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What comes first? The brain? Or, the mind?

After viewing the video, do you believe we can be born into the "wrong body"?

In order to answer this question thoroughly and scientifically first, it requires laying a foundation

of examining a very important question: What comes first, The Brain? Or the Mind.

In the video the person who underwent the sex change made a statement that his brain was

always a woman. Was his brain always a female brain? Or was his mind what was wanting to be

a female? And, is there a difference in the brain and the mind? A very simplified answer to this

concept – the mind is a result of the brains function. The brain is a structure of an organism (in

this case, human) that sends signals to other parts of the brain and the body.

Secondly, we must define gender dysphoria. According to the APA “Gender dysphoria

involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which

he/she/they identify.

Another question arises from both the previous questions; Does the theory of nurture vs nature

have credible scientific validity? To answer this, we must look at any evidence of past cases

where this theory was studied, to prove whether or not a person can be nurtured to override the

natural conceptual differences between a male and female, and what impacts occur when

changing the physical appearance of someone (through gender reassignment), because they may
mentally feel uncomfortable with who they are genetically. This topic is still regarded by many

physicians to be a psychological disfunction and not a physiological disorder that should be

addressed by gender reassignment to solve the problem of patient’s mind living with this


In the video a comparison analysis was made by one doctor regarding gender dysphoria and

anorexia, where the question was asked do we change someone’s body who is anorexic so their

body does not naturally metabolize foods? Of course not. It is regarded as unethical. Anorexia,

like gender dysphoria is a state of the mind, It may be caused by a defect within the structure of

the brain, (volume, structural atrophy etc.), which then causes the person to think illogically aas

is the case with other disorders that are found to be linked to how the hippocampus regenerates

new brain cells in the early developmental stages of an individual’s life up in to adulthood, that

is recently being discovered through the advancements of neuroscience and a combination of

modern medicine, using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and PET Scans in order to look in

to the physiology of the human brain pf patients with ADHD, schizophrenia and Bipolar

disorders, (to name a few). Gender dysphoria is actually no different when looking at how the

brain operates. Studies have shown that the brain of men who think they are female is different

than straight men. (Nauert PhD, R. (2018)) With that being considered, We must ask the

question, should surgery be required to alter their genetic sex? Or should the medical community

look for ways to correct the physiological deformations within the individuals brain to make

their genetic sex the same as their gender identity? And if we are to look for correcting the brain.

Is it possible to regrow new brain cells to do so?

Finally, we also must ask whether the patients with gender dysphoria wish to undergo brain cell

regeneration or gender reassignment so they are mentally and genetically the same sex to make

them feel whole?

The procedure of gender reassignment does not make a person genetically the opposite sex. In a

case study done by Dr. Wm G Reiner who worked at John Hopkins in the psychiatric

department, and before his training in psychiatry he was a pediatric urologist who concluded that

“re-engineered males were almost never comfortable as females once they became aware of

themselves and the world. From the start of their active play life, they behaved spontaneously

like boys and were obviously different from their sisters and other girls, enjoying rough-and-

tumble games but not dolls and “playing house.” Later on, most of those individuals who learned

that they were actually genetic males wished to reconstitute their lives as males (some even

asked for surgical reconstruction and male hormone replacement)—and all this despite the

earnest efforts by their parents to treat them as girls.

Reiner’s results, reported in the January 22, 2004, issue of the New England Journal of

Medicine, are worth recounting. (McHugh, 2004, 2014)


The gender reassignment changes the body to as close to their mental identity as possible. But

their genetical sex remains the same as they were at birth. Surgery does not change their DNA.

Should we focus on conforming the body to the mind? And can we regrow brain cells to

correct gender dysphoria?

The human brain consists of billions of neurons, and trillions of synapses, when properly

functioning, they allow the body to react to stimuli properly. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a

molecule containing the instructions living organisms need to develop, live and reproduce, and

DNA is found inside every cell. These instructions or genetic coding are passed down from

parents to their children. Stem Cells are biological cells that are capable of reproducing into

other types of cells, as well as able to divide - producing more of the same type of stem cells that

include brain cells called neurons as well as a variety of other cells found it both soft tissue as

well as hard tissue, found in multicellular organisms.

An example of how DNA functions, with the way it is read in the pancreas (University of

Michigan, 2017). Those who are diagnosed with diabetes may suffer with sensory nerve

damage that prevents the body to react to stimuli such as heat or a sharp object cutting the flesh.

The result of sensory nerve cells damage, not sending correct messages to the brain causes

injury when the person doesn’t react properly by pulling away from the heat or a sharp object

that has broken the skin. There are many other examples as well, how genetics plays a huge role

in the development of the human body. Biological, environmental, and psychological causes are

linked to neurodevelopmental disorders and a catalyst for how the body’s cells develop, live and

grow. And the human brain is no different. Recent studies conclude brain cells can regrow

(University of Pennsylvania, (Gong 2013) This was not theorized as possible until recently.

The human body is very complex but resilient organism where it attempts and often times

learns ways to adapt to specific disorders. Another example is found in a condition known as

Atrial Septal Defect, and Ventral Septal Defect (ASD, VSD) (Mayo Clinic), where a person is
born with deformities of the Aorta or Ventral portion of their heart. Typically- on a medical

standpoint a person diagnosed with these disorders has very little chances of living past

adolescence without surgery- typically the surgery is a heart transplant. However, this is not

always the case. One particular case involved a young female born in 1953 in North Carolina

she was diagnosed with several life-threatening disorders Atrial Septal Defect and Ventricular

Septal Defect (ASD and VSD), and dextrocardia of the great valve. At that time heart transplant

surgery wasn’t an option. This procedure wasn’t available until the first successful heart

transplant occurred in 1967. The prognosis given to her parents was she had at best 6 months to

live. The patient lived without a heart transplant until she was 53 years of age. Without going in

to a life story of this woman and her struggles with her heart conditions, her brain worked on

learning ways to live with this disorder. I knew this woman very well. She was my aunt. And the

medical breakthroughs in cardiovascular surgery and treatment were either directly or indirectly

related to her life-time struggles with the heart conditions she lived with for 53 years. To the

best of all the medical professionals who treated her at MUSC in South Carolina she lived the

longest without having a heart transplant. Ironically, she passed away while undergoing a heart

transplant in March, 2006.

How does that have to do with gender identity?

In the 1960’s there was a set of twin boys who underwent circumcision in Canada. One surgery

was successful the other damaged the young boys penis- so badly nearly the entire penis was

burned off. The parents looking for a way to make their child feel whole heard of a Doctor at

John Hopkins who had successfully performed sex change operations. Dr. Money theorized that
Nurture overpowered Nature. But he needed a set of twins who were genetically born and one

would be nurtured before reaching the age of two to be told they were a girl, they would be

dressed like a girl and treated like a girl. The case study involved David Reimer and his brother

After a careful review of the life of David Reimer, I question the motives of Dr. Money and his

ethics. Was Dr. Money more interested in transforming Brian Reimer in to a female to prove his

failed theory instead of taking the challenge of reconstructing the patients penis?.

Another legal standpoint also arises. Once the transformation occurs the former identity dies a

death certificate must be issued and a new birth certificate provided for the new identity. In the

case of David Reimer his original name Bruce Reimer who legally died when Dr. Money first

began the reassignment procedure and his name was changed to Brenda. And Brenda legally

died when the surgery was done to reassign Brenda back to the genetic sex of a male where

Brenda became David.

Understandably, either type of surgery in the 1960’s was a new frontier. However, the motives

of Dr Money was seen to be more about proving his theory of gender neutrality, than looking

out for the best interest of Bruce. And doing so at the risk (expense) of further damaging a

young boys mind later on as Brenda grew up with gender dysphoria. This was shown several

documentary videos - the developmental stage of Brenda and the actions proving Brenda was

still genetically a boy, And those genetic markers were unconsciously triggering “Brenda” to

behave with the same interests as a boy. (Playing with trucks etc), (BBC-Horizon)

There is also video by Dr.Jill Seiver who teaches Human Sexuality as well. In her lecture on

Chapter 10 gender identity, she describes how she wanted her children to be raised gender
neutral. The daughter was given trucks to play with and her genetic makeup showed female

tendencies where she as associating the “big truck as the daddy, another truck as the mommy

and inside the mommy dump truck she was placing a smaller truck that was the baby. Their son

was raised by a stay at home father. And until the young boy was socializing with other kids he

didn’t know that there were fathers who went out to work. However, their son still showed signs

he was not dysphoric of is genetic sex. His only traits wee that he wanted to be a daddy. (Or in

their particular case like his dad). And when he began socializing with other family units their

son realized that all adult males did not stay home and take care of the children. (Seiver, 2016)

Often times we stereotype people in a variety of ways. Peer pressure can be cruel growing up.

Bullying is one of the main causes today for much of the violence in schools. Not only from the

student going in to the school with a gun. But the violence in general of not being able to control

their anger. And without delving in to the sociology of abnormal behavior. It is seen that there

are also a very high probability that gender identity is more coaching Or the nurturing portion

and not the natural selection of a person’s identity

It was later proven (around puberty) that Dr. Money’s experiment was a failure when

Brenda” refused to undergo the next surgery. Even to the point of threatening to commit

suicide. It seems for a few years that Brenda, now David was able to live with the damage that

was done. First when he suffered from a circumcision that went horribly wrong. And then after

years of being told he was a girl to find out he was actually born a boy and underwent a sex

change. These kinds of traumatic stimuli can be fatal for someone, as it apparently is shown in

the case of David Raimer, where he ultimately committed suicide.

Genetics plays a huge role in how we develop, from the time we are born and throughout our

life. Another example is found in our hair color. How does hair color have anything to do with

the topic of gender identity/ dysphoria? Eumelanin plays a huge role in developing black hair.

There have been cases where a person was born with red hair and sometime around puberty their

hair began to darken. A similar process occurs as well with graying hair. Cells communicate

with each other and the genetic changes that occur typically are from where one cell is

communicating with another. Cancer is another example of how genetics plays a role in how we

function. Cancer is a living cell. And as the malignancy process of cells spreads the growth of

new cancer cells, it ultimately impacts an entire organ and organism as a whole.

I am convinced with these and many other experiences in life the genetic code of a person is

who they are not only genetically but gender roles as well. Some may not like who they are

genetically and this is where the dysphoria has a huge impact on what a person thinks or

believes. Not much different than when a child is told there is a tooth fairy or that Santa Clause

brings gifts to good little boys and girls. Children can be molded in to thinking something is true

for a while, but eventually the integral portion of the brain responsible cognitive and critical

thought (Frontal Lobe) along with the parietal lobe responsible for body orientation works with

the portion of the brain responsible for self-awareness (insular cortex, anterior cingulate cortex

and medial prefrontal cortex. Where at that point the dysphoria then becomes a question of

choice mentally verses who they actually are physically


American Psychiatric Association Gender Dysphoria

McHugh P, 2004 “Why we stopped doing sex change operations retrieved 22, June 2018,

McHugh P. Wall Street Journal,(2016) “Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution”, retrieved 22,

June 2018


BBC Horizon (unknown date) Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis

Gong, 2013“Neuron regeneration may help sufferers of brain injury, Alzheimer's disease”,


Jill Seiver, (2016), Human Sexuality Chapter 10


Atrial Septal Defect, Mayo Clinic

Ventricular Septal Defect, Mayo Clinic


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