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Paucar, Víctor Advanced Writing 1

1. Vocabulary Log:

 Compensate: to give something good or useful in place of something or to make

someone feel better about something that has failed or been los missed.
Example: His enthusiasm more than compensates for his lack of experience.
 Anxious: worried and nervous, eager to do something
Example: I am anxious to get the grades of my midterm exam.
 Flexible: as an adjective, flexible means that something is able to change or be
changed easily according to the situation.
Example: The constitution of Peru is too flexible. A lot of criminals take advantages
of that.
 Benefit: an advantage or a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help.
Example: Cristina drinks a lot less now, to the benefit of her health as a whole. She
is completely rehabilitated.
 Savant: a person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially someone who is
related with some autism syndrome.
Example: Savants are special people who have many mental ability but they are
have also disabilities like problems establishing relationships
 Persistence: obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or
Example: Persistence is a good value to learn because it motivates us to get our

2. Process writing:

a. Brainstorming:

Mark Twain Isaac Newton Nikola Tesla Albert Einstein

Leonardo da Vinci Marilyn Vos Savant Kim Ung-Yong Marie Curie

b. Choosing a topic:
Albert Einstein

c. Narrowing topic:
Albert Einstein is considered one of the most intelligent people of mother era
because of these 2 contributions: relativity theory and quantum physics.
d. First draft:

e. Second draft:
f. Third draft:

Albert Einstein is considered one of the most intelligent people of the modern era
because of these two contributions: relativity theory and quantum physics.
First, the relativity theory helped the scientists to understand, a little bit more,
how speed and mass are related with energy. This theory caused a big impact in
the scientific community and changed the paradigm of physics. On the other hand,
Einstein developed successfully quantum physics, and with this, we could make
many artifacts we know nowadays like cellphones, TV, etc.
For these contributions, Albert Einstein is still regarded as the smartest person of
the century.

3. Graphic organizer

He created the
relativity theory
and generated a
big impact in

He is
He contributed
considered one
of the most Albert to the
knowledge of
people of this
Eistein how physics

many artifacts
works because
of his

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