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Fundamentals of Guitar Playing


The learner will:

- learn how to tune a guitar

- learn how to position the hand and correct strumming and fretting.
- learn about basic chords
- learn chord transition for much effective guitar playing
- apply the chords learn and play different songs.


- 5 to 10 hours (1 hour every session) it depends on how fast the student learn..


Guitar, guitar pick

Mastery of Lessons.

 Lesson 1: Introduction to guitar (theory and parts)

 Lesson 2: Guitar care and how to tune the guitar.
 Lesson 3: How to position the hands correctly on the guitar for correct strumming
and fretting technique.
 Lesson 4: Basic chords in major, A, C, D, E and G.
 Lesson 5: Chord transition practice, introducing minor chords, Am, Dm, and Em.
 Lesson 6: Barring chords, B, Bm, Cm, F, Fm and Gm.
 Lesson 7: Developing smooth chord changes and simple strumming technique to
a metronome.
 Lesson 8: Introduction to fingerpicking.
 Lesson 9: Tutorial and recap on problems areas.
 Lesson 10: Final assessment.

Prepared by:

Dennis Caballero

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