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emo) itlom F. Croswelt APSHitoion 2sMoner race Wee Momoume, 32708 (aon 830 Complex Image Theory — Revisited James R. Wait 2210 Fast Waverly ‘Tucson, Arizona 85719 Forward {Ham pleased to present this interesting article by Zim Wait ‘My fst memory of Jim occured whep I was atthe Antenna Lab at Ohio State Univery. T was werking on problems related to fanteanas placed near ejinders. One dy T came across an article by Jim, in the Canadian Journal of Phsis, related wo cylinder ‘Catering, I wondered atthe time if | would ever meet his pe Son. I have, and 30 have many otters in our profession, His con- tributions to ove Sociry are many.) Abstract, (A. sesitisorial th of camper image hay fr low quency electromagnetic fields is presened from a personal erspectve. Recent thoughts onthe subject are also in- hes. 1. The Early Days In the late 1950s and carly 19605, 1 had a strong commit rent to VLE (very low frequency). The motivation was to pre- ‘Set and understand how electromagnetic signals propagate in the ‘raveguide formed by the earth's surface and the lower region of the tonosphere. As preliminary step in dealing with te eigen ‘Valve or ode equation, it scemed © be prudent to find a simpli Tied representation fr the flection coeicien, Rat the jonc- ‘phere, for an upcoming plane wave ata complex angle of ini ence, 0. As it fumed ou, the remarkably simple approximation hoes Re expla) o where € = cos), and «is independent of C. This result works bres for angles near grazing where, for example, [C|_< 0.15 But, in general, a is complex, so that the down- O, the feds canbe derived rigor ously [2] from a elected magnetic Hertz potential F given, with refereace toa eylindreal coordinate system (7.2), by F(A | Afexpl19%)!% +P) @ where and Pa LU oR DIEM IM gy and wtere RN) = (uy 1) ay #4) ® wate? weeny 15 = 281 fee spice wavelength ad Y= Litoato + jaeyy? For convenience, we now set x = uy/A, where P -¥)"". Thon fom (wee tha R= Ra 2e2P PW Hee gy provided |x < 1. Buta good single erm approximation is Re ~expl-28) a which agrees with (5) upto and including the third term. Thus, the integral Pi approximated bythe form PaLs up Ubreretaae+ t+ 2/00 oy Then @) is given by FEAT Amer9-106)!"5-e1-T05)! DB where m= {9° #[2-+c9 +@/ ANF}. To obtain ®) we have ‘employed the Sommered inega identity given by Ler mnimecuzuercnnir oy where r = (p2+22)!2 forthe Real part of Z > 0. Clearly, the image is located at the complex dep -{iy+2/A)), which is complex, In the quasi-static limit, where yy +0, the image is located a ey). This isthe result I published over 20 years ‘ago [3]. Tere it was also shown thatthe approximation could be checked aginst the special, known case where the Source ad ob- Server were in the interface 20. An exact Solution for this configuration was available. Linell and Alanen[$] refer to this analysis as that "introduced by Wat as reported by Wait” 1A fuer analysis by Wait and Spies [5] extended the solution to the case of a horizontal wire, of line source, located over @ ho- ‘mogeneous half-space. Again, the solution was checked against own exact form, when the lne source was inthe interface. 4. Subsequent Developments ‘The implementation and further development was when up by Peter Bannister, who published a major series of papers on the subject. A recent one (6} gives succinct summary of his ac complishments and thei relation to other contributions. But I Shou also mention the significant and fundamental papers pub- lished by Samir Mahmoud and Adel Metwally (7,8) In their eneralizations of the theory, both addtional discrete images, a5 well asa continuous line image, were introduces. Tis led toa Slenficant improvement in the accuracy ofthe field representa tions, without aditional computing effort. The extension of the complex image theory to layered substaes is also posite, and Sich representation ae useful in applied geophysics (9). 5A inishing* Touch ‘The analytical advance made by Lindell and Alanen [4] vas to exploit the fact thatthe feflction coeticient could be ex pressed as a Laplace transform , soc that in cur content 1a 409° Ae nse HME Go ‘Then, with a change of variable to pA, it follows fom (3) that =a psa(pyrpdenrt-rortoldp aa Mpa Hers +11) «ny ‘The representation, given for P in (11), is exact. Clearly, it can be interpreted asthe contribution from ine image begining at 2 = ty and extending downward to “fy +exp(-Jare 4] Now, since the single image locaton at -@+(2/4)} leads to a "good" low-frequency approximation, itis worthwfile to see if we can obain a simple correction by working withthe "exact" or Finnish repression, Actally, his possibility was also men tioned by Lindell and Alanen (4). To cary out this task in an explicit manner, we expand the fanetion fp defined by Sp) = exon 03) into a Taylor series about p=2 . Thats, O)+D-DIO)+(P-MSO+(P-WES A) «sy JO) 28 IEEE Antennas ond Propagation Magazine, Vol. 33,No. 4, August 1991, ete higher terms ae neglected, When we insert this series into (Uy, we need to evaluate a set of Bessel function integrals tha fan be deduced from the following known transform [10]: f pi pnp = 10 +01? 09 12 as) hich is valid for positive B, Successive differentiation with re= sect 0 b, followed by imposing the limit 8» 0, leads to the following genere form [iP sso ndP = bu a9 where gy = U2. gp= 1,8 28s deuce hat 1 and 30 on, Thus, we [oo-2rp papi? bem 0, snd, a an ‘Consequently, (11) is given by PELQ+UMUAPE RPMs — apy where we have noted that 9/ a) =(1/.4)9/ 2%. An equivalent, {orm whichis more explicit, is pven by Petts ss APO (ON exP-TD (39) where r is as defined in (8), This est suggests thatthe correc tio term involving the hid derivative is negligible, for distances ry such that |i >> 1, whichis rewarkably non-restrietive. It ‘means that 7, only need be somewhat greater than the skin depth, 8, ofthe conducting half space. This statement i well borne out by the extensive and exhaustive tests of the numerical acuracy ‘made bythe intepid Peter Bannister [6]- 6. Back to the 1960s "Now its useful to return to the general frm for Pas given by (). Here, we follow the erigral strategy, and note tha (45-1) Hay +09 exo-2uy 1 AKI~(113) 1°) an) where terms involving higher powers of (w/A) are neglected. “Thus, within this approximation, ffs 013, 1a) }eot-w lets + 2/4918 (Fu) oO @ IEEE Antennas ond Propagation Magazine, Vol. 33, No. &, August 1991 Lo rmnderruntoind=-P 122) y9) ‘where A isthe right-hand sie of), Ts, we have very simply recovered (19), which was derived somewhat awkwardly from the “exact integral frm given by (1). AS indicated by Mahmoud, Bannister, and others, the approximate image forms have great utility, parculanly when dealing with layed substates, and for more complicated source fonfguraions I is fortunate tal, thanks to Tso Lindell and Esko Alanen, we have exact complex representations, which serve as bench marks forthe approximate forms. References 1. J. R. Walt, “BM propagation nthe eart-anosphere wave- uige,"Chapter 20 in’ Wane. Propagation Theory, New York, Pergamon Pres, 1981 2. Bid, Chapter 10. 3. 5. R, Wait, “Image thory of 2 quasistatic magnetic dipole ‘over a disipatve half-space,” Electr Lett, , pp. 281-282, June 1969. 4.1, V. Lindell and £. Alanen, "Exact image theory for the ‘Sommerfeld half-space problem, Pt." IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop, [AP-32, pp. 126-132, Fesmuary 1984, ‘5.1. R. Walt and K. P. Spies, “On the image representation of the quassatic Fields of ine current source above the ground,” Can. J. Phys. 4, 9p. 231-2733, December 190. 6. P. R, Bannister, “Applications of complex image theory,” Radio Science, 21, pp. 605-616, 1986 7. 8. F, Mahmoud and A. D. Metvally, "New image represen- tations for dipoles near a dissipative earth, Radio Science, 16, pp. 1211-1283, Novenber 1981 8. A. D. Metlly and S.F, Mahmoud, “Error analysis of image representations for sources near to a. ssiptive eat,” IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop, AP-30, pp 1005-1008, 1982. 9. J. R_ Walt, GeoBletromagneism, New York, Academic Pres, 1982, 10, G. N. Watson, Theory of Bessel Functions, p. 356, Cam bridge, 194 (Sond edition). 1A short biography of James Wait appeared in the Febmary, 1991, issue of the Magazine, and inthe December, 1990, IEEE Trantacions on Antennas and Propagation.)

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