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Pediatric Ethics: Case Study: Transplantation

The following citations were taken from the PubMed database at the National Library of Medicine
and the ETHXWeb database at the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature, Kennedy
Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University by Kathleen A. Schroeder, M.D., M.S.I., Reference
Librarian. The most recently published items are listed first.

Chen, L.W.; Shambaugh-Miller, M.D.; Meza, J.L.; Zhang, W.; Shaw, K.L.; Mueller, K.J.
Inpatient hospital service utilization of the uninsured in Nebraska: policy implications for addressing
uncompensated care
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2009; 20(2): 444-457

Tynan, A.; November. E.; Lauer. J.; Pham, H.H.; Cram, P.;
General hospitals, specialty hospitals and financially vulnerable patients
Research Briefs: Center for Studying Health System Change 2009; (11): 1-8

Kramer, S.
Philanthropic pains: The push to implement charity care and community benefit mandates is
gaining speed, but will it hurt hospitals?
Healthcare Informatics: The Business Magazine for Information and Communication Systems 2008;
25(12): 62A, 64A, 66A

Weiner, S.J.; VanGeest, J.; Abrams, R.I.; Moswin, A.; Warnecke, R.

Managing the unmanaged: a case study of intra-institutional determinants of uncompensated care
at healthcare institutions with differing ownership models
Medical Care 2008; 46(8): 821-828

Cohn, Jonathan
Sick: The Untold Story of America’s Health Care Crisis and the People Who Pay the Price
New York: HarperCollins, 2007. 302 p.

Crear, J.
What is the difference between a Charity Hospital system and a university hospital system?
Journal of the National Medical Association 2007; 99(5): 582-584.

King, Talmadge E., Jr.; Wheeler, Margaret B.

Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Principles, Practice, and
New York: McGraw-Hill Medical, 2007. 454 p.

McGregor, C.M.
The community benefit standard for non-profit hospitals: which community, and for whose benefit?
The Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy 2007; 23(2): 302-340.
Salinsky, E.
What have you done for me lately? Assessing hospital community benefit
Issue Brief (George Washington University National Health Policy Forum) 2007; 19(821):1-19

Tersigni, Anthony R.
Covering the uninsured is America's problem: the current health care system makes no moral or
economic sense
Health Progress 2007; 88(3): 20-24

Tong, Rosemarie
Health care reform: social distribution decisions
In her: New Perspectives in Health Care Ethics: An Interdisciplinary and Crosscultural Approach.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 318-341
Series: Basic Ethics in Action

Ells, C.
Assessing hospitals' responsibility to provide unremunerated services
Healthcare Management Forum 2006; 19(3): 6-20

Engel, J.
Poor People’s Medicine: Medicaid and American Charity Care since 1965
Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006. 318 p.

Wiggins, K. R.
Medicaid and the enforceable right to receive medical assistance: the need for a definition of
"medical assistance"
William and Mary Law Review 2006; 47(4): 1487-1512

Birrer, R.B.; Stango, A.

Strengthening charity care: one Catholic hospital has a method for providing more -- not less -- care
for the uninsured
Health Progress 2005; 86(3): 39-43

Hanson, J.
Are we getting our money's worth? Charity care, community benefits, and tax exemption at nonprofit
Loyola Consumer Law Review 2005; 17(4): 395-418

Weissman, J.S.
The trouble with uncompensated hospital care [opinion]
New England Journal of Medicine 2005; 352(12): 1171- 1173

Guendelman, S.; Pearl, M.

Children's ability to access and use health care
Health Affairs 2004; 23(2): 235-244
Jacoby, M.B.
The debtor-patient: in search of non-debt-based alternatives
Brooklyn Law Review 2004; 69(2): 453-484

Weiner, S.J.; Laporte, M.; Abrams, R.I.; Moswin, A.; Warnecke, R.

Rationing access to care to the medically uninsured: the role of bureaucratic front-line discretion at
large healthcare institutions
Medical Care 2004; 42(4): 306-312

Young, Janine; Flores, Glenn; Berman, Stephen

Providing life-saving health care to undocumented children: controversies and ethical issues
Pediatrics 2004; 114(5): 1316-1320

Boston T.R.
A hospital's non-delegable duty of care
Journal of Law and Medicine 2003; 10(3): 364-374

Mann, C.; Rowland, D.; Garfield, R.

Historical overview of children's health care coverage
Future of Children 2003; 13(1): 31-53

Lefton, R.B.
Developing organizational charity-care policies and procedures
Healthcare Financial Management: The Journal of the Healthcare Financial Management
Association 2002; 56(4): 52-57

Geraghty, K.
Physicians and the obligation to provide charity care
Virtual Mentor: Ethics Journal of the American Medical Association [electronic] 2001 October;
3(10): 3 p.
Available at:

Geraghty, K.
Physicians and the obligation of charity care
Virtual Mentor: Ethics Journal of the American Medical Association [electronic] 2001 June; 3(6):
2 p. Accessed: [19 February 2004]
Available at:

Kronick, R.
Valuing charity
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 2001; 26(5): 993-1001

Meaney M.E.
The ordering of charity medical care in an era of limits
HEC Forum 2001; 13(2): 196-211
Veatch, R.M.
Transplantation Ethics
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2000. 427 p

Cunningham, P.J.; Grossman, J.M.; St. Peter, R.F.; Lesser, Cara S.

Managed care and physicians' provision of charity care
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 1999; 281(12): 1087-10

Pollner, P.; Wooten, N.; Volpintesta, E.J. Yarmolinsky, A.; Larkin, G.L.; Marco, C.A.; Fields, W.;
Fletcher, R.
Managed Care, Charity Care, and the Common Good [letters and reply]
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 1999; 282(17): 1619-1621

Sigmond RM.
A community approach to managing uncompensated care
Michigan Health & Hospitals. 1999 January-February;35(1): 1 6-17

Superina, R.A.; Harrison, C.; Alonso, E.M.; Whitington, P.F.

Ethical issues in pediatric liver transplantation
Transplantation Proceedings 1999; 31(1-2): 1342-1344

Biles B, Abrams M
The double bind: Challenges to safety net and teaching hospitals
Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 1998; 75(1): 17-21

Gaskin, D.J.
Altruism or moral hazard: the impact of hospital uncompensated care pools
Journal of Health Economics 1997; (4): 397-416.

Watson, S.D.
In search of the story: Physicians and charity care [Bioethics and Law Symposium: Deconstructing
Traditional Paradigms in Bioethics: Race, Gender, Class, and Culture]
Saint Louis University Public Law Review 1996; 15(2): 353-369

Selected articles on biliary atresia from the PubMed database.

Bassett M.D., Murray K.F..

Biliary atresia: recent progress
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 2008; 42(6): 720-729.

Mercurio, M.R.; Peterec, S.M.; Weeks, B.

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, extreme prematurity, comfort care only, and the principle of
Pediatrics 2008; 122(1): 186-189.

Karakayali, H.; Sevmis, S.; Ozçelik, U.; Ozcay, F.; Moray, G.; Torgay, A.; Arslan, G.; Haberal, M..
Liver transplantation for biliary atresia
Transplantation Proceedings 2008; 40(1): 231-233.

Knibbe, M.E.; Maeckelberghe, E.L.; Verkerk, M.A.

Confounders in voluntary consent about living parental liver donation: no choice and
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2007; 10(4): 433-440

DeRusso, P.A.; Ye, W.; Shepherd, R.; Haber, B.A.; Shneider, B.L.; Whitington, P.F.; Schwarz, K.B.;
Bezerra, J.A.; Rosenthal, P.; Karpen, S.; Squires, R.H.; Magee, J.C.; Robuck, P.R.; Sokol, R.J.
Biliary Atresia Research Consortium
Growth failure and outcomes in infants with biliary atresia: a report from the Biliary Atresia
Research Consortium
Hepatology 2007; 46(5): 1632-1638

Sokol, R.J.; Shepherd, R.W.; Superina, R.; Bezerra, J.A.; Robuck, P.; Hoofnagle, J.H.
Screening and outcomes in biliary atresia: summary of a National Institutes of Health workshop
Hepatology 2007; 46(2): 566-581

Chen, H.W.; Hsu, W.M.; Chang, M.H.; Chen, C.Y.; Chou, H.C.; Tsao, P.N.; Hsieh, W.S.
Embryonic biliary atresia in a very-low-birth-weight premature infant
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2007; 106(1): 78-81

Chardot, C.; Serinet, M.O.

Prognosis of biliary atresia: what can be further improved?
Journal of Pediatrics 2006; 148(4): 432-435.

Cleghorn, G.
Biliary atresia and its micromanagement: does it really matter?
Journal of Pediatrics 2005; 147(2): 142-143.
Shapiro, C.
Organ transplantation in infants and children – necessity or choice: the case of K'aila Paulette
Pediatric Nursing 2005; 31(2): 121-122

Erikson, I.; Mitchell, C.

Which child gets the transplant?
The American Journal of Nursing 1988; 88(3): 287-288

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