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Grace Howrigon

Professor John Fick

M7 - Simulation and Reflection

As a team, we did a great job with the implementation of our tactics. Some chosen too early, some too late, and some
potentially other candidates were more qualified for the job. Overall, we had a 60% buy in showing pretty decent
morale as a collective unit, we still have 7% of our budget left ($32,500), 17% of our allotted time (13 weeks), and a
leadership score of 833. These numbers translated: Top 67% with our budget, top 63% with time and top 42% with
our leadership score. Did we nail it 100%? No, but did we learn how to do better for GlobalTech? Absolutely.

The tactic list we made:

Benchmarking – 2 weeks - $2,000
This was a great tactic implemented close to the right time. From looking at the results, I see that the earlier this tactic
is implemented the better. Why? Because it helps senior management identify why the need for change is so high
and to then build a strong strategic plan to execute that change. This tactic was well received, aside from Scott Bell.
His negative comments and lack of buy-in are part of the reason we chose him to be the individual we fire.

Walk the Floor – 3 weeks - $20,000

This was an essential tactic implemented close to the right time. Walking the floor creates a sense of all departments
and where they are at. Speaking with the individuals who make up GlobalTech has given useful information and
feedback that needs to be considered before moving ahead with the rest of the change plan. As a leader, I could not
echo this more. It is so important to listen to the people who make up the group. They know from their own personal
experience and from watching the atmosphere(s) around them.

Identify Problem – 2 weeks - $20,000

This was a great tactic implemented close to the right time with decent choices. We hit the right stage and the core
problem on the head - Lack of integration between departments. I thought this was the right approach before doing
the solution because in order to truly understand why we need change, we must first identify the problem to change.

Stakeholder Mapping – 4 weeks - $30,000

This was an essential tactic implemented close to the right time with decent choices; Ideally, this tactic takes place is
Stage 2, Enlist. I can understand why this is important because I believe we need to get our feed under us and really
“understand” the need for change before we arrange the people who will be taking the leadership reigns.

Focus Group Interviews – 3 weeks - $20,000

This was a great tactic implemented close to the right time. I had thought prior to the simulation that this tactic under
stage 1 was the right fit. I say this because I believe it is so important for GlobalTech to look to their consumers on
the outside and ask them for feedback so that they can take that information and decipher what is good, what is bad,
what they like, what they dislike, what opportunities there are, etc.

Appoint Core Change Team – 3 weeks - $40,000
This was an essential tactic implemented too early with decent choices. Ideally, we implement this tactic near the end
of Stage 2 after Stakeholder Mapping. I can understand now why that order would make more chronological sense.
Stakeholder mapping reveals our key players in GlobalTech, good and bad. From there it could help us narrow down
a better list of options for our core change team. If I were to do this simulation again, I would definitely think that
aspect through more before clicking the buttons.

Identify Change Agent – 1 week - $1,000

This was an essential tactic implemented close to the right time with poor choices. We ended up going with Guy for
our change agent. I had thought Jennifer Smith from the first time I heard her speak in our interview, but my team
made a consensus and chose Guy. Jennifer would have had the best chance to lead this organization toward change
because she has all of the qualities of a good leader: Visioning, motivating, empowering and managing. Not only was
Jennifer a bad pick, but it seems we had some other bad choices as well. If I had to get rid of people from our chosen
list due to lack of leadership it would be: Richard Wright (VP Manufacturing) and Scott Bell (VP R&D).

Departmental Liaison Team – 6 weeks - $60,000

This was an essential task implemented too early; This should have happened in Stage 6, Act. The departmental
liaison team put in place for this tactic is working in a sluggish manner. We did not allow for the concept and
comradery of the formed team to take place before we rushed them into “executing” this tactic.

Product Improvement Team – 6 weeks - $60,000

This was an essential task implemented too early. Its ideal stage is Stage 6, Act. I can understand why this happened
too soon. It is the whole concept of change and some not being ready for it. Jennifer Smith comments on Sam Seto in
Commercial Sales talking about the overall atmosphere in team meetings after this tactic - The same as before;
Confrontational and tense. I think that had we thought a little more in depth about this, we could have understood that
the established product improvement team needed some time to have an agreement on a common direction for the
commercial landscape.

Develop Vision and Strategy – 5 weeks - $15,000
This was an essential tactic implemented close to the right time with decent choices. This task is important and I am
glad we chose it in its right Stage, Envisage. I thought this was a great stage because it is still somewhat early and it
allows a sense of collaboration and buy-in in the three stages we were working with: Core change team meeting,
change agent mini-sabbatical and an organization-wide retreat. These all allow for influence, process and buy-in.

Briefing on Vision and Strategy – 1 week - $2,000

This was a great tactic implemented close to the right time; Ideally we would see this tactic in Stage 5, Communicate.
I can understand why communicate would be a better stage for this tactic, but I did think that during Envisage it would
be good to brief everyone on these two concepts. Rob Brown, Union Representative, though this was a very useful
tactic and something the employees at GlobalTech can rally around and support.

Competitive and Financial – 0.5 weeks - $1000

This was a great tactic implemented close to the right time. Surprisingly, the ideal timing for this tactic was during
Stage 1, Understand. I did not expect that the employees would need this information that quickly in this process, but
the feedback from Rob Brown, was high morale. He thought it was a real eye opener and one of the most honest
conversations he had heard around here for a while; Which is huge! Honesty and communication were two huge
lacking factors within GlobalTech. I think it is so important that they are feeling better about it. Not only that, but Rob
said that he is going to take this information back to the union membership and look for a win-win for both groups.

Team Site Visits - 1.5 weeks - $5,000

This was an essential tactic implemented close to the right time; Its ideal timing was Stage 6, Act. Guy Tremblay
gives feedback saying they have had mixed reactions with these visits. Some employees understand the need for it,
but others are still not even on board with the teams concept. This shows us that we did indeed do this part of the
process too early. The employees still needed time to grasp the idea and direction of GlobalTech’s change mission.

Restructure Company into Teams - 7 Weeks - $90,000

We implemented the tactic way too early. Its ideal stage is not even until Stage 7, consolidate. That is because if
there is no mass group in favor of the plan, it almost does the opposite, and moves the entire company backward.
Jennifer Smith, Vice President of Technology says that she had always thought this process would come toward the
end, once they’d had a change to build team support and have had a successful pilot or two. I understand her logic;
Crawl before we walk.

CEO Gives Upbeat Speech - 0.5 Weeks - $500
This tactic was counterproductive, to my surprise. I had thought the people needed to hear from the CEO. However, I
found that people don’t need to hear from him as they will lose their sense of urgency toward change and their belief
in the commitment levels of the management taking the lead on this change project. I guess my leadership mind
thought this would really be good and a motivating force for the employees, but in turn it just backfired.

Publicize Team Successes – .5 weeks - $500

This tactic had a 59% buy in. The morale on this tactic was high with Roger Thomas in Military Sales commenting on
how encouraging it is to see progress and momentum building. Coming from Roger, who has been around for quite
some time in GlobalTech, that is big that he can determine a noticeable shift in morale, “and a fresh sense of

Reward Individual Efforts – 1 week - $10,000

Rewarding individual efforts had an affect that I had imagined it would prior to choosing it. This is at the forefront of
buy in throughout GlobalTech at 60%. James Clarke in commercial development applauds the tactic, saying it feels
good to get some public recognition for going “above and beyond.” As a leader, I can see how employees would
appreciate this concept. Everyone needs to hear, “I appreciate you” sometimes. It increases morale and lets you
know you are heard. You have a voice and you are a collaborative member of this unit. The affect that faith can have
in an employee is limitless.

Team Mentoring - 2 weeks - $5,000

Team mentoring came in at a 56% buy in - A good tactic implemented close to the right time. I think that mentoring
was important to choose during the motivating phase because it is the concept of reinforcing team-based behavior,
motivating employees toward the change GlobalTech wants. I thought prior to choosing this tactic that this would be a
good time to choose this tactic and it proved itself true. Employees want the support of their mentors, or core team.
To have these individuals mentor and guide employees on a consistent basis will help them guide their way through
this new territory of change.

Core change team presentations – 2 weeks - $5,000
This tactic was a good tactic, but should have been (ideally) chosen a step before in Stage 4, Motivate. I can
understand now why this would be better under Stage 4 because it is so crucial for all of GlobalTech employees to
hear from the core change team early. It is good for them to hear updates about what is going on throughout the
organization and the progress being made, then those conversations happening in a meeting behind closed door.
The transparency is a crowd favorite.

Outline Changes and Challenges - .5 weeks - $500

This was a good tactic implemented close to the right time. The ideal stay for this tactic is the stage we chose it under
- Stage 5, Communicate. The feedback is spot on - It is useful to hear what will be changed and what change efforts
GlobalTech is hearing, but even more so, employees are happy to hear that they will be making an effort to celebrate
and preserve some of the positive things that have made GlobalTech successful. I

Constant Repetition of Vision – 2 weeks - $5000

This was a great tactic chosen and we implemented it close to the right time. The optimal timing for this tactic would
also be Stage 5, Communicate. I can understand why that stage would be ideal, as it is important to constantly
communicate this. What I found interesting was that Guy remarks on how they have incorporated their vision and
strategy messages into the manager presentations, company newsletter and training sessions. The most crucial thing
he says: “There’s not a single person who can’t tell me where we’re going and how we’re getting there.” That is huge!
Employees understand the mission and are willing to back it up.

Departmental Q&A Sessions - 3 weeks - $5,000

This tactic did not go over very well; A great tactic implemented too late. I can understand why the feedback would be
mixed at the end of the communication tactic. Maybe the employees needed this to happen way earlier. It is important
for feedback and thorough communication and as Change Agents, we knew that. The people want to be heard. This
should have happened sooner in Stage 4, Motivate.
Develop Training Infrastructure – 4 weeks - $30,000
This tactic was a good tactic implemented close to the right time at a 46% buy in. The feedback emulates high spirits
and the concept of learning how to support teams as a manger really is shining through in John Simons’ (Marketing
Manager) reviews. I believe we chose this during a good phase, Act. Not too soon, not too late.

Teams Training - 3 weeks - $20,000

This tactic was a good tactic implemented close to the right time. At a 49% buy in, Guy Tremblay, Vice President of
Human Resources sounds upbeat and happy about the implementation of this. I think having teams training under
“Act” is a better and more realistic time to train teams rather than some of the other team tactics we chose that were
implemented too soon. Change takes time, and often times people need to cope before they really attack it with a full
on buy in.

Fire One Employee – 2 weeks - $40,000

We chose to fire Scott Bell, Vice President of R&D for persistence and blocking. To my surprise, this proved a very
effective tactic coming in at 53% and close to the right time. I say it was to my surprise because not all of us in our
Change Agent team agreed on firing Scott. We had mixed choices on our employees to fire, but came to the
consensus that this choice may be addition by subtraction. Scott simply blocked moving forward for GlobalTech. He
was not bought in to change or the concept of commercializing itself. It was necessary to remove him around the time
we did rather than keep Scott around and build the organizational resistance to him up.

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