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1. Mengoptimalkan pembelajaran yang mengacu pada model pembelajaran abad
21 / Comunication, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Collaborative Worker
2. Mengoptimalkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang kreatif dan inovatif /Ekstra
Kurikuler berdasarkan bakat dan minat / Jumlah Excul disesuaikan dengan jumlah
3. Menumbuhkembangkan jiwa nasionalisme melalui berbagai program termasuk
pendidikan kepramukaan. /Upacara bendera, pertukaran pelajar antar provinsi, baris
berbaris dll
4. Meningkatkan Sradha Bhakti melalui kegiatan keagamaan.
5. Mewujudkan kedisiplinan, kejujuran dan tanggungjawab melalui penegakan
tata tertib sekolah dengan pendekatan pedagogis. /Sosialisasi perraturan sekolah
dan konsekwensi
6. Mengoptimalkan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan berdasarkan tri hita karana
Gambaran Singkat sekolah kami,
Dalam areal yang luas (1,4 H) dan nyaman terdapat 28 ruang kelas termasuk 12 rombel
berlantai 2 yang memadai, ruang kelas dengan pembelajaran menggunakan media grafik
organiser maupun LCD projector. Akses internet free hotspot untuk seluruh siswa.
Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan cara tatap muka dengan guru serta melalui pembelajaran
online mode daring (Quipper School dan Schoology). Sarana pendukung diantaranya 4
ruang LAB, 1 ruang Perpustakaan Sekolah, 1 ruang Aula, 1 ruang Kesenian, 1 ruang
UKS, 1 ruang Osis dan beberapa ruang lainnya untuk guru dan staf.

Lab Komputer

Lab komputer dipergunakan untuk pembelajaran komputer, pelaksanaan UNBK,

pelaksanaan ujian sekolah berbasis komputer (USBNBK), ulangan harian siswa berbasis
komputer, kegiatan ekstra dan sebagai sarana bagi siswa untuk mengerjakan tugas dengan
me komputer.

Lab Biologi, Kimia dan Fisika

Tersedia Lab Biologi, Kimia dan Fisika untuk siswa melakukan praktik pembelajaran.
Tersedia alat-alat lab yang dapat dipergunakan siswa untuk menunjang praktik
pembelajaran siswa.

Perpustakaan Sekolah

Perpustakaan yang representatif dilengkapi fasilitas multime dan internet dengan suasana
yang nyaman, tenang dan memadai untuk kegiatan membaca dan mencari literatur.

Ruang Kesenian

Tersedia alat kesenian tradisional gong dan alat musik band pelajar untuk siswa
melakukan praktik berkesenian dan mengembangkan bakat dan kemampuan.

Ruang UKS

Ketersediaan ruang UKS dengan peralatan yang cukup untuk mewujudkan sekolah sehat.

Ruang Kelas

Tersedia ruang kelas yang memadai beberapa dilengkapi fasilitas LCD Proyektor dan
akses internet serta tidak ada moving kelas sehingga pembelajaran dapat berlangsung
nyaman dan kondusif.

Kegiatan OSIS

Kegiatan yang rutin dilaksanakan adalah penghijauan yang

penyelenggaraannya bekerjasama dengan Gitakita (SMA Gianyar, Kintamani, dan
Bangli), Yayasan Balibiodiversitas, serta dengan Margaret River Senior High
School Australia dalam program “Sister School”, yang nantinya mengarah hubungan
internasional maupun beasiswa melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi. Hal ini juga guna
mewujudkan visi-misi sekolah menuju penyiapan generasi emas menyongsong abad 21.

Kegiatan Ektra Kurikuler

Terdapat beberapa jenis ektra kurikuler dengan fasilitas yang memadai yang dapat dipilih
oleh peserta didik diantaranya: Musik, tari, computer, gambelan dll
Kerjasama Masyarakat Sekitar

Ikut menjaga kelestarian lingkungan alam dan budaya lokal serta berperan aktif dalam
mendukung desa wisata Bayunggede

Kerjasama Dengan Luar Negeri

Telah bekerjasama dengan Margaret River Senior High School (Australia) dalam
program sister school.

Setiap Lulusan akan dilepas dengan acara farewell party (wisuda lulusan)

School magazine
During the week, the family of sma negeri 1 kintamani had done two activities that were
being focused on. The first activity was related on the preparation of publishing school
magazine. It will be publish in order to motivate the students on writing paper or seeking
a news happened around the school even in surrounding. The preparation was on
sellecting the news commited by the students also the teachers. Besides, the commitee
have coordinated to the stakeholders who has relation to the publishing product. The
activity covered all member of student organization. There was finding news, collecting
news from the teacher also writing the news itself. On this time, the collected news were
analized by the committee related.
The second activity was focusing on the implementation of semester test. The preparation
by the commitee conducted from the begining of the week. The activity included on
collected the test from all subject teachers, making administration documents, planning
the way of implementing the test, and copying all tests as the number of students and
subject matter. The commitee found problem on copying the tests and grouping them into
each subject. All commitee members worked together supported by the school employee
also coming from the headmaster and teacher. The last preparation was pointed on
Saturday ( weekend ) by having work together ( all students, teachers, and school
employees ). The activities were on cleanning our surrounding ( classroom, garden,yard)
and setting the seat on the classroom sequently for the participants of the test.
20 November 20100
Special events on the week
As usual we all have done weekly ceremony in the form of flag ceremony on Monday
The following day we hold regular learning process in the class. On the weekend, we
focused on the additional program in the form of curicular program especially on the
balinese music program that was gamelan. The team performed their ability internally on
preparation for balinese ceremony at school beside advanced on the art of music gamelan.
the school also participated the activities held by the local goverment in wellcoming the
Patriot Day that was Puputan Margarana. The activity was done on the Kintamani field
attended by Goverment employee, local community and represent of our students. The
students involved was coming from the team of Red Cross Youth, Boy scout , natural
loved, and several member of student organization.
15 November 20100
” Bulan Bahasa ” Day
Special Events happened at SMA Negeri 1 Kintamani during the week.

The family of SMA N 1 Kintamani has done several activities which were conducted on
certain days during the week.
First, on Sunday, 25 October 2010, we held weekly flag ceremony led by the head master.
This activity is done routinely every Sunday in the morning.
The next day, the student organization ( OSIS ) conducted some competitions to welcome
the celebration month of language, such as: speech contest, reading poem contest, making
profile contest and making caricature contest. The contests were attended by the students
who represent their class for each. The competition was begun at 8 o’clock in the
morning until 10 o’clock. The competition went as the scheduled without any problem
After the competition was finished, the school conducted pray activities to several
temples in Kintamani. It started from Penulisan Temple. We prayed to God in accordance
with series events hold on that Temple. Than, the pray activity was continued to the
Balingkang Temple. We went there in collectively by using each (participant) own
vehicle. The pray activities were led by the head master supported all school community.
During the activities the weather was bright and we found no problem on it.
On Wednesday, October 27, 2010, the student organization still conducted the next
competitions, namely: making short story contest, English story telling contest, making
an essay, and making article contest. Those contests were also attended by the represent
student from each class. The contests were end at 12 o’clock. During the competition, we
still conducted the teaching learning process as usual. So we have 8 competitions done on
celebrating the Month of language.
The last activity was celebrating Youth Statement ( Sumpah Pemuda ) Day by holding
flag ceremony in order to memorize the Indonesian youth’ struggle in the past. It was
conducted on Thursday, October 28, 2010 in the morning attended by all students,
teachers, and the school employees.


The activity was held on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 and it was attended by all school
community ; all students, teachers, employee and leader board. It also attended by the
societies around the school, they were people of Bayunggede village. Mesayut is an
activity in the form of ceremonial event in order to make the environmental around into
cleaned whether from physically or spiritually. The activity was led by Jro Bayan from
Bayunggede. Jro Bayan is the leader of Bayunggede village which manage ceremonial
event in the village or around. Mesaut could be defined as the ceremony to make an hope
for cleanness’ environment by special offerings based on the Balinese tradition ruled in
the village. The activity was started at 8 o’clock in the morning and finished at 12.30pm.
The school and the Bayunggede society work together beside to harmonize the
relationship also all together make the environment cleaned ( holly ).


Special events on the week
As usual we all have done weekly ceremony in the form of flag ceremony on Monday
The following day we hold regular learning process in the class. On the weekend, we
focused on the additional program in the form of curicular program especially on the
balinese music program that was gamelan. The team performed their ability internally on
preparation for balinese ceremony at school beside advanced on the art of music gamelan.
the school also participated the activities held by the local goverment in wellcoming the
Patriot Day that was Puputan Margarana. The activity was done on the Kintamani field
attended by Goverment employee, local community and represent of our students. The
students involved was coming from the team of Red Cross Youth, Boy scout , natural
loved, and several member of student organization.

Biografi Personal
PPDB 2018 SMAN 1 Kintamani
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Syarat Daftar Ulang Peserta Didik Baru SMAN 1 Kintamani 2018/2019


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