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• In both male and female the suprarenal glands are located on the superior pole of the

kidneys, within the renal fascia, but separated from the kidneys by the fibrous capsule.

• They are surrounded by a connective tissue capsule filled with perinephric fat.

• Each gland is approximately 5 cm long, 3 cm wide, and 1 cm thick.

• Each gland is composed of an external cortex and an inner medulla.

• The external cortex secretes several steroid hormones including aldosterone, cortisol,
and the sex hormones progesterone, oestrogen, and androgens.

• The inner medulla secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline.

Right suprarenal gland

• The right suprarenal gland is an irregular, tetrahedral-shaped gland attached to the

anterior aspect of the superior pole of the right kidney.

• It lies posterior to the inferior vena cava and right hepatic lobe where the lack of
peritoneum enables the gland to come in contact with the bare area of the liver.

• The inferior part of the gland may be covered by peritoneum and the duodenum may
overlie it anteriorly.

• The hilum is located on the anterior border near the apex of the gland.

Blood supply

• Suprarenal arteries.

Venous drainage

• Medullary veins (into suprarenal veins).


• Suprarenal plexus (sympathetic innervation from T8 to L1).

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