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Mermaid is born of water and moves within the waters of the subconscious, carrying earth

Who is Mermaid?

Mermaid is half fish, half woman. She lives in the oceans, and plays at the interface of land and
sea. She has fins and gills and her iridescent blue/green skin flows and ripples within.
Mermaid embodies the mysterious allure of the oceans, she is the muse of the sea. She appears in
various forms in different cultures – Yemaya, for example, in Africa, Nagini in Asia.
Mermaids guard the pearls of wisdom and those things that are hidden deep in the unconscious
or subconscious realms. She reminds us of our ancient elemental selves.
Mermaids have had a bad reputation, as sirens luring sailors to their death. Mermaid Dakini
assures us she is not about that.
So much of the earth’s surface is covered in water and so little is known about its depths and
mysteries. Mermaid embodies the hidden magic of the sea.

Location/Sphere of Influence

Oceans of the world.


Dolphins/seahorses and all sea creatures. © Penny Slinger 2010

Nature & Description of Dakini

Mermaid sits upon her throne of brain coral at the heart of her world. She is blue like the water
where she abides. All the creatures of the ocean are her friends and they form her retinue.
She holds a giant pearl of wisdom as she is a wisdom holder of the seas.
She is bold in an inviting way. She is simply present, and aware of the magical nature of her
Her realm encompasses deep waters to tropical shores. The oceans have opened up to reveal the
magical nature of the kingdom/the queendom beneath the surface, full of water and reflected
Two dolphins, her special friends, leap into the sky above, while two more swim in the
foreground, guarding the gateways of her magical enclosure.
Mermaid’s exotic fish-tail drapes over her coral throne, coming in an out of form, for she is like
a mirage of the sea. Other apparitions of herself appear, playing with the waves.
She has collected many strings of pearls which adorn her brow and the base of her throne - or
perhaps they have been offered to her, that is much more likely. She doesn’t really seek things,
they come to her, because of the nature of her being.
The fish and all the other ocean creatures are irresistably drawn to her and gather in joy.
A seahorse gazes into her magic mirror and sees another world within a world.

Divinatory Meaning

Mermaid has revealed herself to you, the muse of the sea.

She is the call of the sea, in a literal or symbolic sense.
Being near the ocean is nurturing for you, it feels like being close to the Great Mother and
encourages feelings of wellbeing.
Messages need to reach you from the unconscious or subconscious realms of your psyche.
A wish to explore areas beyond your ‘normal’ experience, in fantasy or in actuality.
Find the pearls of wisdom in the present situation. You may need to dive in for this to occur. You
may need to go deep.
Overcome fears of surrender. If you surrender to your subconscious waters, you will not drown.
Do not be afraid to feel deeply.
Trust your emotional, intuitive responses. Be guided by your emotions and what you really feel.
Do not let yourself be fooled by the superficial feel of things, but look beneath the surface to find
what emotions run deep. Do not allow yourself to be weighed down by any heaviness or fears
your feelings may engender, but choose the positive, affirmative approach that can find the
magic in any situation and turn negativity around.
Let your emotions lead you, ones that are connected to your heart’s desires for something outside
the safety and stagnation of your habits and self-imposed limitations.
Things that have been lost or hidden come to light. Mermaid has been guarding them for you…
Mermaid will be your muse. Fall in love with your deepest fantasies.
You have a desire for a fulfilling fantasy life, for exploring the world of dreams and day dreams.
Mermaid invites you to come and have fantasies with her in her world. It is another world and
different rules apply.
Let magic re-emerge in your being. © Penny Slinger 2010

If you merge fantasy with allowing yourself to feel deeply, the indications are very favorable and
you will connect with a part of you that has been neglected.
Playfullness. Allow the element of play to weave through all of the above. This is an essential
part of Mermaid’s magic, she is deep, yet playful. Her world is magical, but it is full of light and
is not frightening. It is beautiful and intriguing.
Fall in love with your deepest fantasies.
Learn how to listen to the song of your own heart. That is the siren song that calls you back
home. Back home to the ancient magic and the Goddess way.
Listen! She is calling, calling in the waves of long forgotten memories…
Overcoming fears of submersion in the waters of the primeval unconscious.
Learn how to function outside your normal element.
Communication opens up with other classes of beings, just as Mermaid is able to talk to every
creature in the sea. She just knows what they are all thinking and feeling, the water transmits
these waves so easily…Of course, many come with special messages for her, they want to please
her so much because they know she loves them with all her heart…
Your love, your ability to feel, will draw to you whatever you need for your own fulfillment.
It holds your special Mermaid magic.


Spend time at the ocean. Swim.

Inspiration from the ocean.
Be a beachcomber on the shores of life. Mermaid loves to collect even the simplist of treasures.
Be open to communication from dolphins.


1. Mermaid asks you to get a shell, one that clearly holds the song of the sea when held to
the ear. Keep it in a special place. When you put it to your ear, hear the sound of the
waves as the song of Mermaid and remember her.

1. Meditate in the water. Lie in your bath, your pool. Close your eyes and imagine you are
lying in the ocean. Put your legs together and wiggle your tail as you become one with
Mermaid. You can either see yourself as a second mermaid and let Mermaid lead you, or
you can see yourself as Mermaid herself. Allow yourself to sink into the fantasy, the
meditation. Feeling the water against your skin, let that sensual input stimulate the
sensations that Mermaid experiences in the ocean. Feel each ripple pass over you as a
wave of ecstasy, the fronds of seaweed that caress you, the tickle of anenomies, the silky
skin of the dolphin and the bubbles of the foam…Feel as if the water next to your skin
dissolves the barrier between you and outside you. As you visualize yourself in an
infinite ocean of blue, imagine that you extend with it in all directions. You are without

2. Commune with Mermaid in this way and let her show you the secrets of the sea. This
meditation is to help you experience the bliss she feels in every moment as she is open to © Penny Slinger 2010

the orgasmic state of union with the elements - in this case the water - that is the natural
state of magical, Dakini being.

3. Send a blessing for all the magical life, the consciousness, that dwells within our oceans.
May these wondrous creatures of nature’s creation play forever in clean seas of dancing

Dakini Transmission

I sing a song
Of ancient seas
Where dolphins sing
And mermaids tease
You with their siren song
Calling you back where you belong
In timeless mystery
I will guide you
Play with me
I hold the pearl you want
You see…


I can visit my own fantasy world

I have the right to inhabit that reality
It feeds my spirit
And positively impacts my life
The more I go there
The more real it becomes
I am not afraid
To feel deeply
To plunge into my emotions
And explore my subconscious realms © Penny Slinger 2010

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