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January 2017 SHAC Meeting

January 4, 2017

AISD Board Room

Present: Sarah Bentley, Pam Martin, Hugh Simmons, Lesa Walker, Barri Rosenbluth, Rashaanne Lewis,
Katie Wolfe, Michele Rusnak, Alex Mancevski, Maria Graziani, Ronda Rutledge, Stephon Pont, Sally
Freeman, Amanda Hyde, Tom Rosen, Kathy Green, Lauren Nottingham, Michelle Smith, Dolly Lamda,
Anneliese Tanner, Toni Rayner, Melody Carlton

Minutes: The minutes from December, 2016 were voted on and approved.

The Health Impacts of Teen Dating Abuse and Prevention Efforts in AISD: Barri Rosenbluth, Senior
Director of Expect Respect, a program of the SAFE Alliance presented on the effects of dating and
domestic violence on children and showed a video called First Impressions, Exposure to Violence and a
Child’s Developing Brain First Impressions

Results from the National Children’s Exposure to Violence Survey show that 41% of children are
physically assaulted each year and the worst outcomes are experienced by children with multiple
exposures. Rates of physical discipline of children are also high nationally and result in increased
aggression, poor school performance and other issues. 1 in 8 girls experience physical and sexual
violence from a dating partner increasing their risk for sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted
pregnancy, physical and mental health problems as well as increased risk for victimization.

Expect Respect, a program of SAFE, (a merger of SafePlace and the Austin Children’s Shelter) provides
school-based support groups and counseling, youth leadership groups on campus and during the
summer in collaboration with the City of Austin/Travis County Summer Work-based Learning Program.
The Changing Lives Youth Theatre Ensemble in partnership with Creative Action tours an original
performance by teens on healthy relationships for middle school students. Where’s Your Line? Is an
interactive theatre dialogue in the classroom for High School juniors and seniors.

Discussion among SHAC attendees focused on the need for teachers to have training on issues of
violence and abuse so that they can respond effectively to student disclosures and incidents. Other
members expressed concern that students may not be receiving information about their rights if they
have been sexually assaulted, what to do and whom to speak with on campus. Barri suggested that a
student who has been assaulted speak with a school resource officer or school counselor immediately
for support and can obtain a forensic exam at SAFE to collect evidence and to address immediate health
and safety. A student complaint form should be filled out by a school counselor to document the
disclosure and to notify the school administrator.

A member asked what services are available for foster care students concerning support for safe and
healthy relationships. Are they getting referred to Expect Respect groups or other supports on campus?
Tracy suggested that Barri coordinate with the foster care liaison at AISD.

Student Report: Alex reported that the Health through Science Initiative is serving 10 schools with 40
volunteers from LASA. DCMC is asking for science fair judges for elementary schools.

Board Report: Julie provided comments in an email to share with SHAC as she was unable to attend the
January meeting. She reported that the Board will be receiving an annual demographic report, hearing
Admin's ideas for changing policy on discretionary removals of pre K to 2nd grade students, learning of
Admin's response to the spring curriculum audit and reviewing the district's recent TAPR and dashboard
reports. Julie stated that she believes AISD continues targeted improvement throughout the district. She
reported that FABPAC community engagement opportunities are approaching in late January. Interested
parties should check the website for specifics. This will be an exciting year for AISD! We appreciate
everyone's support!!
District Reports:

Student Health Services: Sally reported that planning work continues for a TeleHealth pilot that will
target students. DCMC 5K and Family Fun Fair will take place on April 8th. In reference to Barri’s
presentation tonight around teen dating violence, school nurses have been trained on this topic and
have a protocol to follow. Sally indicated that she would like to have Barri come and present additional
training to school nurses.

Dr. Pont—Family Fun Fair hosted by DCMC on April 8th. Please see attached flyer in English and Spanish.

Health Services: Tracy reported on a Bill that will positively impact school-based mental health
services—the bill will modify the existing insurance code—allowing for campus-based mental health
services to be covered by health maintenance companies.

Employee wellness: Melody sent out a health assessment for employees and will have data to report by
March. Trying to train employees on using the Telemedicine app which can reduce missed days of work.

Physical/Health Education: Playground supervision plan provides training for teachers on identifying
playground rules and how many adults should be supervising and to list the times for structured and
unstructured recess time, injury response and how to integrate SEL into recess. Professional
development required for elementary teachers on playground supervision. Progress toward
implementing safe recess. Our recess policy is being used as a model for other districts.

Food Services: 4,500 meals per day more than last year. 28% of enrollment served at breakfast—22%
increase over prior year. Turning our focus to lunch. We are serving less % of enrollment than last year.
Afterschool meals 4,000 per day, a 47% increase from last year. Winter menu has cultural diversity and
has been very popular. More schools are kicking off breakfast in the classroom for a total of 30
campuses. 49 campuses have salad bars. 25,000 salads served last semester. Food truck is coming end of
Jan and will visit high schools. Child nutrition bill was not reauthorized by congress. Anneliese is
preparing communication for our legislators so they know the importance of our school food service.

Social and Emotional Learning: The SEL Team is working on SEL 2.0 which will be the new and improved
program. Every elementary school has a peace path and students are negotiating their own conflicts or
being guided by adults.

Committee Reports:

Social, Emotional and Behavioral Health: Hugh reported on reaching out to six SHACs in contiguous
districts to identify best practices and shared messaging and to disseminate this information. The SEB
committee will convene a meeting with SHAC representatives. Pam reported that her subcommittee on
youth leadership will convene a panel of youth leaders for the upcoming SEL symposium.

Citizen communications and announcements: Dolly suggested that we post SHAC meeting
presentations on the web so that others can watch. Kathy suggested the SHAC website.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

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