extensive
technique is sensitive to an increase in water content on pathology than on MRI (42, 47, 96, 116) although
these early changes were not depicted by a conven- none of these studies made a quantitative compar-
tional FSE MRI sequence. Diffusion-weighted MRI ison. In our study all patients had a diagnosis of prob-
is a new technique that has a high sensitivity for able AD, but some of them also had cerebrovascular
microscopic structural changes in the white matter risk factors. The WMCs could thus have varying
related to volume of the extracellular space and to causes and the interpretation of our results may be
integrity of cell membranes. This technique has difficult to generalise. The neuropathological findings
depicted changes in the otherwise normal appearing are, however, considered to mainly be of the same
white matter in AD patients, indicating a pathology nature although different pathophysiological mech-
in these areas not visible on routine MRI (52, 64, anisms may underlie the changes seen in AD and
114). The changes in diffusion indicated a decreased cerebrovascular disease (38, 118). A limitation of
fibre density with higher extracellular water content, our study is the small number of brains included.
well corresponding to the findings in our study. The However, the pattern was similar in all cases, regard-
MR diffusion technique is not applicable in the post- less of concomitant cerebrovascular disease. We
mortem situation and cannot be used in comparison therefore conclude that WMC are more extensive
with neuropathology. on neuropathologic examination than on post-mor-
MR spectroscopy (MRS) is another promising tem MRI but that the lesions not identified on
method, which reveals metabolic compounds in conventional MRI only represent minor changes
the tissue and this technique is possible to use both with slight myelin pallor but with preserved axonal
in vivo and in vitro. In vivo studies have shown AD network and glial cell density.
patients to have abnormal spectra not only in grey The BBB dysfunction occurring in demented
but also in white matter (88), indicating diffuse patients seems related to vascular factors (14) and
axonal injury and membrane alterations. An MRS is suggested to be a consequence of small vessel
study of WMC in non-demented elderly also showed disease (149). In line with this, a number of authors
a neuronal/axonal loss in such areas (100). None of have reported that WMC are related to elevated CSF
these studies included neuropathologic correlation. albumin levels, taken as an indication of disturbed
Another new MRI method that has been applied BBB function (15, 104). In addition, pathology
for brain white matter studies is magnetisation studies using immunohistochemistry have shown
transfer imaging (MTI). MTI is related to relaxation an increased amount of extravasated serum proteins
properties associated with the presence of macro- in WMC areas indicative of BBB dysfunction (1, 6,
molecules in tissue membranes. In brain tissue, 138). In study II, using contrast-enhanced MRI, no
myelin is regarded as the major macromolecule general BBB leakage was found in the WMC areas,
responsible for the MT phenomenon and reduced not even among the patients with elevated CSF
MT ratios are thought to reflect changes in the albumin. There might, however, still be a dysfunc-
amount and constitution of myelin present in white tion in the form of microleaks, limited in space and/
matter (61). Abnormal MT ratios have been found in or time and as such difficult to demonstrate with this
the normal appearing white matter in MS patients kind of method. On the other hand the results might
(74). Moreover, differences in MT ratios have been reflect a true integrity of the BBB in the WMC and
shown when comparing WMC in demented patients the elevated CSF albumin might have another origin.
to those in non-symptomatic individuals (51, 134) Only some patients with WMC have elevated CSF
supporting the hypothesis of different types or albumin and the albumin source might be located to
grades of damage in these two groups. other areas in the CNS and thus not caused by the
Previous studies comparing WMC as seen on small vessel disease of the white matter. Since the
post-mortem MRI and histopathology dealt with primary source of protein in the CSF is the choroid
the qualitative analysis of the pathological correlates plexus (23), then it is possible that elevated CSF
to the MRI lesions. One study also compared the albumin levels could be due to a dysfunction in these
extent of pathology depicted with the respective areas with an increased leakage or decreased reab-
method (118) and claimed that MRI might be more sorption of proteins. Another explanation for high
sensitive than microscopic evaluation of WMC. CSF albumin levels in the lumbar sac, from where
the CSF samples are taken, is that of a slowed CSF with the low mean age in our study, this gave
circulation. NPH is a condition that is characterised us a different AD population where the chances
by disturbances in the CSF circulation and which of having WMC connected to arteriolosclerosis
can give cognitive decline. NPH can also cause was reduced. Our subjects with e4/4 not only
extensive WMC probably due to disturbed CSF showed more extensive changes; in patients carrying
dynamics. As pointed out by PANTONI et al. (104) the e4 allele the changes were unrelated to advan-
CSF circulation disturbances might explain the link cing age in contrast to the findings in patients with-
between WMC and high CSF/serum albumin ratios. out e4, as well as in most populations previously
Our results are consistent with such a hypothesis. studied. However, previous findings in AD popula-
Finally, in contrast to a general increase in BBB tions have been inconclusive. Together our results
permeability, the impairment might appear as a more suggest that in AD patients of the e4/4 genotype
selective dysfunction of the barrier with an increased some of the WMC might be related to the aetiology
pinocytic protein transport across the barrier not of the disease. The same patient group is previously
affecting the Gd-DTPA-BMA molecule. This type shown to have more severe CAA than others (109,
of mechanism has been described in chronic hyper- 122, 158). CAA is a condition proposed by some to
tension in animal models (97). cause WMC (87, 103), a theory, however, disputed
In conclusion, this study provided no evidence for by others (39, 118). At present, no connection
a major increase in BBB permeability in the WMC between CAA and WMC has been established.
areas. The protein leakage into the CSF in patients Our results could be interpreted as supporting the
with WMC either occurs by some other mechanism, hypothesis that CAA causes WMC in AD patients.
like pinocytosis, or in some location other than the Study IV: In demented patients it has been diffi-
WMC, or it is of such low grade, or limited to such cult to demonstrate the neuropsychological syn-
small areas that it is not detectable with the method drome that in healthy subjects has been associated
used. Another possibility is that disturbed CSF with WMC (55, 76, 131). This has been explained by
circulation causes a higher concentration of proteins overlapping of more severe symptoms caused by
in the lumbar sac from where the samples usually are dementia. There are, however, a few studies that
taken. have reported cognitive disturbances related to the
No connection between WMC and the APOE e4 presence of WMC similar to those described in non-
allele has been shown in studies of healthy elderly demented individuals (3, 127, 141).
(70, 123). In study III we concentrated on WMC in Most studies exploring the cognitive correlates of
AD patients, under the hypothesis that WMC in WMC, either in healthy subjects or in patients with
these patients might be of a different nature. To dementia, have not separately evaluated lesions in
minimise the atherosclerotic influence we excluded different brain regions but only looked for general
all patients with a cerebrovascular history as well as effects (127, 141). These effects have mainly been
those with hypertension and diabetes. We found that found to be reduced mental speed and attention and
AD patients homozygous for the APOE allele e4 had the typical findings are suggestive of fronto-subcor-
more WMC than patients with other genotype tical brain dysfunction (2). Only few have reported
groups, the results being most significant regarding that WMC in specific regions seem to influence
changes in the deep white matter. Recently a number performance in specific neuropsychological tests
of other papers addressing the same issue have been (8, 44, 111). In such cases the tests were mainly
published (7, 36, 56, 115) without reproducing our time dependent or reliant on executive functions.
results. However, in two of these studies WMC were Some authors have separated periventricular from
only reported as present or absent (56, 115), an deep WMC and claimed that mainly the periven-
approach that reduces the sensitivity. In the other tricular changes are associated with cognitive
two studies (7, 36) the extent of WMC were, as in impairment (30) and motor changes (22). In con-
our study, recorded using the Scheltens scale. In both trast, it has also been claimed that only subcortical
of these studies AD patients carrying the APOE e4 and not periventricular location gives cognitive def-
allele had higher white matter scores than other icits (28).
groups, although the differences did not reach sig- Letter-based word fluency tests have been
nificance. Consequently, there seems to be a relation regarded as indices of left frontal lobe functioning
between APOE genotype and WMC in AD although (121). This anatomic relation has been shown in
this relation is not prominent. A difference between studies of patients with brain infarcts in this region,
our study and the others is that we excluded patients as well as in fMRI and positron emission tomogra-
with the common risk factors for WMC. Together phy (PET) studies. However, all reports have not
been in full agreement and other parts of the brain somewhat limited and another drawback is the
appear to also be involved. The presence of WMC in heterogeneity of the patient group. A carefully
general has been shown to affect verbal fluency (18, designed, prospective study might give additional
111, 157) but it is not known whether this effect is a information. However, to enhance the chances of
general effect on attention and speed of mental detecting a possible impact of WMC in our study we
processing, or a specific one, due to impaired func- used cases with extensive white matter pathology
tion of the actual subcortical pathways that mediate and used a follow up ranging from 2 to 4 years.
the verbal fluency tasks. Despite this, the two matched groups were very
In the present study, only periventricular WMC, similar in outcome, suggesting that the pathological
and most apparent those in the left frontal lobe, process causing WMC does not affect the rate of
predicted a poor performance on the initial part of cognitive decline in patients with dementia or mild
the FAS test. Since the initial part of the test is more memory disturbances.
dependent on attention and speed of mental proces-
sing than the late phase our results could be
explained by a general effect of WMC. On the other
hand, since PVH in the left frontal lobe were most There seems to be a great complexity regarding both
significantly related to the test performance, this causes and effects of WMC. This might be explained
might indicate a more specific effect of WMC, since by the inability of the neuroimaging techniques to
word fluency performance is considered to mainly separate changes of different severity as well as
rely on the left frontal lobe. Previous observations changes of different origin and potentially also of
(22, 30) showing that mainly periventricular changes different significance. There might be threshold
are related to cognitive deficits are supported by our effects that confound the picture if lesions of dif-
results. This might hypothetically be explained by ferent severity have the same appearance in the
the pattern of the subcortical neural pathways. images. With MRS, BROOKS et al. (20) have shown
The significant correlation found in this study that the MR proton spectra of WMC differ between
between a test considered to reflect left frontal lobe symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, mainly by
functioning and the presence of WMC in the same exhibiting lower N-acetylaspartate (NAA) peaks (a
area is an indication that WMC might have specific neuronal marker) in the symptomatic group. Simi-
effects in different brain regions and that they do not larly by using MTI, differences in MT ratios
just exert a generalised effect by reducing attention between WMC in demented and in non-sympto-
and speed of mental processing. In addition, the fact matic individuals have been shown (51, 134). This
that the late FAS factor did not significantly relate to suggests either different types or grades of damage
any of the WMC variables can be taken as support in these two groups corresponding to the different
for the hypothesis that the FAS test should be clinical expression. There are also indications that
divided into an initial and a late phase. These two WMC in AD might be of a different nature than
phases might to some extent rely on different brain changes of similar appearance in patients with cere-
regions, and maybe represent different modes of brovascular disease. Only the latter group seems to
retrieval. exhibit BBB impairment (139). Also our observa-
In the heterogeneous group of memory-disturbed tion that the extent of WMC in AD patients is
patients used in the retrospective study V the pre- influenced by APOE genotype, something that has
sence of extensive WMC did not predict a poorer not been found in population based studies, indicates
outcome, with respect to further decline in global partly different mechanisms. In the future, the new
cognitive performance. Only a few papers have MRI applications including MRS, MTI and diffu-
previously been published on the prognostic signif- sion-weighted MRI might bring new insights into
icance of WMC in memory-impaired patients. Most the pathology of brain white matter. These techni-
of them included only a very limited number of ques have the potential of revealing very subtle
patients, most of whom were without pronounced pathology. In addition they give quantitative mea-
white matter pathology (17, 94, 154), or they had a sures which might allow us to separate different
very short follow up time (i.e., 1 year) (76). Among degrees of pathology and maybe also to depict
these studies, only one (154) indicated that WMC changes with different underlying pathology as well
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