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Workbook Chapter 5

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1. If a healthcare worker NEGLIGENCE against the 15. defamation damages a persons reputation libel
does not perform an practice when this occurs in print, the charge is
essential action or
16. The term res ipsa loquitur refers to cases the doctors
performs the action
in which mistake is clear
properly, the patient
to everyone
may bring a charge of
17. if a physician decides to terminate his send the
2. If a practitioner stops ABANDONMENT may be filed
care of a patient, the physician must patient a
care without providing
certified letter
an equally qualified
substitute, a charge of 18. which of the following is not a legal Diagnosing a
procedure for medical assistants to condition
3. Physicians and their Implied contract
patients work under an
19. a physicians receptionist asks patients to confidentiality
4. A violation of that Breach contract
sign in an deist the reason for their visit.
contract is a
This receptions is violating the patients
5. some charges resulting Arbitration right to
in lawsuits are brought
20. while practicing within the context of an promise the
to trail; others are
implied contract with a patient, the patient that she
settled through a
physician is obligated to do all of the will recover
mediator in a process
following except completely
known as
21. crimes such as attempted burglary and misdemeanors
6. Medical assistants may Durable power of attorney, which
disturbing the peace are examples of
assist patients with appoints someone to carry out
completing paper work the patients wishes regarding 22. if a medical assistant gives patient an Battery
known as the health care decisions, should the injection after the patient has refused the
patient become unable to make procedure should result in a charge of
these decisions 23. preventing a patient from leaving the false
7. some of these decisions ethics, or moral decisions not medical facility after administration of an imprisonment
include those involving necessarily related to the law allergy in be seen as

8. these decisions for bioethics, which frequently 24. if a patient can prove that she felt assault
health care workers may revolve around dilemmas reasonably apprehension of bodily harm
also include what is resulting from medical advances it can be a charge of ?
known as 25. documenting in a patients chart that he is libel for the
9. Criminal law consists of crimes against the a whack job who makes up symptoms practice
state crush on the doctor could produce
charges of
10. Felony included in this type of law, and
practicing medicine without a 26. in a civil case, the party making the call in plaintiff
license will result in this charge against an individual is known as the

11. a crime against a person tort 27. a healthcare practitioner hired to replace Locum tenens
is known as another temporarily is known as

12. comes under the civil law 28. which of the following is the best the things
heading of definition of res ispa loquitur speaks of itself

13. the open threat of assault 29. something of value bargained for as part consideration
bodily harm may result of an agreement is a
in a charge of 30. a person who does not judge a case but mediator
14. battery consists of an action that causes simply seeks a reasonable, non bin
bodily harm parties can agree upon is known as
31. the four Ds of negligence are duty, dereliction, direct cause, and damages
32. the relationship between a doctor and patient is called implied contract
33. Damaging a persons reputation by making public statements that are both Slander
false and malicious is considered
34. Healthcare practitioners who promise patients miracle cures or accept fraud
fees from patients while using mystical or spiritual powers to health are
35. a contract that is stated in written or spoken words is considered expressed contract
36. torts that are committed without the intention to cause harm but are unintentional tort
committed unreasonably or with a disregard for the consequences are
37. a patient who does not follow medical advice and consistently misses Bread of contract
appointment may be considered in
38. a document that communicated patient rights under HIPPA is called Notice of privacy practices
39. Misfeasance refers to a lawful act that is improperly performed
40. The patient care partnership lists what patients should expect from their
healthcare provider. it was formerly known as the
patient bill of rights

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