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Crop Protection 22 (2003) 87–93

Effects of maize–legume intercrops on termite damage to maize,

activity of predatory ants and maize yields in Uganda
B.M. Sekamattea,*, M. Ogenga-Latigob, A. Russell-Smithc
Namulonge Research Institute, P.O. Box 7084, Kampala, Uganda
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda
Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK
Received 21 May 2001; accepted 24 June 2002


Field experiments during two cropping seasons at Namulonge Agricultural Research Institute, Uganda assessed the effect of
intercropping maize with soyabean, groundnut and common beans on termite damage to maize, activity of common predatory ants
and maize yields. Intercropping caused a significant (Po0:01) reduction in termite attack, reduced loss in grain yield of maize and
increased the nesting of predatory ants in maize fields. In many instances, termite attack was significantly lower (P ¼ 0:05) in the
maize–soyabean intercrop than in maize intercrops with groundnuts and beans. Species of the genera Myrmicaria and Lepisiota were
the dominant ant predators recorded. The study revealed that soyabean and groundnut are more effective in suppressing termite
attack than common beans, suggesting the necessity to identify suitable legumes for each cropping situation. Overall, intercropping
might form a component of an integrated management strategy for termites in smallholder cropping systems in East Africa.
r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Intercropping; Termites; Lepisiota; Myrmicaria; Maize; Uganda

1. Introduction In the tropics, subsistence farmers who practice low

input agriculture use intercropping to minimise the risk
Termites (Isoptera: Termitidae) are one of the most of crop failure and to improve the yields of particular
important maize production constraints in Uganda crops (Ofori and Stern, 1987). For example, in Uganda,
(Sekamatte et al., 2001). Feeding damage on roots, over 70% of farmers grow maize as an intercrop
stem bases and leaves frequently results in plant lodging (Sekamatte, 2001). Intercrops have been reported to
and damage to cobs causing yield losses between 10% reduce pest incidence and damage to the principal crop
and 30% in different parts of the country (Sekamatte, (Baliddawa, 1985; Altieri and Letourneau, 1982; Risch
2001). Control of termite pests currently relies mainly on et al., 1983; Trenbath, 1993) and, in Uganda, have been
the use of chemical insecticides (Anon., 1998) but the use proposed as a component of IPM strategies for beans
of non-chemical control methods has been emphasised (Kyamanywa and Tukahirwa, 1988; Ogenga-Latigo
following the ban on persistent organochlorine insecti- et al., 1992). Intercropping of maize with napier grass
cides (Logan et al., 1990). Such methods attempt to (i) and Desmodium sp. in Kenya has been proposed against
prevent termite access to plants, (ii) reduce termite lepidopteran stem borers and Striga in maize (Khan
numbers in the vicinity of plants, and (iii) reduce et al., 2000). A recent study (Ekesi et al., 1999) provided
susceptibility or increase resistance of the plants some evidence that intercropping improved the control
themselves (Logan et al., 1990). Although there is little of thrips in cowpea by the entomo-pathogenic fungus
published information on non-chemical control of Metarhizium anisopliae.
termites in annual crops, cultural practices such as Although little is known about possible preference of
intercropping, have been reported to reduce termite termites for particular crops, farmers’ reports and our
infestation in forestry (Tho, 1974). own observations suggested that intercropping might
reduce termite damage to maize. In parts of northern
*Corresponding author. Uganda, maize intercropped with sorghum usually

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88 B.M. Sekamatte et al. / Crop Protection 22 (2003) 87–93

suffers lower termite damage compared to pure stands per hole. There were five replicate plots for each
(Farmers’ reports.) Farmers in this region regarded the treatment, arranged in a randomised complete block
sorghum plants as reservoirs of the black ant ‘ngini– design.
ngini’ (Lepisiota sp.), which we have observed to prey on In one half of each treatment plot lindane (100 g l1
a range of pests and which are valued by the farmers, EC), a persistent soil insecticide, was applied 1–2 days
especially on cotton (Sekamatte et al., in press). Such after planting at a rate of 1.5 l ha1 (manufacturers’
farmers’ knowledge may be valuable in designing more recommendation) using a hand-held knapsack sprayer.
sustainable strategies for controlling pest termites. The experiment was thus a split-plot design, with
Results from recent field surveys in Uganda revealed insecticide level as the main-plot factor while the
significant association between the proportion of farm- intercrop type represented the sub-plot factor.
ers practising intercropping in maize and termite
damage severity. During the same surveys, cropping 2.2. Sampling for termite damage and predatory ants
practices appeared to influence levels of both termite
damage to maize and incidence of predatory ant species. Both destructive and non-destructive sampling meth-
Based on available literature and on results of the two ods were used to assess termite damage to maize plants
surveys, intercropping was considered to be worthy of and nesting of predatory ants. For non-destructive
detailed evaluation for termite control for subsistence sampling, 40 plants randomly selected from within the
maize farmers. The objectives of the study were there- middle 10 rows of each plot were tagged with blue
fore to: ribbon for assessment of termite damage throughout the
season. Each tagged plant was inspected for damage to
(i) determine the effect of intercropping maize with
stems, leaves and cobs at 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84 and 102
three legume crops: soyabean, groundnut and
days after emergence. Results were expressed as the
common beans, on severity of termite attack,
proportion of plants showing termite damage out of the
(ii) determine the effect of maize–legume intercrops on
40 sample plants, averaged across the seven sampling
the activity of ant species predatory on termites.
occasions. Termites of the genus Microtermes are known
to damage the root systems of crops. On four occasions,
ten plants were destructively sampled from each sub-
plot to determine if intercropping maize with legumes
2. Materials and methods affected the activity of root feeding termites. The plants
were uprooted using a hand hoe, caution being taken
This study was conducted at Namulonge Agricultural not to destroy the root systems. Presence or absence of
and Animal Production Research Institute (NAARI), termites attacking roots in the different treatments were
during two planting seasons: the second rainy season of recorded four times per season, at seedling, silking,
1997 and the first rainy season of 1998. The tests were green cob and dry cob stages, approximately 28, 56, 90
conducted in a field with a history of high termite and 105 days after maize emergence.
populations. The experiments were planted on 18 To assess the incidence of predatory ants in the plots,
September 1997 and on 7 April 1998, with maize and the 40 plants sampled for termite damage were inspected
the legumes being planted simultaneously. on the same occasions for presence of ant nests within a
25 cm radius around the plant stem bases. An ant-
2.1. Effect of intercropping maize with legumes on nesting index expressed as the number of maize plants
termite damage to maize out of 40 with ants nests was calculated.
At crop maturity, maize yields were determined by
Three maize–legume intercrops made up of ground- harvesting cobs from the middle 10 rows of every plot
nut (var. Red Beauty), soyabean (var. Nam 1) and and extrapolating plot yields to kg ha1.
Phaseolus beans (var. K31) were established, with sole
maize as the control. The maize variety used, Longe-1, is 2.3. Data analysis
known to be susceptible to termite attack (Anon., 1996).
The experimental plots measured 15 m  20 m and Data were tested for conformity to assumptions of
were separated by 1.5 m alleys. Maize was planted at a ANOVA as dictated by tests of normality and of
spacing of 75 cm between rows and 50 cm between homogeneity of variance (GENSTAT 5 release 4.1).
plants, with 2 plants per hill. In each intercrop plot, two Data for % plants damaged and ant nesting were pooled
rows of the respective legume crops were planted to generate seasonal means and treatment effects
between two rows of maize. Soyabeans were spaced at analysed following procedures for factorial designs.
25 cm between rows and 12.5 cm between plants while Data on root infestation by Microtermes spp. were
common beans and groundnuts were spaced at 25 cm analysed for individual sampling dates. Thereafter, pre-
between rows and 25 cm between plants, with one seed planned orthogonal comparisons were tested for effects
B.M. Sekamatte et al. / Crop Protection 22 (2003) 87–93 89

of intercropping and insecticide application on termite the proportion of damaged plants was very significantly
attack, activity of predatory ants, and grain yield. The (Po0:001) greater in sole maize than in maize inter-
means were separated by Duncan’s New Multiple Range cropped with soyabean, but the difference between
(DMR) test. damage in sole maize and maize/groundnut or maize/
bean intercrops was not significant (Fig. 1a). In the first
season of 1998, termite damage in sole maize was very
3. Results significantly (Po0:001) greater than that in either
maize/soyabean or maize/groundnut intercrops but the
3.1. Effect of intercropping on termite damage difference between sole damage in maize and in maize/
bean intercrops was not significant (Fig. 1b).
Analysis of variance for seasonal means of % plants In the second growing season of 1997, there were
damaged by termites during the two cropping seasons o10% of roots infested by Microtermes spp. in all
showed significant differences among treatments treatments until 90 days after emergence (DAE). At 105
(Fig. 1). The mean number of damaged plants in the DAE, there was a significantly (Po0:05) higher
1997 cropping season varied between 6.2% and 68% proportion of plant root systems infested by Micro-
across the treatments (Fig. 1a). Damage was signifi- termes spp. in sole maize than in either the maize/
cantly (Po0:05) lower in protected plots than in the groundnut or maize/soyabean intercrops (Fig. 2A). The
unprotected plots in both seasons (Fig. 1). No signifi- pattern of Microtermes infestation of root systems in the
cant differences in % damage were obtained among the different treatments at 105 DAE, during the first
protected crop mixtures. growing season of 1998, was similar to that in the
Termite damage on maize varied with type of legume previous season but the proportions of infested plants
intercropped with maize. In the second season of 1997, were approximately half those in 1997 (Fig. 2B). In this
season, the proportion Microtermes infested root
systems was significantly (Po0:05) higher in the sole
maize and the maize/bean treatments than in the
remaining intercrops (Fig. 2B).
a b ab ab
% plants damaged

50 30 a c bc ab
% of plants with Microtermes

20 20
10 15
Sole maize Maize/soya Maize/groundnuta Mize/bean 10
(A) Crop combinations protected
unprotected 5

60 b Sole maize Maize/soybean Maize/groundnut Maize/beans
a b ab
(A) Crop combinations
% plants damaged

30 a b b a
% plants with Microtermes

Sole maize Maize/soya Maize/groundnut Maize/bean 10
(B) Crop combinations protected 5
Fig. 1. Proportion of maize plants damaged by termites in insecticide Sole maize Maize/soybean Maize/groundnut Maize/beans
protected and unprotected sole maize and maize intercropped with Crop combinations
soyabean, groundnut and common bean, respectively, in (A) the
second growing season of 1997 and (B) the first growing season of 1998 Fig. 2. Proportion of plants with roots infested with Microtermes spp.
at Namulonge Research Station, Uganda. Figures are % damage in unprotected sole maize and maize intercropped with soyabean,
averaged over seven sampling occasions across each growing season. groundnut and common bean at 105 days after emergence in (A) the
Columns (unprotected maize) labelled with the same letter do not second growing season of 1997 and (B) the first growing season of
differ significantly. 1998. Columns labelled with the same letter do not differ significantly.
90 B.M. Sekamatte et al. / Crop Protection 22 (2003) 87–93

3.2. Effects of intercrops on nesting of predatory ants greater than that in the unprotected maize/bean inter-
crop (Fig. 3B).
Ant nesting was invariably influenced by the applica- There was a significant negative relationship between
tion of lindane in all crop combinations (Fig. 3). In the % plants damaged and ant nesting in both the first
1997 cropping season, mean nesting index in the lindane cropping season (Y ¼ 80:04X þ 56:75 (r2 ¼ 0:731;
treated plots was generally low and ranged from 0.01 to P ¼ 0:05) and in the second cropping season
0.07 compared to 0.05 to 0.56 in the unprotected plots (Y ¼ 32:602X þ 49:2; r2 ¼ 0:57; P ¼ 0:05). Significant
(Fig. 3A). The ant-nesting index was also slightly higher negative relationships were also obtained between ant-
in this cropping season than in the 1998 season (Fig. 3). nesting index and the number of plants with cut stems
During the 1997 season, there were no significant (r2 ¼ 0:793; df¼ 28; Po0:01) and root damage scores
differences in ant-nesting index between the three (r2 ¼ 0:671; df¼ 28; P ¼ 0:05). No significant relation-
unprotected intercrops, but the index was significantly ship was obtained between ant nesting and maize plant
(Po0:01) lower in the unprotected monocrop maize lodging.
than in any of the intercrops (Fig. 3A).
Ant-nesting indices in unprotected plots during the
1998 cropping season ranged from 0.03 in monocrop 3.3. Effect on maize yields
maize to 0.37 in maize/soyabean intercrop (Fig. 3B). As
in the 1997 season, the ant-nesting index was signifi- There were significant differences (P ¼ 0:05) in maize
cantly (Po0:01) lower in monocrop maize than in grain yields between the intercrops and sole maize in
intercropped maize. In this season, the ant-nesting both seasons. There were also significant differences
indices in unprotected maize/soyabean and maize/ between protected and unprotected crops (Fig. 4A). In
groundnut intercrops were significantly (Po0:05) the second cropping season of 1997, maize yield in the

4000 b a a ab
0.6 b a a a
Ant nesting index

Yield (kg ha-1)

0.3 2000
0.2 1500

0.1 1000

0 500
Sole maize Maize/soya Maize/groundnut Maize/bean
(A) Crop combinations protected Sole maize Maize/soybean Maize/groundnut Maize/beans
unprotected (A) Crop combinations
0.45 c a a b
0.4 3500 b a b b
Ant nesting index

0.35 3000
Yield (kg ha-1)

0.2 2000
0.15 1500
0 500
Sole maize Maize/soya Maize/groundnut Maize/bean
(B) Crop combinations Sole maize Maize/soybean Maize/groundnut Maize/beans
unprotected (B) Crop combinations Protected
Fig. 3. An index of ant nesting in insecticide protected and unpro-
tected sole maize and maize intercropped with soyabean, groundnut Fig. 4. Maize yields (kg ha1) in insecticide protected and unprotected
and common bean, respectively, in (A) the second growing season of sole maize and maize intercropped with soyabean, groundnut and
1997 and (B) the first growing season of 1998 at Namulonge Research common bean, respectively, in (A) the second growing season of 1997
Station, Uganda. See materials and methods for calculation of ant and (B) the first growing season of 1998 at Namulonge Research
index. Columns (unprotected maize) labelled with the same letter do Station, Uganda. Columns (unprotected maize) labelled with the same
not differ significantly. letter do not differ significantly.
B.M. Sekamatte et al. / Crop Protection 22 (2003) 87–93 91

unprotected plots of monocrop maize was 24% lower preference of dry foliage by Macrotermitinae was also
than in protected crop, whilst mean yield reduction over reported in previous studies by Bigger (1966) and Sands
the three unprotected intercrops was 15.7%. The (1977).
respective yield reductions were 14% for maize/soya- Similar effects on levels of termite attack were
bean, 15% for maize/groundnut and 18% for maize/ observed in related studies on the effects of mulching
beans. Yield was significantly greater (Po0:05) in maize with different quantities of stover. Termite attack
unprotected maize/soyabean and maize/groundnut than on maize was negatively correlated with the quantity of
in unprotected sole maize, but yield of maize/bean mulch applied in each treatment (Sekamatte et al.,
intercrops were not significantly different to those in sole 2001). The reduction in termite attack on maize in the
maize (Fig. 4A). There was a yield gain over sole maize intercrops may also have been affected by the thick
of 12% in the soyabean intercrop, equivalent to legume canopy in the intercrops. Although there is no
344 kg ha1, and 6% in the maize/groundnut crop, reported crop-based study on this phenomenon
equivalent to 160 kg ha1. relating to termites, similar observations were made in
In the first cropping season of 1998, maize grain yield a forest system (Tho, 1974) indicating that attack by
in the unprotected maize monocrop was reduced by Macrotermes sp. on Eucalyptus ceased after canopy
23% while yield reduction in the three intercrops closure and also that populations of these termites
averaged 8%. The respective yield reductions were 8% disappeared under mature monocultures of Eucalyptus
for maize/soyabean, 6% for maize/groundnut and 11% plantations.
for maize/beans (Fig. 4B). Yield in the unprotected We recorded significantly higher numbers of nests of
maize/soyabean intercrop was significantly greater predatory ants in the intercrops compared to monocrop
(Po0:05) than in the sole maize crop but yield in the maize. Similar high levels of ant nesting were observed
other unprotected intercrops did not differ significantly when maize was mulched with stover (Sekamatte et al.,
from that in the sole maize (Fig. 4B). There was a yield 2001). Increased abundance of ground-active natural
gain over sole maize of 19% in the maize/soyabean enemies have been reported in maize-groundnut mix-
intercrop, equivalent to 418 kg ha1. tures in the Philippines (Perfecto and Sediles, 1992) and
in cereals in the UK (Potts and Vickerman, 1974),
presumably associated with increased humidity and
4. Discussion shade near the soil. This modification of microclimate
could account for the increased ant nesting in intercrops
These results have demonstrated that intercropping in the present study. While it is likely that both the
maize with a range of food legumes is associated with a improvements in termite food sources in the form of dry
significant reduction in termite attack on maize and an legume foliage and enhanced predation by ants
increase in the nesting of predatory ants in maize fields accounted for the observed reduction in termite attack
under the conditions prevailing at the study site. The on maize plants, it was not possible to distinguish the
impact of the practice depended largely on the type of effects of the two mechanisms.
legume intercropped with maize. Termite attack was Although Myrmicaria spp. have been widely recog-
lower in the maize/soyabean intercrop than in maize nised as important ground predators (Perfecto, 1990;
intercrops with groundnut and beans. This observation Kenne and Dejean, 1999; Kenne et al., 2000), we have
was probably related to maturity time and to the found no published work on the predatory role of
amount of foliage litter shed over the growth period of Lepisiota species, despite the fact that they are widely
the different legume species. The bean variety used in the known and valued by farmers in Uganda, especially in
study (K131) attained physiological maturity in 70–75 the cotton-based cropping systems in northern Uganda.
days while the groundnut and soyabean varieties Lepisiota ants were actively seen carrying termites larger
matured in about 120 days, approximately the same than themselves in the experimental plots. The ants also
maturity period as for Longe-1 maize. Species of the nest extensively around the bases of maize plants,
genera Macrotermes and Pseudacanthotermes, which presumably making it difficult for termites to attack
were particularly important termite pests in experimen- such protected plants. However, the ecological role
tal plots, were observed to feed actively on the leaf litter (Risch and Carrol, 1982) and the potential of ground-
shed by the legumes, particularly for groundnut and active ants in the control of a range of crop pests has
soyabean. Both these lasted longer than the beans in the been reported elsewhere (Lim, 1990; Perfecto and
field and provided more food to termites. The soyabean Sediles, 1992).
variety (NAM-1) shed considerable amounts of foliage, The yield advantage of intercropping maize with
especially from pod filling through pod maturation soyabean was relatively small, 12% in the second season
phases, and the additional litter available to termites of 1997 and 19% in the first season of 1998. However,
was presumed to partially account for the reduced these figures, equivalent to 344 and 418 kg ha1,
damage to maize in this crop combination. This respectively, could be significant to smallholder farmers
92 B.M. Sekamatte et al. / Crop Protection 22 (2003) 87–93

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