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SEATWORKS: CHAPTER 4 (MATERIAL: Slides Provided, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics, DIT Gillesania)

Relative Equilibrium of Liquids (Draw Diagrams for each problem)

1. An open rectangular tank mounted on a truck is 5 m long, 2 m wide and 2.5 m high is filled with water to a
depth of 2 m.
a) What maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank without spilling any water
b) Determine the accelerating force on the liquid mass.
c) If the acceleration is increased to 6 m/s2, how much water is spilled out?
2. A closed cylindrical tank 1.5 m in diameter and 4 m long is completely filled with gasoline ( = 0.82) and
accelerated horizontally at 3 m/s2. Find the total force acting at the rear wall and at the front wall of the tank.
Find also the accelerating force on the fluid mass.
3. A closed rectangular tank 4 m long, 2 m wide and 2 m high is filled with water to a depth of 1.8 m. If the
allowable force at the rear wall of the tank is 200 kN, how fast can it be accelerated horizontally?
4. An open tank 1.82 m square weighs 3,425 N and contains 0.91 m of water. It is acted by an unbalanced force
of 10,400 N parallel to a pair of sides. What is the force acting in the side with the smallest depth?
5. An open cylindrical tank having a bottom width of 3 m is 2 m high, 1.5 m wide, and has its sides inclined 60°
with horizontal. It is filled with water to a depth of 1.5 m. if the tank is accelerated horizontally along its
length at 4.5 m/s2, how much water is spilled out?
6. A vessel 3 m diameter containing 2.4 m of water is being raised.
a) Find the pressure at the bottom of the vessel in kPa when the velocity is constant
b) Find the pressure at the bottom of the vessel when it is accelerating 0.6 m/s2 upwards.
7. A vessel containing oil is accelerated on a plane inclined 15° with the horizontal at 1.2 m/s2. Determine the
inclination of the oil surface when the motion is (a) upwards, and (b) downwards.
8. An open tank containing oil ( 0.8) is accelerated vertically at 8 m/s2. Determine the pressure 3 m below
the surface if the motion is,
a) Upward with a positive acceleration
b) Upward with a negative acceleration
c) Downward with a positive acceleration
d) Downward with a negative acceleration
9. A cylindrical water tank used in lifting water to the top of a tower is 1.5 m high. If the pressure at the bottom
of the tank is must not exceed 16 kPa, what maximum vertical acceleration can be imposed in the cylindrical
when it is filled with water.
10. An open cylindrical vessel having a height equal to its diameter is half – filled with water and revolved about
its own vertical axis with a constant angular speed of 120 rpm. Find its minimum diameter so that there can be
no liquid spilled.
11. An open cylindrical tank 1.6 m in diameter and 2 m high is full of water. When rotated about its vertical axis
at 30 rpm, what would be the slope of the water surface at the rim of the tank?
12. An open cylindrical vessel 1.2 m in diameter and 2.1 m high is 2/3 full of water. Compute the amount of water
in liters that will be spilled out is the vessel is rotated about its vertical axis at a constant angular speed of 90
13. An open cylindrical tank, 2 m in diameter and 4 m high contains water to a depth of 3 m. it is rotated about its
own vertical axis with a constant angular speed 𝜔.
a) If 𝜔 = 3 rad/sec, is there any liquid spilled?
b) What maximum value of 𝜔 (in rpm) can be imposed without spilling any liquid?
c) If 𝜔 = 8 rad/s, how much water is spilled out and to what depth will the water stand when brought to rest?
d) What angular speed 𝜔 (in rpm) will just zero the depth of water at the center of the tank?
e) If 𝜔 = 100 rpm, how much area at the bottom of the tank is uncovered?
14. An open vertical cylindrical vessel, 2 m in diameter and 4 m high is filled with water to the top. If rotated on
its own vertical axis in order to discharge a quantity of water to uncover a circular area at the bottom of the
vessel 1 m in diameter:
a) Determine the angular speed in rpm,
b) How much water is left in the cylinder after rotation?
15. A 1.90 m diameter closed cylinder, 2.75 m high is completely filed with oil having sp. gr. of 0.8 under a pressure
of 5 kg/cm2 at the top.
a) What angular speed can be imposed on the cylinder so that the maximum pressure at the bottom of the tank
is 14 kg/cm2?
b) Compute the pressure force exerted by oil on the tank in kg.
16. An open cylindrical tank having a radius of 300 mm and a height of 1.2 m is full of water. How fast should it
be rotated about its own vertical axis so that 75% of its volume will be spilled out?
17. An open cylindrical tank 1 m in diameter and 3 m high is full of water. At what speed (in rpm) must it be rotated
to discharge 1/3 of its content.
18. An open vessel, 500 mm in diameter and filled with water, is rotated about is vertical axis at such velocity that
the water surface 100 mm from the axis makes an angle of 40o with the horizontal. Compute the speed of rotation
in rpm.
19. An open cylindrical tank 1.2 m in diameter and 1.8 m deep is filled with water and rotated about its own axis at
60 revolutions per minute. How much liquid is spilled and what is the pressure at the center of its own bottom?
20. A closed cylindrical vessel, 2 m in diameter and 4 m high is filled with water to a depth of 3m and rotated about
its own vertical axis at a constant angular speed, 𝜔. The air inside the vessel is under a pressure of 120 kPa.
a) If 𝜔 = 12 rad/sec, what is the pressure at the center circumference at the bottom of the tank?
b) What angular speed 𝜔 will just zero the depth of the water at the center?
c) If 𝜔 = 20 rad/sec, how much area at the bottom is uncovered?
21. A closed vertical cylindrical vessel, 1.5 m in diameter and 3.6 m high is 3/4 full of brine (s = 1.3) and is revolved
about its vertical axis with a constant angular speed. The vessel is made up of steel 9 mm thick with an allowable
tensile stress of 85 MPa and has a small opening at the center of the top cover.
a) If the angular speed is 210 rpm, what is maximum the stress in the walls?
b) To what maximum angular speed can the vessel be revolved?
22. A 1.8 m diameter closed cylinder, 2.7 m high is completely filled with glycerin having sp. gr. of 1.6 under a
pressure of 245 kPa at the top. The steel plates which form the cylinder are 5 mm thick with an ultimate tensile
stress of 82 MPa. How fast can it be rotated about its vertical axis to the point of bursting?
23. The 1.5 m diameter impeller of a closed centrifugal water pump is rotated at 1500 rpm. If the casing is full of
water, what pressure is developed by rotation?
24. A conical vessel with sides inclined 300 with its vertical axis is revolved about another axis 1 m from its own
and parallel. How many revolutions per minute must it make in order that water poured into it will be entirely
discharge by the rotative effect?
25. A 75 mm diameter pipe, 2 m long is just filled with oil (sp. gr. = 0.822) and then capped, and place on horizontal
position. It is rotated at 27.5 rad/sec about a vertical axis 0.5 m from one end (outside the pipe). What is the
pressure in kPa at the far end of the pipe?
26. A glass U-tube vertical stems are 300 mm apart is filled with mercury to a depth of 150 mm in the vertical stems.
It is rotated about a vertical axis through the midpoint of the horizontal section. What angular speed 𝜔 will
produce a pressure of absolute zero in the mercury at the axis?
27. A glass U-tube whose vertical stems are 600 mm apart is filled with mercury to a depth of 200 mm in the vertical
stems. It is rotated about a vertical axis through its horizontal base 400 mm from one stem. How fast should it
be rotated so that the difference in the mercury levels in the stems is 200 mm?
28. A glass tubing consist of 5 vertical stems which are 500 mm apart connected to a single horizontal tube. The
tube is filled with water to a depth of 500 mm in the vertical stems. How fast should it be rotated about and axis
through the middle stem to just zero the depth of water in that stem?
29. A 75 mm diameter pipe, 2 m long is filled with water and capped at both ends. It is held on a plane inclined 600
with the horizontal and rotated about a vertical axis through its lower end with a constant angular speed of 5
a) Compute the pressure at the upper end of the pipe
b) Determine the minimum pressure and its location in the pipe.
30. A cylindrical bucket 150 mm in diameter and 200 mm high contains 150 mm of water. A boys swings swing
the bucket on a vertical plane so that the bottom of the bucket describes a circle of radius 1 m. how fast should
it be rotated so that no water will be spilled?
31. A cubical tank is filled with 2 m of oil having sp. gr. of 0.8. Find the force acting on one side of the tank when
the acceleration is 5 m/s2
a) Vertically upward
b) Vertically downward

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