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30 June.

Is There "Morality".

Intuitive system ("basis" UMG to "comptetant state" - �procedural knowledge� not

�declarative knowledge� S1,
Unconscious, gives Ought, judgement) - Values (not absolutes, close to it) -
Chooices, Behavior.
MIS - Has no one-on-one connection to values and choices. Entres in power,

Mark Hauser.
Chomsky. - Analogous to FL, aesthetic, musical judgment and innate primes,
euclidian geometary.
Matthias Mahlmann.
George P. Fletcher.
Rawls. - applying - recepie of internaionalism, doesn't follow from it. Hume, Kant.
(Plato, Aristotle - from reincarnation)

A considrible amount of abstration and training in feilds of cognitive science.

It would be afvised if you want to contradict an argument do so citing diffrenet
creficble scientific - theoritical + experimental claims. For experimental evidence
Mikhail - Rawls epirement with Foot's Trollys.

Questions we have to answer:

a. what is morality? - diffrent from choice (Power, self preservation, food that
day, hungery)
and behavior,just a instinctual base.
b. how is it innate? - poverty of stimuls,
c. does it make us Good? - one aspect contributing to behavior and choice,
episotmology - like, SFC, we generate intutivive
choice, but have to reexamine rationally its validity.
d. what about economy, ideology, structures?
e. On "bourgoises" morality - two aspects/schools - Houmboult, Mill, Early
Rousouses. Ideals and values of enligtenment.
Rudolf Rocker - how liberalism was slowly
curropted by emerging capitalism.
f. Application of this understanding - Not much. Leads to ammorality and justifies
power principle.
g. Different moral system. 1. Universal moral norms - Norms change over space and
ex. human visual system - early experience.
2. Tendency to move from 'uncontravieral' to 'incoherant'.
"How do person aquire a culture? - Limited no. of behavior."
Data to outcome. Extensive built in innate system. Specific
genetic contructions.
h. Moral progress (could go either way): Slavery, supersession of homosexuals,
Basic princples - expansion of tolarance and against authority. - Blessed, no
logical reason.
Gives bases of equality, liberty, freedom to all human beings without

Example of 2:

Case: Turing. persucution of homosexuals. Or indian. "Moral values" have advanced.

"Terrorism" -


1. Moral, cultural, epistemic, scientific relativism: claim: from 1 to 2.
2. Marxists: Claim: Strong - everything. Week -

Scope and Limit of this study:

a. defining a system of innate knowledge, that in intraction with stimulus forms

a "moral organ".
b. Competence, Performance.
c. Infinite use of finte means.


a. nature of evolution. - we will work with that however and "whyever" the systems
use of some of these is upon human will.
b. We will work with assumption there is free will. But not talk about it.
c. We will keep symentical questions aside: assumptions, words, or the concept they
to have some basis (meaning) in human mind and external world.
d. Cultural, insitutaional "morality" based on practices. - Practices cloaked in
moral language.

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