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Pasado Simple

El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir

acciones que han sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han
finalizado, por ejemplo:


He cleaned his house.... Él limpió su casa.

I broke the window..... Yo rompí la ventana.


Se utiliza como auxiliar DID + NOT, que es la forma pasada del

verbo “TO DO” y acompaña al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva.
En las negaciones puede utilizarse la forma contraída de DID NOT

He didn't clean her house....Él no limpió su casa.

I ______________ the window....Yo no rompí la ventana.


Utilizo el auxiliar DID (igual que en el presente simple uso el DO) y

el verbo principal (la acción) estará escrito en infinitivo.

Did he clean his house?....Limpió él su casa?

(cuidado con la estructura: AUX. EN PASADO + SUJ. +VERBO EN


________________________ the window?........¿Rompí yo la ventana?

También es posible indicar el momento en que se desarrolla la
acción para indicar el tiempo con mayor precisión:


They saw the movie last night. Ellos vieron la película anoche.
We went to London yesterday. Nosotros fuimos a Londres ayer.

(saw es el pasado de see / went es el pasado de go= ambos son

verbos irregulares)

Para poder formar una oración en tiempo pasado debemos

distinguir dos tipos de verbos:

1. VERBOS REGULARES: forman su Pasado Simple añadiendo la

terminación -ED al infinitivo.

2. VERBOS IRREGULARES: no siguen una regla concreta para

construir el pasado y en este caso deben estudiarse
individualmente, de memoria.


Responder To answer answered
Preguntar To ask asked
Aprobar To approve approved
Pertenecer To belong belonged
Cepillar To brush brushed
Limpiar To clean cleaned
Trepar To climb climbed
Cocinar To cook cooked
Bailar To dance danced
Descubrir To discover discovered
Entregar To deliver delivered
Disfrutar To enjoy enjoyed
Explicar To explain explained
Acabar To finish finished
Pescar To fish fished
Ocurrir To happen happened
Besar To kiss kissed
Gustar To like liked
Vivir To live lived
Necesitar To need needed
Abrir To open opened
Pintar To paint painted
Castigar To punish punished
Recordar To remember remembered
Mostrar To show showed
Sonreir To smile smiled
Iniciar To start started
Estudiar To study studied
Visitar To visit visited
Esperar To wait waited

Permitir To allow allowed

aceptar To accept accepted
Creer To believe believed
Cambiar To change changed
Cruzar To cross crossed
Llorar To cry cried
Causar To cause caused
Cerrar To close closed
Peinar To comb combed
Derrotar To defeat defeated
Morir To die died
Decidir To decide decided
Dañar To damage damaged
Destruir To destroy destroyed
Emplear To employ employed
Seguir To follow followed
Ayudar To help helped
Cazar To hunt hunted
Unir/Juntar To join joined
Bromear To joke joked
Golpear To knock knocked
Escuchar To listen listened
Casar To marry married
Mezclar To mix mixed
Mover To move moved
Asesinar To murder murdered
Obtener To obtain obtained
Ofrecer To offer offered
Imprimir To print printed
Producir To produce produced
Empujar To push pushed
Rescatar To rescue rescued
Fumar To smoke smoked
Detener To stop stopped
Tragar To swallow swallowed

Aconsejar To advise advised

Disculparse To apologize apologized
Abandonar To abandon abandoned
Adquirir To acquire acquired
Molestar/enojar To annoy annoyed
Apreciar To appreciate appreciated
Autorizar To authorize authorized
Pertenecer To belong belonged
Hervir To boil boiled
Respirar To breath breathed
Llamar To call called
Cargar To charge charged
Masticar To chew chewed
Engañar To deceive deceived
Disturbar To disturb disturbed
Acabar To end ended
Entrar/ingresar To enter entered
Envolver/cubrir To envelope enveloped
Expender To expend expended
Llenar To fill filled
Alquilar To hire hired
Mejorar To improve improved
Asegurar To insure insured
Saltar To jump jumped
Reir To laugh laughed
Mentir To lie lied
Amar To love loved
Nombrar To name named
Simular/pretender To pretend pretended
Remover To remove removed
Patinar To skate skated
Enjabonar To soap soaped
Traducir To translate translated
Verificar To verify verified
Susurrar To whisper whispered

Añadir/Sumar To add added

Entretener To amuse amused
Arribar To arrive arrived
Acusar To accuse accused
Acercarse To approach approached
Discutir To argue argued
Bañar/Lavar To bathe bathed
Enterrar To bury buried
Toser To cough coughed
Fracasar/Romper To crash crashed
Desarrollar To develop developed
Dejar caer To drop dropped
Deleitar To delight delighted
Disfrazar To disguise disguised
Comprometer To engage engaged
Borrar To erase erased
Calentar To heat heated
Importar To import imported
Alargar To lengthen lengthen
Desembarcar To land landed
Escuchar To listen listened
Mirar To look looked
Ordeñar To milk milked
Clavar To nail nailed
Presentar To present presented
Jugar To play played
Proveer To provide proveer
Cosechar To reap reaped
Observar/Advertir To remark remarked
Regresar/Devolver To return returned
Salvar/Ahorrar To save saved
Quedarse To stay stayed
Avergonzar To shame shamed
Tocar To touch touched
Viajar To travel travellled



Comenzar To begin began
Apostar To bet bet
Morder To bite bit
Romper To break broke
Construir To build built
Comprar To buy bought
Elegir To choose chose
Cortar To cut cut
Dibujar To draw drew
Beber To drink drank
Comer To eat ate
Olvidar To forget forgot
Obtener To get got
Dar To give gave
Ir Tp go went
Oír To hear heard
Saber To know knew
Aprender To learn learnt
Pagar To pay paid
Correr To run ran
Ver To see saw
Cantar To sing sang
Oler To smell smelt
Hablar To speak spoke
Barrer To sweep swept
Nadar To swim swam
Decir To tell told
Comprender To understand understood
Ganar To win won
Escribir To write wrote

Atrapar To catch caught

Traer To bring brought
Soplar To blow blew
Vestir To clothe clothed
Cortar To cut cut
Conducir To drive drove
Caer To fall fell
Encontrar To find found
Volar To fly flew
Perdonar To forgive forgave
Crecer To grow grew
Colgar To hang hung
Herir To hurt hurt
Prestar To lend lent
Perder To lose lost
Alquilar To rent rented
Leer To read read
Vender To sell sold
Enviar To send sent
Coser To sew sewed
Brillar To shine shone
Dormir To sleep slept
Mostrar To show showed
Deletrear To spell spelt
Apestar To stink stank
Pensar To think thought
Jurar To swear swore
Enseñar To teach taught
Tomar/Llevar To take took
Disparar To shoot shot
Sembrar To sow sowed
Gastar To spend spent
Escupir To spit spat
Usar To wear wore
Despertarse To wake woke

Golpear/derrotar To beat beat

Doblar To bend bent
Atar To bind bound
Sangrar To bleed bled
Quemar To burn burnt
Explotar To burst burst
Venir To come came
Costar To cost cost
Hacer To do did
Alimentar To feed fed
Sentir To feel felt
Prohibir To forbid forbade
Tener/haber To have had
Mantener To keep kept
Tejer To knit knit
Fabricar To make made
Poner To put put
Montar To ride rode
Decir To say said
Agitar To shake shook
Hundir To sink sank
Cortar To slit slit
Acelerar To speed sped
Robar To steal stole
Aguantar To stand stood
Rasgar To tear tore
Arrojar To throw threw
Congelar To freeze froze
Mojar To wet wet
Despertar To wake woke
Retorcer To wring wrung
Prosperar To thrive throve
Encoger To shrink shrank
Cerrar To shut shut
Guiar To lead led

Llegar a ser To become became

Retransmitir To broadcast broadcast
Regañar To chide chid
Desafiar To dare durst
Cavar To dig dug
Luchar To fight fought
Arrojar To fling flung
Esconder To hide hid
Sostener To hold held
Inclinar To lean leant
Dejar To leave left
Echarse To lie lay
Significar To mean meant
Encontrarse To meet met
Eliminar To rid rid
Subir To rise rose
Buscar To seek sought
Poner To set set
Esquilar To shear shore
Cerrar To shut shut
Sentarse To sit sat
Matar To slay slew
Resbalar To slide slid
Golpear To hit hit
Derramar To spill spilt
Extender To spread spread
Hincar To stick stuck
Picar To sting stung
Diseminar To strew strewed
Esforzarse To strive strove
Hinchar To swell swelled
Balancearse To swing swung
Pisar To tread trod
Acometer To undertake undertook
Dar cuerda To wind wound

Surgir To come up came up

Aguantar To stand stood
Estar afligido To grieve grieved
Ordenar To bid bade
Engendrar To breed bred
Arrojar/Lanzar To throw away threw away
Agarrarse To cling clung
Deslizarse To creep crept
Tratar con To deal dealt
Soñar To dream dreamt
Habitar To live in lived in
Escapar To run away ran away
Moler To grind ground
Desistir To stop stopped
Arrodillarse To kneel knelt
Colocar To lay laid
Guiar To lead led
Brincar To leap leapt
Permitir To let let
Encender To light lit
Segar To mow mowed
Sonar To ring rang
Perder (hojas) To shed shed
Herrar To shoe shod
Lanzar con fuerza To sling slung
Dar vueltas To spin spun
Dividir To split split
Saltar To spring sprang
Levantarse To stand stood
Golpear To strike struck
Colgar algo To string strung
Lanzar adelante To thrust thrust
Acometer To undertake undertook
Andar a zancadas To stride strode
Sujetar con cinturón To fasten fastened
Ejercicios de pasado simple:

She (travel) ……………….. by train to London.

She (cut) ……………….. the lettuce with a knife.
The film (be) ……………….. boring.
The president (speak) ……………….. very slow during
the conference.
Sarah (sing) ……………….. perfectly in the concert.
Peter (decide) ……………….. to paint the house blue.
My mother (have) ……………….. her birthday party last
The lawyer (try) ……………….. to convince the jury.
My dog (bite) ……………….. Ann in her leg.
I (meet) ……………….. John at the old restaurant last

Charles (water) ……………….. the garden the last

The children (watch) ……………….. TV the whole day
Susan (leave) ……………….. the house early at night.
The burglars (break) ……………….. the window with a
Clara (make) ……………….. a beautiful dress for her
The students (know) ……………….. all the answers of
the exam.
W. Shakespeare (write) ……………….. several novels.
We (stay) ……………….. at home because the weather
was bad.
I (invite) ……………….. Thomas and his wife to my
My mother (suggest) ……………… going to the cinema.

Soluciones a los ejercicios de pasado simple:

She travelled by train to London.Ella viajó en tren a Londres.Did she

travel by train to London?
She did not travel by train to
She cut the lettuce with a knife.Ella cortó la lechuga con un cuchillo.
Did she cut the lettuce with a knife?
She did not cut the
lettuce with a knife.
The film was boring.La película era aburrida.Was the film boring?
film was not boring.
The president spoke very slow during the conference.El presidente
habló muy despacio durante la conferencia.Did the
president speak very slow during the conference?
president did not speak very slow during the conference.
Sarah sang perfectly in the concert.Sarah cantó perfectamente en el
concierto.Did Sarah sing perfectly in the concert?
did not sing perfectly in the concert.
Peter decided to paint the house blue.Peter decidió pintar la casa de
azul.Did Peter decide to paint the house blue?
Peter did
not decide to paint the house blue.
My mother had her birthday party last night.Mi madre tuvo su fiesta
de cumpleaños anoche.Had my mother her birthday
party last night?
My mother had not her birthday party
last night.
The lawyer tried to convince the jury.El abogado trató de convencer
al jurado.Did the lawyer try to convince the jury?
lawyer did not try to convince the jury.
My dog bit Ann in her leg.Mi perro mordió a Ann en su pierna.Did my
dog bite Ann in her leg?
My dog did not bite Ann in her
I met John at the old restaurant last week.Yo conocí a John en el viejo
restaurant la semana pasada.Did I meet John at the old
restaurant last week?
I did not meet John at the old restaurant
last week.

Charles watered the garden the last weekend.Charles regó el jardín el

fin de semana pasado.Did Charles water the garden the
last weekend?
Charles did not water the garden the last
The children watched TV the whole day yesterday.Los niños miraron
TV todo el día ayer.Did the children watch TV the whole
day yesterday?
The children did not watch TV the whole
day yesterday.
Susan left the house early at night.Susan dejó la casa temprano a la
noche.Did Susan leave the house early at night?
Susan did
not leave the house early at night.
The burglars broke the window with a hammer.Los ladrones rompieron
la ventana con un martillo.Did the burglars break the
window with a hammer?
The burglars did not break the
window with a hammer.
Clara made a beautiful dress for her sister.Clara hizo un hermoso
vestido para su hermana.Did Clara make a beautiful dress
for her sister?
Clara did not make a beautiful dress for her
The students knew all the answers of the exam.Los estudiantes sabían
todas las respuestas del examen.Did the students know all
the answers of the exam?
The students did not know all
the answers of the exam.
W. Shakespeare wrote several novels.W. Shakespeare escribió varias
novelas.Did W. Shakespeare write several novels?
Shakespeare did not write several novels.
We stayed at home because the weather was bad.Nosotros nos
quedamos en casa porque el clima estaba malo.Did we
stay at home because the weather was bad?
We did not
stay at home because the weather was bad.
I invited Thomas and his wife to my wedding.Yo invité a Thomas y su
esposa a mi boda.Did I invite Thomas and his wife to my
I did not invite Thomas and his wife to my
My mother suggested going to the cinema.Mi madre sugirió ir al cine.
Did my mother suggest going to the cinema?
My mother did not
suggest going to the cinema.

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