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Sergio Botero

Describe the Topic or Topics for your video: The theme of the video is about
explaining how the Luis Angel Arango Library has contributed in my education
as a student and as a person. On the other hand, I also want to show how this is
one of the most important cultural spaces of the city.

Scripts (Plan the Dialogues and scenes for your video):

This is a part of the introduction: “Hello, my name is Sergio and I study music at
Javeriana University. It's been a while since I came to the Luis Angel Arango
Library, in fact since I was in elementary school. I can say that I had the
opportunity to find a place where culture and knowledge are the fundamental

When we go on the music room: “Now we are in the music room. this room has
four rooms with piano so that students can study their instrument. It also has
hundreds of copies of inditas scores.”

Video Plan Description: In the video I will talk about the historical context of the
Luis Angel Arango Library (about 1 minute). Along with this, I will show some
facilities of the library, such as the study rooms, the children's library and
especially the music room (around 2-3 minutes). To finish I will give a general
opinion of the entire library

Participants: My recording partner will be my friend Juan David Muñoz

Planning Time: We hope to be around 2-3 hours in the library. we depend on

some rooms that are not open to the public.

Recording Time: Taking into account that we will be in several places in the
library, our estimated time is around 4-5 minutes.

Materials: Camera, computer, and maybe a notebook (I will need some notes)


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