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Student exchange programmes

A. 1. exchange 2. abroad 3. host 4. scholarships

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Using a dictionary (Page 4) 5. acceptance 6. skills 7. horizons 8. period
9. short-term 10. intensive 11. homestays
A. 1. entry word 2. pronunciation 3. part of speech
12. activities 13. university 14. long-term
4. grammar codes 5. definition / meaning 6. example
sentence 7. extra information associated with the
word 8. spelling 9. idiom 10. register Unit 2
B. 1. Leg is a noun. Health problems (Page 12)
2. There are seven meanings. A. 1. headache 2. cut 3. toothache 4. cough
3. There are two examples: “The legs of my jeans 5. cold 6. bump 7. bruise 8. backache 9. sunburn
were covered in mud.” and “He rolled up his trouser 10. stomach ache
legs and waded out into the stream.” B G N D L O C E S S
(Page 5) O O C Y N S E E N O
C. 1. verb 2. adverb 3. noun 4. pronoun T B G K D H A A G M
5. conjunction 6. preposition O U I N A D K C C A
D. 1. adverb 2. adjective 3. noun 4. verb T P K C J L H P T H
E. 1. There are two parts of speech: a verb and a noun. H F H E P Y C E S A
2. Blame1 has five different meanings. 3. c. collocations A E A H G U O C E C
(Page 6) H S B R U I S E O E
A. 1. vowels 2. consonants 3. diphthongs E I H T E T L E B Q
D. 1. /d/ 2. /k/ 3. /dZ/ 4. /N/ 5. /r/ 6. /t/ 7. /s/
8. /z/ 9. /h/ 10. /'b/ 11. /U/ 12. /T/ B. 1. runny nose 2. sprained ankle 3. sore throat
4. high temperature 5. broken bone
(Page 7) 6. upset stomach
E. 1. teacher 2. bed 3. fish 4. hot 5. pull 6. dark 7. C. 1. health care 2. poor health
girl 8. tree 9. door 10. food 3. damage your health 4. health risk 5. health
F. 1. do 2. great 3. weather 4. although 5. fish
6. sugar Non-governmental health
G. 2. a. /S/ b. /s/ organisations (Page 13)
A. 1. b. possible 2. c. information 3. b. loud
4. a. questions
Unit 0 B. 1. doctor 2. mister 3. street 4. preposition
5. something 6. British English 7. United States of
Types of holiday (Page 8) America 8. plural 9. avenue
A. 1. vacation 2. a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 C. 1. WHO 2. NGO 3. FAO 4. UFO 5. Unicef
B. 1. abroad 2. on 3. resort 4. going 6. WFP 7. UN 8. FBI 9. CIA
C. 1. adventure 2. package 3. beach
Summer activities (Page 9)
Unit 3
A. 1. camp 2. holidays 3. house 4. pudding Volunteerism (Page 14)
5. school 6. solstice 7. time A. 1. Two: A noun or a verb 2. four meanings
B. 1. hiking 2. canoeing 3. camping 4. scuba diving 3. Meaning 2 4. 1. I have volunteered to work in a food
5. sightseeing 6. rock climbing bank. 3. My older brother volunteered to go to war. 4. My
mum volunteered my brother for taking out the trash.
B. 1. volunteers 2. volunteered 3. voluntary
Unit 1 4. voluntarily
Life enriching experiences (Page 10) Voluntary work (Page 15)
A. 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. d 6. c 7. c 8. b A. 1. j 2. h 3. f 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. c 8. g 9. e 10. i
B. 1. extreme biking 2. kayaking 3. skiing 4. cliff B. 1. They are both phrasal verbs. 2. distribute
diving 5. skate boarding 6. sky diving 3. a. 2 b. 3

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B. Sound /t/: finished; laughed; stopped; walked; asked

Unit 4 Sound /id/: rested; needed; wanted; added; waited
Technology (Page 16) Sound /d/: stayed; called; smelled; saved; begged
A. 1. trademark 2. performance 3. outdated Past Continuous (Page 25)
4. customer 5. technophobe 6. digital divide
A. 1. was reading / was watching 2. was listening /
B. 1. laptop 2. tablet 3. webcam 4. wireless was explaining 3. were visiting / was lying 4. were…
headphones 5. hologram 6. spaceship 7. superglue
8. portable hard drive
B. 1. were 2. saw 3. did 4. were 5. were throwing
Inventors and inventions (Page 17) 6. said 7. was crying 8. said
A. 1. verb e) 2. noun d) 3. adjective a) 4. noun b) William Shakespeare / a play
B. 1. velcro 2. anesthesia 3. X-radiation / X-rays C. Personal answer
4. Penicillin 5. play dough
Either… or / Neither… nor (Page 27)
Unit 5 A. 1. a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. b)
B. 1. nor 2. either 3. nor 4. or 5. Either 6. neither…
Books and reading (Page 18) nor 7. either… or 8. nor
A. 1. classic 2. comic 3. crime / detective 4. fairy C. 1. either 2. neither 3. either 4. neither
tale 5. folklore 6. horror 7. poetry 8. realistic fiction
9. science fiction 10. short story 11. suspense /
thriller 12. novel 13. essay 14. biography
15. reference book 16. speech
Unit 1
(Page 19) Verb tenses (Page 29)
B. 1. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes A. 1. needed 2. was 3. let 4. didn’t care 5. loved
2. Arthur Conan Doyle 3. crime / detective 6. was 7. gave 8. did 9. said 10. gave 11. is 12. see
4. paperback 5. The Little Mermaid 6. Hans Christian 13. don’t think 14. is 15. are
Andersen 7. fairy tale 8. hardcover B. 1. was visiting / met 2. promised / will help
C. 1. turner 2. cover 3. plots 4. classic / captivating 3. were cliff diving / had 4. has hosted 5. called /
5. day / easy arrived / was just setting up
(Page 20)
A. 1. a. heard 2. b. shoes 3. a. meat 4. c. song Question tags (Page 31)
5. b. made A. 1. didn’t they 2. had he 3. could he 4. isn’t it
5. won’t he 6. did they
B. 1.
a. 6 b. 2 c. 4 d. 5 e. 3 f. 1
/S/ /tS/ /k/
chef cheese chemist
B. 1. didn’t he 2. hasn’t he 3. mustn’t they 4. will she
brochure chief chaos
5. have you 6. didn’t he
machine rich ache C. (suggestions) 1. easy to practise, are they 2. help
parachute cheap school foreign students, shouldn’t they 3. an adventure, isn’t
it 4. be very rewarding, can’t it 5. help students get a
2. better job in the future, won’t it
/s/ /z/
nurse whose
Unit 2
loose these
If clauses – 1st and 2nd conditionals
C. 1. c 2. f 3. g 4. a 5. h 6. e 7. i 8. k 9. l 10. d (Page 33)
11. b 12. j A. 1. will prescribe 2. knew 3. would decrease
4. would go 5. won’t have 6. won’t be / has 7. were
GR AM MAR ACTIV ITIE S 8. would you buy
Unit 0 1. call 911, the ambulance wouldn’t come
2. catch a cold if he put on his coat
Past Simple (Page 23)
3. swollen, I would recognise him
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A. 1. had 2. happened 3. met 4. Did… get

5. swam 6. got 7. ran 8. got 9. saved 10. drowned 4. do more exercise, you won’t get fit
11. showed 12. began 13. Was 14. Did… put 5. don’t help the refugees, they will die of starvation
15. took 16. went 17. drank 18. made 19. stayed 6. don’t take some medicine, you will get worse

C. (suggestions – personal answer) C.

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1. I would like to become a volunteer. 1. The boy (who) you met yesterday is coming to help.
2. to school if I’m sick. 2. These are my old clothes (which) I’d like to offer to
3. I would buy a big house. charity.
3. That’s the boy whose parents I met last month at
Idioms related to body (Page 35) the food bank.
A. 1. all ears 2. butterflies in his stomach 3. keep
my fingers crossed 4. to keep their feet on the ground
B. 1. get cold feet 2. have your head in the clouds Unit 4
3. keep an eye on 4. stab someone in the back
5. break a leg 6. give a hand Connectors (Page 43)
C. 1. Break a leg! 2. keep an eye on 3. has his head A. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c
in the clouds 4. got cold feet 5. stabbed me in the B. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. b
back 6. give me a hand C.
D. (suggestion) 1. Our teacher was ill. Therefore, we had to put off the
makes my blood boil – makes me very angry exam.
It makes my blood boil when people mistreat the animals. 2. I love animals. However, I don’t have any at home.
lips are sealed – promise to keep a secret 3. Although she passed the exam, she hadn’t studied
Don’t worry, I won’t tell your parents what you did. for it. or She passed the exam although she hadn’t
My lips are sealed. studied for it.
4. I’m going to study tonight, so I can’t go to the cinema.
Idioms related to food (Pages 36 – 37)
A. 3 Past Perfect (Page 45)
B. dar graxa A. 1. had finished 2. had happened 3. had changed
C. 1. something is fishy 2. a hot potato 3. my cup of 4. had… been 5. had… done
tea 4. piece of cake 5. a bad egg 6. cry over spilt milk B. 1. I had forgotten to bring my phone / my phone at
D. 1. crying over spilt milk 2. bad egg 3. a piece of home 2. … my hands (…) I had eaten my lunch.
cake 4. hot potato 5. cup of tea 6. something fishy 3. … arrived at school, I had already left.
E. C. 1. Did… disappoint 2. saw 3. had begun
4. had won 5. took 6. took 7. touched 8. touched
1. Go away and stop bothering (me).
9. changed 10. knew 11. held
Put all one’s eggs in one basket – to depend completely
on the success of one thing
2. To eat a meal with someone. Unit 5
Take the bread out of someone’s mouth – to make it Reported speech (Page 47)
impossible for someone to earn money A. 1. usually went to school by bus. 2. was writing
3. A bad person (influences everyone he or she an essay for school. 3. had been to London twice.
comes into contact with, making them bad as well) 4. had gone to the museum and had seen the new
the apple of one’s eye – one’s favourite person or thing exhibition about nanotechnology. 5. would go to New
Zealand in the summer.
Unit 3 B. 1. his favourite book genre was realistic fiction.
2. he was going to the cinema with his friends.
Verbs followed by infinitive / -ing 3. her teacher had taught her all about literary genres.
form (Page 39) 4. if he had time, he would meet me in the library.
A. 1. laughing 2. to volunteer 3. visiting 4. to help C. 1. she was very tired that day. 2. he was writing a
5. to go 6. to be report for his teacher then. 3. he had gone to Dublin
B. 1. living 2. to work 3. organising 4. helping the previous year with his classmates.
5. visiting 6. to buy 7. watching 8. going 4. she would go to a concert with her best friend Alice
“To be, or not to be...” is the opening phrase of a the following day.
soliloquy in the “Nunnery Scene” of William Reporting verbs (Page 49)
Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.
A. 1. told 2. said 3. said 4. told 5. told 6. said
Relative pronouns (Page 41) 7. tell 8. said
A. 1. that / who 2. whose 3. who 4. that / - 5. whose B. 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a
a. 5 b. 2 c. 4 d. 3 e. 1 C. 1. John to go to the concert the following / next day.
B. 1. whose 2. (that / which) 3. who / that 2. she wouldn’t eat meat anymore. She would be a
4. that / which 5. which vegetarian. 3. Jonathan (that) he could discuss that

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problem with him. 4. she needed a new tablet, I can’t go on Friday. How about going on Saturday
because that one wasn’t working. 5. The teacher instead? We could meet at nine pm in front of Pizza Hut.
declared that English was the official language in Big hug,
South Africa. 6. Mr. Smith told his daughter that her (x)
friend Alice was coming that night. Part 3
Reporting questions (Page 51) Personal answer
A. 1. where I went shopping. 2. what her favourite
book genre was. 3. who my favourite author was.
4. when John was coming to pick us up to go to the
Unit 2
cinema. 5. what time the film started.
Listening (Page 88)
B. 1. if / whether she looked tired. 2. if / whether I A. 1. c 2. b 3. a
was worried about my school essay. 3. if / whether I
liked reading poetry. 4. if / whether she could help
B. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b
him write his school report. Use of English (Page 89)
C. 1. DS 2. RS 3. RS 4. RS 5. RS A. 1. bruise 2. sunburn 3. toothache 4. cut 5. cold
D. 1. “What is your email?” 2. “What are you doing?” B. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. b
3. “Have you got a bike?” 4. “How long does the film
last?” 5. “What did you do yesterday?” Reading Comprehension (Page 90)
Reporting orders (Page 52)
1. with 2. very 3. by 4. also 5. these 6. that
A. 4. Open your 5. your / are 6. to eat 7. our 7. because of 8. if 9. and 10. take
8. to make / went 9. on 10. not to use
B. 1. to get out of the car. 2. to be quiet. 3. not to
move. 4. police officer asked me to open my bag.
A. 1. W 2. R 3. R 4. W 5. W
5. The police officer ordered John not to park there. B. 1. diseases 2. enough 3. wealth 4. address
5. alleviate
C. 1. “Don’t interrupt me.” 2. “Come on Monday.”
3. “Relax and have a drink.” Writing (Page 92)
Part 1
1. would do 2. unless you 3. I would write 4. if there
PR EPARE FOR TH E TES TS Part 2 (suggestion)
Hi, Mark! I’m sorry to hear that and I hope you feel
Unit 1 better soon. If I were you, I would go to the doctor and
rest a bit. We could go to the cinema next Friday. What
Listening (Page 82) do you think? I’m sure that by that time you’ll feel better.
A. 1. f 2. c 3. a 4. e 5. b Big hug,
B. 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. a Part 3
Personal answer
Use of English (Page 83)
A. 1. skydiving 2. host family 3. semester
4. extreme sports 5. exchange student Unit 3
B. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. c
Listening (Page 94)
Reading comprehension (Page 84) A. 1. ✓ 2. ✓ 3. ✗ 4. ✗ 5. ✓
TEXT 1 B. 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. c
A. 1. a 2. c 3. a C. 1. 17th July 2. Park West 3. toys 4. books
TEXT 2 5. clothes 6. Red Cross 7. Angelina Jolie 8. Brad Pitt
A. 1. about 2. changed 3. by 4. in 5. However 6. of 9. bears 10. 5 pounds
7. told 8. every 9. than 10. friendly
B. 1. W 2. R 3. R 4. R 5. R 6. W Use of English (Page 95)
A. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c
Writing (Page 86) B. 1. at 2. really 3. them 4. go 5. day 6. once
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Part 1 7. who 8. sad 9. make 10. for 11. me 12. hugs

1. on extreme sports 2. for 3. far away 4. nor Jerry went 13. with 14. brighter 15. a
Part 2 (suggestion) C. 1. (that / which) 2. who 3. which 4. who
Hi Tom, 5. (that / which)

Reading Comprehension (Page 96) Writing (Page 104)

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TEXT 1 Part 1
1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b 1. started 2. can buy 3. more than 4. Although /
TEXT 2 Even though
A. 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b Part 2
B. 1. She spends an hour each week. 2. The parents Personal answer
were glad to have 20 minutes of peace for themselves. Part 3
3. She couldn’t accept a paid job because she was too Personal answer

Writing (Page 98) Unit 5

Part 1
1. eating so many sweets. 2. going to the soup Listening (Page 106)
kitchen today. 3. to play chess? 4. to travel abroad A. 1. b 2. b 3. a
5. not repeating everything I say? B. 1. ✓ 2. ✗ 3. ✗ 4. ✓ 5. ✓ 6. ✗
Part 2
Personal answer Use of English (Page 107)
Part 3 A. 1. villains 2. paperback 3. classic 4. poetry
5. genres
Personal answer
B. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. c
Unit 4 Reading Comprehension (Page 108)
Listening (Page 100) A. 3, 5, 6
A. 1. a 2. c 3. c B. 1. R 2. R 3. W 4. R 5. W 6. R
B. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. c C. 1. addictive 2. ardent 3. dull 4. flicked 5. issue
6. sucked into
Use of English (Page 101) D. 2
A. 1. tablet 2. patent 3. technophobe 4. gadget
5. application Writing (Page 110)
B. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. a Part 1
1. Do you like 2. has (got) ten 3. more than 4. have
Reading Comprehension (Page 103) never read 5. much does the
A. a) 4 b) 2 c) 1 d) 3 Part 2
B. 1. W 2. R 3. W 4. W 5. R 6. R Personal answer
C. 1. research 2. aims 3. grow up 4. rapid Part 3
5. effortlessly Personal answer


TEST 1 4. C
Reading 1 (Page 4) Tip 4 The message is about a phone call from Peter,
1. A If people don’t have a guest ticket, they have to one of Martha’s classmates, who wants to borrow (to
pay for all the drinks. see) her school notes, because he has lost his.
2. C 5. A
Tip 2 Tip 4 Who is the message from? Tom. Who is the
A is incorrect because the practice session is on message for? John. What is the situation? John is
Friday, not before Friday late for their meeting at the shopping centre and Tom
B is incorrect because the length of the competition wants to check to see if he is still coming and whether
is not given, two hours refers to the time when you he should wait or not.
should arrive Extra tip 1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. c
3. B
Tip 3 “Bought 3 months ago” – almost new; “Works Reading 2 (Page 6)
perfectly” – in good condition 1. B 2. G 3. H 4. A 5. E


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