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A.P.A.C. Ltd.

Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy



Anchor Inn, Tintern

(NGR 353185 200157)

Pre Planning Application

27THJULY 2013
A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12


This report records a program of evaluation work carried out on a rural site
prior to proposed development.

Prior to a planning application being submitted to Monmouthshire County

Council (MCC) the client has been advised that the proposed work at the site
could likely impact on archaeological resources.

MCC in accordance with the guidance from GGAT deferred the planning
decision to await the findings of an archaeological evaluation at the site.

The initial stage of an archaeological evaluation is the requirement for a

design brief to be submitted prior to any work commencing on the site.

The design brief detailed an evaluation consisting of two trenches excavated

within the curtilage of the property in advance of proposed development work.

Future development at the site will be guided by the results of this evaluation.

The evaluation revealed;

Within the evaluation trenches, no significant archaeological resources were


With the exception of one fragment of medieval potter; finds recovered, related
mostly to 19th/20th century deposition.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph DSC04804

A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12



1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 4

2. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE EVALUATION AREAS ...................................................... 4

3. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND................................................................... 4

4. RATIONALE OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................................... 4

5. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................... 5

6. SCOPE OF THE WORK .............................................................................................................................. 5

7. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................................ 5

8. SURVEY....................................................................................................................................................... 6

9. DOCUMENTARY RESEARCH.................................................................................................................. 6

10. RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

11. FINDS see appendix ii for a complete list ................................................................................................... 7

12. INTERPRETATION..................................................................................................................................... 7

13. CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................................... 7

14. PREDICTED IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSAL ON KNOWN ARCHAEOLOGY .................................... 7

15. PROPOSED AVOIDANCE OR MITIGATION MEASUREs..................................................................... 7

16. ARCHIVE..................................................................................................................................................... 7

17. COPYRIGHT................................................................................................................................................ 8

18. HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................................................................. 8

19. AKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................................................. 8

20. BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................................... 9

A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12


01 Location Plan
02 Trenches
03 Map progressions
04 Trench 1, Plan & Section
05 Trench 2, Plan and Section


01 Initial clearance at north end of trench, through access track deposit onto land drains
02 Initial clearance at north end of trench, through access track deposit onto land drains
03 Detail of upper land drain. Coarse grain material with fluted outer surface
04 Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 4
05 Overview of trench showing post positions
06 Overview of trench showing post positions
07 Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 7
08 Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 3
09 Post 1
10 Post 1, 2nd section
11 Post 2
12 Post 2 2nd section detail
13 Post 2 detail side
14 Post 2 detail, cut top
15 Post hole 3 western end of trench with post replaced (flash). Mark made by digger bucket
16 Post 3 detail, side with bark. Silver birch
17 Post 3 detail, inside
18 Post 3 detail, top. Sawn end


I Context list
II Complete list of finds
III Complete list of photographs
IV Contact Sheet of complete photographs

A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12


Dr N Phillips of A.P.A.C. Ltd, was contacted in December 2012 by Miss H Davies of Graham Frecknall
Archietects agents for Mr G Dawe, in relation to proposed work to be undertaken on land belonging to the
client; Anchor Inn, Tintern NP16 6TE.

The proposed development is for the demolition of a wooden building erected in the early 20th century, in order
to provide additional accommodation buildings for the hotel.

The client; had been advised during previous work at the site that there would be a possible archaeological issue
for any planning application.

The client therefore after communication with both planning and GGAT, initiated a programme of
archaeological investigation for which a design brief was drawn up by Dr N Phillips and passed for approval to


The location of the site, fig 01 is on the north of the A466 at Tintern adjacent to the Abbey.

The land chosen for the evaluation is to the east of the building to be demolished, on ground which is mostly
lawn at the north east edge of ‘The Leytons’ Sports field fig 02. This aspect of the site was evaluated by trench

The north of the site is bounded by a track and embankment of the River Wye. Leading from the track, an access
ramped area, gradient 1:14 to 1:5, leads to the sports field. This area was evaluated by trench 1.


The Tintern area has long been associated with the beginnings of modern tourism, supplying curious 18th century
travellers with glimpses of a romanticised past.

However, the real fabric of the past can easily be traced from prehistoric times, right through each era to the

The most noticeable is without doubt the medieval presence of the abbey but within plain view are even more
relics of the burgeoning industrial period, iron works, the railways and shipping.

More specific to the site of evaluation, ‘The Anchor Inn’ is located inside the Outer Precinct of the Cistercian
monastery at Tintern; the current building includes medieval and later fabric, (MON1878/CNM).

The building is in two distinct sections forming an ‘L’ shape with the longer wing to the left.
The shorter range is also ‘L’ shaped with a wing projecting to the rear. The longer range
seems to have had an industrial origin and to have been a cider-mill with a granary over,
while the shorter and older range was the house of the miller and ferryman of the Abbey
ferry. The ferryman’s house appears medieval in origin as early masonry is discernable,
outside, and it seems likely from the shape that the existing structure, which otherwise
reflects a probably early C18 refurbishment, is wholly medieval, although the rear wing is
partly later. The cider-house wing seems to be C17, and then considerably reconstructed in
the mid C19, and the whole building has been refurbished as a hotel in the mid C20….The
ferry operated from the C14…
Cadw 24032

Ordnance Survey mapping of the site shows that in the late 19th century, fig 03a, the evaluation area lay south
and east, of the north west corner of a boundary wall. As extensive changes occurred to the east over the next
century, figs 03b, 03c & 03d, the evaluation site remained un modified.


The proposed development is within an enclosed area recorded as belonging to the Cistercian Monastery at
A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12

Tintern and therefore possible archaeological resources; which if present, may be impacted upon by any


In accordance with the approved project design DB/EV/ANC/13, the aim was to:

Elucidate the character, distribution, extent and importance of any potential archaeological remains, extant in the
development area; allowing for the production of a sufficiently detailed report to be used to inform and mitigate
any associated development.

This was to be realized through the following objectives:

 A program of evaluation trenching, undertaken specifically to establish the presence and extent of
significant archaeological deposits, features and structures.

 An evaluation report providing sufficiently detailed information to allow informed decisions to

safeguard the archaeological resource, taken on the basis of its contents.

This report has been produced from the results of the evaluation and contains a detailed summary of the
methodology, site history, deposits/features/ structures/artefacts uncovered and interpretation of the results.


The archaeology of the application site as a whole, in its wider local or regional context, was considered,
although the evaluation was confined to those areas which were directly affected by the development or some
aspect of it. All remains of potential interest were considered, whatever their date.


A trenching strategy was drawn up with reference early Ordnance Survey Mapping and preliminary discussion
with Neil Maylan GGAT.

Two trenches, 10m x 1.8m, were set out within the designated parcel of land; fig 02. Trench 2 was then adjusted
to 7m x 1.8 as it extended beyond the site boundary. (approved by telephone conversation with Neil Maylan).

Both trenches were excavated to natural by mechanical digger and then cleared manually.

Trench 1 was excavated to a maximum depth of depth of 1.4m, into a deposition fill of river silt.

Trench 2 was excavated to a maximum depth of 1m, into a deposition of river silt.

The evaluation trenching allowed for the character, distribution, extent and importance of at least the minimum
number of archaeological features to be understood.

A photographic record of the work was made during the evaluation, recording any sections, anomalies or items
of interest, for later use in the report.

Photographs were recorded in RAW and jpeg format at a minimum of 8 mega pixles; contact sheets Appendix

NB: The very harsh sunlight produced a less than an ideal situation for photography.

All contexts were recorded during excavation and soil samples taken were necessary for later analysis.

A topographical survey was undertaken of the trenches to locate them within the boundary of the property
thereby allowing for accuracy of any future work.

Sufficient documentary research was undertaken to place the results of the evaluation in their historic context.

Assessment and analysis of all data collected or compiled was undertaken and the results thereof compiled into
A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12

report form.

A complete archive of the work undertaken will be deposited with Gwent Record Office, with the original
documentary archive kept with A.P.A.C. Ltd.


Survey was undertaken at the end of the evaluation trenching with the important features recorded using a
Topcon GPT 3007 REDM, Reflectorless Electronic Distance Measurement, Total Station.

Surveyed data was processed in Civilcad 6 and corrected to plans available with the planning application.

Final processing was done at the end of the work with all data being transferred into Autocad for plotting and
Adobe Illustrator for publication.


Research undertaken to complete the background history of the site was completed from the following sources:

 A.P.A.C. Ltd Library.

 Archaeological Data Service. (
 Current site data from the landowner
 Glamorgan Gwent Historic Environment Record (
 Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments Wales (
 Gwent Record Office, Ebbw Vale
 Google Earth


Trench 1 (refer to fig 02 for location and 04 for section schematic) (Brackets [ ] denote context number)

Trench 1 was excavated to a maximum depth of 1.4m, reaching a consistent natural river deposit [104], Plate 01.

The general sequence of the trench fig 04 was a surface of laid gravel/grass trackway [100] over deposit of [101]
brown sandy soil with roots and some 19th/20th century debitage {1}.

Beneath [101] was a deposition of a darker sandy soil [102] with no roots but also containing an amount of
19th/20th century debitage {2}.

[102] overlay a deposit of grey/brown sandy silt [103], which overlay the natural brown sandy/clay [104].

The natural [104] had been disturbed at the northern end of the trench for the installation of a salt glazed soil
pipe [106] running east/west at a depth of 1.4m, Plate 02.

No cut [105] or fill [107] were readily discernable for this feature but an earlier double clay land drain [108] at a
depth of 0.93m and running north/south, had been cut through for its installation.

A later period white clay and fluted land drain [111] ran parallel to [108] at a depth of 0.53m Plate 03. The
relevant cut and fills for [108] and [109] were not discernable, Plate 04.

The last deposition noted was that of [114] a patch of angular stone/gravel, possibly a repair to the trackway;
visible to the top left of Plate 04.

Trench 2 (refer to fig 02 for location and fig 05 for section detail)(Brackets [ ] denote context number)

A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12

Trench 2 was excavated to natural [205] for the majority of its length as can be seen in Plates 05 & 06. The areas
of baulk shown in the plates relate to two in situ wooden posts [210] & [211] before their excavation.

The sequence of deposition for trench 2 was [200] turf over a narrow levelling layer of black fine sand, granular
coal and small stone [201], confined to the last metre or so of the eastern end, Plate 07. [201] yielded finds
assemblage {3} and {4}.

Beneath [201] the deposition was consistent with trench 1: [202] \ [101] over [203] \ [102] over [204]\[103] over
[205]\[104], Plate 08.

In trench 2, context [204] yielded finds assemblage {5} and three wooden remains:

 [210] a piece of tree, Plates 09 & 10

 [211] a sawn post, Plates 11, 12, 13 & 14
 [212] a piece of silver birch Plates 15, 16, 17 & 18

All three posts were located within context [204] with no intrusion into [205] or [203]. All three posts were half
sectioned before removed.

11. FINDS see appendix ii for a complete list

{1} Trench 1 [101] 19th 20th c, domestic/public house ware

{2} Trench 1 [102] 19th 20th c, domestic/public house ware
{3} Trench 2 [201] 19th 20th c, domestic ware
{4} Trench 2 [201] 13th/14th c, fragment of jug handle
{5} Trench 2 [204] Possibly medieval roof tile fragments.


The findings from both trenches revealed no evidence of any significant archaeological resources within the area

The site would appear to have been derived from natural river deposition with some shallow modification to
achieve level ground and drainage.


Information derived from this evaluation would tend to suggest that disturbance of archaeological resources in
the immediate area of the evaluation trenches would be unlikely in the event that the proposed development
were to take place.

However, this does may not hold true towards the east where archaeological resources may present under the
footprint of the building to be demolished.


The proposed development may impact upon unknown archaeological resources under the present building
which is proposed for demolition.

However, there is no reason arising from this evaluation to suggest that the archaeological resource has any
major significance.


It would be advisable to conduct a watching brief during any further ground disturbance.


The project archive will consist of all original records, and all documentation that relates to the evaluation.
Copies of the Design Brief and any relevant correspondence will be included.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12

The original archive will be retained by A.P.A.C. ltd with a secondary copy deposited with Gwent Record

The Archaeological Contractor will return all artefacts, ecofacts/samples to the client, their legal owner.

The archive will be prepared according to the Management of Archaeological Projects, English Heritage,
Second Edition, (1991) so the records will be fully ordered and indexed.

The archive will be deposited within twelve months of the completion of the evaluation and with the agreement
of the landowner.

A copy of the report will be lodged digitally with the Historic Environment Record, Scribd and the ADS.

A synopsis of the project will be submitted to CBA Wales.


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved. A.P.A.C. Ltd hereby gives permission for the monitoring authority
to use any documentation directly relating to the project as described in the Project Design PD/EV/Asg/13
following a period of 12 months after the evaluation is completed.


The Project Team operated in accordance with the health and safety procedures as set out in:-

 The Health and Safety Work Act (1974) and related legislation.
 The Standing Conference of Archaeology Unit Managers Health and Safety Manual 2002).
 The Council for British Archaeology Handbook no. 6, Safety in Archaeological Fieldwork (1989).

All necessary protective clothing and equipment was used.


I would like to a thank Mr Dawe for his assistance.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Anchor Inn, Tintern EV/ANC/12


Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

A.P.A.C. Ltd DB/EV/ANC/12 Design Brief for an Archaeological Evaluation. Anchor Inn,
Tintern. 20th December 2012.

Cadw The Anchor Inn PH Including the Watergate. 24032 Grade II listing document

English Heritage Management of Archaeological Projects (1991).

GGAT., 2012 Re: proposed Alterations to Existing Function Room, MON1878/CNM

Graham Frecknell
Architecture & Design Existing. 1328.10 AL.0.001 Nov/12
Proposed Ground Floor Plan 1328.10 AL.P.101 Nov/12
Proposed Roof Plan 1328.10 AL.P.003 Nov/12
Institute of
Archaeologists. Standard and Guidance for an archaeological excavation. 2008.

Standard and Guidance for an archaeological field evaluation. 2009.

Standard and Guidance for an archaeological watching brief. 2008.

Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the regulation of
Contractual Arrangements in Field Archaeology. 2008.

Standard and Guidance for the collection, documentation, conservation and

research of archaeological materials. 2008.

The Society of Museum

Archaeologists Towards An Accessible Archive (1995)

United Kingdom Institute

for Conservation.
(Archaeology Section) Guidelines for the Preparation of Excavation Archives for Long-Term
Storage (1990)

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. NP7 7RG

Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541. VAT Reg No 826 3628 19.
Director: Dr. N. Phillips. BA (Hons), MPhil, Phd, PGCE, AIFA,

Anchor Inn, Tintern

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12

Anchor Inn, Tintern

0 5 10 20

Tr1 1.9

The Leytons The Anchor Inn

Sports Field





The Anchor Inn


The Leytons
Sports Field

0 5 10 20

Fig 02: Trench plan

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12
Anchor Inn, Tintern

OS: 1902
OS: 1879-81

Fig 03a Fig 03b

OS: 1921

OS: 1972-73

Fig 03c Fig 03d

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12

101 101
114 1
103 111
103 108
103 104 103


106 108



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10m

Fig 02:Trench
schematic plan & section
Ltd EV/ANC/12

202 201




P1 P2
P3 1



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7m

Fig 02:Trench
schematic plan & section
Ltd EV/ANC/12
Anchor Inn, Tintern


Plate 01: Initial clearance at north end of trench, Plate 02: Initial clearance at north end of trench,
through access track deposit onto land drains through access track deposit onto land drains


Plate 03:Detail of upper land drain. Coarse grain material with fluted outer surface
A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12
Anchor Inn, Tintern

Plate 04 Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 4


Plate 05: Overview of trench showing post positions Plate 06: Overview
of trench showing A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12
post positions
Anchor Inn, Tintern

Plate 07: Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 7 Plate 08: Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 3


Plate 09: Post 1 Plate 10: Post 1, 2nd section

A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12
Anchor Inn, Tintern

Plate 11: Post 2 Plate 12: Post 2 2nd section detail


Plate 13: Post 2 detail side Plate 14: Post 2 detail, cut top
A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12
Anchor Inn, Tintern

Plate 15: Post hole 3 western end of trench with post replaced (flash). Plate 16: Post 3 detail, side with bark. Silver birch
Mark made by digger bucket


Plate 17: Post 3 detail, inside Plate 18: Post 3 detail, inside
A.P.A.C. Ltd EV/ANC/12
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I Context Sheet Index

Site: Anchor Inn Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

Tintern 353185 200157 EV/ANC/12
100 Trench 1 Deposit Grass/gravelled track 04781, 04782, 04783,
04784, 04785, 04786,
04787, 04788
101 Trench 1 Deposit Brown sandy soil with roots 1 04781, 04782, 04783,
04784, 04785, 04786,
04787, 04788
102 Trench 1 Deposit Dark brown sandy soil, no roots 2 04781, 04782, 04783,
04784, 04785, 04786,
04787, 04788
103 Trench 1 Deposit Grey/brown clay/sand 04781, 04782, 04783,
04784, 04785, 04786,
04787, 04788
104 Trench 1 Deposit Brown sandy/clay 04771, 04772, 04773,
04774, 04781, 04782,
04783, 04784, 04785,
04786, 04787, 04788
105 Trench 1 Cut Indiscernible
106 Trench 1 Pipe Salt glaze 04771, 04772, 04773,
107 Trench 1 Infill Indiscernible
108 Trench 1 Pipe Double clay land drain 04771,
109 Trench 1 Cut Indiscernible
110 Trench 1 Infill Indiscernible
111 Trench 1 Pipe External fluted, short section land drain 04771, 04772, 04773,
112 Trench 1 Cut Indiscernible
113 Trench 1 Infill Indiscernible
114 Trench 1 Deposit Gravel with angular stone, grey 04797, 04798,
200 Trench 2 Fill Topsoil. Black with turf 04797, 04798, 04803,
04804, 04804, 04805,
04806, 04807, 04808,
04809, 04810, 04811,0
201 Trench 2 Deposit Black fine sand, coal, small stone 3, 4 04797, 04798, 04803,
04804, , 04805, 04806,
04807, 04808, 04809,
04810, 04811,
202 Trench 2 Deposit Brown sandy soil with roots, 23mm 04797, 04798, 04803,
04804, , 04805,04806,
04807, 04808, 04809,
04810, 04811,
203 Trench 2 Deposit Dark brown sandy soil, no roots, 04777, 04791, 04792,
04793, 04794, 04795,
04797, 04798, 04799,
04803, 04804, , 04805,
04806, 04807, 04808,
04809, 04810, 04811,
204 Trench 2 Deposit Grey/brown clay/sand 5 04792, 04794, 04795,
04796, 04797, 04798,
04803, 04804, , 04805,
04806, 04807, 04808,
04809, 04810, 04811,
205 Trench 2 Deposit Brown sandy/clay 04797, 04798, 04799,
04803, 04804, , 04805,
04806, 04807, 04808,
04809, 04810, 04811,
207 Trench 2 Pipe Double clay land drain 04777, 04792,

208 Trench 2 Cut Indiscernible

209 Trench 2 Infill Indiscernible
210 Trench 2 Post Small piece of tree trunk 04791, 04794, 04795,
211 Trench 2 Post Wooden sawn post 04793, 04797, 04798,
04799, 04812, 04813
212 Trench 2 Post Piece of silver birch trunk 04780, 04803, 04814,
04815, 04816,
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II Finds Index

Site: Anchor Inn, Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

Tintern 353185 200157 EV/ANC/12
Find No AREA Context DESCRIPTION Period Date
1 TR1 101 1 sherd Blue & White 19th/20th
1 Piece stoneware bottle, Trans Monmouth
1sherd China
1 sherd Codd’s Patent
1 sherd Horrocks glass bottle
3 sherds stoneware Marmalade
3 bottle tops glass 1 internal thread
2 TR1 102 1 battery cell 19th/20th
2 sherds stoneware,
I china egg cup base
2 pieces salt glazed soil pipe
1 shard aqua glass bottle
10 sherd of china plate
1 bottle Horrocks Cardiff
1 Shiphams past jar
1 brown ceramic teapot lid
2 sherds Blue & White
1 piece animal rib
3 TR2 201 8 sherds White china 19th/20th
1 piece brown ceramic teapot lid
1 piece clay pipe
1 piece iron slag
1 sherd slipware 18th
4 TR2 201 1 fragment Bristol Radcliff cramic 13th/14th
5 TR2 204 8 fragments of earthenware tile Medieval?
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix III Digital photograph list. Anchor Inn, Tintern. EV/ANC/12

Photo no Date Camera Size Area View Description Plate

IMG0113 19/12/2012 Pentax WG1 3264x2448 S visit E Overall view of building to be redeveloped
IMG0114 19/12/2012 Pentax WG1 3264x2448 S visit N Overall view of building to be redeveloped
IMG0115 19/12/2012 Pentax WG1 3264x2448 S visit W Overall view of access to field
IMG0116 19/12/2012 Pentax WG1 2448x3264 S visit S Listed building and watergate
DSC04768 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 NE Long view over site during trench layout
DSC04769 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 W Long view over site during trench layout
DSC04770 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 N Long view over site during trench layout and surface clearance
DSC04771 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 S Initial clearance at north end of trench, through access track deposit onto land drains PL 01
DSC04772 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 V Initial clearance at north end of trench, through access track deposit onto land drains
DSC04773 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 N Initial clearance at north end of trench, through access track deposit onto land drains PL 02
DSC04774 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 V Detail of upper land drain. Coarse grain material with fluted outer surface PL 03
DSC04777 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 TR2 W Initial clearance of trench 2 with shallow land drain
DSC04778 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 W Post hole 3 western end of trench with post removed
DSC04779 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 W Post hole 3 western end of trench with post removed (flash)
DSC04780 09/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 W Post hole 3 western end of trench with post replaced (flash). Mark made by digger bucket PL 15
DSC04781 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 1
DSC04782 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 2
DSC04783 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 3
DSC04784 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 4 PL 04
DSC04785 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 5
DSC04786 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 6
DSC04787 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 7
DSC04788 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR1 E Stratigraphic sequence of east wall 8
DSC04791 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post 1 PL 09
DSC04792 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Post 1, section
DSC04793 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post 2 PL 11
DSC04794 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post 1, 2nd photograph
DSC04795 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Post 1, 2nd section PL 10
DSC04796 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 SE Post 1, 3rd section
DSC04797 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 SE Post 2 1st section
DSC04798 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 SE Post 2 2nd section detail PL 12
DSC04799 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 V Post 2 2nd photograph
DSC04802 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 E Post hole 3
DSC04803 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 TR2 W Overview of trench showing post positions PL 06
DSC04804 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 2448x3264 TR2 E Overview of trench showing post positions PL 05
DSC04805 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 1
DSC04806 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 2
DSC04807 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 3 PL 08
DSC04808 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 4
DSC04809 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 5
DSC04810 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 6
DSC04811 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 TR2 S Stratigraphic sequence of south wall 7 PL 07
DSC04812 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 V Post 2 detail side PL 13
DSC04813 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 V Post 2 detail, cut top PL 14
DSC04814 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 V Post 3 detail, side with bark. Silver birch PL 16
DSC04815 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 V Post 3 detail, inside PL 17
DSC04816 10/07/2013 DSC-F828 3264x2448 V Post 3 detail, top. Sawn end PL 18

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