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Procedia CIRP 62 (2017) 165 – 169

10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME '16

Analysis of control architectures in the context of Industry 4.0

Hermann Meissnera,*, Rebecca Ilsena, Jan C. Auricha
Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Production Systems (FBK), University of Kaiserslautern, Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 57, Kaiserslautern, 67663,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-631-205-4068; fax: +49-631-205-3304. E-mail address:


Industry 4.0 is a current research topic in the field of production engineering. One common characteristic of Industry 4.0 is decentralization which
can be implemented by a decentralized production control. Several researchers have already addressed decentralized production controls. This
paper focuses on the characteristics of Industry 4.0 as well as decentralized control approaches and hierarchies. Different properties of approaches
and architectures are compared to the objectives of Industry 4.0. Based on this comparison conclusions are drawn about how different
architectures suit Industry 4.0, and need for action for the development of production controls of Industry 4.0 is derived.
2016TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published B.V. This
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the International Scientific Committee of “10th CIRP ICME Conference".
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering
Keywords: Production planning; Scheduling; Planning; Industry 4.0

1. Introduction and to determine their main characteristics. Subsequently, in

chapter 3 the theory of centralized and decentralized
As a response to the current challenges in fast changing production planning and control is presented and the different
environments, the concept of Industry 4.0 has been discussed control architectures are explained. Finally, conclusions about
in research for several years. With this concept, several the control architectures with respect to Industry 4.0 are derived
objectives are pursued. One major objective is to improve the in chapter 4 and an outlook for future research is given.
cost situation of a company by decreasing the costs per piece
[1]. Moreover, the production systems should become more 2. Industry 4.0
flexible regarding customer demands [2]. This results in small
batch sizes which increases complexity. To manage this Despite the high relevance of Industry 4.0 in production
complexity another objective of applying Industry 4.0 is to research and the high number of publications on this topic,
decentralize the structures of production [3]. Consequently, Industry 4.0 has not been clearly defined [4]. Moreover, the
Industry 4.0 focuses to improve the competitiveness by understanding of what exactly pertains to this topic differs and
reducing costs and increasing flexibility in decentralized the affected research fields differ. In contrast to the past three
production systems to offer customized products, which is an industrial revolutions, for the upcoming fourth revolution no
advantage in satisfying customer markets. Therefore, a high single technology has been identified that triggers Industry 4.0.
level of productivity has to be reached to stay competitive. Instead, it can be described more precisely by a conjunction of
The motivation to decentralize production systems by applying many technologies – both existing and new – which now work
decentralized production control is not new, but was discussed together [5]. This combination of technologies leads to new
already many years ago. Due to this history, an analysis of the opportunities and applications in production systems.
Despite the lack of a standard definition, as previously
control architectures for production control is conducted with
mentioned, there are technologies and characteristics that
respect to their suitability for Industry 4.0. To this end, the
clearly belong to Industry 4.0. One of the key technologies in
terms Industry 4.0 and related cyber-physical production
the fourth industrial revolution is the internet [6]. In a more
systems (CPPS) are analyzed to investigate their backgrounds general way, Industry 4.0 can be described as a conjunction of

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering
166 Hermann Meissner et al. / Procedia CIRP 62 (2017) 165 – 169

information and communication technologies (ICT) with 3. Architectures for production planning and control
production systems [7]. approaches
One of the key enablers of Industry 4.0 are cyber-physical
systems (CPS) [8]. CPS describe the amalgamation of Despite the theoretical benefits for decentralized production
embedded systems and the internet to connect physical objects control, today’s production control is predominantly
[9]. If these systems are applied in production systems, the centralized [15]. The characteristics of the varied production
products, the machines and other facilities become smart to control styles will be subsequently described to better
some degree, then cyber-physical production systems arise [8]. understand the way they work.
Thereby, the machines and corresponding facilities of the
production systems as well as the products are interconnected 3.1. Centralized production control
with each other through the internet and information can be
exchanged. The connection through the internet allows on the
Centralized production planning and control is characterized by
one hand more flexible interconnections of machines or other
the fact that all decisions are made by one centralized control
facilities and offers a higher degree of flexibility as an ad-hoc
connection is enabled [6]. On the other hand, it enables a data unit, which plans and schedules different production orders and
exchange in real-time so that information is available to every hands them over to the machines [16]. To handle the
element at all times. complexity arising from comprehensive decisions, the
To realize CPPS, several developments must be made to decisions are made in several steps. The hierarchical control
today’s production systems. An important prerequisite is that architecture does a partition of the overall problem into smaller
the elements of a production system need to become smart [7]. subproblems over the hierarchical levels [17]. Thereby,
To this end, the elements will be equipped with memory information pathways over the hierarchical levels are well
processors and the ability to communicate, and are additionally defined, namely that commands always flow downwards in the
equipped with sensors and actuators [10]. Sensors enable the hierarchy and sensory data flows upwards [18].
machines to collect information about their environment or The commands sent by the control unit mostly concern
particular conditions that have to be monitored, whereas determining scheduling, quantity and capacity planning.
actuators offer the opportunity to interact with the production Therefore the centralized approach requires stable and
system. predictable conditions. The schedules fixed by the central
In addition to the ability to process information, elements also control unit are handed over to the machines at the shop floor
need to be clearly identifiable. The identification of every level, which execute the defined schedules without any further
element within the production system enables targeted adjustment. Furthermore, the machines give feedback to the
communication and data exchange of the machines. Moreover, central control unit. If changes occur for any reason, the central
the elements need to be aware of their own conditions. Each control unit conducts a complete replanning with updated data.
element must contain information about its original, current In this process, it is necessary that the unit is continuously
and final condition, and include steps that allow autonomous provided with updated data [18].
control of production [8]. The implementation of the centralized approach as done by a
Another important characteristic of Industry 4.0 is the already hierarchical architecture is shown in fig. 1 on the left side. This
mentioned ability to collect and use a large amount of data [11]. part of the figure illustrates the elements receiving commands
The act of data collection alone does not offer advantages. from the control unit to just execute the commands. Thereby,
Instead, to make use of the data and generate additional value, the elements are dedicated to several defined tasks like machine
it is important to analyze and process the data in real-time and control or gathering information from the sensors.
separate unimportant and important information [6]. Industry
4.0 offers potential to analyze the data of the production system
for patterns which can either be used to make better forecasts
for the future, or to improve decision making by discovering
weaknesses and taking into account the system’s current status
[12]. Moreover, monitoring enhances the understanding of the
machines in the production system or the system itself [13].
Hierarchical Heterarchical
Hence, data collection and processing is a big advantage of
control structures control structures
Industry 4.0, as it provides a better database for decision
making. This is especially true of the opportunity to constantly Control system Product Resource
gather refreshed data, which offers new applications and
possibilities for decision making in production systems.
The properties of Industry 4.0 respective to CPPS described so Fig. 1. Types of control architectures based on [19]
far lead to another one of its central characteristics,
decentralization [14]. Smart elements, which are able to make The strengths of a centralized approach and hierarchical
decisions on their own in combination with the information of architecture are their access to global information, which is a
the production process, enable an autonomous, self-controlled basic requirement for global optimization, and that all
production done by machines and products. Decentralization is information can be retrieved from a single source [20]. But the
pursued to manage complexity and requires a complete change single source and the centralized approach also have
of the current centralized production control. disadvantages. Although centralized planning leads to precise
Hermann Meissner et al. / Procedia CIRP 62 (2017) 165 – 169 167

production plans in stable conditions, in dynamic situations, which does not necessarily lead to the global optimization of
such as a breakdown of a machine, high deviations from the the system [23]. Hence, in decentralized systems an alignment
predetermined plan may occur [21]. Moreover, if the deviation of the goals of the individuals is needed so that they can
from the original plan reaches a certain extent, a replanning of collectively achieve the goal of the production system.
the entire schedule for all machines is necessary [22]. This is
because the scheduling is always done by the centralized 3.3. Hybrid control architectures
decision-making unit alone, and the single machines do not
have the ability to immediately make corrections at shop floor Besides the centralized and decentralized approach, there is a
level themselves. This is exacerbated by the problem that the wide range of hybrid forms (fig. 1, in the middle). Generally,
planning data for rescheduling are very often already outdated the hybrid approaches try to combine the benefits of the
when they are passed through the hierarchies and reach the centralized and the decentralized approach [32]. This means
centralized control unit [23]. Therefore, the centralized that hybrid approaches have some degree of hierarchy and top-
production systems are inflexible with respect to changes and down control by a superior unit as well as autonomy of the
thus constrained [24]. Finally, the modifiability and elements at shop floor level. On the one hand, the fixed
extensibility is determined and limited by the central control direction of communication of the hierarchical approach is
unit [20]. eliminated [33]. On the other hand, the elements can make
decisions on their own to a certain degree. For this purpose,
3.2. Decentralized production control they also need to be smart to a certain extent, in contrast to the
hierarchical approach.
Due to the need for more reactive approaches and the long time An exemplary hybrid form could be designed like this [34]: The
span of feedback loops in centralized approaches, decentralized superior unit creates the schedules for the elements of the
approaches come into consideration [25]. In contrast to the production system. But in contrast to the centralized approach,
centralized approach, in decentralized approaches the decision the schedules only advise the executing elements. As in the
power is shifted towards the elements of the production system, decentralized approach, elements can depart from this advice
i.e. that machines, products or other elements in the production and instead decide in a different way. So if changes occur after
system can make decisions on their own without any superior the schedules were fixed by the centralized control unit, the
control unit [26]. As discussed in the description of Industry elements on the shop floor can reject the proposed schedule and
4.0, to this end the single elements need to have the ability to make the best decision in the respective situation and based on
process information, and make and execute decisions, thereby the available information.
becoming autonomous. To make decisions, it is essential that
all elements have access to relevant information which means 3.4. Evolution and characteristics of past control approaches
that the elements in a decentralized production control have to
communicate with each other [27]. Due to this requirement, Besides the current intention to use decentralized control
communication also needs cooperation in the systems to structures in Industry 4.0, there was a shift from centralized to
prevent disorder [28]. That is why decision making can also decentralized control structures 25 years ago to gain higher
mean that an element makes a suboptimal decision for itself to local reactivity [18]. The motivation came from the weaknesses
achieve an overall objective [29]. of centralized controls in that their structure is determined at an
With the power of communication and of decision making early phase in the design, and changes (i.e. extensions) are
directly controlled by the elements, and not a superior control difficult to conduct when the design is fixed and require high
unit, the decentralized approach offers short decision-making costs [35]. Aside from extensions, the complexity resulting
procedures [30]. This is supported by the fact that decentralized from big hierarchical systems and the difficulty to obtain fault
decision-making needs less calculation due to the limited tolerance in the system led to the development of heterarchical
extent of elements’ decisions, which need less time control approaches.
computational effort [26]. From a structural point of view, the To reach the objective of an increased fault tolerance in
decentralized approach is usually applied by heterarchical heterarchical systems, the goal is to eliminate global
architectures (fig. 1). information which is needed by elements at shop floor level
The decentralized control approach is fit for dynamic [18]. The attempt to eliminate global information affected other
environments in which many changes occur and corrections are system properties and led to an improved modularity of the
required as it can quickly adapt to changes [31]. The quick system, modifiability and extendability as well as reduced
reactions also facilitate enhanced stability of plans and delivery complexity [18]. Moreover, the decentralized structure also
dates as changes can promptly be made [23]. Furthermore, promotes further beneficial properties and offers the possibility
replanning is conducted very frequently [24]. The production of self-configurability, responsiveness and adaption in real
control also improves in quality as the data are gathered time to unexpected events like rush orders or machine
immediately where they occur, i.e. at shop floor level, which breakdowns [36].
leads to a more accurate database as well as increased Performance comparisons were conducted to compare the
transparency [31]. Despite these advantages, decentralized different control architectures. In these comparisons [34],
control systems also have their disadvantages. The main classical hierarchical and heterarchical as well as hybrid
problem here is the increased effort needed to coordinate the architectures were compared. A testbed was created simulating
single elements as each of them tries to pursue its own goals, a simple manufacturing system containing four machines and a
168 Hermann Meissner et al. / Procedia CIRP 62 (2017) 165 – 169

robot. In the simulations, the flow time and the tardiness of the weaknesses regarding achieving the system’s overall objective.
control architectures were compared. Deterministic and Therefore, due to the insights gained over the past decades,
stochastic scenarios were created and the planning horizons hybrid architectures should be focused on and should be
were varied. The comparison showed that the hybrid included more in Industry 4.0 research, as they can adopt many
architecture performed better regarding flow time and tardiness forms of production control between fully centralized and
for most scenarios. Only in the stochastic scenario the decentralized control and show beneficial properties.
heterarchical architecture had better tardiness performance, and
when the planning horizon was very short, the fully 5. Summary
heterarchical architectures showed a shorter flow time. But for
the majority of scenarios, the hybrid architecture performed Industry 4.0 is a term that is still not clearly defined, and there
better. The conclusion drawn from the performance are different understandings of what applies to it. However,
comparison was that heterarchical approaches do not deliver some main characteristics could be identified. The most
satisfactory performance and planning to a certain degree is important driving factor behind Industry 4.0 is the application
necessary, even if the environment is unpredictable [34]. of the internet on the shop floor and the related connectivity of
the elements. The connectivity of machines enables
4. Conclusions communication and cooperation. Thus, it allows an exchange
of data between the machines. The exchange and use of data by
The results from past research, the characteristics of the the elements at shop floor enables a certain degree of autonomy
architectures, and the performance comparisons, deliver useful and moreover, a shift to decentralized production planning and
insights for today’s research. The current situation in which the control, which is another key characteristic of Industry 4.0.
shift to Industry 4.0 will take place is characterized by a The shift in Industry 4.0 to decentralized production control
dynamic environment and highly customized products, which means turning away from the current hierarchical approach. To
implies small batch sizes and a high number of variants. this end, the concepts of fully heterarchical and hybrid
Measured against these conditions and the aforementioned architectures are investigated and their properties are
characteristics of different control approaches, it can be said compared. With respect to performance, tests from past
that only approaches with a certain degree of decentralization research are investigated in this paper. They point out that in
should be considered. Fully hierarchical architectures are not most cases, hybrid architectures show better performance in
compatible with these conditions and decentralization is the uncertain situations, and lead to shorter flow times and
likely strategy to cope with modern conditions. This is common tardiness. Due to these results, the conclusion is derived that
sense regarding research for Industry 4.0. the research in the field of Industry 4.0 should not focus only
However, the description of the control architectures, their on fully decentralized architectures as is currently the case, but
properties, and their performance show that a great deal of also pay attention to hybrid architectures as they have good
research has been done to investigate hierarchical, properties with respect to Industry 4.0 and show manifold
heterarchical and hybrid architectures. Although the possibilities for application.
technological basis regarding ICT of the research conducted 25
years ago cannot be compared to current opportunities such as Acknowledgements
the internet, the general objectives of the research at that time
show high similarities to those which are currently pursued by This work was partly funded by the German Federal Ministry
Industry 4.0. Objectives such as reducing system complexity, of Education and Research (BMBF) within the Framework
enabling changes or extensions of the system, or ability to react Concept “Research for Tomorrow’s Production” (funding
to unexpected changes in real time are pursued by Industry 4.0, number 02PJ2573) and managed by the Project Management
too. Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA).
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