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I. Finish the second sentence so that they have the same meaning as the first ones.

(1 point)
1. We should use earth to put out the campfire.
-> Earth ____________________________________________________________________.
2. I can’t play football this afternoon because I feel tired.
-> If _______________________________________________________________________.
3. “ I don’t know what to do with all my fruits,” said Tom
-> Tom said _________________________________________________________________.
4. Jenny and Tommy are only sixteen, but they say they want to get married.
-> I don’t think ______________________________________________________________.
5. I was sick yesterday, so I didn’t go to class.
-> If _______________________________________________________________________.

More than two hundred years ago, the term “environmental pollution” was quite (1) ______ to people. They
lived healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air. In those days, industry was not well-developed.
Nowadays, the situation is quite different. The world today is faced with many major threats. The most dangerous
one of all is war, and after the threat of war is (2) ______. People all over the world worry about things that are
happening to the environment. Actually, human has ______ the surroundings with many kinds of waste from the
devices that make human life more comfortable and convenient. We all know about the damage that pollution can
(4) ______ but no one wants to get rid of the material life with many devices leading to pollution. Is it worth (5)
______ a lot of time talking about pollution?
1. A. necessary B. worrying C. familiar D. strange
2. A. pollution B. pollutant C. polluting D. polluted
3. A. established B. destroyed C. built D. made
4. A. causeB. bring C. give D. happen
5. A. spent B. spending C. spends D. spend
II. Read the passage carefully and do the tasks that follow (2 points)
Rain forests cover less than 6 percent of the earth’s area, but they have 100,000 kinds of plants, probably
half of all the kinds of plants on the earth. Three- fourths of all known kinds of plants and animals call the rain
forest their home. Twenty percent of our different kinds of medicine comes from rain forests. The glue on an
envelope and in shoe comes from tropical plants. Rain forests provide materials for hundreds of other products.
Rain forests are also very important to the world’s climate. The Amazon rain forest alone receives about
30 to 40 percent of the total rainfall on the earth and produces about the same percentage of the world’s oxygen.
Some scientists believe that climate on the earth, making it uncomfortable and even dangerous for life.
Saving our rain forests is an international problem. One country, or even a few countries, cannot solve the
problem alone. The nations of the world must work together to find a solution before it is too late.
Task 1: Circle the best option A, B, C or D
1. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. The plants of rain forests C. The importance of rain forests
B. The decreasing size of rain forests D. The animals living in rain forests
2. We infer that if man continued to destroy rain forests, ____________________.
A. The world’s climate would be affected C. The total rainfall would increase
B. All medicine would never be produced again D. we would no longer have glue or medicine
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Rain forests contain about 50% of all the kinds of plants on the earth
B. Rain forests provide about 20% of the world’s different kinds of medicine
C. Rain forests cover less than 6% of the earth’s area
D. One- fourths of all the world’s plants and animals live in rain forests
Task 2: Answer the questions below
4. How much percentage of the world’s oxygen is produced by Amazon rain forests?
5. Is saving rain forests a national problem or an international problem?
You will hear part of a local radio program in which someone is talking about a shopping center
I. Circle the correct option A, B or C
1. The shopping center opened __________.
A. three weeks ago B. two months ago C. three years ago
2. The speaker suggests the best way of traveling to Waterside is by __________.
A. coach B. car C. train
3. On Friday the shops are open from __________.
A. 9 am to 9 pm B. 10 am to 8pm C. 10 am to 9pm
II. Fill the missing words
Yes, it’s arranged on three levels. You’ll find all your favorites here. In fact, if you want to buy a pair of
shoes, there are (4) ___________ different shops to choose from on levels one and two. When you run out of
money there are seven different (5) ___________ , but collect your money before you get to the third level as there
aren’t any banks up there. On that level, however, there are several restaurants as well as cinema with seven
screens. And don’t get lost like I did, go to the information desk on the first level and get a map.

- The end-
No reference is allowed.

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