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New Indices to Evaluate the Impact of

Harmonic Currents on Power Transformers
Pooya Bagheri, Wilsun Xu, Fellow, IEEE and Kiarash Shaloudegi

 regular-designed transformer could be a cheaper alternative

Abstract— This paper presents a new concept to quantify the to a k-rated transformer.
impact of harmonic currents on power transformers. The basic 2) Many utility transformers have been in operation for years
idea is to convert the impact of harmonic currents into the impact and they experience increased harmonic currents. Utility
of an equivalent additional fundamental frequency current. Two companies are interested in knowing if the harmonic
equivalent loading indices are developed accordingly with the currents are overloading the transformers and by how
support of well-established industry standards. Several analytical
much. Such information will be very useful for a company
examples are presented to demonstrate the merits of the proposed
approach. Based on field data, the method has been applied to to make an informed decision on if harmonic mitigation
assess the impact of nonlinear residential loads on distribution measure must be taken. With the increased penetration of
transformers. It was found that the impact of residential load nonlinear loads in homes and residential feeders [4]-[6], it
harmonics on transformers is approximately proportional to the has become important to utility companies to know how
square of current THD. Other applications of the proposed their distribution transformers are affected.
method include estimating transformer overloading level due to Several efforts have been made to analyze and quantify the
harmonics and determining the rating of a regular transformer harmonic effects on transformers. References [7]-[9] have
that can operate properly for a given harmonic distortion tried to model the eddy current loss for a wide range including
harmonic frequencies. The work of [10] has extended the loss
Index Terms— Power Quality, Harmonics, Transformers
studies to include the shell-type transformers as well.
References [11] and [12] presented a thorough study of
I. INTRODUCTION harmonics impact on a transformer performance for both of the
dry and liquid-filled types. Moreover, works such as in [13]-

A POWER transformer is an important asset of utility

companies and it directly affects the reliability, security
and efficiency of power systems. The impact of distorted or
[14] and [15] have conducted several experimental tests to
calculate the eddy current loss in single phase and three phase
transformers respectively. In [16], the Finite Element Method
harmonic currents on transformers has been a concern to (FEM) simulations have also been employed to model the
industry for many years. For example, k-factor has been transformer loading abilities under harmonic conditions.
developed and widely used to characterize the impact [1]-[3]. Finally, the IEEE std. C57.110 [17] can be considered as an
Based on the fundamental frequency and harmonic currents ultimate and comprehensive summary of all the developed
passing through a location, a k-factor index can be calculated loading assessment methods in the literature such as the k-
for that location. The value is then used to select a k-rated factor, harmonic loss factor (FHL) and etc. However, the
transformer. This transformer is expected to operate properly results are not sufficient to address the two needs explained
under the harmonic condition of that location. earlier.
The k-factor index has been found useful for selecting k- In response to this situation, this paper introduces a new
rated transformers by owners of industrial and commercial concept, called equivalent loading, to characterize the
facilities. However, it cannot address at least two needs that harmonic impact on transformers. The basic idea is to convert
are of high interest to utility companies, as explained below the impact of harmonic currents into the impact of an
1) K-rated transformers are not normally used by utility equivalent additional fundamental frequency current. With the
companies. These companies are interested in using an proposed approach, it becomes possible to quantify the impact
oversized transformer to serve harmonic-rich feeders. At of harmonics as an increase in the 60Hz current. Thus,
present, there is no method or index to guide the over- selecting a properly oversized transformer to handle harmonic
sizing of a transformer under harmonic conditions. In fact, currents becomes possible.
facility owners will also benefit from a method that can The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents a
recommend a larger transformer as oppose to a k-rated brief review on different types of transformer power loss and
transformer under given harmonic conditions. A larger but the way they are influenced by harmonic currents. Section III
introduces new equivalent loading indices to quantify the
impact of distorted current on a transformer. Field
The authors are with the department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2V4, Canada measurement data are analyzed in Section IV as an example
(emails:,, application of the proposed methodology. In addition, a
technique will be also presented and applied on the sample
data to estimate loading condition of residential transformers

in future. square of the total RMS current even in presence of harmonic

The main effect of a nonlinear current on a transformer is
the increased power loss. The high frequency current Where Ih is the RMS of hth order harmonic current. In other
components cause extra power losses which may result in a words, the mere fact that a current is distorted does not itself
transformer overloading. Overheating of transformers is one of increase ohmic loss in a transformer unless the distortions have
the main reasons for insulation ageing and consequently their contributed to a higher current level.
loss of life [18]. Fig. 1 graphically classifies the different The other part known as stray loss is due to parasitic
power losses in a transformer. This categorization is based on electromagnetic flux in the windings, core, core clamps,
IEEE Std. C57.110 [17] which divides the total transformer magnetic shields, enclosure or tank wall of the transformer
loss into no load loss (excitation loss) and load loss. In this [17]. Therefore, it highly depends on the size and design of a
section, a brief review on different types of transformer loss is transformer. Stray loss, itself, can be subdivided into two
presented where the harmonics impact on each of them is components generally known as “winding stray loss” and
discussed as well. “other stray losses”. The winding stray loss emerges from
winding conductor strand eddy currents as well as circulating
Ohmic Loss Winding Stray
Load Loss
currents between strands or parallel winding circuits [17]. The
Total Stray Loss “other stray losses” portion, which essentially encompasses all
Transformer Other Stray the remaining parasitic losses, is mainly due to the stray
Loss Losses
Hysteresis Loss electromagnetic flux in transformer structural parts like core,
No Load Loss core clamp, magnetic shield enclosure and the tank walls. The
Eddy Current Loss stray flux induces eddy currents in those parts that eventually
Fig. 1 Classification diagram of different transformer losses leads to this power loss.
Among different types of power loss, harmonic currents
A. No-Load Loss affect the stray loss portion the most. At each harmonic
frequency, the winding stray loss (PEC) is approximately in
No-load losses can be subdivided into two main parts: the
proportion to square of harmonic frequency order (h) and
core eddy current loss and hysteresis loss. The excitation
harmonic current (Ih) as expressed below [17].
current loss also constitutes a small portion of no load losses.
Basically, the amount of no-load loss is a function of PEC   I h2 h 2 (2)
lamination thickness, core material and the applied voltage
frequency [19]. Indeed, this loss is mostly related to the The other stray loss (POSL) portion is also proportional to
voltage (and its associated harmonics) applied to the square of harmonic current component. However its
transformer. Harmonic currents can theoretically affect voltage relationship with harmonic order is more complicated. Based
distortion by flowing through system impedance, but the on several experimental studies, IEEE standard suggests that it
impact is generally negligible. Besides, the no-load loss mostly is relatively proportional to h0.8 for each harmonic component
emerge at the less overheating-concerned parts of the [17].
transformer such as core and structural body rather than the POSL   I h2 h0.8 (3)
winding portion which involve the most concerned spots h

subject to the risk of overloading. Consequently, the effect of

harmonic currents on increasing the transformer no-load loss III. EQUIVALENT LOADING INDICES
can be neglected in this study [17]. In this section, the concept of representing the impact of
harmonic currents as the impact of an equivalent fundamental
B. Load Loss frequency current is introduced. Two indices called
Load loss relates to the portion of power loss that is ‘equivalent loading index’ and ‘harmonic impact on
produced due to the load current flowing through the transformer loading’ are proposed. The indices are developed
transformer windings. It can be divided into two main parts: using the same theories behind the k-factor and other
ohmic loss (RI2 loss or resistive loss) and stray loss (eddy transformer derating methods of the IEEE Std. C57.110 [17].
current loss) [17].
Ohmic part represents the well-known resistive power loss A. Index definition
associated with current flow in winding conductors and it is The proposed concept can be explained as follows: a
mainly affected by the conductor material, cross section and transformer experiences X amperes of fundamental frequency
length of wires in the transformer winding. Therefore, main current and Y amperes of harmonic current. The resulting
factors for determining the ohmic loss are the Root Mean power loss is Ploss. When the same transformer is supplied by
Square (RMS) value of current and total resistance of wires in X+ΔX amperes of fundamental frequency current only, the
the windings. However, different frequency of each harmonic power loss also becomes Ploss. We can then consider that the
component can slightly increase the ohmic loss by changing impact of the harmonic current is equivalent to increasing the
the resistance value due to the skin effect. By neglecting the transformer fundamental frequency current from X to X+ΔX.
skin effect, ohmic power loss (PC) becomes proportional to In other words, X+ΔX is the equivalent (60Hz) current

experienced by the transformer and ΔX represents the impact second index can be directly defined as well to quantify exact
of harmonics. Since, in a sinusoidal condition, the transformer increase of transformer loading due to non-sinusoidal
power loss is proportional to the square of the total RMS characteristic of the flowing current. We call the index
current, the ratio of the transformer total load loss in the “Harmonic Impact on Transformer Loading (HITL)” which is
harmonic operation (PTL) to the rated condition (PTL-R) can be defined as below,
employed as to derive the equivalent current index (Ieq): I eq ( pu)  I RMS ( pu)
I eq HITL(%)   100 (10)
P I RMS ( pu)
 TL (4)
IR PTL  R For the 100kVA transformer example discussed above,
Where IR is the transformer rated current. Consequently, the HITL is thus 37.5% (=(110-80)/80).
per-unit value of the proposed index can be determined B. Determining Transformer Parameters
through the following equation:
In addition to per-unit harmonic distribution of transformer
I eq (1) PTL
I eq ( pu)   I eq ( pu)  (5) current, the defined indices equivalent loading indices are also
IR PTL  R dependent on transformer parameters such as PEC-R(pu) and
As discussed in the previous sections, the total load loss of POSL-R(pu). These parameters vary among transformers of
a transformer consists of the ohmic power loss (RI2), eddy different size and structure. As a general approximate rule,
current loss (PEC) and other stray loss (POSL) as below: they increase as the capacity of transformer increase, however,
two transformers of the same size can still have different
PTL  PC  PEC  POSL (6)
parameters due to dissimilar design types [12]. Most of the
Now by considering the ohmic power loss at the rated developed calculation methods for these parameters involve
condition (RIR2) as the base value, PTL can be expressed in a conducting complex computation tasks for each individual
per-unit form by following equations [17], transformer [12]-[13], [17]. Besides, such methods usually
 PTL ( pu)  PC ( pu)  PEC ( pu)  POSL ( pu) require very detailed information about transformer design that
 h  hm ax is generally not made available by manufacturers. Most
 CP ( pu )  I 2
RMS ( pu )   I h2 ( pu) importantly, in the case of distribution transformers owned by
 h 1
h  hm ax an electrical utility, the transformers are already installed and
 P ( pu)  P (7)
EC  R ( pu )  I h ( pu ) h
2 2
operated, thus, it will be even a more difficult task to obtain
 EC
h 1 required parameters of such transformers.
 h  hm ax

 POSL ( pu)  POSL R ( pu) h1 I h ( pu) h

2 0.8 Based on the data and analyses available in different
references ([7]-[17]), an extended range of 0.01~0.3 can be
where Ih(pu) is the hth harmonic order of the transformer assumed for PEC-R(pu) to count for almost every size and type
current in per-unit form (Ih(pu)=Ih/IR). PEC-R(pu) and POSL-R(pu) of different transformers. This paper adopts a conservative
are respectively the ratio of the eddy-current power loss and approach to use the maximum end of this range, i.e. to
the other stray losses to the copper loss in the transformer consider PEC-R(pu)=0.3 in loading assessment of any
rated condition (In fact, PEC-R(pu) and POSL-R(pu) are constant transformer type and size. Then, the POSL-R(pu) parameter can
coefficients different for each transformer, highly dependent be derived accordingly based on the following approximate
on transformer size and construction. They will be further ratios recommended by [17].
discussed in the next sections). Applying (7) to the rated  33%  0.5, For Dry Type
sinusoidal current operation, PTL-R can be obtained as below. POSL R ( pu)  67%
PTL  R ( pu)  1  PEC  R ( pu)  POSL R ( pu) (8)  (11)
PEC  R ( pu) 67%
  2, For Liquid  filled Type
Finally, by substituting (7) and (8) in (5), the proposed  33%
index can be derived as shown in (9). Since most of the comon transformers are of liquid-filled
h  hmax h  hmax
I RMS ( pu)  PEC  R ( pu)  I h2 ( pu)h 2  POSL R ( pu)  I h2 ( pu)h0.8 type, for the illustrative and application studies in this paper,
I eq ( pu)  h 1 h 1 (9)
1  PEC  R ( pu)  POSL R ( pu)
POSL-R(pu) is assumed to be the twice value of PEC-R(pu).
Apparently, all of the analyses can be performed in a similar
When the calculated Ieq(pu) exceeds one, the total produced
fashion for dry type transformers by inversing such assumption
loss is more than the maximum permissible power loss and it
(i.e. to estimate POSL-R(pu) as half of PEC-R(pu)).
indicates overloading of the transformer. Whereas, index
values less than one confirm that the transformer is safely C. Summary of the Method
operating without being prone to overheating. To achieve a Based on the above discussions, the overall proposed
better understanding of the index application, an example of a methodology to quantify loading of a transformer serving
100 kVA transformer supplying an 80kVA load can be harmonic loads can be summarized as below:
considered. For instance, a calculated equivalent index value 1) Measure the transformer current. Then, derive the
of 1.1pu indicates that the transformer is 10% overloaded. individual harmonic current components and express them in
Moreover, this index value reveals that the loading effect of the per-unit format by using the transformer rated current as
this harmonic load is similar to that of a pure linear load of the base value (Ih(pu)=Ih/IR).
size 1.1pu * 100kVA=110 kVA. 2) For the transformer parameters, assume the PEC-R(pu) to
Based on the above definition of equivalent loading, the be 0.3 as a conservative approach and determine POSL-R(pu)

parameter of the transformer according to (11) (Unless exact still less than THD in the percentage form. For example,
value of PEC-R(pu) & POSL-R(pu) are available for the current of load #1 with a THD equal to 109.35% gives HITL
transformer, which would be a rare scenario as discussed). of 77.5%. In addition, the results once again show how k-
3) Finally, calculate the equivalent loading by using (9). factor might be misleading in loading evaluation, e.g., the k-
The maximum permissible value of this index to avoid an factor calculated for load #1 is 8th times higher compared to
overloading condition is 1pu. In order to quantify the the corresponding one of load #3, however, actual ratio
increased amount of loading due to the distorted nature of the between loading levels of the two cases is much less than 8
current, determine harmonic impact index as defined in (10). according to the proposed equivalent index (indeed, the index
shows that the current of load #1 increases the transformer
D. Illustrative Examples
loading 73% more than the one of load #3).
As an illustrative example, the proposed indices are
employed in this section for loading assessment of a

H-Impact on Transformer Loading(%)

1.25 13
transformer supplying a sample nonlinear load. The example

Equivalent Loading Index (pu)

Equivalent Loading Index(pu)
load is a six-pulse converter (its harmonic spectrum is shown 1 Harmonic Impact
in Fig. 3). The equivalent loading index is calculated for the 12
RMS load current varying from 0 to 1 per-unit of the 0.75
transformer rated current. The result is shown in Fig. 2(a). In
addition, k-factor is also derived and presented in Fig. 2(b) to 0.5
provide a comparative analysis with the proposed index. The
following standard definition of k-factor is used [17].
h  hm ax
0 10
K  factor   I h ( pu) h 2 (12) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Total RMS Current(pu)
0.8 1
h  h1
(a)Equivalent Loading Index and HITL
As intuitively expected, both k-factor and the equivalent
loading indices become larger as the current increases. At the
0.9pu current, the equivalent loading reaches the 1.0pu value.
It states that the transformer in this example can supply the 2

sample six-pulse converter type of load up to 90% of its rated

capacity. The results also show that equivalent loading is 1
linearly correlated with the total RMS current. HITL index is
also observed to be a constant value of 11% for different
current levels. It suggests the interesting fact that impact of 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
harmonics on transformer loading is merely dependent on Total RMS Current(pu)
harmonic current distribution rather than the amount of load. (b)K-factor
In other words, the percentage increase in transformer loading Fig. 2 Loading assessment of a transformer supplying a sample 6-pulse
due to harmonics is influenced by the load nature rather than converter at different load RMS current levels
load size. Therefore, based on the proposed methodology, one
has to consider at least 11% capacity margin when choosing a IV. FIELD MEASUREMENTS
transformer size to serve this type of load.
In this section, the proposed methodology is applied to real
Apparently, the k-factor plot (Fig. 2(b)) does not provide
field measured data associated with a number of transformers
any basis for such observations. Besides, it appears as a
serving residential loads. The data belongs to 6 different
nonlinear function of current. This is in contrast with the linear
transformers located in Edmonton, Canada. The nominal size
relationship observed between equivalent loading and the
and voltage rating of the transformers are 37.5kVA and
current. In this example, an evaluation based on k-factor might
25kV:120V:120V (primary: secondary: secondary)
lead to the inaccurate conclusion that for the loads larger than
respectively. Current of each transformer is measured for
60%, the transformer will be overheated and require a “k-
different period lengths varying from one to four days (the
factor transformer”, which is not true according to the
whole set of data collectively includes the full-24 hour data for
equivalent loading index. In general, such comparative cases
23 days).
clarify why traditional indices such as k-factor are not
sufficient to evaluate the equivalent loading of transformers A. Method Application
under non-sinusoidal conditions. As an application example, the introduced method is
The indices are also calculated for other sample types of deployed to obtain one-day equivalent loading profile for one
nonlinear loads and the results are presented in Table I (The of the measured transformers. Figures 4 and 5 show the
harmonic current spectrums of the sample loads are shown on harmonic content and average IDD & TDD (Based on [20]
Fig. 3). For all of the cases, the load size is assumed equal to definition) for the measured current of the chosen transformer.
transformer size (i.e. IRMS=1pu). The results indicate different The transformer nominal full-load current is selected as the
transformer loading levels for different types of loads. base value for the per-unit quantities of Fig. 4.
Apparently, the currents with larger THD values lead to higher
equivalent loading indices, however, in general HITL index is

Individual Harmonic Distortion (%)






2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th THD
Harmonic Order
Switch Mode power supply 6-pulses Converter
12-pulses Converter 18-pulses Converter
24-pulses Converter Thyristor-controlled reactor (balanced)
Thyristor-controlled reactor (unbalanced) Arc furnace (active arc)
Arc furnace (stable arc)
Fig. 3 Harmonic spectrum of sample nonlinear load currents ([12] & [20])
TABLE I: The equivalent loading, Harmonic impact and k-factor indices for different sample nonlinear currents
Load Current The Equivalent Harmonic Impact on
Load Type K-factor
# THD (%) Loading Index(pu) Transformer Loading (%)
1 Switch Mode power supply 109.35 1.776 77.55 12.27
2 6-pulses Converter 21.46 1.153 15.28 2.80
3 12-pulses Converter 6.28 1.042 4.17 1.50
4 18-pulses Converter 3.64 1.012 1.18 1.14
5 24-pulses Converter 3.39 1.010 1.03 1.12
6 Thyristor-controlled reactor (balanced) 5.86 1.012 1.20 1.13
7 Thyristor-controlled reactor (unbalanced) 15.07 1.030 2.98 1.31
8 Arc furnace (active arc) 11.24 1.014 1.39 1.14
9 Arc furnace (stable arc) 2.90 1.001 0.14 1.01

The equivalent loading index calculated for different times

0.2 of the day is shown in Fig. 6. As observed, the index is below
Fundamental Component (divided by 5)
Harmonic current component (pu)

1 for the whole day, indicating that there is no instance of

3rd Harmonic
7th Harmonic overloading.
9th Harmonic Effect of harmonics is better observed in Fig. 8, where the
5th Harmonic
HITL index is plotted besides the current THD. In this case,
the impact of harmonics on transformer loading is not
significant by being less than 10% for most of the day. A
0.05 correlation between current THD and the Harmonic impact
index is clearly observed in this figure. The more distorted the
0 current (higher THD value), the more the impact of harmonics
0 6 12 18 24
Time (hour) is on transformer loading. Once again, it is worth to state that
Fig. 4 Daily harmonic currents profile for the sample transformer (The such observations would be absent if we limited our analysis to
fundamental component is presented by division on 5 to fit in the plot) usage of a traditional index such as k-factor (see Fig. 7).
B. Relationship with Current THD
Daily Average Current IDD(%)

Results of Fig. 8 indicated a strong correlation between

current THD and harmonics impact on loading of the
measured sample transformer. In this section, such relationship
4 is examined by analyzing the whole set of measurement data.
All of the measured data (whole 23 days associated with all of
2 the 6 transformers) is gathered to conduct this study. In order
to reduce complexity of this analysis, only 24 snapshots are
0 chosen from data of each day where each snapshot represents
3rd 5th 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 25th TDD
Harmonic Order
one hour (1AM, 2Am, 3AM, … ,11PM). So, in overall,
Fig. 5 Daily average harmonic current spectrum of the sample measured 552(=24×23) cases are present. For each individual case,
service transformer current THD and HITL indices are determined and the result is

shown by the scatter plot of Fig. 9, where each of 552 points is n

presenting one snapshot of the data set.  [( yi  y )( xi  x )]
i 1
a n
 ( xi  x ) 2
i 1
0.8 Where n is total number of cases (=552), xi and yi reperesent
THDI(%)2 and HITL(%) of each cases respectively and

0.6 x represents average of all sample xi values [21].

The slope parameter (a) obtained by the explained method
0.4 is 0.0151. Therefore, one can estimate harmonic impact on
transformer loading for the measured service transformers by
0.2 Total RMS Current the following expression:
Equivalent Loading Index 2
HITL(%)  0.0151 [THD I (%)] (15)
0 6 12 18 24 The mean Standard Error (SE) of the above approximation
Time (hour) in the sample data can be also obtained as follows.
Fig. 6 Daily profile of total RMS current and equivalent loading index for the
measured service transformer
 [ HITL (%) Estimated  HITL (%) Actual ]2
i 1
Mean SE  (16)
0.8 The calculated error is 0.55%. Such negligible error
confirms that approximate equation (15) is capable to

represent the actual relationship of HITL and THD in the field
0.4 measured sample data very accurately (This approximating
relationship is plotted as a solid green curve in Fig. 9).
H-Impact on Transformer Loading(%)

0 6 12 18 24
Time (hour) Approximate Curve
Fig. 7 Daily profile of k-factor for the measured service transformer 15

20 40
H-Impact on Transformer Loading(%)

H-Impact THD
Current THD(%)

10 20
0 10 20 30
Fig. 9 HITL index and current THD for every measured hourly snapshots

0 0 20
H-Impact on Transformer Loading(%)

0 6 12 18 24 Regression Line
Time (hour)
Fig. 8 Daily profile of Harmonic Impact (HITL index) and current THD for
the measured service transformer

The strong positive correlation is obvious in the figure.

However, the relationship seems different from a simple linear 10
function, rather, it appears to have the form of a quadratic
correlation. Such hypothesis can be better evaluated by 5
plotting the HITL index versus square of current THD as
separately shown in Fig. 10. This figure clearly reveals that
HITL index follows a linear trend with square of current THD. 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
The relationship can be expressed as below. 2
HITL(%)  a  [THD I (%)] (13) Fig. 10 HITL index versus square of current THD for every measured hourly
Where a is the slope of this linear relationship. We can use a snapshots
classic Least-Square Regression method to fit an approximate
line (solid green line in Fig. 10) to this set of data and estimate C. Future Loading Forecast
the slope parameter (a) [21]. This section presents a technique of utilizing the developed
theories of this paper in order to predict loading situation of a

transformer in future. It is of interest to determine the currently increasing power loss in a transformer by 5%, one
maximum increase rate of harmonics that might put a specific can predict that a twice value of current THD (i.e. 16%) will
transformer in an undesirable overloading status at the future introduce four times amount of extra equivalent loading (i.e.
time. For this purpose, the maximum allowed harmonic impact 20%) in the same transformer. Such approximate relationship
index (HITL) can be determined as follows based on its can serve as a useful guideline for utilities to plan capacity
definition at (10). margin for new transformers serving residential loads.
HITL(%) max  100  [  1] (17)
(1  r )  I RMS ( pu) present
Where r is the expected increase rate of the total service load
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Pooya Bagheri obtained the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2010 and the M.Sc. degree
in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
Canada, in 2013. He was an electrical engineer at Oil & Gas department of
Stantec Ltd., Edmonton, AB, Canada from 2013 to 2015. Currently, He is
pursuing his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
University of Alberta. His research interests are power systems data analytics,
power quality and power distribution systems.

Wilsun Xu (M’90-SM’95-F’05) obtained the Ph.D. degree from the

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, in 1989. Currently, he is a
NSERC/iCORE Industrial Research Chair Professor at the University of
Alberta. His current main research interests are power quality and power
disturbance analytics.

Kiarash Shaloudegi received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from

K.N.Toosi University of Tech. and M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering
from Amirkabir University of Tech. (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran in
2009 and 2011, respectively. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. program in
Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Alberta, Canada. His
main research interests are Machine Learning, Data Mining, Power Quality
and Power Market.

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