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Jason Lim

IAR Homework 2

Kalman Filter Simulation

Filter Parameters and Equations

We want to simulate a simple kalman filter for a single variable, in this case some
voltage. We assume that our measurements of this variable are corrupted by 0.1
V RMS white noise. Thus the process is governed by the following equations:

xk = Axk−1 + Buk−1 + wk (1)

zk = Hxk + vk (2)
Since the state should not change from step to step and there is no control
input, we can set A = 1, B = u = 0. We have no need of transforming the
measurement taken, so H = 1. Now our equations can be written as

xk = xk−1 + wk (3)

zk = xk + vk (4)
Here wk and vk represents the process and measurement noise, with variances
Q and R, respectively. Since we assumed them to be white noise, we can write
their probabilities as normally distributed about 0.

p(w) ∼ N (0, Q) (5)

p(v) ∼ N (0, R) (6)

We have the freedom to choose values for Q and R, in fact we will run several
simulations with different values to see how it affects the filter.

Using all the parameters stated above, our process update equations are

k = x̂k−1 ,
Pk− = Pk−1 + Q,

and the measurement update equations are

Kk = ,
Pk− + R (8)
x̂k = x̂−
k + Kk (zk − x̂−
k ).

We know the true value of x to be 2 V. However we should choose values
for our initial parameters that are a little off to see how the filter estimates and
converges to the true value. Let’s guess an initial value of x̂− k−1 = 1.5 and let
the initial error covariance P0 = 1. This guess is not important because the
filter should eventually converge with enough iterations.

100 iterations of the equations 7 and 8 will be run to demonstrate the filter for
several values of the variances Q and R. Since the measurements are corrupted
by 0.1 V RMS noise, we will pre-generate the measurements with a random
normal distribution around the true value of x, with a standard deviation of 0.1.
The measurements are pre-generated as opposed to generated within the loop
to provide the same measurements for each trial to demonstrate the difference
in choosing various values for the variances. Figures 1-5 show the estimated
values (solid blue line) and measurement values (crosses) at each iteration, as
well as the true value of x (solid green line).

Figure 1: Kalman Filter; Q = 1e − 5, R = 0.01

Comparing Figures 1-3, we can see that decreasing R (Figure 2) leads the
estimates to be much more responsive to the measurement values (the filter
trusts the measurements more), while increasing R (Figure 3) leads the estimates
to be much less responsive to the measurements. Comparing Figures 4 and 5,
increasing Q while holding R fixed leads to much more variance in the estimate,
which makes sense since we are increasing the process variance.

Figure 2: Kalman Filter; Q = 1e − 5, R = 1e − 4

Figure 3: Kalman Filter; Q = 1e − 5, R = 1

Figure 4: Kalman Filter; Q = 1e − 3, R = 0.01

Figure 5: Kalman Filter; Q = 1e − 2, R = 0.01

[1] Welch, Greg, and Gary Bishop. ”An Introduction to the Kalman Filter.” welch/media/pdf/kalman intro.pdf
[2] Straw, Andrew. Kalman Filtering

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