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Cee Ota nM Moby Dick Moby Dick This epic American novel tells the story of Captain Ahab's peer yer arene coer ore meyers eae ee eer eee P ere Se ee eee eee te ee eee ee ee ener historieal background, cultural connections and other topics er ee eee et ee por er ee ner ne TTS ee oe emnce ent vert ons ened Peron) Perea ta) pomreseentenrt Bsn anda: Naa oat Preure restr: Lars Lagoarsino Prue ces SCORE 4 john Speinger Clon CORMS 6 SCOR SCANT Gage Cal ‘tor na reveveaytem, or tani any fxm ot Ms would apy rue ou comment and ve lacked com About the Author ‘ ourterome The Sputr Im 1 corner wo The Pequed a cysoresranee Contin Ahab x comenesroun The Gold Coin a comprenewe “There she bios!” ss cwerenem The Big Wale Hunt “ mPrenseven hale Ol ca courrensrt —Queequg’s Coffin 2 cverenvae The Candles son cowrverren aby Dek! us Dossier A Shot History of Whaling INTERNET PROUECTS so. MORMON 61,288, 0,607.81 01,00, 122 mers 26 key 10 ex test nr QE cambridge reese setities 10,202838 50.5,06 6 BRB These symbols indcatethe beginning and end ofthe passages FB sett che bso actions British ship St Laue, He crossed th ul then returned to Americ. Life was chim, and in. 1841 he cty of the About the Author inthe U.S the U.S. ed certain types of punishment, ith his seven brothers Before The Spouter Inn | want tobe wlth those who hunt this myster put a shirt or two into my bag and le edford Massachusetts ~ thats where you got finda whaling ship. know much and it was late and cold when | arived waked up and down the darestrets, king for place tos Finally | save a small light near the docks and an ol 1 But it was a cold night and had now Te inn was a strange, ol place and on one side. 1 nere looking at it for a while ying, | thought, you're going whaling soon and that's a hard sal, dark place throush th (4 bung. The frst thing 5 ofa forain the nn long table, drinking CHAPTER ONE ‘immediately thought of running out the door or jumping out the ‘window. | was so scared that | thought the devil himself had centered the roam that night ‘The harpooner got undressed, lta small fre and sald some ‘ind of prayer to an evil-ooking black dll he had pulled out of| bis pocket. Then he gt int bed “Who you?" ered the harpooner ina deep voie, ling his tomahawk, #*What you do in my bed? 1 kill you ‘Peter Coffin! Help met" shouted. “Save me!” After a moment Peter Coffin came into the room and said “bon't worry, Queequeg won't hurt you." Then he turned to ‘Queequeg and sald, "This man is sharing the bed with you tonight, understand? ‘Queequeg was suddenly calm and put down his tomahawk saying, Me tred. Don speak now.” He seemed quiet and fell asleep immediately. | fle that had nothing to be afraid of, Afterall, he was a clean, pesceful cannibal and it was better to sleep witha sober cannibal than with adrunk christian. 1 turned over and fll aslep. I never slept bette in my fe, 2 tomate < The text and beyond O summery ‘chapter One hasbeen divided into seven parts. Choote fom thelist [A-lthe sentence which best summarises each part (1-7 of the ‘Gupte Theres one extra sentence wich you da act need to ure ‘Theres an example a the bepinning (0) 18 Cy shacl gosto see the king ofthe sea. By sheet never ts a ct. €°D) The in isnota cher place 1 | Ismael prefers eying to travel ©) cues maybe fom bel 1D) lng cea chases avay sess [5 tshmae has a goad lationship wth everybody. [5] People are sometimes better than they seem, [Gi wat Petercoffinsad about the arpeoner was na reason @ comprehension chock ‘Answer the follwing questions, 1 How does mae desenbe his fesings of depression and theses? 2 What was disturbing about the in-heepe's ame? 3 What are the two posible mearing af the sentence “He's out tengo sel he head? What ite meaning here? “4 Whathind of salr was thmaels roommate? 5 How di israel eact hen he fis reeshis roommate? (6 What hae roommate do when he sa ihre? © sect dreams Better sleep with sober cannibal than a drunken Christian. ‘his sone of the mont famous sentences of Maly Dick, Which ofthe fellowing do you think best explain ts meaning? 4 chvstans rink more than cannibals 2 Fy Newer sleep with omebody who is dr 3 7 Jape people by ther actions, nat bythe reign, 47 even bad people can do good things Oa a eines ea cacao ‘ive a shor alk about what kind of clothing young people wear today, and what kindof clothing your parents wore when they were young. Use these questions to help you. Are there ary things you weer row that your parent wore when 2 What hinge doaduts now fad shocking abou young peo 4 ‘ae thee diferent prose of young people today th canbe by what they wear? What ar they “You had better get used to this sort of thing, Look at thes sentences to understand the meaning of tobe ured a andtogetused to Helsused aking orders Ie isnormal for imac to take orders Merman wanton his frst ocean journey At fit twas strange for him nt tse any on for day and day, Then he got used to not seeing land *Tebecame normal fr hi not tose an Notice that we use the ng form ofthe verb after tbe used to and topetusedta. @ 70 be us01 t0 and to get used to ‘ead this conversation betwesn Ishmael anda veteran harpoonet Remember ishmael ha already worked as a slr, bt he has never worked on a whaling ship. Flin the gaps withthe words in the work note Seclose work take orders Ishmael: have ead sled and am Isha (5) with thers ree Before yo Oe tear ag 2h tpt ln dere et ears Pes Fgemage py Te See ee ‘You will hear about what shal and Queequeg do the next morning For questions rs, choore the bert answer (hor) 1 whats peculiar abou the way Queequeg shave 1 Do Hecses an extremal lrg ie, lf Hesteres rater ere © [] Heuses hisharpoon 2 How did Captain Hardy de? 1k Dy He wen don wth i hi. © [) Awhale led 3. When ishrael reads about Captln Hardy he wonders if 1k [7 ew someday travel to dstane paces to hunt whales © he willeverbe acapain 4 hat was Father Mapes frst ob? conaereR Two The Pequod Bright sunlight entered the room the next morning and t could PE hear the sound of cariages and peop outside. Queequeg was shaving withthe head of his harpoon I thought this was very strange, but later learned that harpoons were very sharp, ‘Queequog didnot say much but he wes gentle and polite, and we soon fet lke old friends. We went down to breakfast together and saw many other whales having breakfast had Some bread and butter with 2 cup of hot coffe, but Queequeg only ate beet steaks, nd plenty of them, After breakfast | wanted to go to church. | didn't think esau g was interested in going to church. Bu, tomy surprise, when I got tothe chapel Queequeg was there Imost every sailor visits the Whaleman's Chapel before Salling. As we waited for the reverend read some of the SMORY OF THE LATE ill oY | lth ai gy | oT native of Kokovoko, an island in the South Pacific. He was related to the royal family there. But he di not want tobe aking ‘one day — he wanted life of adventure, He decided to jin 3 whaling ship that was visiting the island, and one night he left home and went on board the ship He learned many things about life at sea and became an excellent harpooner after sailing around the word three times. ‘After ving with Christians he also learned that they could be as bad a the peopl they were trying to convert ‘We fet true affection for exch other and became good friends ~ Ishmael, Queequeg and Yojo, his ite black do. ‘The next morning we took a boat to the port of Nantucket because that was where we could sign up with a whaling ship. Choosing a whaling ship was an inportant decision because we would be at sea forthe next three years. Queequeg was not worried about choosing the right ship. He said his ite black dol told him that it was my responsibly [A the port there wee three ships to choos from. There was the Devi-Dam — not a goed name. Then there was the Tt-sit, but | chose the Pequed, named after anol indian tribe of Massachusetts “Look at that ol ship." said to Queequeg "W's a noble ship ‘Queeaques simply nodded? and we went aboard to sgn up. We ret tough-looking young man. “Aahoy!” sai “Are you the captain of the ship The Peat No!" answered the young man.“ the first mate of this ship. My name's Starbuck, What da you Want? "My fend and | want to sign up” ‘Have you ever been whaling?” he asked "No, bu 'e been to sex many times, and Want to ee what whaling i ike, “You want to see what whaling is ke, eh” he asked, ooking atme carefully. "Aight, youl do,” ‘ut shouldn't talk to the captain?” | asked ‘captain Ahab... he sald witha half-mile, “there's plendfof time to get to know him. Youll know him as soon a8 you se hi because he has only one leg. The other one was torn off and featenby the most monstrous whale ofthe se.” “What did that whale do?” | asked nervously “You heard me." he sid andi killed many men,” ‘What's captain Ahab ike?” asked He's a strange man, but a good one,” sad the first mate. He doesn't speak much but when he does you'd better listen” "Yes, Sir" replied, “And what about my fiend?” ‘The first mate looked at him with doubtful eyes, “He's @ strange fellow ~ ooks like a pagan.” “Things aren't always what they seem,” | sad. “I know him, hea god, strong man. ‘Then Queequeg took his harpoon and polnted to small pce ‘of wood floating inthe ea. His strong arm threw the harpeon The first mate was amazed and sald, “Quick! Sign him up auiek whaling ship. Queegueg and | were nov happy. We were a exciting adventure at sea hunting plant whales. While we were walking around the the Pequod. Have Have you signed up The crary old man ah 0,“ at us with his wild eyes and said softly, What nonsense, | told myself, as Queeg away. [turned around and asked mn lah” hes what that ship is ance t se the work and hunt whale. Th He knew how valuable = good harpaoner wa done med, he keepin the hold pushed the The text and beyond a “Connect the beginnings in column A with the endings in column B. eee eee a area anes didnot become king isha and queequeg sent allther time together Gr ehmael and queequeg left New Bstord Bi aueeaueg et ohmaelslettheiship DB Aico berecoptend [Ei startuck tid noe know if he wanted sgn up Queequeg [Li staruck cen decide tosign up Queequeg [Fi tshnaa decided not pay atertion Eins prophecy because waes Chritan, Secaueee wae the man who gave athe oder ‘because he show wel he could throw a harpoon, because Yoo told him to do so because hey had become gute fend ofeach ther. because they ha the sare bedroom. because head raveled around the word thee times because he wanted to enjoy his adventure board the Peed becauee he was obvousy nota Christin because be wanted to travel and do exiting things. because be had only one becaure they cauld'toin the crew of whaling ship there You are going to read a shor version ofthe story of Jonah from the Five sentences have been removed. Choose fom the sentences ‘AF the one which fits exch gap (1-4) There is one extra sentence ‘hich you do not need tous There isan example the beginning) (Ged says to Jonah, "Goto the ty of Nineveh, and tll the people ‘here that now about ll ther bad ations” a He gets ona ship that going to the cy of Tarsish. God becomes ‘angry and sends a terse stor, The sls onthe ship dacover thatyonah hes cused G's anger a ‘God sends a huge ch that swallows Jonah. nie the stomach of this monster, he peaye 2 Gd for Forgiveness, ‘nce again God tals Jonah to go to Nineveh This ime Jonah goes to Ninever Heals the pope tht God wil desry theca forty day, Everybody nthe cy bones srry for her ba ston. Jonah becomes angry at God because he dd not punish the poople ‘of inevch jonah then goes Outside the ity tose what wil happen itis very het and God cause plant to gro oer Jonah _rotezt him fom the sun Jonas happy about this ater Gad ‘ures th lant de, a ‘Gx speaks to Jonah again an say, "Yu re wore about a plant but youdo not care about are lof many pepe a anal: ‘od istens to Jon's prayers and has the huge fish vomit Jonah ont he dey a 50, God finally destroys he people of Nineveh and allt thousands ot people, ‘od decides to save the people of Nineveh, Jonah becomes extremely ho in the sn and wishes to de. ‘They throw hm int the sea, and the storm sone, But Jonah doesnot want to go to Nineveh and decides to un away from God ‘Wye the try of onsh no appropriate fr whalers? Wha oes hit story tell ue theut teylog to ceape from God? Who la more ‘ommpassionte God or Jona? Moby eal of ferences to the ie, The fit example the tue ofthe erator Nias hel had te wa inven of Arun neglect, tt 4 person Sestanay ona co Ten ata chapa e enabovt Aaah {Sia al ree important ares the ie Une the terme tong pecans tev veto 2 who wastiiah? ‘3 What id Abab do that made Ejah angry? ‘cle the following places onthe map. Martha'sVineyard Cape Cod Sarton Nantucket New Bedford Ppp interne ProvEcT 444 Ponning @ holiday "Nantucket sono of the top vacation spe in the Unie’ States, Connect tothe niet and go 10 wine Biskcatcdeh com or uct. sr the We ofthe Book eo our search engine. Open the page fx Moby Dick. Ck on heir projet nk Go down he age unt you fa he tite ofthis book and cck on tho rleven ks ths projet Using the suggested Inmet ste, pana noley th ‘your partner and then epot your lan the ase. Sey: > nore you wl tay > ‘what spring rise ‘ett you wil do > whore you woud ike to eat Before you read Fill inthe gaps with the words inthe square, Then listen tothe begining of Chapter Three to check your answers ean on do mend off whale owned ‘The Pequd was scheduled 0 (0) on Chita Das, and here wae at of work to (@) before We were geting ready fora three-year voyage There wer supplies fad — beef, bread and water sisto 3). deck Ships ke the Pegund were ot on byyone rich mano bythe capri They were omed by (6) towne by ld sls, widows, reverend shopkerpers shoal eachers each person owned asmallparof the ship So when a ship ke the Pegucd ene) tosea the veagehad ta ben success because ‘hebvelhood of many people depenied a mi) | Captain Ahab ‘The Pequod was scheduled to salon Christmas Day, and there J was a lot of work to do before. We were getting ready for a three-year voyage. There were supplies to loud ~ beet, bread, and water ~ ails to mend and decks to clean ‘hips lke the Pequod were not owed by one ich man o by the captain. They were ovened by whole towns ~ by old salrs, widows, reverends, shopkeepers, schoniteachers ~ each person owned a small part ofthe ship. So when a ship lke the Pequod went off to sea the voyage had to be a success because the lvenood of many people depended on it. co During these days Queequeg and I often visited the ship, and 1 always asked about Captain Ahab. But I never saw his Starbuel, the frst mate, sid he was il, ut was slowly getting = Captain Ahab tucket on a cold Christmas morning, and | had still not seen the mysterious Captain Ahab, The longer he stayed in his cabin and remained invisible, the greater our surprise and curiosity. We heard him, though. At night as we were “swinging in our hammocks trying to leep, we could her Captain ‘Anab walking up and down on the deck above us. He made a range sound when he walked becaure he had pe ey? One night t heard Starbuck say, ‘Why don't you ret, Captain? >My men can't sleep with the noise of your peg leg. Aab’s answer was loud and clear, “Why should they sleep? Do I sleep? The sound of my leg wil make them dream about whales | did't know what to think, but the words ofthe eray old ‘man Elijah kept coming back to me Starbuck was a Quaker! frm Nantucket, and good, honest man, He was tall and quite chin, but very strong. Ifyou looked Intohis eyes, you could see all the dangers he had seed in his life at ses, He was a quiet individual who faced dangers calmly, and he was patient and understanding with his men won't have a man on my ship who isn't afraid of @ whale,” be often sald He knew what enormous damage a whale cou do, He did't want heroes en the Pequod — he only wanted good men who were aware of their opponent's strength. He knew from ‘experience that a fearless man was more dangerous than a Stubb, the second mate, was a cheerful man from who laughed at everything. Even while chasing a whi Femained calm and relaxed, We plpe was never far from his lps and he kept a dozen of them near his hammock, ask, a short, robust young man from Martha's Vineyard vas the third mate, For him whale hunting was a big joke, and the whale was jst lige an enormous water ra. Flask had fun chasing whales around the wold Starbuck, Stubb and Flask were much more than just mates on the Pequod. if Ahab had been « mediaeval king, they would have been his knights, and the h harpooners would have been his ach mate c went out to chas at whales. And each mate se his ewn harpooner. Starbuck chose Queequ “Tashtego, a strong, muscular Armerlean Indian from Martha vineyard, was Stubb's chosen harpooner. He had ong, black ny hair and came from a tribe of great hunters. He had laced his bow and arrow with a harpoon ‘The third harpooner was called Daggoo, a gigantic black man, who wore a huge gold earring in each ear. His physical power The other members ofthe cn mall over the world from the Arores, Greenland, the sand Wales ‘And so we se off on Christma about what The text and beyond FRE comorehension check or questions 15, choose the answer (A 8, CoD) which you think As best according tothe text. 1 Many people wanted he whaling sips to ctch many whales 1 [thr husbands and brothers sled on them 1 [7 the money these ships made catching whales wasals, In Dy they needed whale for the ampe. [i thecaptains of whaling ships were important pele in 2 Flaskeaw hunting whaler = 1k Lo] amoney-making atv: 1 [ anoble adventure © El snamusing pare. 1b adieu and serying ob 18 Welesrn that Starbuck {8 only care about making money. 18 ispraceal and is iearested in is en, © [El does nt respect hiscapain. [likes hunting whale ace than anything ese. 18 [great kings fom the pat 1 [American tnian hunter © [| Afelean hues. 1 [great solser fom the pst, '5 mshischapterwelearn that Ahab 1 (isnot afraid of whales 18 thinks that etching whales i very enjoyable CC [ hassufered muchandha hada rest deal of experience 'b [5 canchooos the harpooners he want or his ship © Frying pairs Find the words inthe box that rhyme withthe words from this ‘chapter You donot need toute aff the word nthe box, bird stair knew tease folk hone neared sid paired dock our blow to0 pen mean noun ‘iahs paid hile your tall car cow 1 sate bow baie 2 tears ESSE Goya SAM aye 3 joke. 7 men M1 beard 44 beard 8 crew 12 as summary Filin the gaps with a word a a short phrase to make «summary of {chapters 1-3. There aretwo examples a the beginning (0) and (00), Ishmael was feeling rather (0) 30085888. sohe deced (00) 2.2 82.081. on a whaling sip He went tthe town of New Bedford hee, he stoped tthe Spe nn ‘The inn-keeper tld hi thet ll the bed @ a SORE nan ‘bed ‘witha harpooner This harpeoner wae not inane was out Wiaaaes ‘This made shmae! lite worried, bute decided to tay anyway. Tha evening whan ihre was already Inbed i roommate aed. He war allcovered wth © Ismael son discovered hat the harpoon, whose name was Qaeeque. was (6) e “The two men oon became fend “Two dys later, Qneequg nd shmteltk e tothe sland of Nantucket sign up with awhaling shia. Whe hey arrived hey sa aeveral whaling ships, but they chose the Pequed ‘They talked with tarbuck the p's first mate, He tld ther about ‘captain Ahab and how) toate ‘After this Queequeg and ebm met astrange man named ® s He ld them the Peauod was (10) snd that there were). inthe ships hl anal deeded not to ink about tah ana hi rope. The Pequd salad on cristae Oy At rst they never sw Captan a. Bur they hear (2) fon the dec a they ‘le bloy aha was ery favourably impressed with the sips tffcers,Staroek, Stub nd Flak a= wel at fs harpooners Finally a the ship was ealing trough the old Alans Waters lehmse saw Abas He was sg od man with a beard anda lone) aa, though, spake to Before you read @vecovutary Match the word below with the correct parts of the whale. Use Humpback wha Sperm hale @ Humpback whales and sperm whales ead the information and anower the lloing questions 1 hat are two inpotane ysl ferences between the humpback whale (ana the sper wale 2. How do whales te baleen? Use a tonary othe internet tohelp you {3 Which ofthe two ins of whales bigger can stay underwater longer? weighs more? eas try arial? has the bigger range? Borer —cotacea whales): boro, Myst (len whales) Length 12:16 meer Wolgt— Up 0 38000 blograns Range Altre cose ha wor, thing te Meditenancan {nthe Bay ot Bengal Tere ue war - Upto 8 mute, bt era or 8 mines. Food: Sa ah andl mane casas) Bh crc cero (los: Subrer, Osornce etn wes \Waight— Upto 000 Kogan ange Ate oceans he worl, etn te Madranea, Ts ur watt Up 9 2 ours, it ony for 18 mos Food Lage i and gt © reading pietwres 1 Look the plea 1 hats holaingin hi hands 2 why do youthinkhe isholing these ings? 1 Lookeat the picture on page, 2. what do youthin they are doing? Lrten othe beginning of chapter Four. You will hear about Ahab's “Strange offer to the crew Answer YES or NO tothe following 23. Ahabslept most ofthe ine 1 44 Heheard Ahab shoutngin ie cabin, {5 Thement day Starbuck called the rew ontothedeck, {6 The crew dd not know why Starbuck all ther 17 Themen answered Aas questions calmly and softy 1 Ahabyeas nt very happy withthe Few’ anawers white whale 10-The old coin war worth more than 16 dlls oo ‘CHAPTER FOUR The Gold Coin ‘The days and nights passed and we went about our business, ‘One of my duties was o stay at the masthead and look out for whales. Our masthead was not closed like nest it was open and in bad weather it was difficult to stay there. One night hile Iwas on the masthead t could see Ahab walking back and forth on the deck. He never seemed to sleep — he just walked, and that night his peg leg made an awful noise He seemed to be ‘nervous and angry, and wondered why. ‘Theext morning | found out why. 1 heatd Starbuck call, “All hands on deck!” and the crew rushed onto the deck wondering ‘what had happened. ‘The moment | saw the captain | knew something was wrong, Thepain and anger in Ahab's heart were slowly coming out. Fe put his pe leg into the hoe in the ed whan he was perfectly balanced he cried ou, “Tell me, ment What do you do then you see a whale? ut, sin cred the crew, looking up atthe captain, ‘whoever sees the white whale first will get the gold coin.” crted Ahab. rT “Hurrah” cried the men, “Now listen tome! This isnot an ordinary white whale. The whale I'm looking for is a white-headed sperm whale with « wrinkled brow and a crooked jaw, There are thee hole ints tail anda sted harpoon in its hump — that's my harpoon!” He paused and looked at our excited faces, “remember, isa white whale I want ~ white! must have it Look carefully frit: Even ifyou see a bubble of water, shout out! ‘And if tthe whale 'm looking for, the god cln ls your! ‘The crew cheered again and stared atthe shiny god coin “Captain Ahab,” said Tashtego, “is that white whale called Moby Dicko" “Yes shouted Ahab flercely. “Do you know the shite whale then, Tash?” “Yes” replied Tashtego. "He has a strange way of ding.” “Ilenow him too" said Daggoo. “His spouts big and ooks Ii a fountain? “I saw him,” said Queequeg, “He has many harpoons in his body. ‘strange smile crosted Ahab’s face, a crazy, evil smile that seared me. "Yes, youve seen him. You've seen Moby Dich” “Captain Ahab,” sald Starbuck looking at the captain ‘cautiouly, "Wasnt this the whale that tok off your leg?" j “Who told you that?" asked Ahab, his mile dieappearin “ves, Starbusk, it was Maby Dick who tok off my lg, leas that horrd white whalet" and he let outa ery Uke hurt animal __ Ihe Gold Coin! Me lfted his long arms looked up st thelsky andried, chase him around the Cape of Good Hope fo Cape Morhi=!fl follow him all over the seas of the world, nti he spats Baek blood” Fire burned in his eyes and he stared at each one oF us, “This is why you men are here ~ to chase Moby Dick al over the world and hunt him unt he ies. re you brave enough 0 do this? Are you with me?” “Ves, we are!” shouted the harpooners and the salors wh! were excited and ready to hunt the terrible beast. "Wel Keep a sharp eye and a sharp harpoon as well!” said one of the harpooners "God bess you, ment” std Ahab, hie vole shaking. ‘The men cheered but Starbuck didnot — his face was rim. "Why such asad face, Mr Starbuck? Aren't you brave enough to chase the white whale?” asked Ahab suspiciously. "replied Starbuck, “tim brave enough to face his eroked Jaw and the jaws of death to. But | came on board this ship to hunt all whales, not ust one whale. 1 det come here to satisfy my captain's revenge. 1 came here te hunt whales fr their oi That's ry business — whale ol. And Y= hereto make money on it. How ‘many barrel of whale clean we make on oly one white whale?” ‘Money? Is that what's worrying you ~ money? Oh, my revenge wll make me richer her,” crieg Ahab iting his chest “That whale attacked you because it was his animal instinct, but you want him out of ervelty and revenge, That is madness” cried Starbuck. "Madness" roared Ahab, “Listen tome, man! Moby Dick looks Nice a stupid animal, but he's not, he's evil — and thet is what 1 hate ‘God help us!" murmured Starbuck. Moby Dick i in my mind every moment of the day. He's in ny dreams ~ his existence insults me. strike | the sun if it tes the color of ev Ghosts, skele te. Moby Dick's white and he's evil 'm lke & ran in prison and he’s the wall ~ the wal that {have to destroy tobe free! ‘The two men stood face to face, and Ahab knew he wa stronger. He stepped back slowly and sid, “God help usa ‘The men ofthe Fequod were excited and enthusiastic, and elt ‘that Ahab’s mission was now thei mision ates!" ahab cried out. "Bring your harpoons to me and Starbuck, Stubb and Flask brought their harpoons to cross ham in front of Ahab, "Now swear this: Death to Moby Dick (God hunt us all f we don Moby Dick? harpooners use the heads of your harpoon as cups and drink Before going to his cabin Ahab turned back and said to al of 1 "Remember that you have all made a promise: trembled at the thought of what had happened. Captain ‘Ahab was madness itself And we had sworn to his madness. Ishmael, was one of that crew and my shouts had gone up The text and beyond O comprenension check Anorer the following questions 1 What was the Fist ching a rev member did when he saa whale? 2 whatwas the second thing? 3 whose harpoon was in thehump ofthe white whale? “+ what the thre harpoonerskxow about he white whale? 15 How did the crew reat to Aab's talk about Moby Dick? {6 What was the purpse ofthe Fequods voyage according to Ahab? ‘and according to Starbuck? 1. Why did Moby Dick attack Ahab according to Starbuck And cording to Abas 8 What dd thecrew promice todo? 9 withwhat gertre ithe mates confirm thot promise? And he harpeorers? FEO wens You are Ahab n 120-180 words write a report about your ceremony ofthe gold coin andthe erossed harpoons, Include the following 1 Youtos youre to Maby Dick rng you lst voyage. 2 Youhave nly jure recovered fom thn, 13 Youhave planed yur revenge for longtime 44 Youhave net ol anybody about your plans to hunt Moby Bick. '5 How you fel about the crew and ther reaction to your propos You can besin ike this ising my as voyage met vin the shape of a harible mite whole. Thiewhite whale © charactors ‘Say for which of the characters (6-2) each of he flowing sentences (0-8) istrus. You can use the characters more than once Isha 1B cusezueg © stub set Ata 1 Dy retake rein very seriou, 2 Ey Hesees whale hunting ar a business operation, 3] Hehasa strong charismatic personaty. 4] Hels obsessed withthe wrongs of the past. 5] Hedocen'tcare about making money. 6] Heis good ta the men under his command 7. Ly Hetakes the actions of nature personaly 18 Medoeent take anything too serauly. 9] Helene longer ntererted in hunting whales 10 [He ableto get slang with al diferent nde of ope 115) Hegaveupa prertgous positon nhs sty, 125] Theseacureshimof hi feings of depron 13] Heh cuffered great in sie 14] He wantsto se the world and meet diferent kinds of peopl 18 [1] He has very practical eas about whale hating. © discussion Many Iiterary cts have noted dst the quod ants crew kod ‘of "democracy in miiature, oF a kindof “model of the American republic. Discus the fllowing questions with your partner, Report your east the lass 1 whatind of leader was Ahab 2 What makes hima danger to democracy or the common goad? Remember the Pequod was owned by many people andthe lvelnood of many people depended en. 3 Why the crew of he Pequd similar tothe people the United States? (Think where the ctigens the Uned Staten comme from) 4 Doyou think Starbuck woud bea better “president” ofthe Pequod? Wy or why nat © word game Complete the eossword purse Althe words come from Chapers 1-4. for Ahab this color epesens el 1 ‘mental mad ‘medieval solder who wore ‘emuricated from person to person that are not necessary the wooden box that hos ayllow and very valuable metal the oposite of ig {round piece of metal used a a conooso ca a 2 eC oo tiling Maly Dick willbe Aab’s thecenterofour erator or the lage mune that pur ond permanent design on the sin fab ond ct se {market on he sin afters person who travelson a bot, hip, tu, pla. ete butisnot a ‘member ofthe crew something that we anset Understand or explain your cathe off the place wher ships are ted ‘probe loaded or unioade 1 o o A podoeeos Ppp inreRNer Provect 444 ‘Moby Dick goes tothe movies ‘Moby Dek has iepted numerous fis. The best perhaps. John Huston 1956 im with Gregory Peck as Captain Ahab. Te eroonplay was writen by te famous slonce-feten wie Ray Bradbury. “Anotaroxcolen tim was mad for eleven in 1908. The Bish actor Patrick Stowat played Captain Arab. Grogry Peck appeared ths vero as Father Mapole Connect oho Ifomat ae 90 to wa or “inicio he tile fhe ck so out earch engine. Open ‘he page for My Dick, Cx onthe nt pojact in Go down ne age onl you fir the tle of ns Book and lon te ew Inks > what pat of te ook is notin he fim what you ted > what you an the “Ahab and hie eer he 198i ln Moy Dik Before you read QE You wl hear about the beginning of hres fi ‘question, coors the Best answer (Kor) ‘ana continued to hunt ther whales because ‘8 moby oickwas notin the ares, By thar wasis job [1] hiserew needed someting todo Wo was theft ose a hae? 5 Cl istael ® Cana DD tashtese Ishmael knew that Moby Dick wasn one ofthe whales becuse 1k none ofthe whales was white, 18 Moby Dic aha went wih arger groups of whales. © Moby Dick never went with ther whales. ‘hen ishmae realized that Moby Dick was not one ofthe whales, 8 Damar 8 Cy thankful and pla © Oy aisacpointed Whe was in aha's harpoon boat? 1 [1] menwho had never hunted whales before 1 [1] menwhohad hidden unt the moment of he fiethunt © 7] menwho loked ke ghosts and nt ke real men whale hunt For CHAPTER FIVE “There she blows!” m= [Ahab knew that as captain of the Pequod he had another tale hich was not his personal revenge. He had to bring back whale cil because that was the purpose of the voyage. That meant we hha to kill other whale, not only Moby Dick, We all kept our eyes open for slowly and easly. Then one day a¢ | was helping Queequeg make a mat,? heard Tashtego, who was high up on the masthead of the ship, ery, "There she blows! There! There!” ‘We all looked up and inthe distance we saw several sperm sy whale and the days passed whales that were blowing as regulary a «clock, My rst whale This was the moment { was waiting for. Ech member of the crew knew what he had to do, but there was still alot of ‘confusion and running around e— My heart was beating hard and fast. | looked at the whales in the distance, Was one of them Moby Dick? But no, Moby Dick always swam alone. was relieved because I didn’t want to meet him my First time out, was almost time forthe whale hunt that nad been waiting for. The harpoon boats were lowered into the ca, and thi was the beginning ofthe adventure whaling men appeared fre. | had never seen ther before. Who were they? Where did they come from? They were not ghosts, but real men, They must have spent al ofthis time in he hold Could they be the demons eljah was talking about? Pethaps Ejah was right ~ these were Ahab's demons iF tish was right about the demons, then what else washe right abou Four harpoon boats were lowered into the water instead of three, Abb and his crew of expert whale-ilers rowed far ahead of the other three boats, The rowers had great power in thelr arms and they were very determined ‘earned later that one of these men was a Persian called Fedallah, Ahab’ personal ha and dark and re an old black Chinese jacket, Black trousers and a white turban on his head. He was a mysterious figure, The other four looked ike natives ofthe Philippines sarbuck was the master of my boat and he st snd shouted his orders. | suddenly felt afraid and e from the ship. wae at eye level withthe sa, and there and mist ev This was the whae’s world and I was init. Everything at that moment seemed impressive to me. H these men possibly hunt and kil the biggest creature In th The th Flask were talling their men to row faster and faster Iwas rowing a8 fast as 1 could, but I noticed that there was a lot of competition Between the boats and the mates. And, of course the Flpinos were fr ahead of us “The whales swam as fast as we owed ~ they ware lke arrows shooting through the dark water. Would we ever reach them? ‘come on, men!” shouted Starbuck. “Get those muscles 1 wanted ur boat to be the first to reach the whales, but my back and legs started hurting. Then a storm arrived from the north and it started raining hard and the waves grew bigger, sit was harder to row. 1 had never rowed in such an angry sea with the waves crashing into our Fite boat. How could we reach the whales when we could hardy row? ‘And inspite ofthe Increasing danger, in the bac of our minds was the shiny gold con nalld to the mast of the Pequod! “there's his hump,” said Starbuck to Queequeg. “Give it to i Suddenly a sperm whale, a creature of incredible size, came to the surface next to our boat. At the same tlme the rain became much stronger and we could hardly see anything. dueequeg bravely threw his harpoon at the whale, but his hand was wet with rain and he missed It. So the great creature we had tried to Kil escaped back down into the deep, dark waters Suddenly our oars flew away and we were lifted and then thrown back inte the wild waves of the se. Mirsculously our boat did not beak, but it was fl of wate, The cold water left us confused and we couldn't speak. The world around us had become a curtain af white fog, Where was che Pequod and how could we get there since we were surrounded by thick, white fos? ‘The wind blew loudly and the storm got Worse, We sat trembling inthe boat half led with water. Suddenly queequee Jumped to his feet and put his hand to his ear, Then we al heard the Pequod approaching. I almost crushed aur bost with us init We juniped out and the Pequod salled right over ur boat. We then swam as hard as we could to reach the ship. ‘was the last man to be pulled onto the ship. fell onto the deck and was happy tobe ave {saw Queequee and sald, "Does this sort af thing happen very fen” "vase answered without much emotion Did we lose any men?! asked. “No” sald Starbuck “They're al safely on board: ‘The other men were sitting on the deck exhausted, telling their own stories of how they had seen death in the fice and how they had swum fo safety. | soon realized tht each time | went out {was risking my life. The sea and the whales were powerful and unforgiving, and 1 wae just a man. | decided 1 had better write my lat will and testament." went blow deck with CQueequeg, who was my witness, and wrote my’ il He put his rmarkon the bottom ofthe page andi became oficial, The text and beyond @ comprehension check ‘Anser the following questions about Chapter Five. 1 Who di tae! think eda and is en were when he ist saw ther? Wat special abit did Fedalah have? How dd heute? Wy dd shal fee rightened when he was nthe boa? How dd the weather change during the hunt? Wy id ishrael ands companions alto the ocean? How dd Queequeg react ther adventure? Wy id ishael decide to write is wil? FEO winaie watching: a workawide passion ‘Rend the tnt an cde which ane (8; € obs is ech ‘pecs Terelnan ample at the begin). once upon ime the ely whale watchers were men (0) BE ‘Aab, sacl, Starbuck and queoqug. Today is estimated tht it inion people in 7 itferent counties () = tle ttatching each ear, And tel (@) (Simply to watch, of, stmost to) picture of these pant ofthese Wale watchingbesan@) 1954 nea San Deg USA. For the fretime the) ie was vente () to take a boat to watch halen, These rds rea huge CD ooo nthe 1970 whale Watching naman 0 New gland and Inthe 1980-908 the rst ofthe word Whale watching snow a bg) -— aking around lion per year So besider intodicing millon of people these wonderful creatures, takai watching roves anther reason to any thats whales 40) more lv han dead OAs Bach cima Dike 1Aw Beome rile travel 2 Arewen — Bgoal cause D caret 2 Ate Bde cre: Dave 5 Acommon Bnormal regular D general © Aplin Bchoie ——€ chance Ddetaon 7 Atcumph —Bauccess winner popularity 8 Avent” Bmoved continued apread 9 Abusiness trade Ceommerse industry 10 Aworth— Bahnble —¢ prond considered FEO sertence traneformation For quetionaI-6 complete the ancond sentence 9 that It as 2 Sir meaning tothe Bret entence ung the word ven. Do not ae pea rete erat eaaacda inclag the word gen eels an cele at th ening ‘Ahab knew that hehad another task: his personal revenge wae not ‘everthing [Aha ew that personal revenge .OF6 Ans th 1 by Bick aways sam sone ay ik whale, 2 had never smn them before first Ta had seen them, 2 oa rowing ae fara any ee ana faster. 4 asked Queequeg, “Does thi sor thing happen very often” that Lashed Queequegif very often, {Each me! went out wat raking yf, 6 “bid we lose ary men?” sched Questueg. asked Queequeg p> INTERNET PRovECT 444 ‘Connect the Item and goto wiv db. com O° ‘nce Inge hee ofthe book i ou sareh engine. per the page fr Maby Dick, Click onthe ntenet proc rk. Go down the page unt you fe the ile of his book and cick onthe elvan inks forthe projec Using the suggested ink nthe whale watching ‘coay nearest to were youve, ‘Then nd ot aan Be best ume ogo ous > how much teats pont your fining ote class ‘The ntemet cers not fist words and photos, also airs avast choteof videos. Gato the suggested ates and wan the videos ot wales. Choose the one you ik best and show tt the cass. Btore you show t desenbe belly what ey wl see. You can us he fotlning werd Rp you mp ou fhe watar Before you read Filin the gaps with the word inthe box. then listen tthe beginning of chapter Sito check your answers took happy looked normally time another ‘eeded lonely friendly lucky Life cane vy) nen 3, Weeks goby and you don't see anyone other than the members ofthe crew. ut every now ad then we were 2). NOUR eet) ene (ne day, southeast ofthe Cape of Good Hope, we saw another whaler, ‘the Abate, heh was ang towards home, Everything about the ‘Albtraz spoke of to mary man tsa, os much rough weather, ‘oo much sec ansaltShehad been avy whaling or our years Ad tercen weathered to, The captains both ships o ‘epand tallewith one nother, and this called ‘am The gamit (6). when the two epee sd their crews can exchange afew words and find out about thei whaling But Ahab cdr ke gama because they @ ‘ime away from hunting Moby Dike hisony ‘house. Sowhen wesaw the Astor, e shouted, “oy! Have youseen the ‘The captain of the ther ship wanted to answer buts trumpet felintothe seas that was the end ofthe gam. the crew was not © thou his because the men 10) sec and ato other aloes, The Big Whale Hunt HAPTER SOK ‘hut Ahab didn lke gams because they took time away from hunting Moby Dick — hs only thought. ‘So when we saw the Albatros, he shouted, “Ahoy! Have you seen the white whale?” ‘The captain of the other ship wanted to answer but his trumpet fll into the sea eo that was the end of the gam. The crew as not happy about this because the men needed to see and talk to other sailors ‘As time went on the white whale began to obsess our minds 100 ~ we started seing it everywhere. ‘one clear blue morning the Pequed was saling towards Java through a bright yellow area of plankton. Daggoo thought he ‘saw Moby Dick and shouted, “There! There he i! Right ahead — the white whale” Captain Ahab and everyone else rushed to take a look. But to everyone's disappointment, particularly Ahab’, the enormous creature of the sea was a glant squid This amazing creature was a soft mass of cream-colored flesh with innumerable long arms that grew out of ts Body and curled and twisted. I slwly isappeared into the deep sea agai "What was i? asked Fask. “in was the great squid, the biggest ereature nthe universe Few whaling ships have ever seen tnd it’s an evil omen,” said Starbuck, his eyes wide with horror. ut Queequeg didn’ agree. "No," he sad. "When yousee lant, suid then you quck see whales.” Ahab had already gone back 1. plein: ey smal frm of pln an ca, NERS, : The Big Whale Hunt this cabin. The gant aquid was not remarkable to him: nothing held interest for him, only the white whale, Nothing touched his soul only Moby Dek The next day it was extremely hot and stil $e was my turn to stand watch. And all was stil in that part of the indian Ocean. had been on the masthead for hours and | was growing sleepy Suddenly | saw a glaante sperm whale, its shiny hoy rolling in the water like an overturned ship, It seemed 9 be as sleepy a Could it be Moby Dick? 1 observed it carefully. No, it wasn't white. wasnt Moby Die, but i was a majestic creature. “there she Blows!” «sallr cried and the sleepy ship came to ite. “Lower the boat!” ried Ahab. 1 climbed inte Stubb's boat this time and was excited about ‘his new whaling adventure, Tey | could hunt my Fist Wale! ‘The sudden cris of the crew and the movement of the boats probably scared the pantie creature and he started swimming Away. He spouted majestically afew times and then suddenly he lifted his tal forty feet ito the air and sank into the deep water “There he goes under! cred Stub, with his ppe in his mouth “Don't hurry! Take It slowly, we've almost on him now." We rowed with all of our strength stand up, Tashtego” red Stubb. "Give it te him now! “asheego' muscular arm threw the harpoon and it struck the whale perfectly. The harpoon was attached toa long rope on the bottom of the boat. and the rope started Flying aut ofthe boat following the harpoon. it burned as it passed through our hands. tub stood up and held the rope, “Wet the rope!” he ered. “A Now we were attached to the whale, and our boat flew ‘hough the oF as he swam away, desperately trying to pet free, Each man held tightly to his eat Then Tashtego and Stubb took their harpoons. We got closer 0 the whale and Stubb threw hs frst harpoon atthe whale and then a second one and then another, The whale swam more slowly now and we brought the boat closer ‘The whales life was almost over, but he tried to escape end survive with all the strength he had left. Stubb threw harpoon after harpoon into the whales side. Blood began to shoot out and it covered all of us. had never seen so much bleedin my The whale blew the last huge spouts of spray at us and fought intl the end. What a strange and tragic sight! great life was ending before my eyes. The sea around the boat turned red with the whale's blood, Stubb brought the boat closer to the whale and pushed his lance dep into pereing his hea 00 Yes," said Stubb, taking the pipe out of his mouth and He's dead, Me Stubb,” said as looking atthe huge body. FEO comorshension check The text and beyond For guestions 15, choose the answer (A 8, € or) which you think ‘abet according tothe ext. 1 What do we ears about the Albatross? 1A] Herceptin and crew were too red ora gam, [Mer captain and crew didnot ie gars. [Mer eaptan andere were at theend of along diffiuit voyaee 5) Her captain an crew ad no seen Moby Dik crew ofthe Pequod ed gas because they TE) wanted the company of new people [D) wanted information about Maby Dick © [| ted sexing ferent ship. [1 gota break from hung whales 13 Howisthe crew affected by Aas medness? 1) They become mad, ke him 18 They become unas. Ly They become afraid [i they thine more abou going hme 4 How cane desrbe Queequy’s and Starbucks reaction othe gant suid? 2] eae andirational ireland complex culos and entimentl 1 ehristan and Pagan 5 How dons shal present thhuntngof the whale? 1A [Asan vnfair battle between many men and one animal BL] Asakind of a game that ether men ar animal could win, € [EJ Asacourageous bate by men agsnst an admirable adversary. [I] Asacrime commited by the ellos ofthe Fequed. @ opposites Write the opposite tothe words satisfaction SaamzDarert ry shoutes kl- 4 x4 0 [i Asthe boats were) ‘whaling men. These, be thug, tbe the (2) that hah hd talked abu the whales, ‘rived and the men were lucky 2) There. she (a) Blewe. This was Ishmae’s first CHAPTER Sa Whale Before 4 Oil 5.0 Listening ee ee cae We had finally killed our first whale, but our work had just EY oe eee Ata ee 0 boats. The job was difficult and tiring — we worked hard for right, men,” Starbuck shouted, “tie u were exhausted after the whale h ing. F ip and started fitting the shark ‘The whales head was the fist par to be cutoff, and it wae very difficult job because the head was about one-third of the Winale's body. Stubb was an expert at cutting whales. He used long, sharp tools and had to wark about ten feet above the Winele. A he worked, the whale was stil floating inthe rough sea: He cut deep into the creature's body and through the spinal cord. When the head was cut off it was tied to the stern of the ship for later use ‘We worked on the body ofthe whale next. We cut asmall hole In ts side and placed big hook inside the hole. Then a desp ine Was cut into Hs flesh and we started pulling on a rope as the Whale reed over and over inthe se {As the whale roled the blubber! began to break away from its body. The blubber stuck to the body of the whale like orange rind? sticks to an orange. And just like an orange rind, the blubber came of in big stip. ‘As the blubber was peeled the body was slowly ited out of he water Inthe end thee was just a Bloody A harpooner picked up a very sharp too! called 2 boarding sword? and said “Stay back” to allf us, Then he ut his sard into the mas ofblubber three times He cut the blubber in two and broueht ton the ship, We melted it down to el putting the precious liquid into barrels to take home Now we had to wark on the head, an important part of the whale, Inside the head ofthe sperm whale there are hundreds of = i Ge 2 (CHAPTER SEVEN sallons of spermaceti Ifa whalers not skied he can lose this precios substance Tashtego tled 2 tick rope around his waist and then lowered himself into the head ofthe whale. He started looking for the place where the spermaceti ws. ‘Tashtego lowered a bucket inside the head, When he pulled up ‘was full spermace. Thi work went on for many long hour (One ofthe whale's eyes stared at me — it was lifeless. How strange, | thought, our eyes are set in front of our head and we can see ony one image, whatever Is in frat af us. The whales eyes are set on both sides of its head so that it ean see two ferent images — ene on each side of ts head. But people see things only one way — their way. If we could see two images Instead of one then perhaps we could se two sides to everything. “This was Ahabs great problem. His obsession came from the fact thathe could only se Moby Dick in one way ~ a5 el Even though | hunted whales and I had sworn ta help Ab hunt Moby Bick, 1 could not see whales in only one way. | could ‘ot see them as alba. ‘As waa thinking, Ahab came on deck and stood by me. He stared at the head of the whale and shookhis hea, “Oh, hes” he sai, “you've been to the bottom ofall the oceans, you've seen the deepest mysteries of lf, why can’t you tell me about them? Why?" When we had finished working onthe whale, we removed the big hooks and chains and the enormous body floated away fom the ship and out to sea, The text and beyond @ comprenension check Answer the folowing questions 1 whochased aay the sharks? 2 How did they doit? 3 Whocutup the whale 4 What does shmaelcmpare the lube to? Wy? 5. hare is thepermactilocated? © hata used for? What ishimael notice abou the whal's yes? What i his ‘make hi thine both about mest and Ahab? '8 What woud Ahab ike to know fom the whale? ‘What they do withthe whale corpse nthe ene? @ discuzsion What do you think of ishmael’s thoughts about the whale's eyes? “Think of reasons to apre and disagree Number the sentences inthe right order to ilastrate how whale ie obtained. the babberis pected af ee body Ei the whales kid Bi thealisputimotaree i Theboatsarelowered Ey The whales pesto the bat. Ey isead ic ott El The whales sighted [By theblubberis meted down nto [Ei thetostechase the whale © wnat motile didn't know about whales fea the text anc lin the pap withthe wordsin the box some jt by such even however Tehich which everything ey Dicks ot) it howeit ie also a nd of whale - rcylopaedia Melle incioded mething on every aspect of vile ining, erat la history and bly red heseema tohave mentioned < ©. that was known about whales inthe 180 fect didnt know whales ng. Thisstarting fat vas covered deed to places microphone underaater ae eeif the humpback kindof song cantata ng covered thatthe male humpback whalesings@ In arch 2005 the researcher Ryu Suna sted the son humpback whales with the ices 00, Whales). ores, tion, kind of sonar. Ech " ding objects that are x ingle centimetre Ppp INTERNET PROVECT 444 Singing ana oicking Connect athe tore! an goto wav ska or rt lb Iaet he tie of he D00K i oy search engine. Open the page for Moby Dick. Cc onthe nore ct ink Go down he ‘page unl you find he ite of hia Book ances on he evant ke forth projct. Lento some samotes fwnges singing aren ‘ak abou thom wth your pane > How woul you doses the humpback cong? > wna ostnge do you have when you Eten” tecaseormeccmmtereote ‘Even though | hunted whales. In pairs ook at these photographs of human beings with sex SS ee mammals, compare and contrast them. Which activity da you expresses ite more surpais than although They are bath owed pprove of? How do you think the whales are feeling? Which Job pe would you prefer? Why? + ven theugh hunted wholes, could ot ee them al bad = Thanted whales, but cold nat ether a al ba + Although he has hanted whale foyer hei sti Ff them ‘He shunted whales for years ue sil afi ofthe @ even tnovan ana but Connect he flowing sentences sing even thugh a here is fe example at he gang) Bentough eth thither thay ‘Ana was only interested inking aby ick Many Sep lvelhcod depended on the sucess of the Ped Moby Dick as sil alive Many whalershad ed tik ick Oe Sopot ses ad et sen tnt ari Cues snot tape eae tn rn ave you verseen ane? rowed while hunting» wha Whale ae nly animal. ab considered My Dick 1 Workin pairs (er divide the class in two). One stent inks that Using whales in shows at marine parks is acceptable and the other agnnat Tall about the points below: Stubb dt owas very dificult to cut off whales htt he Sie ee ‘Stubb celebrated ll Ahab i not care that Stub hid a mv aaa 9. Ahab did note. Moby Dick it off Ahab’ “The fist whalers were probaly men who lived in what is now show these mer hung whales in thir noes, th Korea, Pictures carved in rock fom thousands of years a0 but it was the Basques of northeastern Spain and southwestern France who developed whaling methods that men used for hundreds of year. During the 900s the Basque whalers went changin small open boas, After kiling 2 whale they towed the body to shoe where other men cut off he blubber and cooked i to tthe whale ol They then returned out tose to continve hunting, For centris whale oll was very important bacanse twas wsed 3 fuel for lantems, amp and for coking ‘The Basques began hunting whales in big sailing ships in the 120 Each ship carried many sll whale boats from which the men harpooned the whales, After killing a whale the men cutoff the bubbee, When they had full load of blubber they sailed home, kod In the early 1600s bigger whaling ships were bull, with enough whet the blubber was space both to get ano store the whale oi and other products frm the whales’ bodies So the Basques started staying at se for longer periods ine ‘The Baas hunted the “right whale” more than any other. I was considered the “right” or the est whale to hunt because It sam close o shoe, contained large amounts of ll and its body didnot snk tert was kl, Inthe 160s the English and the Dutch leaned the whaling methods ofthe Basgues and they bogan siting to the Artic to hun the Arctic righ whale Whaling became an important and profitable busines Whaling in Ameri The American Indians hunted right whales off the Aantc Coast Tong before the English colonists arrived inthe 1600s. They went ‘whaling in their canoes and used harpoons with points made of stone, bone o weed Daring the 17s colonists in New Bedford, Masschusets, started a soll whaling industry which became very successful an his town Ine became the whaling capita ofthe wor At fist American whalers hunts only the sgh whale and the Artic righ whale or bwhead. Thee whales provided sehalbone (baleen for women's corsets and hoopskins "which wer stylish at that ime Manufacturers also vse baleen 49 make umbrellas, fishing rods whips and oer things hat had to be strong, light and Hable About 1815 Americans began hunting the sperm whale more than any other kind, because this creature provided not only whale ll but sb spermacei and other substances The greatest period of American whaling began in the 18305 and lasted for about ity years and this was when Melville wrote Moby Dick (1851, The United Sates was the lading whaling nation until the 1880 In the 1840 there were about 70 American whaling his and nearly all of them came from New England ports ~ New ford, Nantucket and Boslon. On the Pacific Coast, San Francisco cae the chief whaling port ‘The decline ofthe American whaling industry was caused by two Decline of American Whaling major events: the birth ofthe petroleum industry and the Civil War. The American petoeum industry began i 1859, when Ewin Drake dried? an oll well near Titusville, Pennsylvania. Soon other men Stared driling thousands of ei wells inthe Pennsylvania hills Petroleum became avery tig and profitable business in many American sates, particularly Teas In ess than three years the pe ofa bare of petroleum dropped from $20 to only 10 cents Ui isi wl i had ben the main fuel for lamps. Now peoplebegan using kerosene, a petroleum reduct instead. Kerosene wa cheaper than wake it and bec she main product ofthe petihun ndusty ofthe ate 8, During the Civil War (186145, Confederate warships sank a great ruber of whaling ships on, out half he et. During the late 18005, Ameta di not keep up with the whaling Industries of other countris ich began sing harpoon guns andl tcamahips, and bythe begin of the twentieth century America ad only about forty whaling ip Before you re: HO use0ng ollie sou Aa an a rtlon sod he Pod ie Mieceion soe trvatcome oor e Today whale hunting is very controversial ll over the world telieve that ts wrong to hunt, but some counties continae hunting them for commercial reasons. ce cehwanon 5 them catch whale © etter rom Maby Dick ‘Say whether the fllowing statements are true (1 or fale (and 44 what was wrong with the barrele? then correc the false ones, fi: 1 There were too few of them, wal z Arana pcm nth a (CHAPTER EIGHT Queequeg’s Coffin ‘The months passed and we continued hunting whales = Captain Ahab spent most of his time Below the deck in his cabin, He studied his charts and maps and the movement of perm whales. His obsession with Maby Dick filed his days and bis ges When Ahab came on deck he walked noisily from bow to stern, and often stopped to stare atthe sea. He looked more and more angry. The whales we had caught and the barrels of oil we had stored meant noting thm ‘Ahab often stood in front of the mast where the god coin = was nailed It was sil shiny: was made of pure gold and we felt it was sacred. was from South America, On it were images of palm trees, alpacas, volcanoes, stars and suns. It had & Spanish poetic quality. Onis round border you could read the — Queequea's Coffin words "Republica del Ecuador: Quit’. So this bright coin came from a country beneath the great equator, up in the Andes For Ahab the coin represented his determination to make the voyage a success. Starbuck, being a religious man, saw the ‘Trinity in the eon. Stubb, instead, saw the signs ofthe zodiac in it and ehe promise of alot of money. When Flask loked ati he ‘thought about how many cipas he could buy was our goodluck charm ~ it might hep us find Moby Dick (One evening, while Ahab was looking at his maps, Starbuck ‘came to his cabin. He was worried, and said, "We havea serious problem, Captain, The barels of al are leaking ~ they're losing Precious whale oll We have to check all ofthe barrels” "You don't care!” cried Starbuck in despair. “what will the owners say, sir? When we return to Nantucket after this long the barrels leak! 1 don’ care” said Ahab voyage the owners will want to see whole oll-barrels full of whale oil We don't have choice — we have to check all of the barrels. That way we can see which bares are leaking and mend ther.” Starbuck's face was bright red 1 wil take too lang” ‘ried angrily. “We're approaching Japan 3000 and my maps say we are sure to find Moby Dick in ‘those waters, We're not stoping to fix some od Welve travel over twenty thousand ile to fin this oll — we cant lose it now" ssid Starbuck, trying tobe eal At this point Ahab lost control and pulled a gun from the ‘ack! on the wall and pointed ta Starbuck £ —_— ge re Not” sd Queequeg with a weak voice. “Get carpenter for ‘cet carpenter," he repea ease tell me why," | sid queequeg explained that he had once seen coffins in He like this idea because on hi island people were sent out te sea ina canoe when they died ‘When a sailor died at sea his body was put inside his hhammecle and then thrown into the water, where he was usually caten by sharks. Queequeg did not want this to happen ti id again. He make my canoe. cet carpenter, | did not want my dear friend to die, but I id not want him. to get upset. 50 | called the ship's carpenter and hi tock Queequeg’s measurements and built him a coffin, When it was ready Queequeg got inside Because he wanted to try it cout nse he had a paddle? for his trip to the other world and his litte iol Yolo. Then he asked for the steel head of his harpoon. He closed his eyes peacefully and lay stil lt down beside him and felt terribly sad an lonely. 1 thought abour aur wonderful friendship | didnot want it to end ved many men from death CHAPTER EIGHT time to die? A young sailor played the tambourine! and it Sounded lke Queeque’s funeral march. {have discovered chat there isa big difference between primitive people and modern people, Modern people get sick and sometimes i takes them many months to get well But primitive people can easily get better na day Lucky, thats what happened to Queeques, He suddenly got up from his coffin and eimbed out ‘queequeg not dead" he ssid witha loud voice." remember something Queequeg not do. Queequeg die anther day” He got better as quickly as he got sick, and we could not understand whi. We asked him if dying depended on our will and his answer was, “certainly ‘Wie were very surprised and happy that he was well again. His coffin became a sea chest where he kept his lathes and his do ‘ojo, He even started decorating the top ofthe coffin with the same strange designs he had on his body The text and beyond © comprenension chock ‘Connect the beginnings in column A with the endings n alam B "sr four endings in column Bthat you donot need to use. 1D] Ahab stutit his carts and maps 2] Starbuckentered Ash's cabin 2. [] Starbuckenred about the bartels 44 [J ahab pointed gn at Starbuce 5. Thecrew pled the bares out of held 6 cueequeghecame 7. hcequeg asked forthe carpenter 8) cuveque wanted tohave coffin 9 ists ee very sad 10 [T] cueequegdid rt ie 1b because thought i rlend war ving ode B because they had to fad he leaks. because e wa frightened because he dn wane tod because he needed a seachest cause he wae furious because he wanted a cof H besuse he needed cane. 1 because he wanted 0 find Moby Dice 4) because he stil had something toda because is main interest was oll andnot Maby Dik 1 because de wan the sharks eat his body NN because he wanted total him about the aking bares For questions 115 read the text below, Use the word given in capitals at the end ofeach line to form a word that fits inthe space in the Same line. There ran example atthe beginning (0) elle tls us that the patterns a gree) value for Queequeg from 4 real-life New Zealand king ofthe Maor people this kind of tattoo had First of all, it was a kind of identity eard or name ~ Te Pes mame is here” Pel himeaf 2, pointing ths (6) face ‘The Ta Mata at that time was worn by the Maori a “Te showed thee rank, genealogy and slao their courage in battle, The process of ® {and took upto «month a ish, an Tatooine an anclent Polynesian tradition that has ‘ben handed own rm person to perro for more han 2000 years since the (1 of the Earpeane Inthe late 1600s and eary 1700s, tattoos have go any changes. ist they Were cften edie by 1 and became 2) ‘tony th red them the “visa” and tried 0 suppress Fovever, much ofthis art has survived, and inthe 30s» 5) began in New Zealand, REVIVE Hawai and other parta of Polynesia, Nowadays, Ta vals one again an important pat of Maon culture. “Teno fifteen years go, mary people in Western counties would have doubted Queequeps rapid recovery. Now, though, the so-called kenative for of medicine ate very common. and mest Europeans {ndkmercan are very familar with ther medal radians and dee Claes the pctres elo Whats name of then various medical te heath practices? wat are the pographieal areasof origin? skabout aernative medicine, Use these questions ta elp you. 1 What kinds of non-Western neice do you know? Doyouthinktiseffectve? Why er why nat? Before you read © Feoding pictures 1 Look atthe piture on pages 104-105 1 What sheppening othe Pequod? ryting strange abu the hip? 3 Look the picture on page 09. 1 There ete captain of another ship with Ahab What she doing? LUsten oth first part of Chapter Nine. You wil har about typhoon ~ a toreble tropial storm of wind and rain, For questions 13 completa the sentences 1 Even thaughthey dint whales, Ahab wanted ‘They su the fe lane of the yon on they di kil mary othe Japaneses {3 Thetyphoon vas sobad that lshrael di not think that 4 nthe mide ofthe storm, the cew dd theibest to 1 The“candlos" was the name of the gts which shal saw at 7. starbucewanted Ahab 1 “Ahab cid not care shout the typhoon because. 9 Abas though the ire would The Candles Gur ong wayagcontinsd and we wee sl fount many whaler ESE ad fil more barrel with precious whl Bt there til was no sign of Moby Dick Wihenever the Pevec met another whaling ship, Akab's ueston was alniys the ume, “Have you sean the white hale” bt none ofthe ling ships had sen Moby Dic “Ear shovted Ahab “We mus sll Eat — be therein the Japanese We sled Est othe mide ofthe Japanese ea and he wind started blowing hard andthe sea became rough. ack coud eee ieee eee eee worst stom had ever seen. The thunder and lighting never eared to stop. The Peauod was in the middle of a terrible typhoon’ and Idd’ think we could survive rained erty tute ship was thrown in every arection. “The ere was on decking to td down te whaling bots. Then wenn acta nee pref ph in Tare "Turn the ship around!” cred the crew angrily, “Turn around!” Ahab finally came on deck. The violent typhoon and the fire meant something completely different to him. He was more determined than ever. "Lok at that fire inthe sky!" he cried, pointing tothe sky in ‘the mide of the wid storm. "That white fire lends us to the ite whale *No, Ahab the ship around or we will sil to our death!" He grabbed ahab's cried Starbuck, the ran pouring on his face, “turn arm desperately and cried, “God is against you, Ahab! This voyage is doomed. It was doomed from the start. Let's get out of| here while there's sil hope!” ‘Ahab was not listening and he moved away from Starbuck: He shook his fis? at the fie ‘Oh, great fire” shouted Ahab "burn with you! You light the way tthe white whale | am not afvald "Look at your boat, Ahab” cried Starbuck, asthe frightened ‘crew stared at thelr captain, “the storm has almost destroyed it and your harpaan is burning! ‘Ahab went fo get the burning harpoon and waved it among the crow lke a torch f any man turns this ship around I'll put this harpoon through his heart!" shouted Ahab fiercely, “Remember, you al ‘swore to hunt the white whale with me, and we will hunt We are inthis together and we will not turn back. No storm can stop ‘met Noone can stop me!” "He's... mad,” said Starbuck to he crew, nothing and no one = not even God” he's afraid of The Candles ‘The typhoon continued most of the nit, bt the next ‘morning the sea was calm again and the sky yas clear. Starbuck went down to Ahab's cabin. Before entering e stood neat the door and looked atthe guns on the walle ymembered when ‘Ahab had threatened him before, "take a gun and kl this macnn“ oul take the Peuod home and save the lives of ll the man this ship — see my wife Mary and my ite boy, How Gap his madman? 1 know it's wrong to kil ~ ign’ there another nay could make him {prisoner unt the ship reaches a port. But hey be worse than 1 tiger aeage. No! Only a foo! would make qb & prisoner: Of, Gor elp me let him lve we willl dc thomas of ries from cur home. What shall do? Great God help mer Starbuck stood in front of Ahab's cabin enbling and then returned tothe deck ‘The violent typhoon had almost destroyed ay ship and we were lucky that we did not lose ary men, We slow aed the deck, and repaired the masts and the sis. However, the pquod was not the same ship: the typhoon had taken the fe out of ‘At times lke these I asked myself if old Ey was right. Were we really doomed? ‘Alright, men,” said Starbuck, “let's stan ging again” He was tired but not discouraged. He knew wg ab to do and he worked as hard as any member of the cren ‘one day Starbuck called the ew, “All hang on deck” What's the problem?” asked Stub. “there's ship approaching!” replied Start, “Hurrah cheered the crew happily, Wek got seen another ship in along time and we hoped to recei ne news from home Weal ran to the deck, “I would do the same for you if your son were lost. won't go until you say yes!” Gardiner cried, ‘So Ahab has a son and a wife, | thought. could hardly believe that such a man had a family at home waiting for his return, aptain Gardiner, | won't doit. have no time for such ‘matters the white whale is near and! | must hunt hit. fm sorry about your..prablem, but cart help you Gardiner was very disappointed and returned t his ship. We could not believe what we had just heard, Ahab hed lost all humanity. What had he become? But none of us could say a word. The two ships went their separate ways ~ the Pequod to hunt the white whale and the Rachel to find Gardiner’ lst son ‘After a few days Ahab was on deck staring at the blue, cloudless horizon while Starbuck stood next to hi, “Oh, Starbuck” sad Ahab. “ls such a beautiful dy — my ist day at sea forty years ago was ike this. Forty years have passed, forty ‘years of whaling! When think ofthe if veld ~ the hard work the loneliness, the hunger and thst the hot andes! arid my wife between voyages and have been away from my family most ofthe ‘me Starbuck ookat me Do lok asda feeh™ Starbuck was amazed by Ahab's words and so Was “Oh, my Captain” cried Starbuck, hopefly, "You havea hear, afterall havea wife and chld too, Oh Aha Let's po home to our fariles Let's go bac to Nantucket! Turn the ship round!” Ahab looked at the sea and asked, "What ist that drives me ‘on I it me? Ors it God? Is ths my fate? Must hunt the white hale?” He paused for a moment and then cried, "No, Ahab must fo.0n! The white whale fe my fate ‘Starbuck ha lst all hope ~ Ahab was victim of his madness, The text and beyond @ comprehension check ‘Ansrer the falling questions, 1 How did Abab surprise Starbuck? summary {Chapter Nine has en divided into elaven parts Choose fom the at [Ac the sentence which best summarises each par (210) of ‘Theres an example foryou (0). ‘8 Gi rien youif you break your promise! 2 Ey How canhebe so unfeeling? © Fy ourtuuretocks tad DL they get shingsbackn order © Ey they you you hap me F Ey Foreneit victory, er the other death 6] Forashore moment he's ura agin 1H Lo The chiceis soft he does nothing 1 Cy Me inal ges seme good news 1B) Things are going well but not for him. What meaning dd Starbuck andthe crew giv tothe fie? What meaning dd Ahab ett? What two reasons Ahab give the crew for not returing homey Starbuck thought of two way of stopping Ahab What were they Why die decide not to try then? ‘What goed news ad Captin Gardiner give Ahab? om dd the meeting with the Rachel show that Ahab hed lost hy huraniy? ‘What isha! decover about Ahab private Me? Ei theships neaeyost, © the sinking of re Eason In t881 the young Herman Sele stain the whaler the ‘Acushnet. While te ship was sling inthe Pai Ocean it ‘eeountered another ship ad the tn ree gamed Youn Herman met another young man named Henry Chase, Henry told Herman abouts father Owen, who had been the fst mate on another whaler, the Essex. Henry even gave Herman a copy ofa book writen by his ator Narrative ofthe Most Extraordinary ond Disresing shipwreck ofthe Whole hip ster of Nantucket: hich Was Attacked and Frail Destroyed by o Large Seermacet Whale in {he Pcie ean. Herman ater wrote hatte reading of his storys ose othe very atte of the shipwreck had a surpelsing effect on en fact ater inapired im to wis Moby Dick Now rea a description ofthe voyage ofthe Eavex. ive paragraphs have been removed. Choose from the paragraphs AF the one which fits each gap (1-4). There ie one extra paragraph which you do not eed tose There san example atthe begining) ‘on August 2, 1819, the whaling ship the ser witha crew of 20 set sal fom Nantucket forthe Pari Oceans aptin, George Polar, was ony 29 years ol anit fst mate, Owen Chase only 23. fer along Voyage around Cape Hor, they arrived in he ‘middle ofthe Pace Ocean ner the Galapagos. On November 20, 1820 they saw alarge group of per whales. twas a beautiful lear day with a bit of wind the perfec dy or a whale nt. ‘This time it knocked hoe inthe ship, and Owen knew immediately that the ship warping snk, For the ext fis fe he was asessed by memories of the whales attack. He even leleved thatthe whale had attacked the Ese for even, ‘aprain Polar sad that would be best os for Tahiti they had sp0d winds and enough food fo tha journey, However, is fst Irate Owen and his econ mate, Matthaw Joy, dapced They ‘hid tha there were canals in Tali and that it was to My legs felt weak with fea, but the rest of me was alive with ‘excitement. On Starbuck's face there was nothing but feat of what would happen. could see the whale moving about violently In the water. He seemed to be warning uate stay away, but we id not stay away. Ahab was ready to Bunt the white whale Oh, captain,” cried Starbuck, “is not too late to go back, leven now on the third day. Moby Dick doesn't want you. You want him “Lower the boat!” was &hab'e command, When his boat got lose tothe white whale, we saw a terible sight: Fedallh’s dead body ted to Moby Dick’ side with the rps of his own harpoon! When Ahab saw him, the harpoon dropped fom his hand, “Fedallh!” he cried, “t can see you again and you have gone before me, Where's the whale? Has he gone down again?” Moby Dick moved forward with all is strength 1 will turn my body from the su,” Ahab shouted "wil give myself to you. You may destroy everything, but you will not conquer me. willl you with my hate. ‘Ahab grabbed his harpoon and threw it into Moby Dick’ white Flesh with ll is anger. But the rope tht held the harpoon to the boat caught ahab's neck. And as Maby Dick swam forward reat speed, the rope pulled Ahab out of the bost in an instant. Ahab was gone Suddenly cried out in panic. Moby Dick was swimming towards the Pequod! He wanted to destroy it with all his blind anger, and he dd. He smashed into the ship's side and the erew were sent to their deaths. Within seconds the Pegoud began to sink. But the white whale had not finished his work o \estrution. The whale attacked the sinking ship again ‘Ahab and the Pequed went down to the great depths ofthe 05 together. The waves rolled by as they had always done Epilogue The drama's done | Ishmael, was the only person who survived the last voyage of the Pequod. After the ship had sunk au the coffin and eld on tit fora day and a right. t saved my life. ques coffin came tothe surfece, anit floated. t swam to The sharks and the sea bitds did not bother me. On the second day | saw a ship sallng towards me, It was the Rochel whose captain was looking for hs lst son and found me instead. The text and beyond @ comprehension check Say whether the following statement ae true (7) or false (and thes crret the false ones, ety ick kes dangerous 2. Moby Dis rstattac eame from belo. (onthe secon day, the harpooners didnot it Moby Dik After falinginta the water twce Ahab wa rally frghtened ofthe white ute By the thr day, Starbuck was efi ofthe whale Starbuck thouph hat Moby Dick wanted laa, Fedaah was attached to the white whale’ body ao Moby Dk led Aad with ial. 1a Tahmaeland queequeg were theanly twowhosurived May bic’ final attack oo oo @ summary Plinth gaps with a word ora short phrase to make a summary of chapters 710. There are te examples tthe beginning (0) and (0) Stubb led ho fist whale but ahub() ace... she wat ony interestedin aby ice The crew tid the Send body tthe ship nd the nex day the began peeling (00) the Sutar. off the ‘whale Then). omake oi The Pequd conned its voyage and months passed Oe evening Starbuck old Ahab that someaf the bartels) nnn “hecrew had pul l ofthe barrel out ofthe old. The work was veryhard and Queeques became I Heol he carpenter to make hin 20) But scenly Queequg ot better. He feuldni ie he sald because a “The Pequod continued ts woyage snd Ans contd hi earch fo ety Dick When they were nthe mil ofthe Japanese se, they Wore I a8) nena TRe ate lowes eth the ight Cf astrange fe Starbuck saw ths as abad omen that meant that God) Days after this, the quod encountered the Rachel ts captain was desperatly searching for @) io waslort ‘teenina whale bot. Hebegee Ahab to elp hm but Ahab Fefused he only had tine for hunting Moby Dick Atab ha let al on Some days later Ahab ne that ther was a whale near beraute he ul) an "The crew pulled him upto the masthead Then Ahab sae Maly Dik The boats were lowered On thirst day, the white whale destroyed Abab’s bot. The next dy, the battle ontinued and apnn May Dick destroyed Ahab's bata also is a0) ‘On the third apd lst day ofthe atl, Aba finaly threw a harpoon and i Moby Dick But the ope go caught round his ae id the whale pulled Ahab ou ofthe Boat n instant Then the whale turned and atoced the Peauod He Smashed against twice. The hp sank and Ishmael was the only oe ‘our, Held onto Queeque's 2) forte faye unl eheRackel pikes hm @ discussion King bab, the Bible, was condemned bythe prophet Elijah: Ahab introduced the worship of «false god, Baal. Why was Moby Dick a ind offs god for Captain Aha? Discuss this question with your partner. Below are some ideas thelp you: Report your iden tothe cae, 11 My Dll bere more important than human feeling such ax 2 My Dik replaced any interest inthe general community 13 Moy Dick an animal was seen a vi 44 Kling Moby Dc was more important than theives hs men. FEO comorehenson check ‘Choose the correct answer (AB, Cor0). 1 Ishmael sees thesea as place of ‘A mystery and fe, B trouble and fer 2 what was unusual abou Father Mapp ple? | ‘A Teas decorated with whal'steeth and bones 8 Rewason ash, © __ tewas shapedlike th bo of asp. (> lewas shapedike a sperm whale 3. ceequegearned that Christiane ‘8 | couldelp pagans inmany things, B were better han pagans. © | could be asada pagans 4 what id lj all shmael about the Pequed? 1A tewas goingtohunta strange white whale 1B scaptain was eeay and dangerous © ee eapean and mates were realy demons 1D tehaddemone aboard andit wae pring tobe destroyed |S Ahab thought that My Dick was A) Ahab barpooner 1B Starbuck's harpooner D [_] sts harpooner [A Avhale bunt that oes not end sscesfly, 1B When you make whale blbber © When jouse another whaling shi, | When the crews of two whaling ships mt 8 The whale oi comes fom A theinsde of the whal’s head 3 theinide of he whales tome, © _theblubber onthe outside fa wha’ body ‘DO themuscles under the whale’ hump © Starbuce sen alana becuse A bedid'thaveagun, 1B ewasafraid ofthe other mates who were devote to him, © ha was afraid ofzeine to prison, © hethought twas wrong 10. Al’ esl to help Captain Gardin shomed that 1A hewascheesed wth Moby Dick, 3 hehadleet his humanity, © hewas en 1D hed st his tne of reality, How dd Ahab rat know hat Moby Dick was near? A | Hesmaled him, B_ Heead the sound of im pouting € [He aw him rom the masts, 1 Heesw him from the deck, How id shmael survive after the Peiod sank? A Heswamtoland 1B Heheldonto Yoo, Queeque's wooden ol © Hehe onto aneogeg'scotfin/en chet meer papa pr ey Seen ees See nee =aeecneae 2p Four B21 steep Verb ems Pe ioe er cde ‘ior orice anon frm er form and pater Fe firme Pt Po Sng Xie ech ee Fatboy ad une Tapco ae Canon Pas Perec, Sr may i Chimes conesion: even toh nhac Available at Sy) Four Ameria Horror Bp see ° Site ‘rom The Nempate Caled ck the Riper Foe en + Othe Wi Sahare The Secret Aen Cnet Petr of an = Waning Squire Hey anes

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