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July 04, 2014

6:40 – 7:30 IV – 3 ________
7:30 – 8:20 IV – 17 ________
8:20 – 9:10 IV – 20 ________
9:30 – 10:20 IV – 19 ________
10:20 – 11:10 IV – 8 ________
11:10 – 12:00 IV – 21 ________

Title of Story: The Legend of the Fly

Author of the Story: Segundo D. Matias
Illustrator of the Story: Beth Parrocha-Doctolero

I. Objectives
1. To realize the importance of food
2. To know how to eat properly or with moderation
3. To show care to others
Materials: Book, pictures, chart

II. Procedure
A. Pre-Reading
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
a. vast – very great in number, size, amount, extent or degree
b. renown – widespread fame or honor
c. appetite – a strong desire or craving for something
d. invaders – a person or group that invades a country, region or other place
e. emerge – to appear out of or from behind something

1. Motivation
Let the class sing “A Fly is on my Toe”
Show a picture of fly.

2. Motive Question
What can you say about a fly?
Do you like a fly? Why or why not?

B. During Reading
The teacher will read the story.
Imagine That! Ask the class to draw what is happening in a certain scene.

C. Post Reading
1. Answering the motive question
a. Who was the main character of the story?
b. What is his traits and characteristics?
c. When and where did the story happen?
d. What did happen to Haring Lang-ao after Senyang got angry to him?

2. Enrichment Activities
The teacher will divide the class.
Group 1 – Dear Diary
Group 2 – Dear Author
Group 3 – What is it?
Group 4 – Coming Attraction


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