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Represented by
Sanskrit English
(Short Form)
४ or 4 ४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४----४ OM aiM hriiM shriiM----4
४४ or ka5 ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४----४ ka e ii la hriiM----5
४४ or ha6 ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४----४ ha sa ka ha la hriiM----6
४४ or sa4 ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४----४ sa ka la hriiM----4
४४४४४४४ / ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४
४ ४ ४ ४४४४४- ४४ ka e i la hriiM ha sa ka ha la hriiM sa ka la hriiM-15
४४४ or ka15
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४---४
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४ gaayatrii mantra---AUM bhurbhuvaH svaH tatsa
muula mantra
४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
vituurvareNyaM bhargo devasya
४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४ dhiimahi dhiyo yonaH prachodayaat
Generally before each mantra of the ४४ ४४४४ (Nine enclosures) the short form representation is used which means that the
mantras as mentioned have to be repeated at the start.
for eg. ४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ means ४ ४४
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
crown of Avarana-9
४४४४४४४ sahasraara
head Bindu

Avarana 8-
middle of
४४४४४ aaj~naa
Avarana 7-8
४४४४४४४ vishuddha throat

Avarana 6-10
४४४४४ anaahata heart

navel Avarana 5-10

४४४४४४ maNipuura triangle

४४४४४४४४४४४ Avarana
svaadhiShThaana origin
of sex

४४४४४४४ base of Avarana 3-

spine 8 petal
४४४ atala thighs Avarana 2-16 petals circle

Avarana 1-Circle
४४४४ vitala knees
Avarana 1-
४४४४ sutala calves
Circle 2

Avarana 1-Circle 1
४४४४४ talaatala Joint of feet with lower
Avarana 1-
४४४४४ rasaatala ankles
Square 3

Avarana 1-
४४४४४ mahaatala feet
Square 2

Avarana 1-Square
४४४४४ paataala soles of feet
Avarana 1 ANANDA BHAIRAVI---- Kamalamba Samrakshatu
The First Enclosure This is technically named Bhupur (Square 1, 2, 3) and Vratta (Circle 1, 2, 3) i.e. 3+3= (6)
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'Deluder of the Realms' or ‘am aam souh’ Prakata Yogini Tripura. Topaz Anima Siddhi, Dasa mudra siddhi
Trailokya Mohana Chakra.
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Feet of Devi continuing till the start of ‘draam’ Sarva Samkshobini 24 minutes Kula Food is eaten and chewed and the
thighs. Mudra (360 breaths) salive mixed in it.

It has petals in four directions, which contain esoteric knowledge to be transmitted.

There are actually six (6) gateways to this enclosure if we take a three-dimensional view of it, the four obvious dvaras and those 'above' and 'below'.
Gate 'below' is the 'path of words' Eastern gate is the way of the mantras
Southern gate is the way of devotion or bhakti. Western gate is for the performance of rites and rituals, or karma-kanda.
Northern gate is the way of wisdom, or Jnana. Gate 'above' is the way or 'road of liberation'.
These are located at the Southern and Northern gate, respectively, i.e. 'above' is north, 'below' is south.
Each of these gates also stands for one of the six (6) primary chakras in the body.
'Below' is the root or Muladhara Chakra Eastern gate to the sacral or Svadhishthana Chakra;
Southern to the navel or Manipura Chakra Western corresponds to heart or Anahata Chakra;
Northern to the throat or Visuddha Chakra 'Above' to the brow or Ajna Chakra.
The devotee or seeker is still operating at the level of desire here.
The worshiper knowing its inner secrets can mesmerise the 3 worlds.
This Avarana is surrounded by the Lokapalakas – the spirits that guard them are
North (Kubera), East (Indra), South (Yama) and West (Varuna) and the intermediate directions
North-East (Ishana), South-East (Agni), South-West (Nirutti) and South-West (Vayu).
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ aananda bhairavi pratham aavaraNam ## Enclosure 1##
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ saMvinmaye pare devi paraamR^itaruchipriye.
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ anuGYaaM tripure dehi parivaaraarchanaaya me..
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४
aM aaM sauH trailokyamohanachakraaya namaH.
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४ prathama rekhaa bhuupur ## Square 1 ##
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
1 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ aM aNimaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ gaM garimaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ laM laghimaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ maM mahimaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ iiM iishitvasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ vaM vashitvasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ paM praakaamyaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ bhuM bhuktisiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ iM ichchhaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
10 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ paM praaptisiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
11 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ saM sarvakaamaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४ dvitiiya rekhaa bhuupura ## Square 2 ##
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ aaM braahmiimaatR^i shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
1 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ iiM maaheshvariimaatR^i shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
2 ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ uuM kaumaariimaatR^i shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
3 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ R^IM vaiShNaviimaatR^i shriipaadukaaM
4 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ L^IM vaaraahiimaatR^i shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
5 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ aiM maahendriimaatR^i shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
6 ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ auM chaamuNDemaatR^i shriipaadukaaM
7 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ aH mahaalakShmiimaatR^i shriipaadukaaM
8 ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४ tR^itiiya rekhaa bhuupura ## Square 3 ##
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
draaM sarva sa~NkShobhiNiiyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
1 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
driiM sarva vidraaviNiiyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
kliiM sarvaakarShiNiiyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
bluuM sarva vasha~Nkariiyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
saH sarvonmaadiniiyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
kroM sarva mahaa~Nkusheyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४
hskhphreM sarva khechariiyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
hsauH sarva biijeyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
aiM sarvayoniyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ hsraiM hsklriiM hstrauH sarva trikhaNDaaeyai mudraashakti
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH

४४४४४ ४४४४४ prathama vR^itta ## Circle 1 ##

४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
kaM kaalaraatrii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
1 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
khaM khaatitaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
gaM gaayatrii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
ghaM ghaNTaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
~NaM ~NaarNaatmikaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
chaM chaNDaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
chhaM chhaatmikaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
jaM jayaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
jhaM jha~NkariNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
~naM j~naanaruupaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
10 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
TaM Ta~Nkahastaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
11 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
ThaM Tha~NkaariNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
12 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
DaM DakaariNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
13 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
DhaM DhakaariNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
14 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
NaM NakaariNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
15 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
taM takaariNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
16 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
thaM thaaNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
17 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
daM daakShaayaNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
18 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
dhaM dhaatrii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
19 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
naM naadaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
20 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
paM paarvatii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
21 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
phaM pheTkaariNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
22 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
baM bandhinii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
23 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
bhaM bhadrakaalii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
24 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
maM maayaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
25 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
shaM shrii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
26 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
ShaM ShaNDha maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
27 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
saM sarasvatii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
28 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
haMsa haMsavatii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
29 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ dvitiiya vR^itta ## Circle 2 ##
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
aM amR^itaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
1 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
aaM aakarShiNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
iM indraaNii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
iiM iishaanii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
uM umaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
uuM uurdhvakeshii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
R^iM R^iddhiraatrii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
R^IM R^Iddhishvarii maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ L^iM L^itaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
10 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ L^IM L^Ikaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
11 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ eM ekapaadaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
aiM aishvaryikaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
12 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
oM o~Nkaaraatmikaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
13 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
auM auShadhaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
14 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
aM ambikaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
15 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
aH akSharaatmikaa maatR^ikaambaa shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
16 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४ shukla pakSha ४४४४४ tR^itiiya vR^itta ## Circle 3 ##kRRiShNa pakSha ४४४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
aM aiM sakalahriiM nityaklinne mada drave sauH aM
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४४
1 kaameshvarii nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami 15
४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ aaM aiM bhagabhuge bhagini bhagodari bhagamaale
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४ bhagaavahe bhagaguihye bhagayoni bhaganipaatini
४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४ sarvabhagavasha~Nkari bhagarupe nityaklinne bhagasvarupe
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ sarvaaNi bhagaani me hyaanaya varde rete surete bhagaklinne
klinnadrave kledaya draavaya amoghe bhagavichche kShubha
2 ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ kShobhaya sarvasattvaan bhageshvari aiM bluuM jeM bluuM
४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ bheM bluuM moM bluuM heM bluuM heM klinne sarvaaNi
४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४ bhagaani me vashamaanaya striiM hara bleM hriiM aaM
४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४ bhagamaalini nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami
४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४ namaH
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४ iM oM hriiM nityaklinne madadrave svaahaa iM nityaklinnaa
3 13
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४
iiM oM kroM bhroM krauM jhrauM ChrauM jrauM svaahaa
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४
4 iiM bheruNDaa nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami 12
४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
uM oM hriiM vahni vaasinyai namaH uM vahni vaasini nityaa
5 ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ shrii paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४
uuM hriiM klinne aiM kroM nitya madadrave hriiM uuM
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४ ४४४
6 mahaa vajreshvarii nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami 10
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४
R^iM hriiM shivaduutyai namaH aruM shivaduutii shrii
7 ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४ ४ ४४ ४४४४
R^IM oM hriiM huM khe cha che kShaH striiM huM kSheM
४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४
8 hriiM phaT aruuM tvaritaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami 8
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४
lR^iM kliiM sauH aluM kulasundarii shrii paadukaaM
9 ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ lR^IM h s k l r DaiM h s k l r DiiM h s k l r DauH lR^IM
10 6
४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४ eM hriiM phreM struuM kroM aaM kliiM aiM bluuM nitya
11 ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४ mada drave huM phreM hriiM eM niilapataakaa nityaa shrii 5
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४
aiM bhmrayuuM aiM vijayaa nityaa shrii paadukaaM
12 ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४
oM svauM oM sarvama~NgaLaa nityaa shrii paadukaaM
13 ४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ auM oM namo bhagvati jvaalaamaalini deva devii sarva bhuuta
sa.nhaar kaarike jaatavedasi jvalanti jvala jvala prajvala
४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
14 prajvala hraaM hriiM hruuM ra ra ra ra ra ra ra jvaala maalini 2
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ huM phaT svaahaa auM jvaala maalini nityaa shrii paadukaaM
४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४ pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ aM chkauM aM chitraa nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami
15 1
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४ aH ka e ii la hriiM ha sa ka ha la hriiM sa ka la hriiM aH
४ ४ ४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ ShoDashii nityaa shrii paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ hsklrDaiM hsklrDiiH hsklrDauH nityaanityaashrii shrii
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ paadukaaM pujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४ ##chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman## ##Salutations##
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ etaaH prakaTayoginyaH trailokyamohane chakre samudraaH
sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH savaahanaaH
1 ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH saMpuujitaaH sa.ntarpitaa
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
aM aaM sauH tripuraachakreshvarii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ aM aNimaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
draaM sarvasa~NkShobhiNiiyai mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ## ४४४
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ draaM iti sarvasa~NkShobhiNiimudraM pradarshya
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ muulaM shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii paraabhaTTaarikaa
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
##४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४
##iti trivaraM sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ taambuulaM niraajanaM cha samarpya##
४४४४४४४ ४ ४४४४४४४##
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४ abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM prathamaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४
##४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
##iti saamaanyaarghyodakena devyaa vaamahaste puujaaM
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ samarpya##
prakaTayoginiimayuukhaayai prathamaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
8 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
##४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४## ##iti yonimudrayaa praNamet##
Avarana 2
The 2nd Avarana: is the 16 petals circle known as Sarvaash Paripooraka Chakra meaning the fulfiller of all desires.
This is technically named Shodashal and is called the 'Fulfiller of all Hopes or desires' or Sarva Ashapurak Chakra.
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'Fulfiller of all Hopes' or sarvaashaapa ‘aiM kliiM sauH’ Gupta Yogini Tripureshi Sapphire laghima Siddhi
ripuuraka Chakra.
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Thighs of devi. ‘driiM’ Sarva 3 hours vishu Chyle / Rasa dhatu (Lymph) (the first
Vidravani (2700 breaths). product of the disintegration of food by
Mudra the biological fires)

Since frustrated desire is the strongest obstacle to spiritual progress,the next stage is wisely concerned with satisfying them.
Only he who has experienced can renounce. The values of virtue,wealth and pleasure are granted at this stage.
The petals are representations of 16 sacred vowels, each one starting from the east in an anti-clockwise direction.
Each of the 16 vowels corresponds to the divine Feminine Energy or Shakti.
The Shaktis manifest their powers in the Five Elements, the 10 senses of perception or Indriyas (being further divided into five organs of action and five sense
organs) and the Mind.
This stage, too, corresponds to the Muladhara Chakra and is the second part of Emanation. Progress towards long-term objectives is achieved here.
The presiding form of Lalita in this Avarana is Tripureshi. She is ornamented with all gems, carries a book and a rosary.
The 16 Devis of this Avarana are called the Nitya Kalas, also Nitya Devis, also Akarshana Devis and also Gupta Yoginis. They are of red hue and each holds a
noose, a goad, pot of nectar and make the sign of giving boons.
They rule the 16 Sanskrit vowels from a to ah. By worshiping them one gets power over mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness,
memory, name, growth, etheric body, rejuvenation, and physical body.
The 16 Yoginis represent the 16 vowels of Sanskrit language, and areworshipped with the 16 vowels as their beeja mantras.The gem of this Avarana is
dvitiya aavaraNam ##Avarana-2##
(S.No) ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ Avarana-2
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ aiM kliiM sauH sarvaashaaparipuuraka chakraaya namaH
४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
aM kaamaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
1 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
aaM buddhyaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
iM aha~NkaaraakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
iiM shabdaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
uM sparshaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
uuM ruupaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
R^iM rasaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
R^IM gandhaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
L^iM chittaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
L^IM dhairyaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
10 ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
eM smR^ityaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
11 ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
aiM naamaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
12 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
oM biijaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
13 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
auM aatmaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
14 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
aM amR^itaakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
15 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
aH shariiraakarShiNii nityaakaladevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
16 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH

४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४

chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ etaaH guptayoginyaH sarvaashaaparipuurake chakre
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samudraaH sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ savaahanaaH saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH saMpuujitaaH
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sa.ntarpitaa sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४
2 puShpaa~njaliH kaamaakarShiNyaaH purataH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ##
४४ ४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ aiM kliiM sauH tripureshiichakreshvarii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ laM laghimaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
driiM sarvavidraaviNii mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
6 ४४४४४ driiM
## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
iti sarvavidraaviNiimudraaM pradarshya muulena devii triH
४४४४४४४४४---- ४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४
7 sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM taambuulaM
४४४४४४४४----४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४ ४४४४४४४ ##
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४
abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM dvitiiyaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ## iti puujaaM samarpya
guptayoginiimayuukhaayai dvitiiyaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
10 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ## iti yonimudrayaa praNamet
Avarana 3
The 3rd Avarana: is the 8 petal circle known as Sarva Sankshobhana Chakra. The eight large petals here represent a state of psychophysical dynamic
equilibrium. Each petal has a consonant inscribed within it that begins with 'Ka' -the name of the Unknown God. Symbolically the petals exemplify dynamic
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
Or form of Lalita
'Agitator of All' or Sarva Sankshobhan Hrim Klim Sauh Guptatara Tripura Sundari cat's eye Mahima Siddhi ,raising the rishi
Chakra. Yogini level consciousness
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Hrim Klim Sauh driiM or dreem Sarva day and night Muladhara Rakta dhatu (Blood)
Aakarshana (21600 breaths).

In the East, the petal stands for speech and expression; in the South,apprehension and reception; in the West, locomotion; in the North, bodily urges and
excretion; in the Southeast, pleasure; in the Southwest, rejections and reactions; in the Northwest, conscious attention; and in the Northeast, detachment and
Alternative perspectives see the eight petals as the seats of eight goddesses who are responsible for: Speech (Vachana), Transaction (Adana), Departure
(Gamana), Transcendence (Visarg), Bliss (Ananda), Absence/Detachment (Hana), Giving (Upadana) and, last of all, Neglect (Upeksha).
In yet another interpretation, the eight petals symbolize: Form (Rupa), Taste (Rasa), Smell (Gandha), Touch (Sparsha), Sound (Shabdha), Primordial Sound
(Nada), Primordial Nature (Prakriti), and The Self (Purusha).
The third enclosure is a transition stage between Emanation-Preservation symbolically representing both of them. This stage sees the aspirant succeed even
further towards reaching the ultimate goal.
Lalita in this form is swaying in a love intoxicated state, with her eyes full of bliss. She smiles with passion and shows the mudras dispelling fears and granting
The eight Devis in each of the eight petals have the colour of Bandhuka flowers.
They are holding noose, goad, blue lotus and are dispelling fear.
They represent Speech, Holding, Walking, Excreting, Pleasure, Abandoning, Concentration and Detachment. They have the eight Ka class letters as their

tRRitiyaa aavaraNam ##Avarana-3##
(S.No) ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ Avarana-3
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४
hriiM kliiM sauH sarvasa~NkShobhaNachakraaya namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ kaM khaM gaM ghaM ~NaM ana~Nga kusumaadevii
1 ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
chaM chhaM jaM jhaM ~naM ana~Nga mekhalaadevii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
2 shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
TaM ThaM DaM DhaM NaM ana~Nga madanaadevii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
3 shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ taM thaM daM dhaM naM ana~Nga madanaaturaadevii
4 ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
paM phaM baM bhaM maM ana~Nga rekhaadevii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
5 shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
yaM raM laM vaM ana~Nga veginiidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
6 puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
shaM ShaM saM haM ana~Nga a~Nkushaadevii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
7 shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
LaM kShaM ana~Nga maaliniidevii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
8 puujayaami tarpayaamidevii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४

४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४

chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ etaaH guptatarayoginyaH sarvasa~NkShobhNe chakre
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samudraaH sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ savaahanaaH saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH saMpuujitaaH
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sa.ntarpitaa sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४
2 puShpaa~njaliH ana~NgakusumaayaaH purataH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ##
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ hriiM kliiM sauH tripurasundariichakreshvarii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ maM mahimaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
kliiM sarvaakarShiNii mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
6 ४४४४४ kliiM
## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
iti sarvaa akarShiNiimudraaM pradarshya muulena devii triH
४४४४४४४४४---- ४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४
7 sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM taambuulaM
४४४४४४४४----४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४ ४४४४४४४ ##
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४
abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM tRRitiiyaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ## iti puujaaM samarpya
guptatarayoginiimayuukhaayai tRRitiiyaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
10 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ iti yonimudrayaa praNamet

Avarana 4
The 4th Avarana: This Avarana of 14 triangles (Outer blue triangles in picture) represents the 14 worlds and the 14 main Nadis in the human body.
This is technically named Chaturdashar and is a 14-cornered figure.
It represents the first 14 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, regarded as a sacred revelation of words of power.
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'Provider of Prosperity' or Sarva haiM hkliiM hsouH Sampradaya Tripura Vasini Coral Experience the first stage of
Saubhagya Dayak Chakra. Yoginis. Samadhi.
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
At the origin of the yoni the bluM Sarva Vashankri Weekday Svadisthana Mamsa dhatu (Muscles)
reproductive organ.

As always, they are also supposed to be the seat of Shaktis who represent: the Mind (Manas), the Intellect (Buddhi), Being (Chitta), the Conscious Ego
(Ahamkara) and the 10 Indriyas.
The chakra associated with it is the Anahata and it is the first stage of Preservation-Emanation.
Hope of spiritual success is firmly established at this stage in the aspirant.
It is called Sarva Soubhagya Dayak Chakra.
The presiding form of the devi is red and very beautiful.
Fourteen Devis of the triangles are described as being proud, wanton, young, colour of cochineal, ornamented with gems, holding noose, goad, mirror, wine cup
full of nectar.

४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ Avarana-

chaturtha yaa turiiyaa aavaraNam ##Avarana-4##
(S.No) 4
४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
haiM hkliiM hsauH sarvasaubhaagyadaayaka chakraaya namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
kaM sarva sa~NkShobhiNiishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
1 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
khaM sarva vidraviNiishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
gaM sarva aakarShiNiishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
ghaM sarva hlaadiniishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
~NaM sarva sammohiniishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
chaM sarva stambhiniishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
chhaM sarva jR^imbhiNiishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
jaM sarva vasha~Nkariishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
jhaM sarva ra~njiniishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
~naM sarvonmaadiniishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
10 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
TaM sarvaarthasaadhiniishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
11 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
ThaM sarva sampattipuuriNiishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
12 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
DaM sarva mantra mayiishakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
13 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४
DhaM sarva dvanta kShaya~Nkariishakti shriipaadukaaM
14 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४

४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४

chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ etaaH saMpradaaya yoginyaH sarvasaubhaagyadaayake
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ chakre samudraaH sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ savaahanaaH saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ saMpuujitaaH sa.ntarpitaa sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४
2 puShpaa~njaliH sarvasa~NkShobhiNiiyaH purataH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४##
४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ haiM hkliiM hsauH tripuravaasiniichakreshvarii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ iiM iishitvasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
bluM sarvavasha~Nkarii mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
6 ४४४४४ bluM

## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ iti sarvaa sarvavasha~NkariimudraaM pradarshya muulena

7 devii triH sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM
४४४४४४४४४---- ४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४ taambuulaM niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४४४४४४४४---- ४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४ ४४४४४४४ ##

४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४
abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM turiiyaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ## iti puujaaM samarpya
saMpradaayayoginiimayuukhaayai turiiyaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
10 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ## iti yonimudrayaa praNamet

Avarana 5
The 5th Avarana: This Avarana of 10 triangles is called Sarvarth Sadhaka Chakra. It is own as Bahirdasaram.
It is a 10-cornered figure. It corresponds to the stage called Preservation-Preservation, meaning a very strong Vishnu energy.
The 10-cornered figure represents the 10 types of Vital Breaths (Prana or Ki).
This is inevitable as Vishnu (He Who Pervades) is the Support of the Universe,
i.e. Vishnu is the visibilization of the Prana which is the support of all life. The possibility, not the actual experience, of inner spiritual realization is firmly
established here.
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'Achiever of all Objects' or Sarva Artha hsaiM hskliiM Kula Yoginis Tripurasri pearl Experience of divine consciousness &
Sadhak Chakra. (Bahiradashar) hssauH awareness, control over any object.
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Navel saH Sarva Lunar Day (tithi) Manipura Medha dhatu (Fat)

The presiding aspect of Lalita holds noose goad, a skull and dispels fear.
She is of vermilion brightness. The Yoginis are called Kulotteerna Yoginis.
They have the lusture of Japakusuma flowers and are adorned with shining gems and jewels.
They are holding noose and goads and showing the gestures of knowledge, and giving boons.
They represent thedasavataras and the 10 Vital Fires.
pa~nchamaavaraNam ##Avarana-5##
(S.No) ४४४४४४४४४४४ Avarana-5
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
hsaiM hskliiM hssauH sarvaarthasaadhaka chakraaya namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
NaM sarva siddhipradaadevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
1 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
taM sarva sampatpradaadevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
thaM sarva priya~Nkariidevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
daM sarva ma~NgalakaariNiidevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
dhaM sarva kaamapradaadevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
naM sarva duHkha vimochiniidevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
paM sarva mR^ityu prashamaniidevi shriipaadukaaM
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
phaM sarva vighna nivaariNiidevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
baM sarvaa~Nga sundariidevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
bhaM sarva saubhaagyadaayiniidevi shriipaadukaaM
10 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH

४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४

chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ etaaH kulottiirNa yoginyaH sarvaartha saadhake chakre
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samudraaH sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ savaahanaaH saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH saMpuujitaaH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sa.ntarpitaa sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४ ४४४
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४
2 puShpaa~njaliH sarvasiddhipradaayaaH purataH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ##
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ hsaiM hskliiM hssauH tripuraachakreshvarii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ vaM vashitvasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
saH sarvonmaadinii mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
6 ४४ saH
## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
iti sarvonmaadiniimudraaM pradarshya muulena devii triH
४४४४४४४४४----४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४
7 sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM taambuulaM
४४४४४४४४----४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४ ४४४४४४४ ##
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४
abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM pa~nchamaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ## iti puujaaM samarpya
kulottiirNayoginiimayuukhaayai pa~nchamaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
10 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ## iti yonimudrayaa praNamet

Avarana 6
The 6th Avarana: This inner 10 triangle chakra (shown in black in the picture) is called Sarva Rakshakara Chakra and also as Antardasardam.
It is also a 10-cornered figure.
There is some ambivalence about it as it corresponds to the Manipura Chakra, but is apparently experienced by mystics who have internalized the Sri Yantra as
being between the eyebrows, which is where you would expect the Ajna Chakra to be.
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'Protector of All' or Sarva Rakshakar Hrim Klim Blem Nigarbha Yoginis Tripura Malini. Thedhatu Prakamya Siddhi
Chakra emerald experience of brahman
principle liberation
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Heart or the Breasts kroM Sarva Mahankusha Lunar Fortnight Anahata Asthi dhatu (Bone)

Its nature is that of fire (Agni), the 10 specific 'fires within the body' being the fire of purgation (Rechak), digestion (Pachak), absorption (Shoshak), burning
(Dahak), the secretion of enzymes (Plavak), acidification (Ksharak), to take out or excrete (Uddharak), the fires of pessimism and frustration (Kshobhak), the
fire of assimilation (Jrambhak) and creating luster (Mohak).
This enclosure symbolizes the third stage of Preservation called Preservation- Absorption.
The advent of inner realization begins here.
The presiding aspect of Lalita holds noose and goad, dispels fear, and holds a skull.
She is of vermilion brightness. They are the colour of 1000 rising suns, adorned with pearls and gems, holding noose, chisel, and showing the gestures of
knowledge, and giving boons.
They are the saktis of the 10 Vital Fires.
ShaShTaavaraNam ##Avarana6##
(S.No) ४४४४४४४४४४ Avarana6
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४
hriiM kliiM bleM sarvarakShaakara chakraaya namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ maM sarvaj~naa devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४
yaM sarvashakti devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४
raM sarvaaiishvarya pradaa devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४
laM sarvaj~naana mayii devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४
vaM sarvavyaadhi vinaashinii devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४
shaM sarvaaadhaara svarupaa devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४
ShaM sarvapaapa haraa devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
7 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४
saM sarvaaananda mayii devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४
haM sarvarakShaa svarupiNii devi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
9 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४
kShaM sarvepsita phalapradaa devi shriipaadukaaM
10 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH

४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४

chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ etaaH nigarbhayoginyaH sarvarakShaakare chakre
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samudraaH sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ savaahanaaH saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH saMpuujitaaH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sa.ntarpitaa sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४ ४४४
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
2 puShpaa~njaliH sarvaGYaayaaH purataH
४४४४४ ##
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ hriiM kliiM bleM tripuramaaliniichakreshvarii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
paM praakaamyasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
kroM sarvamahaa~Nkushaa mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
6 ४४४४४ kroM
## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
iti sarvamahaa~NkushaamudraaM pradarshya muulena devii
४४४४४४४४४----४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४
7 triH sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM taambuulaM
४४४४४४४४----४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४ ४४४४४४४ ##
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४
abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM ShaShThaakhyaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ## iti puujaaM samarpya
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
nigarbhayoginiimayuukhaayai ShaShThaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
10 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ iti yonimudrayaa praNamet

Avarana 7
The 7th Avarana: This inner 8 triangle chakra (shown in Green in the picture) is called Sarva Rogahara Chakra.
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'Remover of all Diseases' or Sarva Roga Hreem, Shreem, Souh. Ati Rahasya Tripura Diamond Merging in sky element and control
Hara Chakra. Yogini. Siddhamba. over the 5 elements.
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Throat hskfreM Sarva khichari Month Visuddhi Majja dhatu
mudra (marrow (bone and spinal))

This is technically named Ashtar, an eight-cornered figure, it is represented by five letters of the 'pa' group as also the letters 'sa', 'sha' and 'sa' again.
The eight letters are also supposed to represent the eight weapons held by the Kameshwara -Kameshwari (Shiva-Durga) dyad which destroy disease.
Shiva as Rudra was specifically a healer, thus this enclosure merely adds the feminine healing energy to the mix.
Paradoxically, it corresponds to two chakras of the human body, both the forehead Ajna as well as the Svadhisthana Chakras.
It may have something to do with the sort of energy required to bring about healing.
Energy workers are aware that it sometimes begins to flow from the womb or genitals, where the Svadhisthana is located. This enclosure symbolizes the first
stage of Absorption, namely Absorption-Emanation.
At this level the aspirant is free of all earthly bondage and is, literally, on the threshold of the inner circle of realization
She is described as the Destroyer of Poison.
The Yoginis are the colour of pomegranate flowers, wearing red clothes, smeared with red scent, each carrying five arrows and a bow.
These Devis are the rulers of Cold, Heat, Happiness, Sorrow, Desire, and the three gunas Sattvas, Rajas, Tamas.
They are also called the eight Vasinis and rulethe eight Sanskrit letter groups. They also represent the Astha Vasus.
saptamaavaraNam ##Avarana-7##
(S.No) ४४४४४४४४४४४ Avarana-7
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
hriiM shriiM sauH sarvarogahara chakraaya namaH
४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४
aM aaM iM iiM uM uuM R^iM R^IM L^iM L^IM eM aiM oM
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
1 auM aH aH rbluuM vashinii vaagdevishriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ kaM khaM gaM ghaM ~NaM klhriiM kaameshvarii vaagdevi
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४
chaM chhaM jaM jhaM ~naM nvliiM modinii vaagdevi
3 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४
TaM ThaM DaM DhaM NaM yluuM vimalaa vaagdevi
4 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
taM thaM daM dhaM naM jmriiM aruNaa vaagdevi
5 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
paM phaM baM bhaM maM hslvyuuM jayinii vaagdevi
6 ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ( ४४४४४४४४४=४४ ४४ ४४
yaM raM laM vaM ##(## jhmryuuM##=##jh m r yuuM ##)##
४४४ ) ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
7 sarveshvarii vaagdevi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ namaH
४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
shaM ShaM saM haM laM kShaM kShmriiM kaulini vaagdevi
8 ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४

४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४

chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ etaaH rahasyayoginyaH sarvarogahare chakre samudraaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH savaahanaaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH saMpuujitaaH sa.ntarpitaa
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४ ४४४
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
2 puShpaa~njaliH vashinyaaH purataH
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ hriiM shriiM sauH tripuraasiddhaachakreshvarii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ bhuM bhuktisiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
hskphreM sarvakhecharii mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
6 ४४४४४४४४४४४ hskphreM
## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
iti sarvakhechariimudraaM pradarshya muulena devii triH
४४४४४४४४४----४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४
7 sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM taambuulaM
४४४४४४४४----४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४ ४४४४४४४ ##
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४
abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM saptamaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ## iti puujaaM samarpya
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
rahasyayoginiimayuukhaayai saptamaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
10 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ## iti yonimudrayaa praNamet
Avarana 8
The 8th Avarana: This inner triangle chakra (shown in Yellow in the picture) is called Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra.
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'The Bestower of all Attainments' or Hsraim Hsrklim Ati-Rahasya Yogini. Tripuramba Gomaya Turiya State and
Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra. Hsrsauh. Self realisation
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Space between the 2 eyebrows hasauH Sarva beeja mudra season (two months). Ajna Shukra dhatu
(male sperm, and female egg)
This is the Primary Triangle technically named the Kamakala it is the first outcome or effect of the central bindu's energy outflow.
Since it is an inverted triangle, it is also described as 'the wandering between horns', the two lines meeting at a point below being the horns.
The three lines of the triangle are also held to represent the three qualities or Gunas: Purity and Calm (Sattva), Activity (Rajas), and Inertia (Tamas).
Alternatively, the three lines are held to symbolize three goddesses -Kameshwari, Brijeshwari and Agamalini.
They also represent the three stages of consciousness: Conscious Awareness (Jagriti), Dreaming (Swapna), and Deep Slumber (Sushupti). The fourth stage of
Consciousness is literally Turiya -the Fourth! This is a transcendent state found only in the ultimate realization of the final enclosure.
She is also known as Sampatprada Bhairavi. She has coppery effulgent, like a 1000 suns, with three eyes, a face like the moon, adorned with white gems, with a
beautiful figure, rising swelling breasts,intoxicated, wanton,young, proud, holding book, dispelling fear, holding a rosary and granting boons.
The Weapons are worshipped as seen on the sides of Yellow Triangle where different weapons are placed ( 4 in number) and The 3 Devis here
are:1.Kameshvari 2.Vajreshi 3.Bhagamalini.
Kameshvari is the Rudra Shakti - Parvati. She is white in colour, besmeared with camphor, adorned with pearls and crystal, and various other gems, holding
book, rosary, bestowing boons and dispelling fear.
Vajreshi is the Vishnu Shakti - Lakshmi. She is bright as red kumkuma,adorned with flowers and gems, like the dawn sun. Her eyelids are smearedwith
sapphire dust, she holds sugarcane how, flowery arrows, bestows boons,dispels fear.
Bhagamalini is the Brahma Shakti - Saraswati. She is effulgent as molten gold,adorned with priceless gems, holds noose, goad, and shows the gestures
ofknowledge and bestowing boons.
४४४४ aShTamaavaraNam ##Avarana-8##
४४४४४४४४४४४ Avarana-8
४४४ ४४४ ४४४ ४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४
yaaM raaM laaM vaaM saaM draaM driiM kliiM bluM saH
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४
1 sarvajR^iMbaNebyaH kaameshvarii kaameshvara baaNebhyo
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
baaNa shakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
thaM dhaM sarva sa.mmohanaabhyaaM kaameshvarii
2 ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ kaameshvara dhanurbhyaaM namaH
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
dhanuH shakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
hriiM aaM sarva vashiikaraNaabhyaaM kaameshvarii
3 ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ kaameshvara paashaabhyaaM namaH
४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
paasha shakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४
kroM kroM sarva stambhanaabhyaaM kaameshvarii
4 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ kaameshvara a~NkushaabhyaaM namaH
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ a~Nkusha shakti shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
ityaayudhaarchanaM vidadhyaat. tataH
४४४ ##
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
hsraiM hsklriiM hsrauH sarva siddhiprada chakraaya namaH
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४ aiM ka e ii la hriiM agnichakre kaamagiripiiThe mitreshanaatha
navayonichakraatmaka aatmatattva sRRiShTikRRitya
jaagraddashaadhiShThaayaka icChaashakti vaagbhavaatmaka
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ vaagiishvariisvarupa brahmaatmashakti mahaakaameshvarii
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ kliiM ha sa ka ha la hriiM suryachakre jaalandharapiiThe
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ShaShTiishanaatha dashaaradvaya chaturdashaarchakraatmaka
vidyaatattva sthitikRRitya svapna dashaadhiShThaayaka
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ GYaanashakti kaaraajaatmaka kamakalaasvarupa
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४ viShNvaatmashakti mahaa vajreshvarii shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sauH sa ka la hriiM somachakre puurNaagiripiiThe
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ uDDishanaatha aShTadaLaa ShoDashadaLa
chaturashrachakraatmaka shivatattva sa.nhaarakRRitya
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ suShupti dashaadhiShThaayaka kriyaashakti shaktibijaatmaka
४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ paraaparashaktisvarupa rudraatmashakti mahaa bhagamalinii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४
४४४४४ ४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ aiM ka e ii la hriiM kliiM ha sa ka ha la hriiM sauH sa ka la
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ hriiM parabrahmachakre mahoDyaaNapiiThe
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ charyaanandanaatha samastachakraatmaka
saparivaaraparamatattva sRRiShTisthitisa.nhaarakRRitya
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४
turiiya dashaadhiShThaayaka icChaa GYaana kriyaa shaantaa
४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४४ shakti vaagbhavakaamaraajashaktibijaatmaka
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paramashaktisvarupa parabrhmaatmashakti
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ shriimahatripursundarii shriipaadukaaM puujayaami
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४
chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ etaaH atirahasyayoginyaH sarvasiddhiprade chakre
४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samudraaH sasiddhayaH saayudhaaH sashaktayaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ savaahanaaH saparivaaraaH sarvopachaaraiH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ saMpuujitaaH sa.ntarpitaa sa.ntuShTaaH santu namaH
४४४४४ ४४४
2 ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ puShpaa~njaliH vashinyaaH purataH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ hsraiM hsklriiM hsrauH tripuraambaachakreshvarii
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ iM icChaasiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४
hsauH sarvabiija mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
5 ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
6 ४४४४४ hsauH
४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
iti sarvabiijamudraaM pradarshya muulena devii triH
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४
7 sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM taambuulaM
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४ ४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४
abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale. bhaktyaa
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ samarpaye tubhyaM aShTamaavaraNaarchanam..
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
9 ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ iti puujaaM samarpya
atirahasyayoginiimayuukhaayai aShTamaavaraNa
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४
10 devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ iti yonimudrayaa praNamet

Avarana 9
The 9th Avarana: This Avarana is the Bindu - the Cosmic Union of Shiva & Shakti as Kameswari & Kameswara. It is called Sarvanandamaya Chakra.
This is the central point or Bindu , since it is too minute to be clearly seen, the Primary Triangle exists as a manifestation of this bindu.
Name of Chakra Chakra Beej Mantra Yogini Devi Deity/Chakresvari Gem Siddhis
'Filled with all Bliss' or Sarva ka e i la hriiM Parapara rahasya Rajarajeshvari or Lalita Ruby Sat-chit-
Anandamayai Chakra. ha sa ka ha la hriiM yogini Maheshvari Mahatripurasundari ananda state
sa ka la hriiM
Devi body part correspondence Mudra Beej Mantra Mudra Time Period Chakra Dhatu
Brahma randra ( Bindu) Sahasrara aiM Sarva Yoni Mudra Year sahasrara OJAS (Hair)
This point is the actual spot where the Mother resides though, to make matters interesting, this point is supposed to pervade all creation too! This, in a temple,
would be the sanctum sanctorum,with all the other circles or enclosures representing various parts of the temple as you move inwards.
Every classic temple has this nine-enclosure design to enable the mind to be successively purified and focused, by the time it getsthe actual vision of the deity.
By this point, the seeker should be in mystical union with the God-field.
The point is also called the 'Field of Deliberation', the spot wherein takes place the indissoluble union of the individual soul with the divine.
Some Sri Yantras have a further division within the bindu space, three dots arranged in a triangle and standing for the three creative fires: the Fire of the Moon,
i.e. the dot representing it is red in color and it also stands for the ida channel for the prana on the left (lunar) side of the body; the Fire of the Sun is a white dot,
and represents the pingala channel for the prana on the right side of the body; the Fire of Agni, sacred flame, is of mixed colors and stands for the central
channel, the sushumna.
In such cases, of course,the actual bindu will be infinitely small and enclosed within the triangular space formed by these three dots. The Ninth Enclosure is the
ultimate gathering up of Emanation and represents Absorption-Absorption, 'filled with all bliss' as bliss - Ananda - is defined as 'Resting in Oneself'.
This point corresponds to the Sahasrara Chakra, the aperture on the crown of the head.
It is the culmination of the inner journey, a return to Godhead. The reverse process is the unfolding of the Universe.
These two processes alternate eternally in the process known as Vyapta-Vyapta, Manifest-Unmanifest, creation by emanation, dissolution, absorption and then
emanation again.

navamaavaraNam ##Avarana-9##
(S.No) ४४४४४४४४४ Avarana-9
४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ka e ii la hriiM ha sa ka ha la hriiM sa ka la hriiM
४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४ sarvaanandamaya chakraaya namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४ puShpaa~njaliH
४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४
2 AUM bhurbhuvaH svaH tatsa vituurvareNyaM bhargo
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४ devasya dhiimahi dhiyo yonaH prachodayaat
४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४
shriilalitaa mahaatripurasundarii paraabhaTTaarikaayai
3 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४ ४४४४
chakraswaaminii evaM yogini naman ##Salutations##
(S.No) Salutations
४४४४ ४४४ ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ etaaH paraa paraa tirahasyayoginyaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ sarvaanandamaye chakre samudraaH sasiddhayaH
1 ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ saayudhaaH sashaktayaH savaahanaaH saparivaaraaH
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४ sarvopachaaraiH saMpuujitaaH sa.ntarpitaa
४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४ sa.ntuShTaastu namaH
## ४४४४४४४४४४४४
2 puShpaa~njaliH mahaatripurasundaryaaH purataH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४ ##
४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४ ४४४४४ ४ ४ ४
ka e ii la hriiM ha sa ka ha la hriiM sa ka la hriiM
3 shriimahaatripurasundarichakreshvarii
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४
४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ paM praaptisiddhi shriipaadukaaM puujayaami tarpayaami
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ namaH
४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ aiM sarvayoni mudraashakti shriipaadukaaM
४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४ puujayaami tarpayaami namaH
6 ४४ aiM
## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४---
iti sarvayonimudraaM pradarshya muulena devii triH
-४४४४४ ४४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४----४४४४
7 sa.ntarpya dhuupaM diipaM naivedyaM taambuulaM
४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४ niiraajanaM cha samarpya
४४४४४४४ ##
४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४ ४४४४ abhiiShTasiddhiM me dehi sharaNaagatavatsale.
8 ४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ bhaktyaa samarpaye tubhyaM
४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ navamaavaraNaarchanam..
9 ## ४४४ ४४४४४ ४४४४४४४ ## iti puujaaM samarpya
४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४४
10 navamaavaraNa devataasahitaayai shriilalitaa
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ mahaatripurasundarii paraabhaTTaarikaayai namaH
४४४४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४
11 ## ४४४ ४४४४४४४४४४४ ४४४४४४४४ ## iti yonimudrayaa praNamet

Female reproductive system working

The female reproductive system is all the parts of your body that help reproduce, or have babies.
Female body likely has hundreds of thousands of eggs that could grow into a baby and have them from the time of birth.
Right inside the female is a perfect place for those eggs to meet with sperm and grow a whole human being
The ovaries are two small organs. Before puberty, it’s as if the ovaries are asleep. During puberty, they “wake up.”
The ovaries start making more estrogen and other hormones, which cause body changes.
One important body change is that these hormones cause you to start getting your period, which is called menstruating.
Once a month, the ovaries release one egg (ovum). This is called ovulation.
The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus. The released egg moves along a fallopian tube.
The uterus — or womb — is where a baby would grow. It takes several days for the egg to get to the uterus.
As the egg travels, estrogen makes the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium) thick with blood and fluid.
This makes the uterus a good place for a baby to grow.
You can get pregnant if you have sex with a male without birth control and his sperm joins the egg (called fertilization) on its way to your uterus.
If the egg doesn’t get fertilized, it will be shed along with the lining of your uterus during your next period.
But don’t look for the egg — it’s too small to see!
The blood and fluid that leave your body during your period passes through your cervix and vagina.
The cervix is the narrow entryway in between the vagina and uterus.
The cervix is flexible so it can expand to let a baby pass through during childbirth.
The vagina is like a tube that can grow wider to deliver a baby that has finished growing inside the uterus.
The hymen covers the opening of the vagina. It is a thin piece of tissue that has one or more holes in it.
Sometimes a hymen may be stretched or torn when you use a tampon or during a first sexual experience. If it does tear, it may bleed a little bit.
The vulva covers the entrance to the vagina. The vulva has five parts: mons pubis, labia, clitoris, urinary opening, and vaginal opening.
The mons pubis is the mound of tissue and skin above your legs, in the middle. This area becomes covered with hair when you go through puberty.
The labia are the two sets of skin folds (often called lips) on either side of the opening of the vagina.
The labia majora are the outer lips, and the labia minora are the inner lips. It is normal for the labia to look different from each other.
The clitoris is a small, sensitive bump at the bottom of the mons pubis that is covered by the labia minora.
The urinary opening, below the clitoris, is where your urine (pee) leaves the body.
The vaginal opening is the entry to the vagina and is found below the urinary opening.
crown of Avarana-9
४४४४४४४ sahasraara
head Bindu

Avarana 8-
middle of
४४४४४ aaj~naa
Avarana 7-8
४४४४४४४ vishuddha throat

Avarana 6-10
४४४४४ anaahata heart

navel Avarana 5-10

४४४४४४ maNipuura triangle

४४४४४४४४४४४ Avarana
svaadhiShThaana origin
of sex

४४४४४४४ base of Avarana 3-

spine 8 petal
४४४ atala thighs Avarana 2-16 petals circle

Avarana 1-Circle
४४४४ vitala knees
Avarana 1-
४४४४ sutala calves
Circle 2

Avarana 1-Circle 1
४४४४४ talaatala Joint of feet with lower
Avarana 1-
४४४४४ rasaatala ankles
Square 3

Avarana 1-
४४४४४ mahaatala feet
Square 2

Avarana 1-Square
४४४४४ paataala soles of feet

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