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Running head: American Education 1

The Future of American Education

Arianna Birth

English 201
American Education 2


This paper focuses on education advancements in America for the future. It explains that

education will go uphill and the schooling system will achieve great things if the people

strive to learn. This was discovered through topics such as; history, American

competitiveness, politics, educational philosophies, and technology. History shows that

America has overcome trials in the past and relates that the nation will get through trials

in the future. American competitiveness shows the zeal that the nation has towards being

the best and will create a drive in the people to work harder in educational pursuits.

Politics shows that the government is doing all that they can to help make education the

best that it can be for all people. Educational Philosophies help depict how teachers are

striving to create learning environments that foster a yearning for knowledge. Technology

shows that this is possible because the word can be spread on how to create a better

system. All of these topics create a picture of how education is going to get better, and

show that it is possible for American education to become the best that it can be. Through

the use of credible sources and logical thinking the idea that education will become better

is proven.
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The Future of American Education

American education began when America first began. The first school in America

was created in 1635, the Boston Latin School, which only offered schooling to rich white

boys (Boston Latin School Association, N.D. Para. 1). American education has come a

long way since then. In America schooling is now required for all children. The

government even pays for the education of every citizen. Education is always shifting and

becoming something new. With the starting point of education and its future, research of

relating topics such as, history, American competitiveness, politics, educational

philosophies, and technology reveals that American education is headed in a positive


In discovering the future of American education studying the past is crucial . In

1607 the first English settlement in North America was established. The people were not

able to be concerned about education at this time because they were worried more about

their survival. Progressively, as survival was less of an issue, education became available

and people were able to attend school. At first schooling was only available to wealthy

white males, then schools opened up to white girls, and lastly schools became available to

people of all races. America’s educational evolution has been significant in that it has had

many factors affecting it. For example, the American Revolution marked a change in

education because the new world was breaking away from England. No longer did the

American people want to be like the British. They looked to find new ways to address

things their own way, school became less focused on religious beliefs and became more

focused on grammar and literacy (Gillard, 2011, Para. 99). Literacy pushed the nation
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forward into secondary education in the hope that it would create an educated society.

This goal could only be achieved when viewpoints about people were altered.

Viewpoints have changed significantly from the 17th century to today. The

education of white males was important to the people of the 1600’s because they saw

them as the future. White women were seen more as being homemakers and not having a

big impact on society. In the 1700’s following the Revolutionary war a concept known as

Republican Motherhood changed education for women. People realized that a mother

could teach her sons and create a better society through educating them at an early age.

The National Women’s History Museum said on Republican Motherhood, “The

expansion of women’s education was not meant for their own benefit but to place them in

a position to mold future generations into good citizens and civic leaders.” (2007, pg.3).

Slowly women’s education shifted, but it was not until the 1980’s that college attendance

between women and men was approximately equal (National Women’s History Museum,

2007, pg. 1). Interestingly today more women attend college than men (Lopez & Barrera,

2014, Para.3). This shift in educational pursuit by females can be attributed to many

factors, one of which being that there are many female teachers today.

Teaching was a profession that was traditionally masculine but has switched to a

female dominated profession (McGraw-Hill, 2005, Para. 3). This switch has created an

issue of female educators not understanding boys as much as they do girls, because they

haven’t had the viewpoint of a boy. This makes it hard for women to teach boys the way

that they need to be taught. In an interview with educational professionals and authors,

Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens, one teacher said, “For years I sensed that the girls

and boys in my classrooms learn in gender-specific ways, but I didn't know enough to
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help each student reach full potential.” (2004, Para. 2).Time has changed the course of

education and will change education for the future. Teachers will learn how to treat

genders differently in education. Teachers will make this push because they want to help

students, and also because they are competitive and want this country to succeed in it’s

education. American competitiveness will push the country to be the best educated in the


American patriotism has taken the country forward and helped them to push

through all of the trials that they have faced. They have gone through wars, epidemics,

and destruction but the American people have always miraculously moved forward and

became stronger. The society in America is very competitive, not just with the world, but

also with itself. People work to be the best that they can possibly be. Schooling is

something that provides Americans with an opportunity to advance and learn. America

works to create the best education it can but it is falling behind other countries. The

mediocrity of education is propelling the country forward into higher quality education.

In 2012 a test was taken by students in 65 countries to assess the quality of education in

each country. American education was found to be average in general, with students

especially struggling with math (PBS, 2013, Para.2). This is thought to be traced back to

female teachers not being as prone to mathematics and the sciences. Programs are being

created to help with this deficiency, such as the “National Math and Science Initiative”

which strives to “address one of this nation’s greatest economic and intellectual threats -

the declining number of students who are prepared to take rigorous college courses in

math and science and equipped for careers in those fields.” (EDinformatics, 1999,

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The U.S. looks to other countries to find new ideas about how to educate their

students. An example of this is Finland having students spend less time in the classroom

and more time outside of it. They also give teachers training throughout the school year

to help them learn how to make their teaching more effective (Choi, 2014, Para. 15).

America has taken lessons from Finland and provided more meetings outside of school to

help teachers develop a better system of learning in the school. America, however, has

not cut down on school hours like Finland has. America has taken some ideas from other

countries but still kept the individuality of the county.

America’s president, Barack Obama (2012) said about American education in

relation to competition with other countries:

It is an undeniable fact that countries who out-educate us today are going to

outcompete us tomorrow. If we're serious about building an economy that lasts—

an economy in which hard work pays off with the opportunity for solid middle-

class jobs—we've got to get serious about education.(Para. 10)

America is not lacking in motivational speeches, they are constantly being pushed to be

better as a community by leaders, both on a local and national stage. The competitiveness

of the country to be the best they can be pushes the country forward into scholastic

achievement. American competitiveness will push the nation forward into a better

education for its people, thus creating a strong sense of nationalism. When the country is

pulled together the people will be connected. The nation is pulled together to address

issues and when these issues are resolved the people have a stronger sense of national

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Some sources say that America is “losing its touch” (Attis, 2015, Para. 1). These

remarks make the American people work harder to prove to the world that they are still

relevant and a great nation. Political laws are put in place to guide the American people

in their journey for greatness. Laws such as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

of 1965 have changed education for the better by providing education for those who live

in poverty. That law was replaced by the No Child Left Behind act of 2001 that

demanded high quality education provided by well educated teachers. These acts also

implemented testing in the school systems to ensure that all citizens of the U.S. are

receiving the same high level of education (Atlas, 2015, Para. 15). The American

government has come up with new ideas on how to push schools to do better, the

American public can now see how their schools rank on a grading school from A to F

(Smollin, 2011, Para. 8). With schools being graded it will create competitiveness

between the schools to become the best. Healthy competition is what drives the School

boards in America to achieve more.

America looks to achieve more in the upcoming years with education by changing

parts of the No Child Left Behind act, by updating it so that it stays relevant with all the

issues of the day. The issue with changing education for the whole country falls with the

fact that each state is in charge of their education. States decide what their community

needs, which is good on a local level, but can cause problems when a major change is

necessary in schools all over America. Many people have questioned why educational

power has been spread across the country because they believe that the Central

government could do a better job. America is a vast and diverse place that cannot be

controlled by just one central government, educational power had to be separated and
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given to the states to ensure that education is what every state needs it to be. All states

still teach nearly the same curriculum but the main part of education that the states handle

is funding for education. The central government does not know where the money should

go in each state so the money is given to the people. State’s do more good for the

educational systems funding and make it so that America can achieve more. States will

continue to hold the educational power because they are the best equipped for the job.

Teachers make up a big part of the school systems, they are what make education

succeed or fail. Through a good teacher the world can be changed. William Arthur Ward

said about teachers, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior

teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” (2015, Para. 3) Each teacher, to help

their students learn and progress, has created their own teaching philosophy. Many of

these ideas stem from 4 major philosophies; Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism,

and Reconstructionism (Cohen, 1999). Perennialists believe in teaching everlasting truth

(Cohen,1999). Essentialists believe in focusing on “core knowledge” (Cohen, 1999).

Progressivists believe that learning should be child based and directed (Cohen, 1999).

Reconstructivists believe that learning should be channeled to create a better society

(Cohen, 1999). Combining these ideas creates a guideline for teachers to follow in their

classrooms and helps to create an environment of learning.

Classrooms are in desperate need of teachers who understand how to teach. The

future of education rests in the hands of teachers. When teachers understand the

philosophies and utilize them in their classrooms education in America can become

something greater. The educating of future educators will bring America up to the high

standard that the nation built itself on. Once the teachers understand the power that they
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have in their teaching style it will create classrooms that encourage learning. The

American people will become a people that strive to learn and thirst for knowledge.

These educational theories become intertwined to create a teaching philosophy that

makes students want to learn, and when people want to learn they can accomplish tasks

that are thought to be impossible. The educational system may be thought to be going

downhill but with the right teachers who use philosophies to change learning into

something that is more than just sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture. When

teachers take the initiative to make the learning experience great then education will go

uphill and students will do better on the tests that decide whether education is good or


Educational worth, decided by tests taken by students all over the U.S., is

allegedly going downhill. Tests show students progression in their education and can also

show what teaching techniques are working in classrooms. For example a teacher who

demands lots of class participation may have students receiving higher test scores, while

a teacher who lectures the entire time may have students receive lower test scores and not

understand the topic as much as the other students. When teachers get the test results

back their teaching techniques are finely tuned. These tests help show teachers which

educational approaches work and which ones don’t. Through this information teachers

can share what they have learned and create a better system together. This technological

time provides educators with a chance to share what they have learned with people all

over the country and even with people who live in other countries. In the past educators

have not had this technology at all and were not able to share information as quickly as

people can now. Through computers education can be changed.

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The first computer was introduced in 1944 to solve mathematical problems and

answer science based questions (Molnar, 1997, Pg. 2). Now computers are used for

everything imaginable, from entertainment to education. The Internet has created a way

for people to be connected anywhere at any time. Information can be spread through the

Internet to teachers who may just be starting in the field or who may be having a difficult

time understanding how their classroom could be better. Educational professionals should

use the tools that have been given to them to help them learn and change education.

Using computers in classrooms can have a great impact on the future of education

in America. It provides students with a new way to learn and an opportunity to discover

more than was ever possible before. Technology, when used properly in education opens

doors to infinite information and ideas. The students of today can discover how education

can be made better and help tell their teacher’s what they think would work best. When

they do this education in America will become better. When technology is used for the

benefit of learning, it changes a nation.

In looking to America’s educational past the future can become clear, American

education is going to get better. Historically American education has hit many high and

low points, but the American people have learned from their mistakes and pushed

forward to create a better schooling system. Some people believe that American

education is at a low point right now, these comments just push Americans to create a

better system. The competitiveness of the nation drives them forward to work harder and

improve where they are lacking. The political leaders, such as presidents and state

officials, work with boards of education to reach the academic achievement that they are

striving for. This academic achievement is fostered by excellent quality teachers who
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understand how education works. If teachers learn how they should be teaching and turn

classrooms into a place were students seek for knowledge the U.S. will see higher scores

on tests, and a love of learning in their nation. In the end it is up to American students to

decide if they will allow education to change the nation. Paulo Freire, a philosopher that

dealt largely with education said:

Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration

of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about

conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and

women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate

in the transformation of their world. (N.D. Para. 7)

Once education is transformed the society of America will change. American’s should

look forward to the future education and the good that it could do for their nation if they

work hard for it. “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the

people who prepare for it today.” (Malcolm,1964, Para. 34). American education will

change, just as it always has. Its future lies with its citizens and their will to prepare.
American Education 12


Atlas. (2015). No Child Left Behind. Retrieved from


Attis, D. (2015). Higher Education and the Future of U.S. Competitiveness. Retrieved



Boston Latin School Association (N.D.). BLS History. Retrieved from

Choi, A. S., (2014). What the Best Education Systems are Doing Right. Retrieved from

Cohen, J. & Gelbreich, L.M. (1999). Module One: History and Philosophy of Education.

Section III - Philosophical Perspectives in Education. Retrieved from

EDinformatics. (1999). Math and Science Teacher Initiative Programs. Retrieved from

Gillard, D. (2011). Education in England: A Brief History. Retrieved from http://www.

Gurian, M. & Stevens, K. (2004). With Boys and Girls in Mind. Retrieved from


Lopez, M.H., Gonzalez-Barrera A. (2014). Women’s college enrollment gains leave men

behind. Retrieved from

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Malcolm X. (1964). Malcolm X’s Speech at the Founding Rally of the Organization of

Afro-American Unity. Retrieved from


McGraw-Hill. (2005). The History of American Education. Retrieved from


Molnar, A. (1997). Computers in Education: A Brief History. Retrieved from


National Women’s History Museum. (2007). Women's Changing Roles as

Citizens of a New Republic. Retrieved from


Obama, B. (2012). U.S. Education Pressured by International Comparisons. Retrieved

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Paulo, F. (N.D.). Quotes about Education. Retrieved from

PBS. (2013). U.S. Education System Lags Behind Other Countries. Retrieved from


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