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Automatica.Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 471-483, 1988 0005-1098188$3.00+ 0.

Printedin GreatBritain. Pergamon Press plc.
~) 1988InternationalFederationof AutomaticControl

Flight Control Design Using Non-linear Inverse


Flight control systems based upon non-linear inverse dynamics offer the
potential of providing improved levels of safety and performance over
conventional designs developed using linearizing assumptions.
Key Words--Non-linear systems; control system design; decoupling; inverse systems; aerospace

Abstract--Aircraft in extreme flight conditions can encoun- Control laws that are based on the non-linear
ter severe non-linear effects generated from high angles of inverse dynamics (NID) of the aircraft offer the
attack and high angular rates. Flight control systems based
upon non-linear inverse dynamics offer the potential for potential for providing improved levels of
providing improved levels of safety and performance in these performance over conventional flight control
flight conditions over the competing designs developed using designs in these extreme flight conditions. This is
linearizing assumptions. Inverse dynamics are generated for
specific command variable sets of a 12-state non-linear due to the NID controller's more accurate
aircraft model to develop a control system which is valid over representation of the forces and moments that
the entire flight envelope. Detailed descriptions of the arise in response to large state and control
inertial dynamic and aerodynamic models are given, and it is
shown how the command variable sets are altered as a perturbations. These control laws also allow
function of the system state to add stall prevention features specific state variables to be commanded
to the system. Simulation results are presented for various directly. This simplifies the pilot's task of
mission objectives over a range of flight conditions to confirm
the effectiveness of the design. capturing desired flight trajectories, and it is
useful in adding stall prevention features to the
THE PROBLEM of stall/spin accidents is a The control of non-linear systems through the
particularly severe one for general aviation (GA) use of their inverse dynamics is a topic that has
aircraft. In recent years more than a tenth of all received a great deal of attention in recent years
single-engine light plane accidents, and nearly a (Falb and Wolovich, 1967; Singh and Rugh,
third of all fatal light plane accidents have been 1972; Freund, 1973, 1975; Asseo, 1973; Singh
related to stall (Stengel and Nixon, 1982). and Schy, 1979, 1980; Meyer and Cicolani, 1981;
Conventional flight control designs assume the Meyer et al. 1984; Menon et al. 1985). Asseo
aircraft dynamics are linear and time invariant (1973) showed how a simplified aircraft model
about some nominal flight condition. They could be decoupled to provide flight path angle
feature stability and command augmentation and heading angle commands to the pilot. Singh
systems to meet handling qualities criteria, with and Schy (1979, 1980) applied this same theory
gains scheduled as functions of the nominal flight to maneuvering aircraft and demonstrated how
condition. In extreme flight conditions the the roll coupling divergences associated with
performance of these systems starts to deterior- rapid open-loop maneuvers could be eliminated
ate due to the unmodelled effects of strong from the closed-loop response. In a slightly
non-linearities inherent in the flight dynamics, different approach, Meyer and Cicolani (1981)
which only become significant at high angles of and Meyer et al. (1984) construct the inverse
attack or high angular rates. dynamics of a VSTOL aircraft by using
linearizing transformations. A regulator is then
* Received 21 May 1986; revised 13 May 1987; received in designed for the transformed system, forcing it
final form 13 January 1988: The original version of this paper
was not presented at any IFAC meeting, but was presented to track the output of a reference model. Menon
at the 1986 American Control Conference, Seattle, on 18 et al. (1985) simplify the calculations of the
June 1986. This paper was recommended for publication in linearizing transformations by using singular
revised form by Associate Editor B. Friedland under the
direction of Editor H. Austin Spang III. perturbation theory. Assuming that there is a
t Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and sufficient time-scale separation between the fast
Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, NJ 08544, U.S.A. and slow modes in the system, they have shown
472 S . H . LANEand R. F. STENGEL

that the steady-state values of the fast modes can entiation operator, L~A(.), such that,
be used as control inputs to the slow modes.
This paper is part of a continuing effort of
analytical and experimental studies at Princeton
L~(x) = [-~xL*A-'(x)]A(x) (5)

(Fratter, 1982; Sri-Jayantha, 1983a,b, Ehren- L°(x) = x (6)

strom, 1983; Silhouette, 1986) investigating the
control of aircraft at high angles of attack. It simplifies the subsequent development. Using
extends the above works by developing a stall this notation to differentiate the ith component
prevention flight control system that is valid over of y yields.
the entire flight envelope for both highly )~i = C,i = CiA(x) + C,B(x)u = C,L•(x) (7)
maneuverable and GA aircraft. Through the use
of non-linear inverse dynamics, this controller
Yi~--"Cii = C i [ ~ x L~(x)]A(x)
decouples specific state variables that are of
particular interest to the pilot. The command
variables are organized in sets that can be varied q-Ci[~ ZlA(X)]B(x)u=Cit2(x) (S)
as functions of the flight phase, to provide the
pilot with a maximum of control over the aircraft
with a minimum of effort. The controller
incorporates the full non-linear inertial dynamics
and aerodynamics into its design using an
aerodynamic model based upon the Navion GA
aircraft, with elevator, aileron, rudder and
throttle deflections as the control inputs. where di is the order of the derivative of Yi
necessary to ensure that,


The objective of this section is to review the After differentiating the m elements of y, each
techniques that can be applied to develop a flight the appropriate number of times, the output
control system that is valid over the entire flight dynamics can be represented as,
envelope. These techniques are based on the
F ClL ,(x)7
construction of inverse dynamics as presented in
yea== Y~d2zl=lCzL!Z(x)
Singh and Rugh (1972) and Freund (1973) for
systems of the form,
= A(x) + B(x)n (1)
y = C(x) (2) c,
where A(x) = (n x 1) vector, B(x) = (n x m)
matrix, C(x) = (m x 1) vector. Since the aircraft C2 C2-'(x)
dynamics take the general non-linear form, + B(x)u. (11)
/t' = f(x', u') (3)
y = Cx' (4)
where x ' = ( n x l ) state vector, u ' = ( m × l ) Using the notation of Singh and Rugh (1972)
control vector, y = (l x 1) output vector, and and Freund (1973) let,
C=(lxn) constant matrix, a transformation
into the linear analytic form of (1) and (2) is A*(x) = C,[L~(x)l (12)
required. This can be accomplished by augment-
ing the system dynamics with derivatives of B*(x) = C~[~x L~-l(x)]B(x ) . (13)
appropriate control inputs.
The inverse dynamics of (1) and (2) are This allows (11) to be written in more compact
constructed by differentiating the individual notation as,
elements of y a sufficient number of times until a yCd~= A*(x) + B*(x)u. (14)
term containing a u appears. Since only m
outputs can be controlled independently with m A sufficient condition for the existence of an
inputs, it will be assumed that d i m ( y ) = inverse system model to (1) and (2) is that B* in
dim ( u ) = m . Introducing the kth-order differ- (14) be non-singular (Singh and Rugh, 1972;
Non-linear inverse dynamics flight control systems 473

Freund, 1973). If this is the case, then the closed-loop stability can be guaranteed if
inverse system model takes the form, closed-loop observability can be proven (Freund,
i = [A(x) - B(x)F(x)] + B(x)G(x)v (15) 1975). For cases where ~ d~ < n, closed-loop
u = - F ( x ) + G(x)v (16) stability can be guaranteed only locally by
where v = yCaZ is the input to the inverse system, showing that the modes made unobservable by
u is its output and the NID control law have stable dynamics over
the regions of interest in the state space.
G = [ B * ( x ) ] -~ (17)


Applying the NID control law. Now that the methods of construction of NID
control laws for general non-linear systems of
u = - F ( x ) + G(x)v (19) the form of (1) and (2) are clear, the next step is
to the original system of (1) and (2) leaves it in to apply these techniques to the equations of
the integrator-decoupled form, motion of the aircraft. Choosing a hybrid
coordinate system consisting of combined wind
yCaZ= v. (20)
and body axes, the equations of motion of an
Setting, aircraft take the form (Etkin, 1972),
V= -- Z PkYckz + Pow (21) D t~
f' . . . . g sin 7 (23)
k=O m

with yCk~ the kth derivative of the output vector 3:'= qw cos q0 - rw sin q0 (24)
y, and the Pk chosen as (m X m ) constant
diagonal matrices, gives the original system the = Pw + (qw sin qo + rw cos q0) tan ]/ (25)
decoupled linear, time-invariant dynamics, ~, = (q~ sin q~ + r~, cos qg) sec y (26)
yed~ + pa_lyCa-lz + . . . P0Y = Pow (22) & = q - qw sec/3 - (p cos oc + r sin o0 tan/3 (27)
where w is the new external control input. = rw + p sin oc - r cos o~ (28)
Figure 1 illustates the NID approach to control
law development. (t = 1 [ ~ + ixz(r2 _ p2) + (Iz~ - tx~)rp] (29)
The maximum number of poles that can be ~yy

placed with a NID control law is highly

dependent upon the choice of the elements in
the output vector y. For cases where ~ di = n, [(ff+ I~pq+(lyy-l:~)qr)](301
all the system poles can be placed, and + L ( N - l~zqr + (I~ - Iyy)pq) j (31)

v %XoF'~y.
d-I (~) PoWI - u - -F(x) . G(x)v 7 } = A(x) ÷ B(x)u

y =V

FIG. 1. Non-linear inverse dynamicscontrol system.

474 S . H . LANEand R. F. STENGEL

where l Cr
q~ = - ~ (L - mg cos 7 cos qg) (32)

I 1..--
r~ = - ~ ( - S + mg cos y sin q~) (33)
FIG. 2. Partitioning of aerodynamic data into subspaces.
p~ = p cos cr cos fl + (q - &) sin fl + r sin a~cos fl
and q.,, r.,, p., are the wind-axis angular rates; V lated in this way are Ct0, C,,o, Cno; and Ct~A, Ct,R,
is the flight path velocity; q~, y, lp are the C.,a,
wind-axis Euler angles; p, q, r are the body-axis The non-dimensional aerodynamic force
angular rates; D, S, L are the drag, side and lift coefficients (Co, Cs, Ct.) used in the calculation
forces; GP, d~, X are the rolling, pitching and of D, S and L take the general functional form,
yawing moments; or=angle of attack; and
= sideslip angle. A thrust coefficient (Cx) is
also used in the calculation of the aerodynamic fl)6A + )~,(o~,fl)6R + ~.5(oGfl)6ECT
"4- /~3(~,
forces (D,S, L) and aerodynamic moments + ;t6(~, fl)6ACT + ~.7(a~, fl)6RCT (39)
.(G~, d~, N). It is found from the thrust model,
where the ;~,. (i =0, 1, 2 . . . . . 7) are obtained
CT ~---r/P.,~x 6T (35) from the compressed bi-cubic spline
qsv representations,
where 6T is the throttle setting, r/ is the ~'i( ~', ~ ) = /~i0 q- Zil "j- ~/2~ "q")~i3&~J "~ ~i4 c~'3
propeller efficiency, q is the dynamic pressure, S "Jr"~i5~ 3 -Jr-/~i61X31~all"~.i7(~'~3 (40)
is the wing planform area and Pm~ is the
maximum power of the engine. of appropriate aerodynamic data on each data
The non-dimensional aerodynamic moment subspace of (38). The bi-cubic form is required
coefficients (G, Cm, C,,) used in the calculation to ensure that the derivatives of the aerodynamic
of GP, dd and X are assumed to be non-linear force coefficients used in the NID control laws
functions of or, fl and CT, and linear functions of are continuous across the subspace boundaries.
the elevator (6E), aileron (6A) and rudder (6R) The aerodynamic force coefficients interpolated
deflections. These non-dimensional coefficients in this way are: Coo, Cso, CLo; Co~, Cs~T, CL~;
take the general functional form, Co~, Cs~A, Cs~R, CLUE;and Co~r, CS~A,T, CS~R~,
~/ = /./0(~(, ~, CT) q"/./1(0¢, ~, CT)(~E
The aircraft equations of motion can be put in
+ l~2(cr, fl, CT)6A + #3(a~, fl, CT)6R (36) the triangular form,
where the /l~ ( i = 0 , 1, 2, 3) are obtained by il = Al(Xl, x2, Xl) (41)
interpolating actual aerodynamic data using
functions of the form, i2 --'~A2(Xl, X2, X3, Ul) jr. B2(xl, x2, X3, Ul)U 2 (42)

~/i(C~', j~, CT) = ~,lio -}- [lilO[ "~ ~li2[~ + [.li3C T .-~ ~.li40L[~ f¢3 = A3(xl, x2, x3, el, u2)

"~ ~li50cC z "4" ~li6~C T q" ~li70c[~C T. (37) + a3(xl, x2, x3, el, U2)U3 (43)

The /~j (j = 0, 1, 2 . . . . ,7) are unique constants where

associated with each subspace of aerodynamic
data, and they are derived by compressing linear Xl , X2 ~ , X3
interpolation operations into minimal realiza-
tions. The data subspaces are cubes defined by
o~, fl and CT on the intervals, (44,45,46)
I a,<a~_<a:,+~]
fl,-< fl <-fli+l / (38)
CT, ~-~ CT ~ CTi+, 3 u, = u: = [o], = 6A .

where the subscripted values of oG fl and CT (47,48,49)
define the cube boundaries shown in Fig. 2. The
non-dimensional moment coefficients interpo- These definitions allow stable inverse dynamics
Non-linear inverse dynamics flight control systems 475


FIG. 3. Triangular representation of aircraft dynamics.

to be constructed for the NID control laws. This

triangular model of the aircraft dynamics
neglects the derivatives of the aerodynamic Y¢om3= Y , y¢o,~,= (51a,b,c,d)
forces (but not the aerodynamic moments) with
respect to the control surface deflections
(rE, 6,4, 6R) and the body angular rates for aircraft with four independent control inputs.
(p, q, r). Although the system is controllable Body-axis roll rate (p) is also a candidate
through these force effects, they are small for command variable for Ycor,l and Ycom, replacing
most aircraft configurations and are not primary q0. For purposes of simulation, however, it was
paths of aerodynamic control. The principal found more convenient to work with the
function of the control surface deflections is to wind-axis roll angle (q0). Y¢oml and Y¢om3 are
impart aerodynamic moments about the various intended primarily for the take-off, landing and
body axes. It can be shown that if NID control cruising phases of flight. Y.¢o~3has the option of
laws are derived exploiting these weak force commanding either ~p or ~p, depending upon the
effects, either unrealistically large control deflec- mission objectives. The addition of Yco~2
tions will be required for small state perturba- provides the pilot with a manuever mode. This
tions, or the system will be destabilized by allows direct control over attitude, simplifying
cancelling the non-linear equivalent of non- the performance of tracking tasks and landing
minimum phase transmission zeros with unstable flare maneuvers. Y¢om, is activated by the stall
poles. The neglected force effects will however prevention logic, and supersedes all other
be included in the numerical calculations of D, S command variable sets in the event of stall.
and L used by the real-time control laws, and The NID control laws are derived by
they can be considered as disturbances (di) in the differentiating V, 7 and ~p three times; o:, fl and
block diagram representation of the triangular tp twice; and p and q once, using the aircraft
system in Fig. 3. The control input u2 in the dynamics of (23)-(34) in the triangular form of
general triangular model of (41)-(43) is not (41)-(43). Using the derivatives of the various
applicable in this study. command variables in Appendix A, A* and B*
Engine dynamics up to second order of the can be assembled for each of the command
form, variable sets. This allows the F and G of the
6"~F= k , b T + k26T + k36Teo m (50) NID control law of (19) to be computed.
also can be accomodated in the triangular model Elements of Pk that give each command variable
by making 6T and its derivative (fiT) states of the approximate response of a single-input-
the system. 6T~o~ represents the new com- single-output (SISO) linear system must also be
manded throttle setting, while k l - k 3 are engine chosen with the speed of response of the original
parameters that can vary as a function of the system in mind. Arbitrary pole placement can
flight condition. lead to a high sensitivity to plant parameter
uncertainty and an increased tendency for
APPLICATION OF NON-LINEAR INVERSE control saturation. Table 1 contains the diagonal
DYNAMICS TO FLIGHT CONTROL elements of the Pk matrices that correspond to
The first step in the design of the flight control systems with time constants of from 1-2 s. Given
system is to decide upon the command variable the dynamics of the Navion aircraft, these
sets. These sets can be selected as functions of choices of time constants are reasonable.
the flight phase; examples include: Because B* must be inverted to form the NID
control law (19), any flight conditions that cause
B* to be singular must be avoided, B* is a
function of the command set definition, so
different command vectors have different points
of singularity. As noted in Appendix B, the
476 S. H. LANEand R. F. STENGEL

Diagonal elements of Diagonal elements of

Command Command
set P2 PI Po set Pz P~ Po
-7 -15 -9 -7 -15 -9
-7 -15 -9 -7 -15 -9
Ycoml 0 -2.5 -1 Yc°m3 0 -2.5 - 1
0 -2.5 -1 0 -2.5 -1
-7 -15 -9 -7 -15 -9
0 -5 -4 0 -5 -4
Ycom2 0 -5 -4 Yeom, 0 --2.5 --1
0 --2.5 --1 0 --2.5 --1

singularities occur outside the normal flight 15

envelope of the aircraft studied.
Command variable independence also can be
maintained in the event of control saturation.
This is accomplished by dropping appropriate 10

variables from the command set, and incor-

porating the control saturation effects into the
calculation of the inverse dynamics of the
remaining command variables. Table 2 shows
the correspondence between control saturation
and command variable elimination.
To prevent the pilot from commanding trim 0 ,
conditions beyond the edges of the normal flight V . V
envelope, these edges have been implemented as
hard constraints in the various command sets.
Based upon the Navion aircraft model, Fig. 4 -5 , I l l ' i l l ' ' . . . . l . . . . .
shows the maximum flight path angle command 50 100 150 200 250
V (f t/see)
(Ycom) for a given velocity command (Vcom),
FIG. 4. Maximum steady-state flight path angle versus
while Fig. 5 shows the maximum bank angle velocity.
command (tPcom) given Vcom and ~'com. For each
value of V in Fig. 5 the left q0 boundary is based and CLmax is the trim value of the lift coefficient
upon a zero throttle setting, the right q0 (CL) at the maximum angle of attack (am~x).
boundary a full throttle setting, and the upper These constraints help to keep the pilot from
boundary is computed assuming cr = trm~x. stalling the plane in the steady state. Y¢om,is used
Given Vco,, and ~'¢om, the maximum ~, in conjunction with the activation logic of Fig. 6
command can be found from,

~max = g COS ~/com tan ~max (52)

Veom 70

where 60

(JOrnax=tan-l[~/( ~_SCLm~ ~2_ 1] (53) 5o

L --\mg cos Zoom/



Command variable affected 20

Control Command set

saturated 1 2 3 4

fiT V V V y o
fiE y q y a" -30 -25 -20 -15 -t0 -5 0 5 10 t5
5A q~ q~ ~ ¢ SAMMA {¢leg]

FIG. 5. Maximum steady-state bank angle flight envelope.

Non-linear inverse dynamics flight control systems 477

singularity conditions of Ycom, and Ycom3 in

Appendix B will not be encountered.
Simulations were conducted to evaluate the
~ff/ REGION OF performance of the NID system by flying the
,., : ,,~ + ,.,~., .-)~Vv//.__.... STALL PP-_Eva~Io. trajectory shown in Fig. 7. The maneuvers were
chosen to highlight the capabilities of the
command variables, to test the control saturation
logic, and to probe the integrity of the stall
I prevention system under transient and steady-
//I/I/, state flight conditions. The trajectories of Fig. 7
(~actlve ~ u < O~stall (~ can be divided roughly into five main segments.
Segment 1 consists of an ascent at the maximum
rate of climb using Ycom,- The stall prevention
FIG. 6. Stall prevention logic in the (0¢ &) phase plane.
system limits Y~omto be within the steady-state
flight envelope during this maneuver. Segment 2
is a constant-altitude coordinated turn per-
to prevent stalls during transient motions. The formed using ~ as a command variable of Y¢omr
angle-of-attack limiter becomes active whenever Segment 3 is a climbing banked turn using q~ in
the system enters the region designated as Y¢o~, as the relevant command variable. Segment
"Active Stall Prevention" in the (a~, &) phase 4 shows that sideslips can be executed with
plane. Once activated, a: is driven towards ~max either constant bank or heading angles. This
by Y¢o,~ until the angle-of-attack acceleration, &, depends on whether Y~om; or Yco,~3 is chosen as
associated with the pre-empted command vari- the command variable set. In the final segment,
able set is less than or equal to the Ycom3 is used to perform a descending banked
angle-of-attack acceleration commanded by the turn while simultaneously reducing the velocity
angle-of-attack limiter. At this point the stall along the flight path. The complexity of the
prevention system is disengaged, allowing the maneuver in Segment 5 tests both the stall
aircraft to be flown with the originally selected prevention system and the saturation logic.
command variable set. Defining oq,au as the Table 3 contains a detailed summary of the
angle of attack where the lift curve slope equals simulation broken down into 10-s maneuver
zero, o:m~ must be chosen just below oqta. to blocks. The simulation results of this study are
ensure that if the throttle saturates, the shown in Figs 8-12. Figure 8 shows the


15oo I 4 I
1400 ~
~laoo 1F 2
1100 /
gO0 ......................................................................................................................
-6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
x (ft)

5000 !
4000 i

0 I I
-6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
X (ft)

FIG. 7. Simulation flight trajectory in the ,,I/-Z and X - Y planes.

478 S. H . LANE and R. F. STENGEL


Command variables

Trajectory Maneuver Time Command V Y @ ~ V~ fl

segment block (s) set (ft s - l ) (deg) (deg) (deg s - ] ) (deg) (deg)

I 1 0-10 1 110----~ 125 0----~ 10 0 -- -- 0

2 10-20 3 125 10--, 0 -- - -
0 0
3 20-30 3 125 ---~ 145 0 ~ -- 0 0

2 4 30-40 3 145 0 -- 0--, 10 -- 0

5 40-50 3 145 0 -- 10---~ 0 -- 0

3 6 50-60 1 145 0--* 5 0---* 30 -- -- 0

7 60-70 1 145 5 30---*0 -- -- 0
8 70-80 1 145 5--*0 0 -- -- 0

4 9 80-90 1 145 0 0 -- -- 0---, -I0

10 90-100 1 145--* 150 0 0 -- -- -10
11 100-110 3 150 0 -- -- 180 - 10---, 0

5 12 110-120 3 150 0 ~ -- 180 0

13 120-130 3, 4 150----~ 130 0---* - 5 ~ 0---* 15 -- 0
14 130-140 3 130 -5 -- 15 --0 0 -- 0
15 140-150 3 130 -5---*0 -- 360 0



to ]o
rl~ rseel

/ )room
- to r- i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ymo~

-k ___2/.- r

tl'l~ IN¢I


~* ..... . ,; . . . . . . &. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . ,~.... -: '.. ~i** ,~. ii. . . . . . . . i~ i;, "i~,

T i m Iiiw}


" ~ ,0 2, ' ~ . . . . . . . . ,~ . . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . ao 7, " ~. " 9*...... io; i~o i~ ;i, i,o .... ~
TII~ [secl

fl~TA v5 TIME

60 70 80 RO 100 rio 120 130 X4O 150

FIG. 8. C o m m a n d v a r i a b l e s (V, y, rp, ~p, fl) v e r s u s time.

60 ANGULAR RATES (p. q. r ) vs TIME
Is f

40 1o t ........ ,~-r


- ,10
-1°o .... 1o. . . . . . . . . ~ ....... 3o 4o so 60 70 oo 90 ,oo : "~'11o
I'IWE (sec] 120 i30 146 t50

FIG. 9. Angular rates (p, q, r) versus time.

[.I ~ - - THROTTLE vs TIME

d .6
N .5
~ .4


rIME (~ec|


u~ 15 l-.o
M io

u_ O
o~ O

u -J5
0 10 20 36 40 50 60 70 80 90 |00 110 t20 130 140 150
I:IWE Isec}

FIG. 10. Control deflections (GT, 6E, 6A, 6R) versus time.

20 ALPHA vs T I M E

t5 a - timiter . ~ - . Disengaged


......... 1o . . . . . . . . . 2'0 . . . . . . . . . 3~ ......... 4o ......... 5o ......... 6o ......... 7o ......... 6'0 . . . . . . . . . go ........ ~oo ...... ~o ....... i~o ....... ,3o ....... 14o ..... ~5o ,..,)
TIWE [see)

FIG. 11. Angle of attack versus time.

480 S . H . LANEand R. F. STENGEL


5 6 7 8 g t0 i! t2 t3 ~.4 15 t6 t7 t8 19 20
ALPHA (aeo)
F[o. 12. Stall prevention in the (o~, &) phase plane.

command variable inputs and the corresponding and Stengel, 1987), their digital implementation
time histories, while Figs 9 and 10 show the in a multi-microprocessor environment and
resulting angular rates and control deflections. testing using a fixed-base flight simulator. Future
The stall prevention results can be most work will concentrate on updating the non-linear
dramatically seen in Figs 11 and 12. Figure 11 interpolation operators defined over each aer-
shows angle of attack (a0 being limited to odynamic data subspace by using parameter
ocm~ = 17° in manuever 13, while Fig. 12 shows identification techniques. This will produce an
the corresponding phase plane trajectory. adaptive flight control system that continually
Immediately after issuing the ~P:om= 0 at the improves with time as better aerodynamic
start of manuever 14, the stall prevention system estimates are used in the construction of the
disengages and angle of attack is allowed to aircraft's inverse dynamics.
again follow an unconstrained course.

As can be seen from the simulated results, the Asseo, S. J. (1973). Decoupling of a class of nonlinear
systems and its application to an aircraft control problem.
flight control system designed using NID allows AIAA J. Aircraft, 10, 739-747.
the aircraft to be flown by the pilot with Ehrenstrom, W. A. (1983). A lateral-directional controller
command variable inputs that reflect the goal of for high-angle-of-attack flight. M.S.E. Thesis, Princeton
the particular flight phase, and which are valid Etkin, B. (1972). Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight. John
over the entire flight envelope. In addition, the Wiley, New York.
command variables have low order dynamics, Falb, P. L. and W. A. Wolovich (1967). Decoupling in the
design and synthesis of multivariable control systems.
and time constants which can be selected as 1EEE Trans. Aut. Control, AC-12, 651-659.
functions of the flight condition. The system Fratter, C. (1982). Determination of aerodynamic
maintains command variable independence even coefficients for the avionics research aircraft using
estimation-before-modeling techniques. M.S.E. Thesis,
in the event of control saturation, and it prevents Princeton University.
the pilot from entering stalls through steady- Freund, E. (1973). Decoupling and pole assignment in
state flight envelope boundary constraints and nonlinear systems. Electron. Lett., 9, 373-374.
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system. This will lead to improved levels of Nonlinear flight test trajectory controllers for aircraft.
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designs developed using linearizing Meyer, G. and L. Cicolani (1981). Application of nonlinear
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N o n - l i n e a r i n v e r s e d y n a m i c s flight c o n t r o l s y s t e m s 481

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Silhouette, X. (1986). Estimation of the aerodynamic The derivatives of appropriate order of the command
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Singh, S. N. and W. J. Rugh (1972). Decoupling in a class of the interpolating functions in (36) and (37) and (39) and (40).
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360-370. zT = [V y o:fl CT ~1 (AI)
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research. IEEE Trans. Aero. Elec. Syst., V AES-19,
59-70. 0 -rag sin y 0 0 0
Sri-Jayantha, M. (1983). Data aquisition and aerodynamic
coefficient estimation at high angles of attack. Ph.D. D~ 0 0 D~,# D~cv 0
Dissertation, Princeton University. D#o 0 D#:, 0 Dacr 0 (A3)
Stengel, R. F. and W. B. Nixon (1982). Investigation of the
stalling characteristics of a general aviation aircraft. AIAA Dcw 0 Dcr~ Dcra 0 0
J. Aircraft, 19, 425-434. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Q, = [(L v - mq,) mgsinycosq~ L~, L# LeT mgcos),sin~o] (A4)

Lvv 0 L,~,,, L,,# L,,c.r 0

0 -rag cos y cos q0 0 0 0 -rag sin y sin ¢p

Q2 = L~ 0 0 L~# L~,cr 0 (A5)

L#o 0 Lo,, 0 L#cr 0
Lc~ 0 Lc~ LeT O 0 0
0 -rag sin y sin q0 0 0 0 mg cos ~, cos cp

Rt=[(S~+mr~) mgsinysincp S~ So Scr -mgcosycosqo] (A6)

so~ o s.. so~ s.~ 0

0 mg cos y sin tp 0 0 0 mg sin y cos,

R2= S~
o s~
0 S,,#

Scro 0 Scr~ SCTO 0 0

0 mg sin y cos cp 0 0 0 mg cos y sin q~

Derivatives up to second order of the wind-axis pitch and Command variable derivatives
yaw rates (qw, r.,) will be required in the NID control laws.
These can be expressed in terms of the previously defined z,
Q1, Q2, RI, R2 as, ~" = "-~ (D + mg sin y) (A13)
ow= g-p (Q:) (AS) I
V117" = -_' 1~ (~,z.) (A14)
.. 1
qw = ~ (z. rQ2z + Q l z - 2ml;'~w) (A9) k P = _~2 (~rN2 ~ + @lZ) (A15)

/'w = ~VV(R,.~) (A10) [ ~' = qw cos ~0 - r. sin ~0

] ~ = (q~, cos ~ - ~, sin q~) - (q~ sin ~o + r~ cos q~)4~

?w=~VV(2rR2 ~ + g l z + 2m12~w). (All) Y~ (A17)

['~ = -(q,, cos tp - rw sin ~)4v2 - 2(0w sin q0 +/'w cos q0)~
The first derivative of the wind-axis (p~) roll rate will also be ~
used. This is given by, /~. -(q,, sin q0+ r,, cos q0)t~+ (#w cos q0 - ~,, sin q0)
/~, = (/~ cos ot + ~ sin o:) sec fl + (r cos oc - p sin o0 sec fl& t"
+ ((p cos o: + r sin or) tan fl + qw see/~) sec fl/~ q I0 = L [.a + Ixz(r2 _p2) + (I,, - Ixx)rp] (A19)
+ t~,, tan ft. (A12) L
482 S.H. LANE and R. F. STENOEL

"&= q - %, sec fl - (p cos o~ + r sin or) tan fl (A20) CONDITIONS
ot & = q - q w s e c f + ( p s i n o t - r c o s o t ) t a n f &
- ( % sin # + p cos ot + r sin or) sec z 3fi The B* matrices can be considerably simplified if the
following notation is introduced. Let,
- ( p cos ot + f sin o0 tan/3 (A21)
• fi = r , + p sin ~r - r cos o~ (A22) P =/~o +PrA 6A +PeRrR (B1)
13 /3 = ~., + p sin o r - f cos ot + (p cos ot + r sin or)& (A23)
cl = ?lo + gl,~e6E (B2)
~ = p ~ + (sin qo tan Y)qw + (cos qo tan y)r., (A24)
~ 0 =Pw + (qw cos q0 - r~, sin cp) tan 7c~ i" = i*0 + i'6AOA + r r R r R (B3)
rP / +(q~, sin ~ + r~, cos ~) sec2 ,(9
&= 6to +&rErE + &&~6A + ii%R6R (B4)
I,. + (q sin qo + i cos cp) tan y (A25)
"~ = (%, sin qo + r,~ cos cp) sec y (A26) = flO + fl6A 6A + fl6R6R (B5)
~) = (q., sin cp + #w cos q0 + ( % cos qo - r~ sin q0)~0) s e c r
(o = (0o + (06A6A + ~rarR (B6)
+ ( % sin q0 + rw cos cp) tan y sec Y9 (A27)
= (qw sin qo + ~:,,cos ~ + 2(~., cos qo - ~., sin cp)@ #w = q~o + q~rr6T~om + q ~ e 6E + q~ra 6A + i ? ~ r R (B7)
~p - ( q . sin qo + r~ cos ~o)~ 2
~ =i:~o + /~er6Tco= + i%eerE + i~ahA + ?~urR (B8)
+ (q~ cos qo - r~, sin cp)~b) sec y
+ 2(q~ sin ~p + G cos qo where the terms containing the subscripts 6T, 6E, 6A, 6R
+ ( % cos cp - r,, sin cp)~)(tan Y sec y)~ represent the control derivatives, and the 0 subscripts
represent the remaining terms after all the control effects
+ (q~ sin q~ + r~ cos qo)(1 + sin z y)(sec 3 y)~,2 have been considered.
+ (tan y sec y)~ (A28) For Y~o~, = [V r cp/31"r,

_DrT ( q ~ r cos q~ - ?~,r sin q~) 0 0


- - - D~&6E (q~E cos ~o - t:~E sin ~) 0 0
(B*) r = (B9)
(q~5, cos qo - / ~ A sin ~o) - (q.. sin qo + r~ cos rp)~e.~

(D"&eR + DO/36R) (q-~a cos qo -/;~rR sin ¢p) - (q~ sin qo + r~ cos rp)tp~ R

This matrix becomes singular when, or when q0 = - t a n - 1 (CLJCs,). Since Cs~ << Ca~ except for
angles of attack near the point where L~, equals zero (~qt,,),
F 1 ~--~
det (B*) = 0 = i.m
1 "
qee sec fl(15eaiea
-/~6a~;~a)] this singularity condition is avoided as the stall prevention
./ system enforces ¢l'ma x < 0(stal I.
For yT~2 = [V q p 3] T
• [(Dc, L r T - DerL~) cos cp + (Dc~SeT- DerS=) sin qo].
--°rr 0 o 0
Since (/56af~A--/56af6n)<0 over the entire flight envelope
for the Navion aircraft, det (B*) = 0 when,
D~ ~re q~e 0 0
[ (DrTL~ - D~'Lrr] (Bll) m
(B*) T =
cp = tan -1 [ (SorD~ - S~D~r J"
_ 1_ (DaS,5 A + Ooflra) 0 ~OrA BrA
Normal flight conditions for this aircraft produce singular m
bank angles of approximately 90 ° as,

(DnrL~-D~L~r) = b >5. (B12) m

(SerD~, - S,,Drr) (B14)
If the throttle saturates, however, the first row and column of
1 . . . . .
B* must be truncated. In this case a singularity condition det (B*) = - - - O~rqee cos Ot(peRr~a - p r A r r R ) • (B15)
occurs when, m

1 . Since det (B*) = 0 only when ot = 90 °, Y¢om,. is valid over the

det (B*) = ~ q6e(Lc, cos ~ + S~, sin q0)(ab6RkaA - P6A/;6R) = 0
full flight envelope.
(B13) For Y~o~3 = f r y ~fllW
Non-linear inverse dynamics flight control systems 483

06 T
(#~,r COS q0 - ?,,or sin qo) (~w6r sin qo + ?w6r cos q0) 0

D~ ..
lrl ( # , ~ COSq0 -- ~:'~e sin qo) ( # ~ r sin q0 + r~6Ecos q0) 0
(B.) r = (/]woA cos qo - i,,~, sin q0) (#w~. sin qo + r,~A cos ~) /~a
~mI (D~&nA+ Da]JeA) (B16)
- ( q , sin ~o + r~ cos ~0)¢~0A +(qw cos q~ - r.~ sin q o ) ~ a

-~ (D~&~R +Da/~) ( # ~ s COS q0 - ~:.,~ sin qo) (#w~ sin qo + ~ : ~ cos qo) /~R
- ( q w sin qo - r~ cos q~)¢e~ +(q~ cos tp + r~ sin $)¢~R

This matrix becomes singular when, When fl = 0, Ic/dl >25. Therefore bank angles up to 75*
would require lateral accelerations in excess of 7 gs (when
det (B*) = 0 = (rag cos y cos qo + mVq)(D6rL ~ - D=L6r )
n = 1) to encounter these singularity conditions within the
+ (mg cos y sin q0 - mVrw)(D6rS~ - D~S6r). (B17) normal flight envelope. In the event of throttle saturation,
Since / \1 2

L = mVq~ +mg cos y cos cp (BI8)

and (B22)
S = mg cos ~, sin q0 - mVrw (B19)
Since Cs~ << C ~ when o:=.~ < oqt.n , this singularity condition
the singularity condition for this B* matrix is, also occurs outslde the normal flight envelope.
For r
S = (D~rL=-D=L6r)
(S6rD~ S~D,r) = d' (B20)
r (#w~r cos qo - ?w~r sin cp) 0 0 ]
Assuming the aircraft is in a coordinated turn (zero sideslip / (/i'vE c°s cP - ~'6E sin q°) &,e 0
angle) as shown in Fig. 13, where L = n(mg), and n is the
load factor, then the singularity condition occurs when the , x _ / (#~a cos q0 - ~:.,~,tsin qo)
lateral acceleration of the flight path is given by,
(B) -
/ ,
- ( q ~ sm ,.
qo + r., cos Cp)%A ~dbA •6A ~6A

S--= ng[sin q~ + dC°S (B21) i. --(qw sin qo + rw cos q0)C~6R


det (B*) = q6e sec fl(L6r cos cp + Set sin qg)

x 0~eRe~, - P~,~6R). (B24)
Since Y~o=, is only active when o~> el'active, and for the Navion
aircraft at these values of angle of attack Ct,6r> 3Cs6r, the
singularity condition,

cp = - t a n -1 [(CL,r/Cs6r)] (B25)
occurs at values of qo in excess of 70*. In the event of throttle
FIO. 13. Forces in a coordinated turn (fl = 0). saturation, however, Ycor~ has no singularity conditions.

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