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宋体 粗 16 号字,居中 印尼棉兰玛巴电厂 页数/Pages:12

Arial B at size 16 Middle Indonesia Mabar Power Plant 附录/Appendix:0

负责的组织/Responsible organization:汽机维修部/Turbine Section

Arial size 9;宋体 9 号字

宋体 粗 16 号字,居中 前置泵检修程序书 Left, 左对齐

Arial B at size 16 Middle Booster Pump Maintenance Procedure

Arial size 10;宋体 10 号字
文件代码/Document code:TMSOP-002
Middle, 居中
作 者/Created by 审 核 人/Reviewed by 批 准 人/Approved by
姓 名/ 签名 日期 姓 名/ 签名 日期 姓 名/ 签名 日 期/date
name /signature /date name /signature /date name /signature

Hou Dong Su Jilin Alex Lo

分 发 清 单/Distribution list
数量/ 数量/
内部组织/Internal organization 外部组织/External organizations
Quantity Quantity
汽机维修部/Turbine Section 1 N/A

文 件 历 史 记 录/File History
日期/date 语言 /Language 修改内容说明
06/12/2017 A 中文/English Creation/创建

相关联的文件/Associated documents
创建日期/Creation Date 标题/Title
程 序/Working Procedure 页码/Page: 2 of 12
Booster Pump Maintenance

Arial size 10;宋体 10 号字

Middle, 居中
目 录/Contents Arial size 9;宋体 9 号字
Left, 左对齐

1 目的/purpose.................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 职责 Responsibilities........................................................................................................................................ 3
3 程序 program.................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 记录 recording................................................................................................................................................ 16

Wording of procedure: Arial size 10, non-capital;

程序正文部分:宋体 10 号字体,简体中文


Arial size 10, Bold, non-

capital;宋体 10 号字粗体
1 目的/Purpose PURPOSE

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Booster Pump Maintenance

维护及检修保证日常维护活动的顺利进行。The program defines the procedure of Mabar plant machinery units

were on routine maintenance activities for guiding mechanical maintenance personnel when performing
routine maintenance activities, how to conduct a risk analysis and related procedures to ensure the safety of
personnel and equipment, routine maintenance to ensure the smooth progress of activities.

2 职责/Responsibilities RESPONSIBILITIES

2.1 工作负责人 Responsible Person

 正确地和安全地组织工作;Work properly and safely;
 与工作许可人一起检查安全措施是否正确完备;Work with the PTW recipient to check whether
the security measures are correct and completed.
 与工作许可人一起检查是否已按工作票所列项目做完安全措施;Work with the PTW recipient to
check whether the safety measures have been done in accordance with the items listed in the
EB to work
 与工作许可人一起检查安全措施是否满足现场实际条件;Work with the PTW recipient to check
whether the safety measures meet the actual site conditions
 工作前对工作人员交代操作程序和安全注意事项;Before the work of the staff account of the
operating procedures and safety precautions
 监护工作人员准确执行操作程序和安全要求;To supervise the operator staff accurately perform
the operation procedures and safety requirements
 工作负责人不能独立进行设备试运转或再鉴定;The person in charge of the work can not carry
out the commissioning or re-qualification of the equipment independently
 将工作中发现的主要问题及工作结束后的遗留问题向单元长或值长交代清楚;The main problems
found in the work and the remaining problems after the end of the work shall account clearly to
the unit head or shift supervisor.
 工作负责人负责组织相关工作小组成员对维护工作进行风险分析。The person in charge of the
work is responsible for organizing the relevant working group members to conduct a risk
analysis of the maintenance work
2.2 专业工程师 Professional Engineer
 检查工作必要性;Check the need for work
 检查工作是否安全;Check whether the work safety
 检查安全指令是否全面;必要时进行相应补充。Check whether the safety instructions are
comprehensive and supplement if necessary
 所派工作负责人和工作组人员是否适当(如资格和能力),精神状态是否良好;Whether the
person in charge of the work and the staff of the team are appropriate (eg qualifications and
competence), Mental state is good
 经常到现场检查工作是否安全地进行。Often to the site to check whether the work safely
 当机械专业进行重要设备维护活动时,负责组织相关工作小组成员对维护工作进行风险分析;
When the mechanical professional conducts important equipment maintenance activities,
Responsible for organizing the relevant working group members to carry out risk analysis of
maintenance work
 检查工作负责人所持工作程序是否正确;Check the work of the person in charge of the work
process is correct
 跟踪维护工作的进展情况,并给予工作负责人相应的技术支持;Track the progress of
maintenance work, And give the work of the appropriate technical support
 审核工作负责人所写的风险分析是否已经全面。The risk analysis written by the person in charge
of the audit has been comprehensive
2.3 主管 Section chief
 当机械专业进行重要设备维护活动时,审核工作负责人与专业工程师所写的风险分析是否已经全
面。When the mechanical equipment for important equipment maintenance activities, audit work
and professional engineers written by the risk analysis has been comprehensive
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3.1 维护活动 Maintenance Activities

维护大綱 Maintenance Outline 质量标准要求 Quality Standards

修前中心测量 记录清楚为修后调整提供依据/Record data as
Check alignment before dismantling reference of reassembly.
测量轴承油间隙 0.08~0.1,超过 0.18 更换/Measuring
轴承检查 Bearing inspection bearing oil clearance 0.08 ~ 0.1, more than 0.18
动环静环密封面良好 Dynamic ring and static ring
机械密封检查 Mechanical seal inspection
seal is good
水泵大修 Pump overhaul 测量叶轮与泵壳磨损环间隙径向 0.56~0.62,超 1.18
更换; 轴向(传动端)2.0,自由端 6.0;
轴向总窜动 8. /Measuring impeller and pump casing
wear ring clearance radial 0.56 ~ 0.62, over 1.18
replacement; axial (drive end) 2.0, free end 6.0;
Axial total movement 8
更换泵进、出口法兰垫片 Replace the pump inlet and 法兰密封面无损伤,清理干净 Flange sealing surface
without damage, clean up
outlet flange gaskets
清洗泵进口滤网,更换滤网法兰垫片 Clean the pump 滤网无杂质,无破损 Filter without impurities, no
inlet filter, replace the filter flange gasket damage
复查泵与马达中心,并作必要调整 Check the 要求马达中心高于前置泵中心 0.13MM,上下左右张
alignment and make necessary adjustments 口 ≯≯0.03mm. Requirements of the motor center is
higher than the booster pump center 0.13MM, up-d
down and L-R angular ≯ 0.03mm
轴 承 振 动 及 温 度 等 参 数 正 常 Bearing vibration and
前置泵修后试运转 Pump commissioning
temperature data normal

3.2 前置泵检修程序: Booster Pump Maintenance Program:

3.2.1 检修条件具备 Maintenance Conditions Are Met

 设备可靠隔离, 动力电源已拉 Reliable isolation of the equipment, the power supply has been pulled
 泵内汽水已排空, 无压状态。Pump liquid has been emptied, no pressure state
3.2.2 轴系中心测量 Alignment Measurement
 测量泵与马达圆周中心及张口值。Measure the pump and the motor coupling concentricity and
3.2.3 检查轴承 Check The Bearing 编码级别及缩进规则要规范

如不拆转子部件, 仅检查或更换轴承, 请按以下步骤:

If you do not remove the rotor parts, only check or replace the bearings, please follow the
steps below: 传动端轴承 Drive end bearing inspection
1) 拆下联轴器防护罩;拆下联轴器螺栓, 并取下联轴器碟片组件。Remove the coupling guard. Remove
the coupling bolts and lift out the coupling spacer.
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2) 拆除传动端轴承座油管, 拆下热电阻测温探头, 防止损坏。Remove the oil pipe. Remove the bearing

resistance temperature detector to prevent damage.
3) 拆下封盖与轴承座连接螺钉, 滑动封盖, 使其脱离轴承座。Remove the hexagon head screws
securing the bearing housing cover plate to the housing and slide the cover plate clear of the housing.
4) 拆下轴承座上下两半部的紧固螺母。Remove the nuts from the studs securing the top half bearing
housing to the bottom half.
5) 拆下定位销, 把起吊螺栓拧入轴承盖, 小心起吊轴承盖并吊离。Remove the dowel pins and screw the
jacking screws into the top half: carefully lift the top half bearing housing clear of the studs and remove it.
注意 : 小心防止损坏定位销孔和接口工作面。Care must be taken to avoid damage to the dowel holes
and joint faces
6) 拆下挡油圈和径向轴承上半部。Remove the top halves of the oil retaining shields and the journal
7) 顶起泵轴, 绕轴转动挡油圈下半部和径向轴承下半部, 并取出。Attach a suitable sling to the pump
shaft and take the weight, then rotate the bottom halves of the oil retaining shields and the journal bearing
around the shaft and lift them out of the housing.
8) 清洗并检查径向轴承是否有损坏和磨损, 如有损坏和磨损, 则进行更换。Clean and examine the
bearing and the oil retaining shields for any signs of wear or damage. Renew as necessary.
注意: 径向轴承及挡油圈上下两半部能互换, 应作好标记。The bearing and the oil retaining shields
are not interchangeable and should therefore be clearly marked for identification on assembling.
9) 将径向轴承下半部涂上一层油装到原位, 放下轴。Lightly oil the bottom halves of the journal bearing
and the oil retaining shields and rotate them around the shaft and into position, then lower the shaft.
Remove the lifting gear
10) 将上半部径向挡油圈装入轴承盖, 确保定位正确; 将上半部轴承在轴颈上就位。Install the top halves
of the oil shields into the bearing housing top half. Ensure that the dowel pins in the oil retaining shields
locate correctly in the holes provided in the housing top half. Locate the top half journal bearing on the
11) 拧松起吊螺栓, 检查中分面没有凸出结合面的螺栓, 吊起上轴承盖放在轴承座上。装上轴承盖并安装
定位销,拧紧中分面螺栓。Lift the top half bearing housing over the studs and into position, ensuring that
the Jacking screws are slackened back. Locate the top half bearing housing to the bottom half bearing
housing with the dowel pins.
12) 装上封盖, 并用螺栓紧固在轴承座上。Install the cover and fasten it to the housing with bolts
13) 装上轴承测温元件。Install and connect the resistance temperature detector
14) 装上轴承油管。Install the bearing lube oil tubing
15) 装上碟片式联轴器及联轴器防护罩。Lift the coupling flexible elements and spacer into position and
secure it with the coupling bolts and nuts. install the coupling guard 自由端推力轴承和径向轴承 Non-drive End Thrust and Journal Bearing inspection

1) 拆下联轴器防护罩。Remove the coupling guard
2) 拆下靠背轮螺栓, 并取下联轴器碟片组件。Remove the coupling bolts and lift out the coupling flexible
elements and spacer.
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3) 拆下自由端轴承座油管,拆下推力轴承及径向轴承热电阻测温元件。推力轴承测温元件是插在瓦块中,
注意防止拆坏。Remove the oil pipe, Remove the thrust and journal bearing resistance temperature
detector elements from the bearing housing. Thrust bearing temperature measurement element is
inserted in the pads, pay attention to prevent the dismantling
4) 拆除轴承座与封盖间的内六角螺栓, 卸下端盖, 并拆下端盖上的 O 型圈。Remove the hex.head
screws securing the bearing housing end cover to the housing and withdraw the cover. Remove and
discard the ‘O’ ring from the groove in the cover
5) 拆出自由端轴承盖上的中分面螺栓, 拔出定位销, 拧入起吊螺栓, 小心吊开上轴承盖。Remove the
nuts from the studs securing the bearing housing top half to the bottom half and withdraw the dowel pins.
Screw in the jacking screws, carefully lift the top half clear of the studs and remove it.
6) 绕轴旋转推力轴承座环, 直到座环的上半部拆下,再旋转座环的下半部, 并拆出。Rotate the thrust
bearing carrier rings around the shaft until the top halves can be removed, then lift the top halves clear.
Rotate the bottom halves around the shaft remove them.
7) 拆下径向轴承和挡油圈的上半部; 用合适的方法顶起轴。Lift off the top halves of the journal bearing
and the oil retaining shield. Attach a suitable sling to the shaft and take the weight.
8) 绕轴旋转径向轴承和挡油圈的下半部,并将它们从轴承座上取下。Rotate the bottom half of the journal
bearing and the oil retaining shield around the shaft and remove them from the housing.
注:径向轴承及挡油圈上下两半不能互换, 应作标记。Remark: They shall be marked before
Rotating the bottom half of the journal bearing and the oil retaining shield around the shaft, they shall
not exchange.
9) 清理并检查径向轴承, 油档圈是否磨损和损坏。Clean and examine the journal bearing, the oil
retaining shield for any signs of wear or damage.
10) 清洗并检查推力轴承瓦块及推力盘是否损坏和磨损; 如更换新的推力瓦块, 必须检查轴向间隙。
Clean and examine the thrust pads and thrust collar for any signs of wear or damage; if the thrust pads
are renewed, the axial clearance must be checked.
注: 在正常运行条件下,推力瓦乌金面上除发暗外, 不应有任何测得的磨损; 当暗面超过推力瓦乌
金表面一半时, 建议更换新的推力瓦。Under normal operating conditions, it is not expected that any
measurable wear will take place on the thrust pads other than a dulling of the white metal surfaces. it
is recommended that when dulling has spread to more than half the surface area of the pads, they
should be renewed.
11) 将下半径向轴承及油档圈涂上一层油, 并绕轴旋转装入到原位, 并放下轴。Lightly oil the bottom
halves of the journal bearing,the oil retaining shield and rotate them around the shaft and into position.
Release the weight of the shaft and remove the lifting gear.
12) 将轴承座端盖上的 O 型圈更换新的, 并用内六角螺栓紧固于轴承座的下半部上。Secure the bearing
housing end cover, complete with new ‘O’ ring, to the bottom half housing with the hexagon head set
13) 推力轴承回装:把不带销的半个推力轴承座环放在轴上, 推力瓦块紧贴推力盘,绕轴旋转到下半部推
力轴承座内; 把带销的半个推力轴承座环放在第一个环上, 旋转整个推力轴承座环直到销子在正中顶点。
另一半同样方法安装。推力轴承座环的中分面与水平成 45º, 定位销嵌在上不轴承座的槽内。Thrust bearing
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re-installation: Place the half carrier ring without the stop pin over the shaft, with the pad faces touching
the thrust collar, and rotate it into the bottom half bearing housing. Place the other half carrier ring with the
stop pin upon the first and rotate the complete carrier ring until the stop pin is at top centre. Repeat with
the second carrier ring on the other side of the thrust collar. The thrust carrier ring split line is at 45° to the
bearing housing horizontal surface and the stop pin locates in a slot in the top half bearing housing.
14) 检查推力间隙:将泵轴向传动端靠足, 使推力盘与内侧推力轴承紧贴, 用塞尺量的外侧推力轴承调整
环与端盖间间隙; 将泵轴向自由端方向靠足, 再测量间隙。 比较两次测量值与所规定的原始轴向间隙值
比较, 如有明显差异, 则寻找原因。Check the axial clearance by moving the pump shaft towards the
drive end so that the thrust collar is hard against the inner thrust pads. then, using feeler gauges between
the outer thrust bearing spacer and the end cover. check the clearance. Move the shaft towards the non-
drive end and measure the clearance as before. Compare the readings and refer to the Sectional
Arrangement Drawing for the original axial clearance. Any measurable variation should be investigated.
注意:不能将塞尺塞到推力瓦与推力盘间测量, 以免损坏乌金面。
检查轴向间隙时,一定要将端盖紧固在原来位置。Note: Do not insert feeler gauges between the
thrust collar and the thrust pads, this may give an inaccurate reading and cause damage to the white
metal pad surface. The end cover must be secured in position to check the axial clearance.
15) 将上半挡油圈装入轴承盖内, 并确保定位正确。装上上半径向轴承。Install the top half of the oil
retaining shield in the bearing housing top half. ensuring that the dowel pin locates correctly in the hole
provided in the housing top half. Locate the top half of the journal bearing on bottom half.
16) 装上轴承盖在轴承座上,安装时注意起吊螺栓不能凸出中分面, 并小心不要损坏径向轴承和浮动油封,
然后装入定位销, 拧紧上下半轴承座螺栓。Carefully install the top half bearing housing over the studs in
the bottom half. ensuring that the jacking screws are not protruding through the joint face and taking care
to avoid damage to the journal bearing and floating oil seal, then locate the dowel pins and secure the top
and bottom halves together with the nuts.
17) 装上轴承热电阻测温探头。Install and connect the resistance temperature detector
18) 装上轴承座油管。Install and connect oil pipe
19) 装好碟片式联轴器及联轴器防护罩。Lift the coupling flexible elements and spacer into position and
secure it with the coupling bolts and nuts. install the coupling guard.

3.2.4 检查机械密封 Examining the Mechanical Seals

除非需矫正具体缺陷外, 建议检查轴承的同时检查一下机械密封。It is recommended that the
examination of the mechanical seals is carried out at the same time as the examination of the
bearings, unless it is necessary to rectify a specific fault. 编码级别及缩进规则要规范 传动端机封 Drive End Mechanical Seal

1) 按上述 步骤拆除传动端轴承。Remove the drive bearing according to 3 .2.3.1 above
2) 拆下联轴器螺母, 拆下联轴器及键。从轴上拆下传动端轴承座封盖。Remove the coupling nut,
Remove the coupling and coupling key, Slide the drive end bearing housing cover plate off the shaft.
3) 拆下油管和水管。Remove the lubricating oil and seal flushing water pipework
注: 应始终支撑着泵轴。The pump shaft must be suitably supported at all time
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4) 拆下轴承座下半的定位销和销钉, 并移去下半轴承座。Remove the dowel pins and the hexagon head

screws securing and locating the drive end bottom half bearing housing to the pump casing and remove
the half housing.
5) 依机械密封说明, 拆除机械密封。 检查机械密封部件, 如必要更换新的。 装上机械密封。Refer to the
mechanical seal manufacturer’s instructions, Remove the mechanical seal. Examine the seal components
and renew as necessary. Install the mechanical seal.
注:紧固密封盖的内六角螺钉的力矩值:20Nm. The socket head cap screws securing the seal plate
should be tightened to a torque loading: 20Nm.
6) 用定位销使传动端轴承下半部就位于泵壳上, 并用六角螺栓紧固。Locate the bottom half bearing
housing to the pump casing with the dowel pins and secure it with the hexagon head screws.
7) 装上传动端轴承座封板。装上油管和水管。Install the drive end bearing housing cover plate, Install the
lubricating oil and seal flushing water pipework.
8) 按上述 步骤装复传动端轴承。Replace the drive bearing according to above
9) 回装联轴器键,并装上上半联轴器。旋紧联轴器螺母, 并装上定位螺钉, 防止螺母松动。Install the
coupling key and install the half coupling on the shaft. Screw the coupling nut onto the shaft and tighten .
Lock the nut with the grub screw
10) 回装碟片联轴器及保护罩。Lift the coupling spacer into position and secure it with the coupling bolts
and nuts. install the coupling guard. 自由端机封 Non-drive End Mechanical Seal

1) 按上述 步骤拆除自由端轴承及推力轴承。Remove the free end bearing and thrust bearing
according to above
2) 拆下密封水管。Remove seal flushing water pipework.
注: 应始终支撑着泵轴。The pump shaft must be suitably supported at all times
3) 拆下自由端轴承下半部。Remove the bottom half bearing housing
4) 拆下推力盘螺母和锁紧垫片, 拆下推力盘。Remove the thrust collar nut and discard the lock-washer.
Remove the thrust collar.
5) 从轴上拆下浮动油封。Remove the floating oil seal
6) 依机械密封说明, 拆除机械密封。 检查机械密封部件, 如必要, 更换新的。 装上机械密封。Refer to
the seal manufacture’s instructions, Remove the mechanical seal, Examine the seal components and
renew as necessary, Install the mechanical seal.
注:紧固密封盖的内六角螺钉的力矩值:20Nm.The socket head cap screws securing the seal plate
should be tightened to a torque loading:20Nm.
7) 装上浮动油封。Install the floating oil seal
8) 推力盘安装:用火焰加热推力盘内毂, 装上推力盘; 装上推力盘螺母并拧紧。Install the thrust collar
key in the keyway in the shaft and using a ring burner, heat the thrust collar hub and slide it into position
on the shaft. Screw the thrust collar nut onto the shaft, and tighten it against the thrust collar.
9) 待推力盘冷却后, 拆下推力盘螺母, 装上防松垫圈, 紧固推力盘螺母。Allow the assembly to cool,
remove the thrust collar nut, then place a new lock-washer against the thrust collar and screw the thrust
collar nut onto the shaft.
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10) 装上自由端轴承座下半部; 装上润滑油管和密封冷却水管道。Locate the bearing housing bottom half

to the pump casing with the dowel pins. and secure it with the hexagon head screws, Install the
lubricating oil and seal flushing water pipework.
11) 按 步骤回装自由端轴承及推力轴承及联轴器。According to steps reassemble free end
bearings and thrust bearings and couplings

3.2.5 泵大修 Booster pump overhaul

当泵进行大修并为了检查泵部件的磨损而解体时, 使用以下说明。The following instructions apply

when the pump is due for a complete overhaul and it is necessary to dismantle it to its component
parts to examine them for wear.

准备工作:Preparation for Overhaul

1) 切断电机及润滑油系统电源。切断所有仪表电源。Isolate the electrical power supplies to the pump set
driving motor and the lubricating oil system. Isolate the electrical power supplies to all instruments.
2) 检查泵组进出口阀门及再循环系统阀门是否已关闭。检查冷却水源是否已被切断。Check that the pump
set suction, discharge and leak-off isolating valves are shut, Check that the cooling water has been
3) 打开放水,放气孔, 把泵内水排尽, 确保泵内无压 Open the drain and vent connections and drain the
pump casing, Before proceeding with overhaul of the pump, ensure that there is no pressure within the
pump casing
4) 断开并拆下所有影响解体的仪表及小口径管道。检查所用起吊装置及专用工具是否良好。Disconnect
and remove any instruments which could interfere with the dismantling procedures. Disconnect and
remove any small bore pipework which could interfere with the dismantling procedures. Check that all
lifting equipment and special tools are in good condition.
5) 传动端轴上的螺纹是左旋螺纹, 自由端是右旋螺纹, 请做好标记。The shaft nuts at the drive end have
left hand threads: those at the non-drive end have right hand threads. 泵解体 Dismantling the Pump

1) 按上述 步骤拆除传动端轴承。Remove the drive bearing according to above
2) 按上述 步骤拆除自由端轴承及推力轴承。Remove the free end bearing and thrust bearing
according to above
3) 拔出泵体和泵盖联接的定位销, 旋下紧固螺母。Withdraw the dowel pins from the pump casing split
flange and remove the nuts from the studs securing the top half pump casing to the bottom half casing.
4) 拆下两端机械密封盖与密封冷却壳体的联接螺钉,机械密封轴套的紧定螺钉, 将机械密封从轴上滑出。
Remove the socket head cap screws securing the seal plates to the cooling jackets at each end of the
pump casing and the grub screws securing the seal sleeves to the shaft and slide the mechanical seal
assemblies clear.
5) 拆下两端密封冷却壳体与泵壳的连接螺栓。Remove the socket head cap screws securing the cooling
jackets to the pump casing
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6) 把起吊装置装入泵盖上的吊耳, 用顶升螺钉将泵盖顶起, 小心吊出泵盖。Attach lifting gear to the lugs

cast on the top half pump casing, then screw the jacking screws into the casing, break the joint and
carefully raise the top half casing, lifting it clear of the pump.
7) 装上起吊装置, 吊住转子; 绕着叶轮旋转泵壳磨损环, 直至其脱离泵体的槽, 然后吊出转子, 转运到
合适维修场所。Attach lifting gear to the rotating assembly and take the weight, Rotate the casing wear
rings around the impeller until the “tongue” is out of the groove in the pump casing. then carefully raise
the rotating assembly clear of the casing and transport it to a suitably prepared maintenance area 转子解体:
1) 把转子水平放置在支架上, 确保转子牢固,平稳地落座。Dismantling the Rotating Assembly: Support
the rotating assembly in a horizontal position on trestles, ensuring that it is firmly held.
2) 从泵轴上拆下传动端和自由端的冷却壳体和泵壳磨损环. / Slide the cooling jacket off the shaft and lift
the casing wear ring off the impeller. 检查测量和更换 Check the measurement and replacement

间隙位置 Clearance position 新件间隙 New pieces of 极限间隙(超过则需更换新 备注
clearance 件)Limit clearance (need to Remarks
replace the new pieces)
径向轴承和轴间隙 Radial 0.08~0.1 0.18
bearings and shaft clearance
叶轮与泵壳磨损环 Impeller and 0.56~0.62 1.18
pump shell wear ring
推力盘和推力块(轴向)Thrust 0.3~0.5 根据检查
plate and thrust block (axial) The inspection
叶轮与泵壳磨损环(轴 2.0(传动端/drive end)
向)Impeller and pump housing 6.0(自由端/free end)
wear ring (axial)
转子总窜动值(不装推力瓦) 8.0
Rotor total flow value (not
installed thrust pads)

1) 所有部件需彻底清洗, 并检查是否有磨损和损坏。若测量间隙超过上述值范围,应更换该零件。否则会
影响泵的运行性能,泵出口压力下降,电机耗电显著增加或振动值显著增大。All parts need to be
thoroughly cleaned and checked for wear and damage. If the measurement clearance exceeds the above
range, replace the part. Otherwise it will affect the pump performance, the pump outlet pressure drop, a
significant increase in motor power or a significant increase in vibration value
2) 叶轮和泵壳磨损环: 检查叶轮是否有冲蚀现象,特别是叶片端部;检查并测量叶轮与泵壳磨损环的径向
间隙, 若超过容许极限值应更换泵磨损环。Impeller and Casing Rings: Examine the impeller for any
signs of erosion, particularly at the blade tips. Examine the impeller and their associated casing wear
rings, and measure the diametrical clearance between these components. If the clearance exceeds the
renewal clearance shown in the table in above, the wear rings should be renewed.
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3) 轴和轴套:检查轴的任何损坏和弯曲情况并检查同心度, 同心度应在表读数 0.025MM 以内; 检查机械

密封轴套有无损坏或磨损情况。Shaft and Sleeves: Examine the shaft for any damage or bowing, and
check for concentricity (bending): it should be within 0.025mm full indicator movement. Examine the
seal sleeves for any signs of wear or damage.
4) 机械密封: 检查机械密封有无损坏和磨损, 如有必要更换新的, 详细参考机械密封说明。Mechanical
seals: Examine the seal for signs of wear or damage and renew as necessary. Refer to the seal
manufacturer’s instructions.
5) 径向轴承和推力轴承:彻底清洗并检查径向轴承有无损坏和磨损, 必要时更换新的。彻底清洗并检查推
力瓦块有无损坏或磨损, 必要时更换新的。彻底清洗检查推力盘有无损坏和磨损, 必要时换新的。 检查
轴承挡油圈及浮动油封有无损坏和磨损, 必要时换新的。Thoroughly clean and examine the journal
bearings for signs of wear or damage. Renew as necessary. Thoroughly clean and examine the thrust
pads for wear or damage, and renew as necessary. Examine the thrust collar for any signs of wear or
damage and renew as necessary, Examine the floating oil seal for any wear or damage and renew as
注:在正常运行条件下,推力瓦乌金面上除发暗外, 不应有任何测得的磨损; 当暗面超过推力瓦乌金
表面一半时, 建议更换新的推力瓦。Note: Under normal operating conditions, it is not expected that
any measurable wear will take place on the thrust pads other than a dulling of the white-metal
surfaces. It is recommended that when this dulling has spread to more then half the surface area of
the pads, they should be renewed.
6) 一般维修: 检查所有双头螺栓,螺母等有无损坏或变形, 按需要换新的。组装时所有的接口垫片和 O 型
圈更换新的。检查联轴器的各部件和螺栓有无磨损或损坏, 必要时换新的。General maintenance:
Examine all studs, nuts and bolts for any signs of damage or deterioration. Renew as necessary. All joints
and ‘O’ rings should be renewed on assembly. Examine the components of the coupling flexible
assemblies and the coupling bolts for wear or damage and renew as necessary. 动平衡 Dynamic balance

如果转子更换或修复部件应进行动平衡检查。Rotor must always dynamic balanced when renewing
or repairing individual parts
动平衡精度等级应达到 G6.3GB9239-1988(ISO 1940/1-1986(E))以内。Balancing accuracy level
should reach G6.3GB9239-1988 (ISO 1940 / 1-1986 (E)) within
可从叶轮盘上切削金属, 但切削量应满足; From the impeller cutting metal plate, but the amount
should be cut to meet
 叶轮盘任何一点厚度的减薄量不允许超过 1.6MM. The thickness of the impeller shroud must not
be reduced by more than 1.6mm at any point.
 直径 400MM 以外处, 禁止切削去金属。No metal is to be removed beyond the 400 mm
 按扇形计算切削金属量, 扇形的弧度不能超过圆周的 10%. The weight of metal to be removed is
to be calculated in the form of a segment, the arc of which does not exceed 10% of the
circumference of the impeller.
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Booster Pump Maintenance 装配备用叶轮
1) 只有在需要装配备用叶轮或轴时,才从轴上拆下叶轮,并应把叶轮在轴上位置做好记号 Fitting a Spare
Impeller :The impeller should only be removed from the shaft if it is found necessary to fit a spare
impeller or shaft. To renew the impeller, and the impeller should be marked on the shaft
2) 松开叶轮螺母锁紧垫圈, 用专用工具拆下两端叶轮螺母和锁紧垫圈。 从轴上拆下叶轮和键。Unlock the
impeller nut lock-washers then, using the special spanner provided unscrew and remove the impeller nuts
and. lock-washers from each end of the pump shaft, Withdraw the impeller from the pump shaft. Remove
and retain the impeller key.
3) 检查键与备用叶轮或轴的键槽是否合适。Check that the key fits correctly in the spare impeller or shaft
4) 在轴上装上叶轮, 安装时注意叶轮方向, 并注意叶轮键槽和键的配合。Install the impeller on the shaft,
in the position determined during dismantling. Ensure that the direction of rotation is correct. Ensuring that
the impeller keyway is lined up accurately with the key
5) 检查叶轮的轴向位置与原来位置相同以保证叶轮对中。Ensure that the impeller is fitted correctly for the
direction of rotation and also its original position on the shaft
6) 装上叶轮锁紧垫圈和叶轮螺母, 并轻轻预紧。Secure the impeller on the pump shaft with the impeller
nuts and lock-washers, and tighten 组装泵 Assembly pump

组装前需清洗所有的部件, 所有孔及油路也要清洗;在组装时, 建议在轴上和轴套孔内涂上胶体石墨
或类似的东西, 待其干燥后再摖洗。Before assembly, clean all component including all holes and
lube oil pipe; During assembly, it is recommended that colloidal graphite, or similar, is applied to the
shaft and to the bores of the seal sleeves, allowed to dry and the surfaces then polished
1) 将泵轴和叶轮组件支撑在木架上; 将泵壳磨损环装在叶轮盖板上。Support the pump shaft/impeller
assembly on wooden trestles, Locate the casing wear rings loosely on the impeller shrouds.
2) 将两端的冷却壳体换上新的密封垫装在轴上;Slide the cooling jackets complete with new joints, onto
each end of the shaft
3) 将转子栓好, 小心地吊起, 放进泵体内, 在放转子时注意将泵壳磨损环准确嵌到泵体凹槽内, 确保冷
却壳体准确就位, 注意不要损坏密封垫。Attach lifting equipment to the rotating assembly .Carefully lower
the assembly into the bottom half casing, at the same time locating the casing wear rings in the bottom
half casing grooves and ensuring that the cooling jackets are correctly positioned, taking care not to
damage the joints
4) 更换泵体中分面垫。Locate a new joint in position on the pump casing half
5) 将起吊装置装在泵盖的吊耳内, 确保所有所有结合面清洁, 将泵盖小心吊起并放在泵体上。Attach
suitable lifting gear to the pump casing cover and, ensuring that all joint faces are perfectly clean, lift it
carefully into position on the pump casing
6) 将机械密封轴套键装在轴上; 按机械密封说明, 安装机械密封。Locate the sleeve keys in the keyways
in the shaft, Install the mechanical seal Referring to the seal instructions.
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7) 按 里的步骤回装传动端轴承; 按 里的步骤回装自由端轴承。Follow the procedure in to reassemble the drive end bearing; follow the procedure in to reassemble the free end
8) 按以下步骤检查转子轴向定位及推力间隙:Check the axial running position of the rotating assembly
and the axial clearance of the thrust bearing as follows:
 将转子向传动端推足, 以推力盘的内侧为基准在下轴承座中分面上划一根直线。然后向自由端推
足, 以同样的基准在下轴承座中分面上划另一根直线。 两根直线之间的距离应是 8MM. Move
the rotating assembly as far as possible towards the drive end of the pump and, using the inner
face of the thrust collar as a datum, mark a line on the horizontal surface of the bottom half
bearing housing, Move the rotating assembly as far as possible towards the non-drive end of
the pump and, using the same datum, mark a second line on the bottom half bearing housing,
Measure the distance between the two lines: this should be approxirately 8 mm.
 把内侧两半部推力轴承导环及间隔圈装入轴承座下半部,将转子向传动端靠足, 用同样的基准在
下轴承座的中分面上标第三根直线。该线应距内侧一根线 2MMM. 注: 转子应二条线的中位向传
动端靠 2MM. Install the inner halves of the thrust bearing carrier rings and spacers in the bottom
half housing and move the rotating assembly as far as possible towards the drive end of the
pump. Mark a third line on the surface of the bottom half bearing housing, using the same
datum as before: this line should fall 2 mm from the inner line. Note: The rotating assembly is to
be located 2 mm towards the drive end from the mid position
 将外侧两半部推力轴承导环及间隔圈装入轴承座下半部内, 在电机位于运转位置条件下, 检查
电机侧与泵侧半联轴器工作面之间的轴向距离, 应为 175MM. Install the outer halves of the
thrust bearing carrier rings and spacers in the bottom half bearing housing, With the driving
motor rotor in its running position, check that the axial gap between the motor and pump half
coupling faces is 175mm.
 按上述方法推移泵轴, 仔细测量轴向间隙, 将推力盘紧贴一面的推力瓦块上, 在另一侧的推力
轴承调整块与轴承座之间, 用塞尺测量该间隙, 该间隙应为 0.30/0.50MM, 对任何测量到的变化
都应检查原因。 注: 不能将塞尺插到推力块与推力盘之间, 这样既测不准也会损坏推力瓦乌金
表面。Check the axial clearance by moving the pump shaft as before and carefully measuring
the difference: alternatively, move the pump shaft so that the thrust collar is hard against one set
of thrust pads and use feeler gauges between the opposite thrust bearing spacer and the
bearing housing. The total axial clearance was originally 0.30/0.50 mm and any measurable
variation should be investigated.
Note: Do not insert feeler gauges between the thrust collar and the thrust pads: this may give an
inaccurate reading and cause damage to the white metal pad surface.
9) 将自由端上半径向轴承安装到轴上。Install the non-drive end journal bearing top half on the shaft.
10) 把油档圈上半部装入到自由端轴承座上半部, 并保证其定位销准确定位。Install the top half of the oil
retaining shield in the bearing housing top half. ensuring that the dowel pin locates correctly in the hole
provided in the housing top half
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11) 装上轴承盖在自由端轴承座上,安装时注意不要让吊螺栓凸出中分面, 并小心不要损坏径向轴承和浮

动油封, 然后装入定位销, 并上紧螺栓紧固上下半轴承座。Carefully install the non-drive end top half
bearing housing over the studs in the bottom half. ensuring that the jacking screws are not protruding
through the joint face and taking care to avoid damage to the journal bearing and floating oil seal, then
locate the dowel pins and secure the top and bottom halves together with the nuts
12) 将传动端径向轴承上半轴承安装到轴上。Install the drive end journal bearing top half on the shaft
13) 把油档圈上半部装入到传动端轴承座上半部, 并保证其定位销准确定位。Install the top half of the oil
retaining shield in the drive end bearing housing top half. ensuring that the dowel pin locates correctly in
the hole provided in the housing top half.
14) 吊起上半部轴承座,放到下半部轴承座上。安装时确保起吊螺栓不能凸出接合面,并小心不要损坏径向
轴承和止油挡圈,然后装入定位销,并用螺母紧固上半部和下半部轴承座。Lift the top half bearing
housing over the studs and into position. ensuring that the jacking screws are not protruding through the
joint face and taking care to avoid damage to the journal bearing and oil seal, then locate the dowel pins
and secure the top and bottom halves together with the nuts
15) 用六角螺栓将盖板紧固在轴承座上。检查确保转子转动自如。Install the cover plate and secure it to
the housing with the hexagon head screws

3.2.6 复查轴系中心 Review the shaft alignment

 检查联轴器的对中情况。Check the alignment of the coupling
 装上表架及百分表,按泵旋转方向,盘动转子,检查对轮中心。Installed the magnetic base and dial
indicator, according to the direction of rotation of the pump, turn the rotor, check the coupling
 数值不符合要求时,应进行调整至合格。原则上以电机为基准,对泵进行调整。When the value does
not meet the requirements, it should be adjusted to qualified. In principle, the motor is used as a
reference to adjust the pump
 对中要求: 马达中心高于前置泵中心 0.13MM,上下左右张口 ≯≯0.03mm。On the request: the motor
center is higher than the booster pump center 0.13mm, the L-R concentric 0; The angular of up /
down and L-R ≯≯ 0.03mm.
 数值不符合要求时,应进行调整至合格。原则上以电机为基准,对泵进行调整。When the value does
not meet the requirements, it should be adjusted to qualified. In principle, the motor is used as a
reference to adjust the pump.
 装复联轴器碟片组,用螺栓和螺母将其紧固。Install the coupling disc set and fasten it with bolts and
 装复防护罩,检查防护罩不应碰到旋转体。Install the protective cover and check that the protective
cover should not touch the rotating body
 接好机械密封冷却水的进出口管道, 连接泵壳放气管道及其他小口径管道。Connect the mechanical
seal cooling water inlet and outlet pipes, connect the pump casing bleed pipe and other small
diameter pipe
 连接好原来拆除的仪表线。Connect the original removed instrument line
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 清理工作现场。Clean up the job site

3.2.7 清洗泵入口主过滤器 Cleaning the booster pump inlet filter

 松前置泵进口滤网上发兰及下发兰螺栓, 用吊车稍吊起前置泵进口管, 取出进口滤网清洗。Pre
loose on the pump inlet filter flange and a lower flange bolts with a crane to lift a little of the booster
pump inlet tube, remove the inlet filter for cleaning.
 检查进口滤网是否有破损等。Check whether the inlet filter is damaged and so on
 更换滤网上下法兰的缠绕垫(三张),并回装进口滤网。 打紧滤网上下法兰螺栓。Replace the filter
up and down the flange of the winding gaskets (three), and back into the inlet filter. Punch the upper
and lower flange bolts
 更换前置泵出口法兰垫片。Replace the booster pump outlet flange gasket

3.2.8 给水泵组试转调试 Feed water pump unit commissioning
 执行设备再鉴定程序,启动给水泵组,检查泵运行情况,检查振动是否正常,有无机油、水泄漏。记
录前置泵轴承振动,温度及泵出口压力和流量。The implementation of equipment re-qualification
procedures, start the pump unit, check the pump operation, check the vibration is normal, there is
shall be no oil, water leakage。Record booster pump bearing vibration, temperature, discharge P
and flowrate.
 确认给水泵组运转正常后,清理现场,终结工作票。After confirming that the feed pump unit is
operating normally, clean up the site and terminate the work permit.
 填写工作报告,关闭工作票 Fill in the work report and close the work permit。
The booster pump drawing
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4.1 记录表格 Record the form

4.1.1 测量记录表

参数名称 质量标准 检修前 检修后 备注

自由端轴承与轴颈径向配合间隙 < 0.18
Free end bearing and journal radial clearance
驱动端轴承与轴颈径向配合间隙 < 0.18
Drive bearing and journal radial clearance
Free end bearing with bearing chamber radial
Drive the end bearing with the bearing chamber
radial clearance
Pump journal and impeller bore radial clearance
转子轴向窜动量 Rotor axial movement 8mm 0(NDE)

泵轴弯曲度 Pump shaft bending <0.025mm

叶轮口环与泵壳磨损环径向配合间隙 Impeller ring <1.18

and pump shell wear ring radial clearance

推力间隙 / Thrust bearing clearance 0.3/0.5mm

The center of the booster pump shaft is lower 0.13mm
than the center of the motor shaft
前置泵轴中心与电机轴中心左右偏差 0.00mm
The center of the booster pump shaft is offset
from the center of the motor shaft
程 序/Working Procedure 页码/Page: 17 of 12
Booster Pump Maintenance

前置泵靠背轮与电机靠 上下 up and down ≯≯0.03mm

Booster pump and
motor couplings angular 左右 left and right ≯≯0.03mm

前置泵轴与电机轴端面间距 The distance

between the booster pump shaft and the 175mm
motor shaft end

4.1.2 质量计划

程序 页码 18 of 12

Booster Pump Maintenance

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