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The Legal Research

July 4, 2018



H Clay Crawford: Florida

Land of the Americas


This Monthly Journal; is designed to point out areas of Law and

Natural Rights of Citizens that are violated every day by its Nation, and
designed to be overlooked in a literary learned paved society. Is it all
because some Citizens lack the aptitude of History, or do not possess the
foundational means to understand the direction of its Nation?
We will have a chance to decide.

This Journal is to ensure that less fortunate individuals will have an

understanding of His or Her History, curve the long arm of the United
States Corporation Company towards protecting Human Rights, and to
decline them away from Criminal Conspiracy.

This Journal; is not a Lawyers manual, nor intended for legal

advice.( For such advice please seek Attorney)


Copyright © 2011 Citizens Bar Association:

Page No

The State of Florida -------------------------------------------------------4

Conquest for Moroccan Treaty ------------------------------------------5
Peace and Friendship -------------------------------------------------------7

The History; and Caucasian

United States Corporation Company -------------------------------------9
Balfour Declaration 1917 -------------------------------------------------11

The Talmudic Law

Khazars have compiled religious scripture ------------------------------15
Goyim should be killed ----------------------------------------------------16
Wealth of the Gentiles ------------------------------------------------------16

Deceive of the Christians --------------------------------------------------16

Public Law 102-14; Education Act---------------------------------------17
Silent Weapons for Quite Wars-------------------------------------------17
Private Companies can Join the Conspiracy ----------------------------22
Fear of Diplomatic Solution-----------------------------------------------23

Glossary ----------------------------------------------------------------------25


When the State of Florida (they say)

settled in America in the mid16th century;
they enslaved the Native Moor (negro) who
taught them how to cultivate, cook, and
survive throughout the land.
After learning the necessities to sustain life:
They; the Caucasian settlers, adopted
tyranny through their way of life of culture of
Thus; in order to build a nation which
they had took from the kindness of its
native people, and drove
them into slavery; they
needed to receive a
treaty from the
particular Kingdom in
which the Americas had
Moors wearing the fez
Ponce De Leon

However, in the year 1513 Ponce

De Leon had already unlawfully
settled on the land, and He
began separating the tribes
through Eugenics; which is the
process of separating the dark
skinned original tribes, from the
tribes who have apparent mixed

Conquest for the Moroccan Treaty

In the year 1661 it had been understood

by the rulers and colonizers that the land
that we know today as the State of Florida
was known as Maghrib Al Aqsa; the west
district of Morocco, a dark skinned
people who were the natives of The
Kingdom of Morocco.

To continue their
mission of
monopolization, it
had been incumbent that they must find the
Kingdom in which they can enter treaty, in order
to complete the eugenics process.

They entered the land of

Morocco with the
intentions of collecting
information on its
government, and
infiltrated education of the
people for the purpose of
controlling the inner and
exterior annexes of
Maghrib (Morocco) Empire.

Information would be brought
back to the State of Florida, the
district of Morocco (Maghrib Al
Aqsa); and shared with
Europeans (Caucasian). They
soon began developing their
brotherhoods, or secret societies
from the culture they infiltrated.

(Mental Note)
In order to separate the district; it had been advised by geographers to
refer to the far west annex as Spain. Thus, Spain did not exist as a
government during the Rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Following this form of geography, and

understanding by the African Chiefs of the
tribes, they were persuaded by the
Caucasian travelers to re-name their
Nations to Caucasian Corporate Names;
that the Africans were unfamiliar with.

Some Moors of the Arizona region would
rebel against the colonization. They would
war with violence, against what seemed as
a threat of infiltration into their peaceful

Some believed that the Caucasians carried

some theology of Islamic law of kindness,
and fairness which gave them access to the
Moors of Arizona

The Peace and Friendship

When the Moroccan Captives

were finally enslaved trough the
harsh conditions in the annexed
far west on the land of Americas.
Complaints would arrive to the
Knowledge of the Morocco
Majesty. Some of them had come
to the realization through the
understanding of geographical
positioning of Maps, and world calculations, that the District of
Morocco is in the Far west Americas.

The Kingdom of Morocco entered treaty with John Adams as the
Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1787 Article 6… Quotes as follows.

If any Moor (negro) shall bring

citizens of the United States
Corporation Company or their
effects to his Majesty citizen
shall immediately be set to
liberty and the effects restored,
and in like manor, if any Moor
not a subject of the dominions
shall make prize of any of the
citizen of America or their
effects and bring them into any
of the ports of his majesty, shall
be immediately released, as
they will be considered as under
his Majesty’s protection.

Definition of Moor described as Negro.

In 1819 Adams-Onis Treaty paved

the way for the Illegal Immigrants
(Caucasians) the ability through its treaty
to create the documents as a Florida

The 1819 Treaty of Adams allowed the 1925 usage of other territories in
the North, which the State of Florida was able to incorporate the
Its idea was to create a Company that
manufactures Corporations from birth
certifications, for its investment to other
countries as an international trade. That
human labor is essential, and essence to
trade and commerce.
In today’s time after the State of Florida
incorporated The United States
Corporation Company, it began to
develop a net -work of corporations all
designed to preform particular tasks for
purposes of a higher agenda. We will
have a chance discover their particular
agenda, as we learn further in this


Khazaria in year 650 was a Large
Geographical Empire between the
Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea of the
Caucus Mountains. The general
genetic make of the Native People to
this region was of a White Complexion,
with of Asian Descent.

Khazarian people were nomads that
moved about collecting information
and goods from neighboring countries.
As its empire gradually started to
loose territory do to violence; the
people then settled in neighboring
environments, soon into Palestine
Rome and Greece Arabia, North
Africa etc.

The war like tendencies of the

Khazars, forced the world
powers to disperse them
throughout the world, not
allowing the Khazars to
operate as a Nation due to its
violence nature upon other
Nations, people and property.
Its goals and costumes of its
society were to spread violence into nations for the purposes of forcing
such Nations into the decision of giving up its Power, for the protection
of the Khazar.

 Note: Crimea is the last real known territory of the Khazars.

 Note: United States named its congressional assembly “Caucus”,

which means to work together towards some shared goals.

In recent years, the culture of
Khazaria “Caucus” exists today. Its
people had adopted their way of life
by mixing its culture, and ideology
into the modern society. The more
recent title of this society in today’s
time would colorfully outline the

Khazarian Caucus culture into society

has created a path and agenda to
continue their plight towards controlling
Nations, and people through the use of
violence, corruption and destruction.
Zionist organization had made
agreements with Balfour Rothschild for
the purpose of creating a Zionist State.

See the Balfour Declaration 1917.

The Declaration had promised,
if given such opportunity to
develop Palestine as a Zionist
State; then it would incorporate
western influence into the
society of Palestine, creating a
more vulnerable condition
deemed controlled.

The year 1919 king Faisal of (Saudi
Arabia) entered the conspiracy with
Weizmann of the Zionist Organization; such
agreements with Saudi Arabia; allowed the
mobilization of Zionist into the Holy Land

The agreements for the Zionist Organization to

occupy Palestine has allowed Hitler, or Baron
Rothschild to invade the region of Germany
working with the finances from the Balfour
Declaration, and orders to exterminate the
unwanted Khazar which were considered of the
poor lower class citizens.
(see) Agreements by Saudi and the Zionist Organization.

Hitler used forms of trickery and

media manipulation in (screen split imagery) It is the process of
allowing a digital recording to duplicate itself; thus, giving the allusion
of more people in a particular viewing; or staging and arraigning of
poor subjugated Khazars, who are malnutrition. Its purpose is for
developing a narrative in the direction of forging a Jewish State. In
actuality Khazar family heritage is not that of Hebrew.

Such purpose had added the ability
to make such the appearance that
Jews were genocides, by an outlaw
rogue force who just so happen to be
able to fund a massive military
campaign for the purposes of
exterminating the Jewish Race. In
the picture to the right, gives
discerning that the Khazars in their appearance displays; as if they are
being smuggled through immigration in search of prosperity; not slaves
as to an unjust condition.

In recent times the Khazars condemn

and ridicule any person trying to seek
Prosperity, or refuge in particular
boarding Nations, and have enacted
legislation to prohibit free movement
of travel.

The Khazars have developed an Israeli

independent state from Palestine, after the
Zionist Organization declares them-selves
the Hebrews of the Biblical scripture. Be
mindful that the Khazars have not
established any linkage to the bloodlines of
the Biblical Tribes of Israel.

The Modern Israeli has collected
information from its origin. The
khazars have occupied Nations for
over one thousand years collecting
data information; giving it the
greatest corporation of Intel
communications. It uses its capable
of monitoring the whole world
through advance technology of the
internet. Its corporations of
Commuter Science have developed its world data farming corporations
to engage in blackmail, and fraud of other countries; simultaneously
protecting its defacto sovereignty as the Hebrew, in the eyes of the world

The Khazars has used the works of

analytics and information
worldwide; Creating illusion, and
false information such as Fake News
to create world destabilization.

Be mindful, that not all who follow the

authentic Jewish scripture are patriots to
this conspiracy.

We must ask ourselves;

What is the purpose of controlling Intel Communications, and why is it

For over 1,400 years, the Khazars have
compiled religious scripture of the Torah and
Mishna. Thus, relating to Tannaitic writings
that often gives ventures onto legal subjects,
and expounds broadly on the Hebrew Bible.
This Codification of information was able to
create the Talmudic Law, which its teachings
has strayed far from Divine Law into its own
form of supremacy.

The Supremacy adopted for hundreds of years

allowed its ideology to infiltrate into world governments constructing its
conspiracy for New World Order; through the oppression of a particular
society, people or nations deemed waste-less; or a hindrance to its
proposed agenda.
The individuals deemed as animals or insufficient to survive are what
they would refer to as Gentile, goy, or goyim.

See Talmudic law

1). If a “goy” hits a Jew he must be killed.

(Sanhedrin 58b).

2). If a Jew murders a goy there will be no death penalty.

(Sanhedrin 57a).

3). All children of the goyim are animals.

(Yebamoth 98a).
4). The goyim are not humans. They are beast.
(Baba Mezia 114b).

5). Even the best of goyim should be killed.


6). Deceive him and take of his money, for the wealth of the Gentiles
is to be regarded as common wealth, and belongs to the first who
can get it.
(Chosechen, and Ham 156,5).

7). To constant deceive of the Christians.

(Zohar 1,160(a).

Such interjections have been directed towards Christ Jesus as well.

Jesus was cut off from the
Jewish people for his
wickedness, and refused to
repent.(Sotah 47a).

The Talmudic Law within its

meanings direct hate in any
direction towards God and
Man. Thus, its agenda are to
oppose righteousness, and its
people; referring to them as
Goyim. An occult that has infiltrated the Land of Magrib Al Aqsa
(Americas), to create murder and destabilization of any Nation that
opposes Talmudic Ideology.

Moreover, The United States
Corporation Company has joined
into the Conspiracy and has
enacted laws to complement its
aim and goals towards the
violation of the rights of the
people; who they refer to as Goyim
or Gentile.

See United States Public Law 102-14; Education Act

(Bush Administration 1991) signed by George H. W Bush.
“All Federal Law are on the basis and establishment of the Talmudic
Law, and the Noahide Laws shall be applied to the Gentiles in the
United States, in conclusion to this interjection; there shall be no
recommended punishment.”

The above Public Law has allowed the United States Corporation
Company the license through the Education Act to carry out, and in
furtherance of the Crime in systematical design of Aggression.

The Education Act influences policy in

government and private Companies through
educational tools of profile, and
discrimination. Its application of Silent
Weapons for Quiet Wars (Bilderberg
Group 1979) has resulted in unlawful
arrest, discrimination in work
environments, etc... Evidence would show
that Talmudic law is responsible for world
mass incarcerations, killings of Moors
(negros), Palestine, and all people deemed


The United States had enacted laws to prohibit conspiracy in the color
of Law. US 21 U.S.C 846.

A criminal conspiracy takes place

when two or more people or a
government get together and plan
to commit a crime.

However, there is more involved

when proving that a criminal conspiracy has taken place.

In order for a person or government to be guilty of criminal conspiracy,
they must have actually meant to agree to commit a crime.

The United States Corporation

Company are the native people of
the Kharzarian Empire in the
year 650. They have agreed to
incorporate and carry out the
Talmudic Law through the
Education Act of 1991.

When the person, corporation,
or government agrees to
commit a crime; they must
intend to really do whatever
the objective are intended to
do in the conspiracy.

In other words, the Corporation must

carry out some of the crimes
mentioned in the Conspiracy; or
multiple victims of the violent
encounters, all collaborating a
furtherance of the Crime.

The United States Corporation Company has

incorporated a network of crime to commit
acts of terror upon the People of Land of the
Americas (Magrib Al Aqsa).
When the Government has proven the
objectives of the conspiracy; then any person,
government, or corporation that enters the
conspiracy takes a part thereof.

has entered an agreement with the
Zionist Organization, and has
incorporated its law on carrying out
aggression to nationalities of people in
a systematical development of
1). It has carried out its Education
Act; for no other purposes, but to
rule over the nations of people in a
terroristic law.

Theodor Herzl
2). It has taken and seized individual corporate finances though Trust.
(Royal Treasures).
 It provides access to birth inheritance of nations, and citizens
through the signatures or applications of the citizens in corporate

3). It uses the Citizen’s live birth

certifications for The Fidelity Investments Company to invest
human people, as assets or investments to particular Company(s)
of interests of corporate process. The mature Profits are never
directed in the favor of the Beneficiary (citizen).

ALL CAPS NAME of birth certificates transfers each individual’s birth to a

CORPORATION NAME, from Natural Rights; to Corporate Rights.
“The capital letters in the Birth Name explains how to identify a corporation in the
United States Printing Style Manual”.
Violation of Juris Rules and Criminal Procedure.
Title 22 USIC 0.3 31.2 (3) (2017).


*Example of Natural Right: Parents shall possess the ultimate

authority of protecting their children from the education of Gender
Identity. (Juris Rules and Codes).

*Example of a corporate Right: The education of Gender Identity shall

be taught to children in all Public School Education.
(US-PL Effective 2018).

Private Companies can join the conspiracy.

a). If a private person, or business, incorporates its company with the

conspiracy; papers, documents, contacts of business, emails,
phone records, financial transaction with the conspirator
corporation; then it has joined into the conspiracy.

b) If the private company has carried out any part of the conspiracy,
or acts thereof; then it has furthered the conspiracy.

c). A person of flesh and blood is injured physically, or financially due

to the actions, of carrying out an act for the Conspiracy.

 Judicial Note: Any party of the conspiracy does not need to

know all the components, or details of the conspiracy to
establish a conviction.


The Corporation has forged a

destructive path for purpose of
protecting and adding the Khazar
Conspiracy. It has hindered and
suppressed the native people, and
its direction of prosperity.
Thus, such fear has deprived the
generations of natives from
attempting to create its true
independence from an oppressive
police state.

Fear had been implanted into

the minds of the generations to
come; so that the Natives of the
United States will never exercise
their authority in whole, to lead
in international diplomatic

The Plight toward “New World Order” has

caused the destitute of its own Caucasian
people, through the devouring of the substance
bestowed upon them by their natural rights.
Thus, has left them without bare necessities to
sustain a generation of people, who are to
come after them. The destruction bares no
discretion of punishment, to all whom the
Talmudic Law Governs.

The Education Act has become a
tool to further the crime, and its
ideology. It is being taught
unknowingly in the education of the
children through particular law,
enacted into statues or regulations.
Children become accustom to the
way of life, which society paves the
direction of thinking, morality and
social justice.

The Natives of the Land of the Americas, Amurica, or Morocco have

seceded the false delusion of justice, and proclaim a new constitution
evolved from the old constitution. It gives every citizen their due rights,
regardless of Race or gender; through code of justice under God and
then Man.
Title 22 USIC 0.2 and Title 22 USIC 0.3 Jurisdictional Powers Part I and
Part II. (2015).

Citizens Bar Association (2011).

We Hereby order a New Government, and American plan for Parens
Patriae; It shall abolish the Federal System, and in its place a detached
comprehensive geopolitical system competent in leading diplomatic
relations in the favor of the Citizens.
Title 22 USIC 0.2
Title 22 USIC 0.3
Jurisdictional Powers Part I and Part II. (2015) See Amendments.

 Any Inquiries to the above Constitutions and preambles. Please in

writing, to the United States Library of Congress requesting the
Juris Rules and Codes; (2017) Amendments.


United States Corporation Company

Company incorporated by the State of Florida in 1925 to create fictitious
corporations from birth certificates, for the purpose of funding the
direction of the Zionist Organization.

Criminal Conspiracy.
The agreement of two or more people, company(s), or government(s), to
come together for the purpose of committing crime against people, and

Referenced to (negro) or aborigine to the native land of the Americas
modernly known as the United States Corporation Company.

The process of separating the darker skinned original tribes’ men, from
the tribes who have apparent mixed genetics, or DNA, for the purpose of
creating a delusional superior race of people.

Maghrib Al Aqsa;
The Natural Land of the Americas, and native to the Moor (negro); the
annexes, or district to the Kingdom of Morocco.

The Kingdom of Morocco entered treaty with John Adams as the
Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1787.
Treaty recognizing the rights of Moors (Negros) in the United States and
abroad; Treaty recognizing the provision for the United States to operate
its Corporation Company on the land of Magrib Al Aqsa (The United

In year 650 was a Large Geographical Empire between the black Sea,
and the Caspian Sea of the Caucus Mountains.

The last real known territory of the Khazars.

Balfour Declaration 1917

Declaration had promised, if given such opportunity to develop Palestine
as a Zionist State;

Zionist Organization
Organization created by Theodor Herzl, for the purpose of creating a
Zionist State in Israel, with the ultimate goal of Talmudic Law as New
World Order. See Protocals of Zion.

Talmudic Law
The ancient law that proscribes individuals deemed as animals or
insufficient to survive; or what they would refer to as gentile, goy, or

United States Public Law 102-14; Education Act
A legal Amendment or Act, constituting the Talmudic authority into the
legislation of the American People; and to be exercised against people
referred to as gentile, goy, or goyim.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

Documents of the Bilderberg Group of 1979: The instrument of its aim
for “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” to be used against; who they refer
to as gentile, goy, or goyim.

United States Federal Law on Conspiracy.

The United States had enacted laws to prohibit conspiracy in the color of
law; and governments in Drug Conspiracy Influenced in Corrupt
Organizations. US 21 U.S.C 846 / (R.I.C.O) ACT.

Fidelity Investments Company

A United States Company; to invest human people, as the assets or
investments to particular Company(s) of interest in corporate process.

Natural Rights.
The right that People possess for determining the rights to be awarded to

Corporate Rights
The right that Fictitious Corporations possess for determining the rights
to be awarded to People.

Joining the Conspiracy.
Private Companies incorporated with the conspiracy may join the
conspiracy; if the private company furthers the conspiratorial acts,
determined through its purpose, aim, and goal.

Parens Patriae .
The mobilization of The Government of USIC (United States of Islam
and Christ) under Juris Court of Law, claiming the responsibility and
over sight of the social, and financial well-being of the Moors (negro),
and citizens of the Land of Americas; referred as the (United States
Corporation Company).


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