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The Tenses / Backshift of Tenses in Indirect Speech (IS)

Simple (Einfache Form) Progressive (Verlaufsform)

Simple Present (Einfache Gegenwart, Präsens) Present Progressive (Gegenwart:Verlaufsform)
I visit, you think, he reads I am visiting, you are thinking, he is reading
IS: She said she visited... IS: She said she was visiting…
I don’t visit…. I’m not visiting, you….
IS: She said she didn`t visit…. IS: She said she wasn`t visiting…

Simple Past (Einfache Vergangenheit, Präteritum) Past Progressive (Vergangenheit: Verlaufsform)

I visited, you thought, he read (2. Verbform) I was visiting, you were thinking………..
IS: I said I had visited… IS: I said I had been visiting…
I didn’t visit………. I wasn’t visiting, you…
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Present Perfect (Vollendete Gegenwart, Perfekt) Present Perfect Progressive (Vollendete Gegenwart: Verlaufsform)
I have visited, ..... I have been visting, ...
______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
I haven’t visited, … I haven’t been visiting, …
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Past Perfect (Vollendete Vergangenheit, Plusquamperfekt) Past Perfect Progressive (Vollendete Vergangenheit: Verlaufsform)
I had visited I had been visiting, ….
________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
I hadn’t visited I hadn’t been visiting, ….
________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Will Future (Zukunft, Futur I) Will Future Progressive (Zukunft: Verlaufsform)

I will visit, … I will be vivsiting, …
________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
I won’t visit… I won’t be visiting, ….
________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Would/Could/Should/Might + Infinitive (“Konditional Formen“) Would/Could.... + Infinitive Progressive (Konditional:Verlaufsform)

I would visit, .../ I would be visiting, …
________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
I wouldn’t visit, … I wouldn’t be visiting, …
________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Backshift of tenses....or forward shift....or whatever you want to call it.
Note: This usually happens in statements and questions, when the introductory sentence is in the simple past (He said that...)
If the introductory sentence is in the simple present, nothing happens (He says that...)

In questions and requests you use the infinitive instead of the backshift (“Do your homework!“ He told me to do my homework.)

past perfect present perfect past tense present tense will future would + infinitive
simple: I had seen... He has written... He went... She sleeps... We will rock you I would feel bad
negative: …....n't......................................n't....................................He didn't go...................She doesn't sleep..............................won't..................................n't.....................

progressive: She had been seeing.. I have been writing... We were going... We are sleeping They will be rocking He would be feeling...
negative ….......n't.................................n't...................................................n't................................n't...............................................won't..................................n't...............

Have you noticed? There are six tenses on this list but only three of them can appear in indirect speech:

________________________ , ________________________ and __________________________. Clever, eh?

Test your skills here: what do you do with tenses like these?

Going to future: 'I am going to buy a ticket'. She said she......

Future perfect: 'Your TV programme will have started by now'. He explained that...
Conditional II: 'I wouldn't have worn that skirt to school!' She shouted...

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