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Before you cook your pasta, be sure to add a teaspoon of vegetable oil in
your pot of water.
A. Demonstrative
B. Informative
C. Persuasive
D. Entertainment

2. Parents should send their children away to boarding school during their
high school years. Students will get the opportunity to learn responsibility.
Parents will begin to respect the independence of their children. Lastly,
boarding school teaches students how to think more critically without the
crutch of their familiar surroundings.
A. Demonstrative
B. Informative
C. Persuasive
D. Entertainment

3. Jim is my best friend, so I don't know why he chose me to give the toast
today. I have so many funny stories to tell that this birthday celebration
may turn into a roast.
A. Demonstrative
B. Informative
C. Persuasive
D. Entertainment

4. As the President of the United States it is my responsibility to keep you

informed about the state of the country's economy.
A. Demonstrative
B. Informative
C. Persuasive
D. Entertainment
5. Which of the following is an example of an informational speech?
A. An explanation why uniforms should be banned
B. An instructional video
C. A morning announcement
D. A toast at a wedding
6. Which of the following is not an example of a demonstrative speech.
A. How to make Kool-Aid
B. Steps to create a PowerPoint presentation
C. Ways to earn an A in math class
D. Why teachers should get paid the same as doctors

7. All of the following are informal types of oral communication EXCEPT

A. telephone conversations
B. face-to-face conversations
C. presentations at business meetings
D. discussions at business meetings

8. An advantage of oral communication is that

A. it is more personal and less formal than written communication
B. it is more flexible than written communication
C. it is very effective to address conflicts and problems
D. all of the above

9. Oral communication is NOT a good choice when

A. important information needs to be documented
B. you want to boost the morale of your employees
C. a business matter requires quick resolution
D. you are going to record a podcast
10. For communication to be effective, it must...
A. Relate meaning
B. Relate cause
C. Provide information
D. Cause feedback

11. Which comparison of verbal and nonverbal communication is accurate?

A) Both verbal and nonverbal communication are formally taught.
B) The sender has more control over verbal communication.
C) More channels are used for verbal communication.
D) The setting is more restricted in nonverbal communications.
12. Nonverbal cues
A) complement a verbal message.
B) regulate verbal communication.
C) both complement and regulate.
D) neither complement nor regulate.

13. A key difference between verbal and nonverbal communication is that:

A) Verbal communication is nonlinear.
B) Nonverbal communication is linear.

C) Verbal communication is linear and nonverbal communication is

D) There are no specific differences between verbal and nonverbal cues.
14. When a college instructor pauses during a lecture and looks at students
who are talking in order to communicate that they should be quiet, what
function is being fulfilled by the nonverbal message?
A) accenting
B) complementing
C) substituting
D) contradicting

15. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of nonverbal

A) It remains unaffected by its setting.
B) It often operates at a subconscious level.
C) It reveals feelings and attitudes.
D) It may conflict with verbal messages.

16. In a mixed message, the nonverbal communication is usually more reliable

than the verbal message because
A) verbal messages are more likely to show your feelings.
B) the cultural setting has a greater impact on nonverbal communications.
C) it is much harder to control and manipulate nonverbal communications.
D) all of the above reasons.
17. The process of detecting lies has become increasingly sophisticated; the
ability to analyze speech in this way is possible because nonverbal
A) is largely unconscious.
B) has the potential to conflict with verbal communication.
C) shows the sender's feelings and attitudes.

D) has all of the above characteristics which can help determine the
truthfulness of the speaker (but is not an exact science).

18. Displays of feelings vary by cultures. Which of the following is NOT true?
A) Many Asian cultures use high degrees of facial expressions.
B) Arabic cultures freely express grief.
C) Most Americans hide grief or sorrow.
D) Sometimes, excessive smiling may signal shallowness.

19. Which of the following is NOT an aspect of paralanguage?

A) facial expressions
B) rate of speech
C) pitch of voice
D) volume of voice

20. Which of the following statements best describes paralanguage?

A) It involves the speaker's choice of words.
B) It can create a distinct impression of the speaker.
C) Its main component is body language.
D) It exists beside language and interacts with it.
21. The term kinesics refers to
A) paralinguistic cues that are used to persuade.
B) vocal fillers that regulate the flow of speaking.
C) body movements that directly translate into words.

D) all forms of body movement other than physical contact with another

22. Which of the following categories of body movement is correctly defined?

A) Emblems are movements that directly translate into words.
B) Illustrators are movements that are universally recognized across cultures.
C) Regulators control the rate of speech at which the speakers are talking.

D) Adaptors are a form of feedback, signaling the listener's disagreement

with the speaker.

23. Which statement about adaptors is NOT correct?

A) They are habits that are not intended to communicate.
B) People use them when they are uncomfortable or nervous.
C) They are uniform to most communicators and easy to classify.
D) They are behaviors that satisfy physical or psychological needs.

24. Which statement concerning attractiveness is NOT correct?

A) Having an attractive wife is a universal sign of a man's status.
B) Young women are a sign of health and fertility, in men's eyes.
C) Women of all cultures are attracted more to wealth and power in men.
D) Attractiveness almost always correlates positively with good grades.
25. Which statement about attractiveness is FALSE?

A) Physical characteristics that a person can control are termed elective

B) Context is an important factor when judging attractiveness.
C) Elective characteristics have more influence on how one sees the world.
D) Attractiveness pays off in the business world with more job offers.

26. Compared to all other types of adornment, clothing gives the largest
number of cues about a wearer. Which of the following areas is NOT likely
to be judged, based on clothing?
A) intelligence
B) educational level
C) level of success
D) moral character

27. According to this chapter, which type of dress gives the wearer the
greatest degree of choice?
A) uniforms
B) occupational dress
C) leisure clothing
D) costumes

28. According to Edward Hall, North Americans use four distance zones when
they communicate with others. Which of the four is incorrectly described?
A) It is impossible to control intimate distance because it is easily violated.
B) Personal distance is used in casual conversations.

C) Social distance is observed in a conversation between two people who

do not know each other very well.
D) Public distance is the most formal use of distance.
29. Which statement about touch is FALSE?
A) Touch is the first of the five senses to develop.

B) Social-polite touch is the least intimate of the categories listed in the


C) A physician touching a patient for a physical exam is an example of

functional-professional touch.
D) The situation at hand is one factor that influences touch.

30. Which statement concerning chronemics, or the use of time, is incorrect?

A) Across cultures, the attitude towards time is more universal than the
attitude towards touch.

B) The degree of control a person has over time changes with age and
C) A person can communicate nonverbally by being on time or late.
D) The way time is divided is an indication of the value placed on it.

II. Identify the type of speech. (May answers na ako dito)

1. A teacher telling students about earthquakes
2. A student talking about her research
3. A travelogue about the Tower of London
4. A computer programmer speaking about new software
5. How to start your own blog
6. How to bake a cake
7. How to write a speech
8. How to… just about anything
9. Become an organ donor
10. Improve your health through better eating
11. Television violence is negatively influencing our children
12. Become a volunteer and change the world
13. Excuses for any occasion
14. Explaining cricket to an American
15. How to buy a condom discreetly
16. Things you wouldn’t know without the movies

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