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Survey Art History: Optional Comparrison Paper


For an additional test grade (optional final Exam grade), you may submit ONE review of a show,
exhibition, or piece of public art. Your essay should include (at least) three paragraphs and meet the
formatting guidelines listed below. Remember, cut and paste plagiarism is never acceptable. The
essay should be your words and thoughts about the work.

Paragraph One: Formal Review: Write a formal review of the show, exhibition, or public art piece. Tell
me what you saw! Describe the artwork in detail, including medium, material, location, etc.

Paragraph Two: Content/Context: Based on your experiences at the show, exhibition or site, describe
your impression of the content of the piece. In this paragraph, focus on what you have learned about
the piece, the artist, and/or the history of the work. If you gather information from online/textbook/other
sources about the work or artist, remember to cite your sources. Please use a works cited page in
Chicago, APA or MLA format including at least three credible sources beyond your textbook.

Paragraph Three: Write about your overall impression of the work/show. Did you enjoy the work? What
does the work mean to you? Tell me about how the work might fit into our Survey Art History course.
Does the work make references to the past or present?

Essay Requirements:
-Essays must be written in complete sentences. Although your essay will not be penalized for incorrect
grammar, you must communicate your ideas clearly and coherently. Plagiarism is not acceptable, so
use your own words!
-Essays must be typed, 450 words, Times New Roman, 11 point font, double spaced
-Essays must be turned in to Dropbox by the FINAL DAY OF CLASSES.
-Remember: Points may be deducted for incomplete essays.
-You must include this information at the top of your Essay:

At the top of your essay:

Your Name:

Select ONE piece from the show/exhibition/public art piece:

Where you saw the work:

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