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Holm Road, Crossford Page: 1

New houses Made by:

Foundation - Ground beams Date: 23.03.18
Ref No:
Office: 6082

Location Ex1 Combined compression and bending on substantial section

Analysis of rectangular beam section to EC2 Part 3 and/or Part 1-1

─┬─ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ─┬──┬─ Section under consideration
─┼─ █ o o o █ │ │ is assumed to be subjected
d'─┘ █ █ │ │ primarily to bending.
█ █ │d │h
█ █ │ │ b = breadth of section
█ █ │ │ d = effective depth to
█ o o o o o █ ─┴─ │ tension reinforcement
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ─┴─ d'= depth to compression

Design partial safety factor gams=1.15 (reinforcement)

Design BM before redistribution MEd'=91.9 kNm
Design BM after redistribution MEd=78.15 kNm
Service moment My'=55.96 kNm
Maximum permissible crack width wk=0.3 mm
As a maximum crack width of 0.3 mm has been specified, no checking will
be undertaken to ensure that BS8007 requirements are satisfied.
Shear force due to ultimate loads VEd=105 kN
Ultimate axial load (Tension -ve) NEd'=0 kN
Service axial load (Tension -ve) N'=0 kN
Char.cylinder compres.strength fck=30 N/mm2 (concrete)
Secant modulus of elasticity Ecm=TABLE 3.11 for fck=30
=33 kN/mm2
Characteristic steel strength fyk=500 N/mm2
All reinforcement to be high-yield ribbed bars.
Elastic modulus of reinforcement Es=200000 N/mm2
Overall depth of concrete section h=450 mm
Breadth of concrete section b=600 mm
Calculation assumes that cement Class R will be used. At 3-days the
mean concrete tensile strength is fctm3=TABLE 5.1 for fck=30
=1.92 N/mm2
Diameter of tension bars diat=16 mm
Number of tension bars ntb=4
Maximum dia.of coarse aggregate hagg=20 mm
Area of tension steel provided AsBot=(ntb*PI*diat^2)/4
=804.2 mm2
Percentage of tension steel pbot=100*AsBot/(b*h)
=0.2979 %
Diameter of shear links dial=10 mm
Characteristic strength of links fyv=500 N/mm2

Durability and cover to reinforcement

Life of structure 50 years
Exposure class XC4
Designed concrete C 30 /37
Minimum cover covern=50 mm
Fixing tolerance tol=10 mm
Holm Road, Crossford Page: 2
New houses Made by:
Foundation - Ground beams Date: 23.03.18
Ref No:
Office: 6082
Nominal cover (Cl. cover=60 mm
Chosen fire resistance period fire=0.5 hours
Nominal cover to beam sides covsid=50 mm
Min axis distance to beam soffit asoffr=TABLE 5.51 for b=600
=15 mm
Min axis distance to beam sides asider=TABLE 5.52 for b=600
=15 mm
Axis distance provided (soffit) asoffp=78 mm
Axis distance provided (sides) asidep=68 mm
The beam breadth 600 mm and selected 60 mm nominal soffit cover
and 50 mm nominal beam side cover will provide a fire period
of 0.5 hour/s, hence satisfactory.

Spacing of tension bars spac=148 mm

Chosen effective depth of section d=372 mm
Diameter of compression bars diac=16 mm
Number of compression bars ncb=4
Area of compr.steel provided AsTop=(ncb*PI*diac^2)/4
=804.2 mm2
Percentage of compression steel ptop=100*AsTop/(b*h)
=0.2979 %
Spacing of compression bars spac'=148 mm
Chosen depth to compression bars d'=78 mm

Main reinforcement
Partial safety factor for steel gams=1.15
Char yield strength of reinft. fyk=fy=500 N/mm2
Partial safety factor for conc. gamc=1.5
Char cylinder compress strength fck=30 N/mm2 (concrete)
Design yield strength of reinft. fyd=fyk/gams=500/1.15=434.8 N/mm2
Redistribution ratio delta=M/Mbef=78.15/91.9=0.8504
Percentage redistribution percnt=(1-delta)*100=(1-0.8504)*100
=14.96 %
It is usual practice in the UK to restrict x/d to 0.45
Limit on factor delta=0.85
Factor K'=0.597*delta-0.18*delta^2-0.209
Factor K=M*1E6/(b*d^2*fck)
No compression reinforcement required.
Lever arm z=d/2*(1+SQR(1-3.529*K))
=361.4 mm
Reduce lever arm to z=0.95*d=0.95*372=353.4 mm
Depth to neutral axis x=2.5*(d-z)=2.5*(372-353.4)
=46.5 mm
Tension reinforcement required As=M*1E6/(fyd*z)
=508.6 mm2
Holm Road, Crossford Page: 3
New houses Made by:
Foundation - Ground beams Date: 23.03.18
Ref No:
Office: 6082
Mean width of the tension zone bt=bw=600 mm
Mean value axial tensile strength fctm=0.3*fck^(2/3)=0.3*30^(2/3)
=2.896 N/mm2
Minimum reinforcement required Asmin=0.26*fctm*bt*d/fyk
=336.2 mm2
Breadth of section bw=600 mm
Maximum reinforcement permitted Asmax=0.04*bw*h=0.04*600*450
=10800 mm2
Percentage area steel required rho=100*As/(bw*d)=100*508.6/(600*372)
=0.2279 %
Number of tension bars required nbart=INT(As/(PI*dia^2/4))+1
Number of bars to be used ntb=4
Area of tension steel provided Aspr=AsBot=804.2 mm2
Steel to resist direct tension Ast=0 mm2
Total area of tension steel reqd. Asreq=As+Ast=508.6+0=508.6 mm2/m,
where Ast is reinforcement required to resist applied direct tension.
As area of tension reinforcement provided ( i.e. 804.2 mm2/m ) is
greater than that required ( 508.6 mm2/m ), the resistance of the
section to ultimate limit-state forces is satisfactory.

Shear resistance
Effective breadth for shear bw=b=600 mm
Maximum concrete strut capacity VRdm=0.2*fck*(1-fck/250)*bw*d/10^3
=1178 kN
Design shear stress vEd=VEd*10^3/(0.9*bw*d)
=0.5227 N/mm2
Strength reduction factor v=0.6*(1-fck/250)=0.6*(1-30/250)
=0.528 N/mm2
Concrete strut capacity vRdm=0.138*fck*(1-fck/250)
=3.643 N/mm2
Ratio shear area to spacing Asw's=vEd*bw/(fyd*2.5)
Minimum ratio area to spacing Aswm=0.08*bw*fck^0.5/fy
Minimum area to spacing ratio Asw's=Aswm=0.5258
Number of shear legs nsl=2
Area of shear legs Asw=nsl*PI/4*dial^2=2*3.142/4*10^2
=157.1 mm2
Spacing of links smax=INT(Asw/Asw's)=INT(157.1/0.5258)
=298 mm
Maximum spacing limited smax=0.75*d=0.75*372=279 mm
Chosen spacing s=250 mm
Holm Road, Crossford Page: 4
New houses Made by:
Foundation - Ground beams Date: 23.03.18
Ref No:
Office: 6082
SHEAR SUMMARY Shear force 105 kN
Design shear strength 0.5227 N/mm2
Concrete strut capacity 3.643 N/mm2
Area/spacing ratio 0.5258
Diameter of links 10 mm
Area of links 157 mm2
Maximum spacing 279 mm
(based on 0.75d)
Actual spacing 250 mm

Applied service moment

The tensile force is considered to act at the level of tension reinfor-
cement. As the section is balanced by taking moments about the tension
reinforcement, the applied service moment has not been modified to take
account of any secondary moment due to the axial force.

Flexural cracking caused by loading - beam tension face

Modular Ratio ae=Es/(Ecm*1000)=200000/(33*1000)
compute comp1=-(ae-1)*As2-ae*AsBot
compute comp2=2*b*((ae-1)*AsBot*2*d'+ae
compute comp3=((ae-1)*As2+ae*AsBot)^2
Depth of neutral axis x=(comp1+(comp3+comp2)^0.5)/b
=82.58 mm
The expression for the stress in the tension steel can be obtained by
taking moments about the level of the compressive force in the concrete.
Coefficient for long-term loading kt=0.4
Mean concrete tensile strength fctm28=TABLE 3.1 for fck=30
=2.9 N/mm2
Mean concrete tensile strength fcteff=fctm28=2.9 N/mm2
The lesser value of the following concrete tension areas governs:
Tension area 1 a1=b*2.5*(h-d)=117000 mm2
Tension area 2 a2=b*(h-x)/3=73485 mm2
Tension area 3 a3=b*h/2=135000 mm2
Effective concrete tension area Aceff=73485 mm2
Effective reinforcement ratio ppeff=AsBot/Aceff=804.2/73485
Stress in the tension steel σs sigs=Mdisp*10^6/((d-x/3)*AsBot)
=202 N/mm2
compute comp=kt*fcteff/ppeff*(1+ae*ppeff)
Holm Road, Crossford Page: 5
New houses Made by:
Foundation - Ground beams Date: 23.03.18
Ref No:
Office: 6082
Crack inducing strain in concrete ecr=(sigs-comp)/Es=(202-113)/200000
Minimum crack inducing strain ecr=0.6*sigs/Es=0.6*202/200000
Coefficient (ribbed bars) k1=0.8
Coefficient (for flexure) k2=0.5
Maximum crack spacing (Exp. 7.11) srmax=3.4*c+0.425*k1*k2*diat/ppeff
=486.5 mm
Crack width (Expression 7.8) wk1=srmax*ecr=486.5*0.0006
=0.2948 mm
The crack width 0.2948 mm is less than the permissible value
of 0.3 mm hence satisfactory.

REINFORCEMENT Tension steel: Diameter 16 mm

SUMMARY Number 4
Spacing 148 mm
Area required 508.6 mm2
Area provided 804.2 mm2
Percentages provided 0.2979 %
Weight provided 6.313 kg/m
Compression steel: Diameter 16 mm
Number 4
Spacing 148 mm
Area required 0 mm2
Area provided 804.2 mm2
Percentages provided 0.2979 %
Weight provided 6.313 kg/m
Shear links: Diameter 10 mm
Spacing 250 mm
Number of legs 2
Weight (approx.) 4.044 kg/m
Cover to all steel 60 mm
Total weight of steel (approx.) 16.67 kg/m

satisfies: 1. Ultimate limit-state

2. Service limit-state of cracking in flexure
3. Fire-resistance requirements

Calculated Flexure: In tension face: between bars 0.2948 mm


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