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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)

Concept Lesson Plan: Introducing Democracy Date November 9, 2017
Subject/Grade Time
Grade 6 – Social Studies 50 min
Level Duration

Unit Democracy Teacher Kyle Masson

Is Canada a good role model for an effective


General Students will:
Learning General Outcome 6.1: Citizens Participating in Decision Making: Students will demonstrate an
Outcomes: understanding and appreciation of the dynamic relationship between governments and citizens
as they engage in the democratic process.

Specific Students will:

Learning Values and Attitudes
Outcomes: 6.1.1 - recognize how individuals and governments interact and bring about change within
their local and national communities:
- recognize and respect the democratic rights of all citizens in Canada
- value the role of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in protecting individual and
collective rights and freedoms
- recognize the influence of historical events and legislation on democratic decision making in
- value citizens' participation in a democratic society
- value the contributions of elected representatives in the democratic process

Students will:
1. Develop knowledge as it relates to:
a. Understanding what democracy is & its key components
b. Understand the relationship between Democracy & values
c. Understand how Democracy looks around the world
d. Understanding how Democracy came to be in Canada & what type of democracy Canada has
Observations:  Who’s not listening?
 Who is struggling?
 Who is ‘coasting’ (copying others work/not putting in effort/letting others draw the
 Who still doesn’t understand? (Intervention)
 Oral Discussion
 Questioning

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 1

Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
Key Questions:  What is democracy?
 What are some key components related to democracy?
 What is a value?
 What are my democratic rights as a Canadian citizen?
 What does it mean to be Canadian?
 What is a direct democracy?
 What is a representative democracy?
 What kind of democracy do we have in Canada?
 How did Canada get its Democracy?
 What does democracy mean to me?


 Alberta Program of Studies (Social Studies K-12)  SmartBoard/Laptop
  Worksheets
rules.html o ‘What is Democracy’
 o ‘Global Democracy’
2604a5354670073.htm o ‘What Democracy Means to Me’
o ‘Exit Slip Folder’
cs/difference-between-direct-and-representative-  Pens/Pencils
democracy/  Folders
 Dice
 Atlas’s
 Globes
 Laptops (Maybe)
 iPads (Maybe)
Prior to lesson - Make sure PowerPoint is set up and ready to go
o Test videos prior to class just to make sure the technology is
working properly, especially the sound
- Print & Organize Worksheets
- Pre-organize desks/groups
- Pre-Organize Dice
Introduction Time
Attention Grabber - Once students are seated, begin lesson: 10 min
Attention Grabber (Hook):
 Explain to students that we are going to play a game without any
o The game will be called “There’s Rules?”
 The rules are as follows:
 Begin by telling students that you are
going to put them in groups (3-4,
depending on class size), & give each
group 2 dice.
 As the kids are awaiting directions
(there aren’t any), just tell the students
to begin playing.
 At this point in the game, students may
give you strange looks as they will be
wondering what is going on
o As the teacher, just smile and
tell them to keep playing
 What I want to see:

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
o Groups may start rolling the
dice and playing a game that
they essentially created
o Groups may start to create
rules on their own while other
groups may get frustrated and
disagree with one another
o Overall, groups may become
frustrated and want your input
on what to do
o Just when students are getting
into their game (whatever they
came up with), go over and
change the rules
 Students will look at
you surprised but tell
them: “What, those are
the rules, you didn’t
o Once the class gets chaotic
enough (you’ll know), stop
the activity
 Relate this activity & reflect back to the concept of democracy
o With a verbal reflection, discuss & ask:
 Say: “The point of this activity was to create
havoc and to highlight the importance of
having rules”
 Ask: “Why do we have rules?”
 Ask: “How and why are rules important?”
 Say: “Well, rules guide our understanding of
the expectations (not just for the game, but
other aspects in life as well).
 Say: “Rules helps us realize what’s right from
wrong and who is playing it right and who is
playing it wrong”



 Say: “In Canada & in our daily lives, we have rules that help
guide our behavior”
 Say: “These rules help guide our behavior of what is fair, what
is right, & what is wrong”
 Ask: “Can anyone think of some examples of these rules in
o Possible answers I’m looking for:
 No stealing
 No cheating
 Basically, any answer that relates back to
what is fair & what is right or wrong

Expectations for - Topic of discussion should be focused around the question’s; I

Learning and shouldn’t hear any chitter chatter about what we have planned
Behaviour for this weekend or anything that’s not Social Studies related
- Use “Holy Moly, Guacamole”, “Hands on Top”, or “Classidy

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
Class” management strategy and let them know your
o Eyes on me
o Should be quiet
o Repeat if students are still noisy/not listening
o Repeat until room is quiet
- Introduce “Get it, Got it” management/feedback strategy to
assess students after giving instructions
o Always use after Cue’ing
Advance 1) “There’s Rules?” Game
Organizer/Agenda 2) PowerPoint Presentation
a. Introduce definition of democracy along with how it
looks in Canada
i. Introduce Concept
3) Mind Map Activity
a. Discuss Key Components
4) Global Democracy Activity
a. Apply Information
5) Birth of Democracy in Canada Videos
a. What Does Democracy Mean to Me Activity
i. Apply Information
6) Closure/Wrap-Up
Transition to Concept: - Gather student’s attention using Management techniques
- Make sure everyone is listening and desks are clear, before going
into PowerPoint Presentation
- Have a designated student from each group to gather the dice or
gather them yourself so students don’t get distracted during

Introduction of  Begin by first opening up PowerPoint presentation 10 min

Concept: o Have it ready before class, maybe just shut the Smart
Board off so students don’t get distracted
 Next, refer to the overarching question of this unit:
o “Is Canada a good role model for an effective
o Make sure to tell students that we will be constantly
referring back to this question throughout the unit
 Students will reflect on this question as the unit
 Next, Click the link to the introductory video of Democracy
o Make sure to test link and sound before class
 After video, work through slide #’s 4 & 5
o These slides will cover:
 Where Democracy comes from
 What Democracy actually means
 Definition
 Next, Introduce the question in Slide #6 and then watch the
video in Slide 7:
o ‘How Canada Became a Democracy’
 After the second video, work through slides # 8-11
o These slides cover:
 Direct vs. Representative
 What Democracy looks like in Canada
 Make sure to ask students what they
think a value is before flipping to
slide # 10
 Make sure to reinforce the rights and

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
freedoms Canadians have in terms of
democratic rights

 Finally, transition to learning activity #1 once you finished

going through slide #11

Transition to Body:
 Hand out worksheet titled: ‘What is democracy?’ to students.

Body Time
Learning Activity #1 What is Democracy? 10 min

Begin Activity:
- Hand out worksheet titled ‘What is Democracy’?
- On the worksheet:
o Students will create a mind map and write key
components as it relates to Democracy
- Students will collaborate with their same group members in
which they played the dice game with
- Group members will discuss key components as it relates to
o Students will be discovering what democracy means

- After groups have discussed, ask each table to share one or two
answers their group brainstormed. Give each group about 5
minutes to collaborate, so you can have 5 minutes to discuss
components as a class
o Note: Create your own mind map either on the
Smartboard or the Whiteboard
 Based on the answers you receive from
students, write them out on the board

- Open up your PowerPoint again and flip to slide #12, where
there is a picture of the mind map
o Here, tell students that these are some key components
of Democracy
o Discuss the components of democracy with students
 Relate it back to some of the examples they
may have come up with
 Did students come up with any other
o Next, discuss how these relate to the democratic rights
of citizens in Canada
 Ask: What are some democratic rights of
Canadian citizens?

- Finally, move onto the next activity by flipping to Slide #13 and
watch the third video: ‘How Canada Became a Democracy Part

Important Note:
- It’s important for students to see both videos (How Canada
Became a Democracy), since these videos are broken into
two parts
o Videos go Hand in Hand

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
- I decided to break the videos up because I figure it would
bore some students which would cause them to become dis-
o Therefore, I broke them so students so I can meet
both my visual & auditory learners at an equal &
applicable pace
- Maybe next time, consider using both videos back to back
since they relate directly to Learning Activity #2
Teacher Notes: Assessments/ - Watch for:
Differentiation o Students who aren’t paying attention
o Group members who aren’t cooperating
- Might be a good idea to:
o Use fist to five to briefly formatively assess groups in
how they are understanding the concept of
democracy thus far
- Note: Might be a good idea to frame this worksheet around
the question of: What does Democracy Mean in Canada?
o Since students are examining the democratic rights
of Canadian citizens
 If you don’t frame the worksheet this way,
walk around and ask students questions on
how Democracy relates to being a Canadian
Transition: - Watch video: ‘How Canada Became a Democracy Part 2’
- Hand out worksheet: ‘Global Democracy’
o Note: Hand this out near the end of the video so
students don’t get distracted by you when watching
Learning Activity #2 Global Democracy 10 min

 Begin activity by passing out worksheet titled Global Democracy,

to students
o Note: It’s okay for students to work/stay in groups if
 By referring to the globe, have students’ answer the 6 questions
on the worksheet (1 optional)
o Important Note: You will want to make sure that you
have either:
 A) A globe or an atlas for students to refer to in
order to understand what country it is they are
looking at
 B) Some piece of technology (might be a good
idea to book/rent laptops or iPads so students
can use this a resource to find the countries that
represent the color red on the map).
 Provide the URL’s on the board for
students to refer to in order to save
time when trying to answer these
questions if you choose this form of
 After students are finished working on sheet:
o Discuss the questions/examples with the class
o Ask: What kind of democracy do all these countries in
red have?
 Note: Make sure to briefly explain again the
difference about direct vs. representative.
This lesson simply introduces students to
representative democracy, since this is what

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
Canada has. Next lesson will have students
learning the actual difference between direct
& representative.
o Don’t spend too much time discussing this activity with
students as they now applying the concept of

 After students are done working through worksheet,

transition into learning Activity #3

Teacher Notes: Assessments/ - Here, I am meeting the needs of my kinesthetic learners,

Differentiation especially if I use atlas’s or mini-globes, so students can get active
in finding the information they need
o Therefore, my preferred choice of materials is the
Transition:  Hand out worksheet titled: What Does Democracy Mean to You? to
students’ just as they are finishing up the second learning activity
Learning Activity #3 Birth of Democracy in Canada

 Within the worksheet:

o Students will describe in 3-5 sentences what democracy
means to them
o Make sure to promote students to use everything we
learned in today’s lesson, not just subjected from these 5 min
o Give students 5 minutes minutes to finish filling in their
o Once students are finished, have them hand it into the
basket located on the teacher’s desk and have them grab
the exit slip activity for the lesson’s closure
Teacher Notes: Assessments/ - Here, students are applying all of the information from the
Differentiation lesson
- Here, I can see & formatively assess my student’s knowledge and
I can truly see what they grasped from today’s lesson
o Also, I will be able to see how truthful students are when
they fill out their exit slip so I really know where they sit
after this lesson
Transition to Closure:  Have students’ grab an exit slip from the teacher’s desk
Closure Time
Consolidation of Wrap Up: 5 min
Learning: o Exit Ticket Folder/Out-the-door activity
 I am combining both closure activities from
 Set up three folders on the front desk at the end
of class
 The three folders should read:
o “Got it, More Practice, Please &
I need some help!

- After students, have returned to their desks, present closure

activity (Exit Ticket Folder/Out-the-door activity), to
o Say: “I’m going to hand you a ticket that asks one
o Say: “Circle A) if you are totally confused and

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
absolutely do not understand what democracy is
o Say: “Circle B) if you completely understand
democracy and its key components”
o Say: “Circle C if you only understand some
components of democracy. Maybe students don’t get
fully understand how democracy operates in Canada
o Say: “After you have completed your ticket, you may
come up to the desk here and place it in one of these
three folders (Pick up folders as you talk)
o Say: “The folder on the left reads “Got it”. The folder
in the middle reads “Need more practice, please”,
and the folder on the right reads “I need some help”
o Say: “So, if you answered A, then you want to hand it
into the folder titled “I need some help”. If you
answer B, you want to hand it in the folder titled
“Got It”. If you answer C, you’ll want to hand it in the
folder titled “Need More Practice Please”.
- Make sure to let students know to write on the back for
option C) if there isn’t enough room on the front side of the
- Cue:
o *Repeat instructions, double check with students so
they know what to do*

Feedback From - Feedback is provided in exit slips

Students: - Feedback is also provided through:
o Body language: Look for non-verbal signs of who
struggled in today’s lesson. Look for facial expressions
and try to turn those frowns upside down!
 Also, look for who is exceeding. Try to challenge
those students thinking if you can
o Be Aware of the questions your students ask you:
- Students who struggle tend to ask me lots of questions in the
lesson, keep these students in mind!
Feedback To Students - Ask students’ how they are feeling on this content:
- Maybe use fist 5 as an assessment tool (0= I don’t
understand it at all to 5=I can teach it to someone else or
even the entire class)
Transition To Next Next lesson, we will be focusing on what democracy contains:
Lesson  Direct vs. Representative
 4 Pillars of Democracy

In regard to this particular lesson, concept recognition is used to approach the concept of democracy. This
approach is broken into three stages; introduce the concept, discuss its components, and then apply the
concept using examples. In order for students to fully understand what democracy represents, students
must first understand some of the key components related to democracy (i.e., equality, majority rule,
citizen participation, protection of rights and freedoms), along with the definition. Using this approach,
the teacher begins by first introducing the concept of Democracy through a video. Furthermore, the
teacher will then open up the PowerPoint slide and discuss the official definition of democracy with
students along with how it associates to our values within Canada. By providing the official definition of
democracy and the features associated with it, the first stage of concept recognition is completed.

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
Following the introductory component, the teacher will hand out the worksheet tiled: ‘What is
Democracy?’ First with one another and then as a class, students will discuss some key components on
what Democracy actually means. Here, students can discuss the components of Democracy and how it
relates to the democratic rights of all citizens in Canada. Therefore, the second component of the concept
recognition approach is completed. Finally, the last component of concept recognition requires students to
apply the concept using examples. Here, students will complete the worksheet titled: ‘Global
Democracy’, which has students applying their knowledge through examples of how democracy looks
around the world. Furthermore, this last component is also met through the final worksheet titled: ‘What
does Democracy mean to me?’ After all the videos have been watched, discussed and compared, students
are able to reflect and apply what they have learned by answering the question on this worksheet. Overall,
the concept recognition approach proves to be beneficial when attempting to learn and dissect the concept
of democracy. This is because democracy can take on many different forms (i.e., direct vs. representative,
differentiates in various countries), and students need to first explore this concept before moving forward,
when discussing the many working components related to democracy.

SEE-I Concept Lesson Plan

S: State It
Democracy is a system of government that is determined by the vote of the whole population, typically
through elected representatives that represent different parties.

E: Elaborate

Democracy provides the people within a country a voice; by listening to what the people want and
ultimately, giving them a sense of power. Democracy can be split into two separate strands; direct &
representative. A direct democracy allows the people to gather ideas together while exercising their power
directly to influence society. Representative democracy allows the people to elect a representative that
will serve as the individual who provides a voice for the people (i.e., passing laws). Democracy also has
four main principles associated with it; Justice, Freedom, Equity, & Representation.

E: Exemplify

An example of the using the direct vs. representative component of democracy involved the 1980 Quebec
Referendum. During this time, Quebec opted to negotiate a new agreement with the rest of Canada which
was based on the equality of nations. Furthermore, this agreement would have allowed Quebec to make
their own decisions and to acquire an independence of power to make its own laws, levy its taxes and
establish connections outside of Canada. Therefore, Quebec felt that they were being treated un-equal
since everyone here contained a unique sense of identity (i.e., French-speaking). The people of Quebec
felt as though they weren’t being heard as citizens and wanted to establish their own representative power,
while still maintaining economic connections with the remainder of Canada.

I: Illustrate

The illustration below depicts citizens who all inhabit the same country. In this case, let’s pretend these
are all citizens in Canada. The color of the puzzle pieces represents everyone’s voice. The reason the

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)
colors are different is because everyone’s voice is different. Everyone’s voice is unique is some way. What
I want in the country of Canada may not be what somebody else wants in the country of Canada.
However, when all the puzzle pieces come together, so does everyone’s voices and opinions. Together,
these citizens of Canada pour in their individualistic point of views and as a whole, make their voices
heard. Therefore, this reinforces the notion of democracy as every citizen has a right to their own choices
and freedom but together, we can make a collective and effective decision who we want to represent us in

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)

What is Democracy?

Name: __________________

Global Democracy Name: ______________

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 11
Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)

Using the atlas map

located above as well as the atlas/globes provided, answer the following questions as it
relates to democracy:

1 Find Canada. What color on the map is Canada?

2 State 5 countries that are same color as Canada.

3 State the name of the country where Canada got its Democracy from.

4 What kind of Democracy does Canada and these other countries have?

5 Is Canada’s Democracy the same as the United States?

6 Optional (Test Your Knowledge): What kind of government does the United States

What Does Democracy Mean to You?

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 12
Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)

Using all the resources we used in today’s class (Introduction to Democracy Video, Birth of
Democracy in Canada videos, Mind-Map Worksheet, Global Democracy worksheet,
Powerpoint Slides):

In 3-5 sentences, tell me what Democracy means to you. You may use as much of the page as
you like if you want to write more!















Name: __________________________

Exit Ticket Folder

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Lesson Plan Template – ED 3501 (Version C)

A) I don’t understand democracy or any of its key components

B) I understand what democracy is along with its key components
C) I only understand somewhat what democracy is along with its

key components:
a. List components that you don’t understand here:

Name: _________________________

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 14

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