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Easy A’s on Essays V2

By: Lucidity
Learn the secret behind easily Acing every essay, book
report, and other writing assignments without putting in
any effort. While also taking almost no time to do so, as I’ve
never seen this take longer than 30 minutes.

A HackForums Original

Version 2 (Updated April ’13)

Disclaimer :

The author of this E-book (Lucidity) does not encourage you to trick your teachers with any information
you may find in this file, nor is he responsible for any trouble that you get in by using any of the
information below, which is strictly for educational purposes only

I’d like to start off by saying if you use this method properly, and use a
little common sense there is no reason for you to get in trouble. As, if you
are to use this method properly your paper is not technically

(At least to a point where plagiarism detection software will not be able to proclaim

Thanks to the first book which had hundreds of sales, and one of the most
popular E-book threads on HackForums, I was encouraged to release a new
method which hopefully you all see as an upgrade to the previous one.

Since I have already released this E-book once before, it would be unfair for
me to just re-arrange the E-book a little bit just to re-sell the exact same
method. That being said, I will be providing two methods which are both
functioning and still efficient. The first method mentioned will be the new
method, and following that will be the old method which many found to be
extremely helpful.
The biggest advantage this E-book can offer you is saving all of that time you
would have previously wasted on researching the information, reading the
books or biographies, planning and outlining your papers, then the actual time
you spent writing your essays!

Everyone has those days, you’re here because you need help and you need help
fast. You’ve come to the right place at least, because an hour from now you
should have that paper done. So, take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the
easiest essay you’ve ever written.

Method one!
Before we begin getting this essay done for you, review this checklist;

You’ll need:

• Written assignment topic

I hope I haven’t lost anybody yet.

1. Almost every written assignment you’ll encounter in any situation, whether

it’s elementary school or university, has most likely been assigned and
completed previously. Find an essay which would be perfect for you to
hand in, if it weren’t for the fact that plagiarism would bite you in the ass
faster than you can say “Good Morning”.
Essay Sites :

This step is complete when a sufficient essay has been chosen.

2. Once you have selected your essay, you must save it as a .txt, .doc, or .rtf
file. (.txt is the smoothest way to do this)

Stumble your way on over to (Which I’m about to purchase, to

perfect the programming and dedicate that software to helping people write essays quickly and

Locate the Upload button, should be located at the top right of the first
page, now you may either upload your file via the upload option, or you can
use the Copy+Paste Upload option which is directly under the Upload

Either way, input your essay by whatever means you have chosen and
begin to select your options. However do NOT use all of the options at
once as it normally makes your paper less fluent, and occasionally makes
it lack sense. Also, the adjective adder and common word replacer used
simultaneously usually does not produce a desired result either. If your
paper is about specific nouns, avoid the common word replacer.

Now re-read your processed paper, check for any grammatical errors, or
errors of any sort for that matter. If any errors should be found, manually
correct them, and if any sentences don’t make sense be sure to correct them
at this time.

This step is complete when a processed paper has been reviewed and corrected.

3. Now it’s time to check how well your efforts have turned out. Check your
paper for plagiarism at

Should any plagiarism be detected, repeat step 2 with your choice of

either the already processed paper or the unaltered copy with alternate
options ticked during processing.

This step is complete when an un-plagiarized paper is in your possession.

4. Re-read your paper a final time, making sure everything is in order

grammatically and sequentially. Finalizing any changes you’d like to make
to the paper before handing it into your teacher/professor. Turn in your
finalized piece, and hope for the best. This method had never failed me,
and I haven’t written anything since the 6th grade.

This method is complete when your paper is turned in, un-plagiarized, and being
graded by your assessor.

Method two!
Step 1: Same as Method one.

Step 2: Go to the Plagiarism Checker

You can either Copy and Paste your essay, or upload the text file to the plagiarism
checker, now you can drag the sensitivity bar to whatever you would like,
obviously the safest would be the farthest towards “More” as you can get. Once
you have selected your preference click “Create Report”.

Step 3: Plagiarism Be-gone!

After you have clicked create report it will start checking every phrase in your
paper/essay for plagiarism, as soon as you see the plagiarized text pop up you
need to open your essay on your computer, and the phrases it says are plagiarized
go to your text file and change the words in that phrase to something that would
make equal sense. Continue doing this for every phrase that it says are plagiarized
until you have done all of the plagiarized phrases, once you have completed doing
this save your edited, non-plagiarized essay/paper.

Step 4: Double check your work.

Once you have a non-plagiarized essay/paper you definitely want to double check
to make sure it’s completely undetected by any plagiarism checker.

Go to the following sites to check to make sure they’re undetected:

Step 5: Turn it in!

• Microsoft word is a great word processor, it’ll correct your

grammar or spelling when replacing plagiarized phrases or text

• Printing the paper is a great safety precaution, rather than E-


• You can never be too careful, proceed with that in mind.

• Feel free to add your own adjectives, synonyms, or alter
sentences/phrases in any way that you see possible to truly
make it less detectable and less plagiarized with every

Congratulations, if you followed this E-book properly you now have a

personalized professional essay that is guaranteed to get yourself an A, if you
liked this E-book, look for the others that will be written by me.

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