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Morphology 1 – The Noun Phrase

Week 1 A general introduction to nouns and noun phrases

Week 2 Subject–verb agreement
Week 3 Articles
Week 4 Countable and uncountable nouns
Week 5 Determiners
Week 6 Quantifiers
Week 7 Pronouns
Week 8 Adjectives
Week 9 Adverbs
Week 10 Nominalization and -ing forms
Week 11 Prepositions
Week 12 Affixes: prefixes, suffixes. Derivation and inflection
Week 13 Word formation processes.
Week 14 Postmodification

Syntax 1 – The Simple Sentence

Week 1 Introduction to clause structure and clause types
Week 2 Sentences and clauses: sentence elements
Week 3 Syntactic functions of clause elements
Week 4 Semantic roles of clause elements
Week 5 Subject–verb concord
Week 6 Introductory there and it
Week 7 The declarative sentence and the interrrogative sentence
Week 8 Negation
Week 9 The imperative sentence and the exlamatory sentence
Week 10 Verb patterns
Week 11 Fronting
Week 12 Emphasis using what, all and it
Week 13 Comparison
Week 14 Adverbial modifiers of time, place, manner, condition, purpose

Morphology 2 – The Verb Phrase

Week 1 Introduction. Tense, Aspect and Voice.
Week 2 Present Tenses. Stative and Dynamic Verbs
Week 3 Past Tenses
Week 4 Future Tenses. Ways of Expressing Futurity
Week 5 Modal Auxuliaries 1
Week 6 Modal Auxuliaries 2
Week 7 Mid-term Test
Week 8 Conditionals. Unreal Past
Week 9 Passive Voice. Causation
Week 10 Reported Speech
Week 11 The Infinitive, the Gerund, the Participle
Week 12 Transitive vs. Intrasitive Verbs, Reciprocal vs. Reflexive Verbs
Week 13 Difficult Verb Pairs. Phrasal Verbs
Week 14 End-term Test

Syntax 2 – The Complex Sentence

Week 1 Introduction. Sentence types and discourse functions
Week 2 Coordination (simple and complex) and subordination
Week 3 Nonfinite and verbless clauses
Week 4 Nominal clauses (subject and subjcet complement clause)
Week 5 Nominal clauses (direct and indirect object clause, object complement clause)
Week 6 Nominal clauses (prepositional object clause, adjective complement clause)
Week 7 Mid-term test
Week 8 Relative clauses (restrictive and non-restrictive)
Week 9 Adverbial clauses (manner, time, place)
Week 10 Adverbial clauses (reason, purpose, result)
Week 11 Adverbial clauses (cause, circumstance)
Week 12 Adverbial clauses (comment, concession)
Week 13 Inversion. Pro-forms and ellipsis
Week 14 End-term test

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