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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)


1. Advantage of creep feeding in calves
− Reduces rate of sucking of the dam
− Leads to higher weights at weaning
− Calves can be marketed early in one year
− Calves are uniform in size at weaning
− Shortens the period for fattening or finishing
− Calves have higher market price 4x ½ = 2 mks
2. Advantages of debeaking in poultry
− Prevents injury from pecking or fighting
− Reduces feed wastage
− Reduces tendency of egg-eating and egg breaking
− Minimizes the incidences of cannibalism due to prolapse
− Reduces nervousness / frightenness 2 X ½ = 1mk
3. Care & maintenance of garden tools and equipment
− Cleaning after use
− Replacing broken or worn out handles
− Proper storage in a dry place
− Oiling metallic parts to prevent rusting
− Sharpening the blades of cutting tools
− Lubricating / greasing the moving parts
− Using a tool correctly
− Tightening loose screws and nuts 4 x ½ = 2mks
4. Reasons for maintaining good livestock health
− Fast growth rate
− For maximum production ./ yield
− Prolonged production life (Reject “long life span” alone)
− Production of safe products for consumers
− Production of high quality products
− Production of vigorous and health offsprings 4 x ½ = 2mks
5. Reasons for feeding bees
− To maintain new colonies
− To encourage fast multiplication of colony
− To discourage swarming
− To supplement sources of food 2 x ½ = 1mk

6 Characteristics of Goats for marginal areas 4 x1/2 = 2mks

− Goats are browsers on a wide range of vegetation
− Goats eat any kind of edible materials
− Goats withstand extreme tropical conditions
− Goats are tolerant to tsetse fly infestation
− Goats require little water
7. Reasons for handling of sick animals
− When administering any form of treatment
− When examining the animals
− When performing simple operations e.g. vaccination
− When controlling external parasites e.g de- ticking 4x ½ = 2mks
8. Intermediate hosts for tapeworms 2x1/2 = 1
− Pig

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− Cattle
9. Disadvantage of free range system of rearing poultry 4x1/2 = 2mk
− Birds are exposed to predators
− Birds easily get lost
− High losses of eggs
− Eggs are dirtified
− Low production due to wastage of energy
− Birds are poorly fed
10. “Breed’ and “type of animals” 2x ½ = 1 mk
Breed – group of animals with similar genetic characteristics and same origin (WHOLE)
Type of animals – The purpose for which the animal’s is kept
11. Uses of a cultivator
− To destroy the weeds
− To aerate the soil during cultivation
− To conserve soil moisture by leaving mulch on the surface 3 x ½ = 1 ½ mks
12. Causes of bloat in ruminants 3 x ½= 1 ½ mk
− Lack of fibre in the diet
− Feeding on succulent feeds eg lush grass
− Rapid production of gas ( methane) in the rumen
− Fermentation of feeds in the rumen
− Obstruction of the oesophagus by food eg potatoes
13 (a) Function of :
i) Crop – Temporal storage of food 1 x ½ = ½mk
- Food is mixed with water

ii) Preventriculus / True stomach: 1 x ½ = ½mk

- pepsin is produced to digest the food

iii) Gizzard – Grinds food with the help of grit

- Muscular muscles grind food 1 x ½ = ½mk

b) Digestive juice :– Gastric juice 1 x ½= ½mk

14. Maintenance vs production ration

Maintenance ration:- 2 x 1= 2 mks
- A feed given to an animal to keep its metabolic activities going on and to stay alive. (WHOLE)

Production ration- Feed given to an animal over and above the maintenance ration for production purposes.
15. Activities before milking 4 x ½= 2mks
− Restrain animals in milking shade/ crush
− Put milking utensils ready
− Provide the cow with feeds/ Dairy meal
− Wash udder using warm water using a towel
− Dry the udder using another towel
− Strip the milk from each quarter on a strip cup to test for mastitis
16. Symptoms of tsetse fly attack on cattle’
− Muscular twitching 4 x ½ = 2mks
− Animals becomes weak and loses condition
− Animals has watery eyes/ lachrimation
− Swelling of the lymphnodes
− Animal is anaemic
− Animal has regular fever
− Dry skin and coat
17. Types o internal combustion engines 2 x ½= 1mk
− Diesel engine/ compression ignition engine
− Petrol engine/ spark iginition engines
18. Importance of water in livestock 4 x ½ = 2mks
− Medium for chemical reaction in the animal
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− Keeps body cells turgid , therefore maintains shape .
− Transportation of food and nutrients
− Lubricant to expel wastes from the animals
− Cools body temperature
− A component of livestock products eg milk, eggs

19 a) cattle / plunge dip 1 x 1= 1mk

b) W – footbath
X- Dip wash
Y- Drainage race 4 x ½ =2mks
Z- Roof
− Replacing all broken frames and posts
- Filling the floors of the races if there are pot holes 4 x ½ =2mks
− Regularly cleaning and draining of dip wash
− Cleaning sedimentation sumps to remove accumulated sediments
− Filling the footbath with clean water regularly
− Sealing cracks in the dip tank
− Checking the concentration of the dip wash
− Topping up the water to maintain volume
20. a) Egg candling 1 x 1 = 1mk
b) - Double yolk
− Meat spots
− Blood spots
− Cracked shell 4 x ½ =2mks

− Displaced yolk

c) - Medium size (55-60gm) 4 x ½ = 2mks

− Fertile
− Fresh (8- 10 days old)
− Clean
− Smooth shell
− Oval shaped

21. a) Spring tined harrow 1 x1 = 1mk

b) - For leveling the seedbed 2 x 1= 2mks
− For collecting trash on seed bed
− Break up soil clods.

C) - Tightening the tines on the frame 4 x ½ = 2mks

− Replacing worn out tines
− Apply old engine oil before long storage to prevent rusting
− Cleaning before storage every day after work
− Straightening spikes if crooked

22 a) M – milking bucket / pail (reject milk bucket / pail)

L- Milk churn / can (reject milking churn) 2 x ½ = 1mks

b) M – used for holding milk during milking 2 x 1 = 2mks

L – Used for holding milk during transportation

c) i) Washing thoroughly with hot water 2 x 1= 2mks

ii) Sterilizing using recommended detergent


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23. Signs and symptoms of ECF
− Swelling of hymph nodes
− Sharp rise in temperature over the first few days 6 x 1=6mks
− Lack of appetite
− Sudden drop in milk yield in lactating animals
− Coughing due to oedema of the lungs
− Nosal discharge
− Impaired vision/ poor vision
− Starring coat
− Diarrhoea in 8- 10 days
− Weakness
− Dullness
− Emaciation
− Lachrimation
− Salivation
− Dry muzzles
− Drooping ears
− Swollen eye- lids and ears
− Difficult, accelerated breathing and rapid pulse
− Death accompanied by froth from the nostrils.

b) Control of ECF
− Slaughtering all affected cattle 4 x 1= mks
− Control ticks by dropping/ applying accaricides
− Fencing to control ticks
− Provide chloro tetracycline and oxytetracycline drugs as feed supplement

c) General methods of diseases control

− Proper hygiene- animals house must be hygienic [Stating ½ mk]
− Proper housing – to provide suitable conditions for animal [ Description ½ mk]
− Proper spacing in houses – to avoid risks of overcrowding [ 10 x 1 = 10mks]
− Well ventilated house- for free circulation of air
− Leak proof house- to avoid dampness
− Well sheltered house- to avoid cold draughts
− Proper disposal of carcasses by burning or burying to avoid spread of diseases
− Proper nutrition- to avoid nutritional diseases
− Proper breeding – to select and breed healthy animals
− Use of quarantine- to avoid spread of diseases
− Isolation- to facilitate treatment and avoid spread of disease by a sick animal
− Culling- removing sickly animal from the herd after they recover
− Vaccination- to prevent attack by a disease
− Use of prophylactic drugs- used in feeds and water to prevent infection
− Slaughtering of diseased animals and disposed off to prevent spread to healthy ones.
− Treatment of sick animals- to return to good health
− Keeping proper farm records on animal health – to predict attack
− Control of vectors- to prevent protozoan diseases
− Use of anti biotics – against bacterial diseases
− Use of antiseptics – to dress wounds

- Deworming – to eliminate endo – parasites

- Hoof trimming – to control foot rot disease

24. a) Disadvantages of natural mating in cattle 6 x 1= 6 mks

− Large males injure small females

− Keeping males increase costs of production
− Encourages transmission of breeding diseases
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− Inbreeding is very possible
− Much semen is wasted
− Few cows can be mated by one bull
− Risky to keep a bull
− Keeping breeding records is difficult

b) Advantages of cross breeding in livestock 6 x 1= 6 mks

− Improves quality of offspring due to heterozygosity
− Introduces new genes into the herd
− Offsprings perform better than parents
− Offsprings combine traits from parents leading to high performance
− A quick method of producing the required animal
− Offsprings can adapt well to different environments.

c) Signs of heat in sows 8 x 1= 8mks

− Sow mounts other pigs and allows others to amount it
− Loss of appetite
− Stands still when pressure is applied on the back
− Swollen , congested and reddened vulva
− Restlessness
− Produces grunting noise
− clean mucus discharge from the vulva
− frequent urination
− Sow tries to reach out to other pigs in adjuscent pens.
25 a) functions of
i) Battery 3 x 1= 3mks
− Converts chemical energy into electrical energy
− Igniters the engine when the tractor is started
− Provides the electric current to spark plugs which ignites the fuel mixture in the cylinder.

ii) Generator / dynamo 2 x 1= 2mks

− supplier electricity for recharging the battery
− provides current for ignition and lighting

iii) Starter motor 2 x 1= 2mks

Converts electrical energy from the battery into mechanical energy to crank the engine to start
rotate the crankshaft to make the engine start

iv) cut out / voltage control box 3 x 1= 3mks

 adjusts the charge from, generator to battery
 Controls flow of current
 Disconnects current when the engine is stopped.

b) Maintenance of a tractor battery 10 x 1= 10mks

 Check level of electrolyte daily to ensure the plates are fully immersed
 Top up acid with distilled water
 Clean battery terminals using a wire brush
 Ensure terminals are connected correctly to tractor.
 Add sulphuric acid to raise the specific gravity of the electrolyte to 1. 2- 1.25
 Place the battery on a piece of wood if not in use
 Ensure the battery is charged all the time
 Avoid the electrolyte coming in contact with the terminal to avoid corrosion
 Always keep ventilation holes in battery caps open
 Tighten the battery terminal connections
 Clean corroded terminals and coat them with petroleum jelly.

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